A few weeks had passed and there was no news about Ileah. All of us had started to really worry, then one news came that Ileah has returned home. She had ran off to her aunts house, because she needed to take a break from everything and everyone. We were all happy that she was safe and back at school. So the days passed with laughter and fun at school, but then one day I got fed up with many students who had been talking about very bad things. They had been talking about nasty stuff since the beginning of the year and now it was only a few weeks away from summer vacation. I went up to them and asked them to please stop talking about things like that (and they were only 13 and 14 at the time). They got mad and later one of the girls had told their mom about what I told them and her mom got mad bc at me a and said some mean stuff to me. After that all hell broke loose(at the end of my seventh grade year ( which was my first year there had come to an end finally))
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