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44.44% Star Wars: Fan Fiction / Chapter 3: The Hunt

Capítulo 3: The Hunt

*---* = Sound Effect

Due to request the name is being changed from Jimbo to Drex Xi Rinn but will only refer to him as Drex unless in status!

As Drex Set his points into what he decided he seen blue particles come towards him and imbue itself his body and he felt his perception instantly increase giving him an imediate headache. He grabs his head for a few seconds as he adjusted. Just in time too as soon as he was relieved from the headache he noticed the ground shake, *boom... Booom.... BOOOM* The noises started of quite but they slowly got louder and louder as pebbles started to move on the ground.

Drex instantly said "Get behind cover and set a trap for what ever comes in!" At the same time he said that he got behind some of the turbo lift Blast door and used it for a thick metal cover. Slowly the sounds slowed down as it got louder and closer. Soon a Massive Rancor poked its head through the hole in the wall and noticed its dead child. The Young Rancor was 30 feet high but compared to this Rancor it was a nothing. This Rancor had a greyish skin and had hundreds of scars all over its face probally from years and years of fights with other creatures.

{Enemy - Adult Rancor - Lvl 85}

HP 813200-950000

Drex instantly noticed that it was injured probally just got into a fight or it has a long lasting injury that stops it from healing, While he was keeping as still as he can he noticed Shadow the HK droid had move slowly and quitely moved to where the Rancor was and he was placing Shaped Charges aiming towards the Rancors Feet, And soon moved away after placing them and arming them. He slowly stealths back to where Drex was hiding.

Shadow suddenly states over the comms all them are linked too "Master, Charges are prime and ready to go" Drex instantly stated "Good Job Shadow! Everyone aim for the head after your weapons overheat blow the charges shadow" Everyone slowly moves there weapons up to aim while the Rancor Screams into the Sky not a aggressive scream but an Sad scream as if it was crying. Drex slightly felt bad for it but then decided it would probally taste nice as a medium rare steak or two..

He aimed his pistols toward the Rancor and shot a burst of rounds towards the Rancor, Every shot he fired hit into the same eye and was drilling through at a rapid pace. After his gun over-heated everyone else finally opened fire and it was face was getting melted in seconds and all it could do was Scream!

{Enemy - Adult Rancor - Lvl 85}

HP 313000-950000

Almost a half of its health was gone in seconds then Shadow stated "Statement Master, Boom town meatbag" Drex Burst out laughing as the whole Rancor blows up *BOOOOOM!!!* due to Shadow's statement. He makes a note to himeself that he needs to add more refernces from his past life to make them funnier. Soon the dust settles and only the body and head are the most intact of the body. Drex tells the HK's to bring the bodies of the Rancors into the Elevator. At the same time there was a *Ding* sounds as he recieved XP

{Enemy Eliminated - Adult Rancor - Lvl 85 - XP Recieved 6000XP}

{Level up! 3 -> 5}



NAME: Drex

AGE: 8

Health Points: 1500/1500

Force Points: 1000/1000

Level 5

XP - 0/8000

STRENGTH: 11 -> 20

VITALITY: 11 -> 16

DEXTERITY: 16 -> 20



CHARISMA: 5 -> 10



Drex had a quick wander around the surface part of the temple and noticed the extremety of the damage done to the place. It looked like it had been bombed from orbit along with the outskirts around the temple there were old craters now turned ponds, with mangroves and trees growing everywhere. While looking out of the Temple he couldn't help but sight wondering what is he gonna do first. He had secured food (Rancor meat), He had repaired the internals of the Temple. Now he is wondering what else to do.

So he asks the System "System since i have the Master Building Trait do i get an interface to set for repairs for the whole temple? And can i decide on blueprints to be put around the outside/inside of the temple to upgrade it to my liking?"

{Host can have an interface if requested to design his buildings and can set any units in the party to upgrade/repair or build}

Drex was happy about that as he noticed there was an auto-repair function so anytime. He instantly clicked it. He then asked "When i access the Forge will i be able to control it from the System interface?"

{Host will be able to access it once you have connected to it}

Drex suddenly shouted "SWEEET!! Infinite droids here i come!?" He slowly walked over to the Turbo Lift where my unit the Magnificent Bastards were waiting for me. Once he got into the lift he told them "Once we get down take this meat and process it and freeze it for me, Gold and Shadow i want you to come with me to the Forge so we can get some droids built" Once he said that Gold hit the button and said "Affirmitive Master" The Turbo lift blast doors close slowly.

After 20 minutes of pure silence in the Lift the hatch re-opened and Drex made his way following Gold to the Forge location. After walking an hour they arrive infront of a Blast Door 10 times thicker than any standard Blast Door in the temple. Just to enter through the blast door it took a retina scan, a blood sample and a voice sample. It was a complicated system but once all that was done the Blast Door slowly opens and it make the surrounding area shake as it opens super slowly. A light blue glow comes through that Door as soon as you could peak through. The glow was too bright so he covered his eyes for a few seconds but it felt like an eternity as all the power flows through the doors and makes him stumble back a bit.

As soon as he moved his arm back down slowly he noticed the size of the place. It was twice the size of the Temple and the dark metal look around the temple was no where to be seen, it was a white type metal that looks ten times stronger and radiated with engergy rather than the dark metal he has grown accustom to over the past few days. While he walks through the Blast Door he noticed how thick it was. The standard blast doors he had been seeing were a meter thick where as this one was 10 meters thick. Drex said out loud "It's looks like it could withstand a direct hit from a Star Destroyer" Gold instantly stated "Statement Master, This section of the temple is built to withstand a bombardment from an orbital fleet"

Drex just nodded and wondered who had bombed this place before. "Gold, Who had bombed the temple, i noticed craters above?" Gold looked at Drex and said "Statement Master, It was bombarded by your designers to block anyone from finding it" Drex just nodded and slowly walked to the terminal in the centre of the room, While looking around he noticed tons of mechanical arms just hanging above hundres of meters long carousel's.

As Drex arrived at the terminal he noticed a hidden hatch behind the terminal so he went to investigate. He attempted to pry it open but it wasn't budging at all so he finally decided to try something else that he hasn't attempted yet since arriving in this world. He sat down in a meditating position he had always seen the Jedi and Sith do in the Star Wars movies and games he loved. Reaching into himself he felt the power flowing throughout his body and he tried to pull it out. The power became clearer and easier for him to use. Most likely from his Force Master trait he had chosen.

Pushing the power out he felt like he could control everything outside of himself like he connected to all the temple and the forge like it only belonged to him and he was the master of it all. He could feel the technology around him reeming with power just waiting to come on. He slowly reached his hand out to the hatch he found and pushed the force to try and open it from the inside. He could feel his power latch onto the lever on the underneath side of the hatch. He pushed more power out to that lever and could feel it grasp onto the lever like it was his own hand.

As he forces the lever down with his power he heard an audible click, He felt his power rush back into himself as he released the grip he was holding on to. The hatch slowly opens up and Drex could feel the air around him being pulled in. "Must of been vented before they left" Gold who had stopped by the terminal stated "Statement Master, That is the lab where you were made, A new protocal has told me there is a vial in there for you to drink Master. This protocol has just arrived in my system"

Drex was taken back by this as that meant either the designers were still alive or there was a safeguard file that can only be opened once the hatch is opened. After the hatch was open Drex could see a ladder to go down. He grabs onto this ladder and slowly climbs down, all he could say was "Dammn this place is cold" he could feel his armour getting colder and colder the deeper he went down. After climbing down about a kilometer of ladder he was welcomed with a voice stating.

"Greetings Drex, We are the ones who made you, we are your designers and creators. There is a vial in the Freezer at the end of the lab. This vial will let you grow again as we stopped it so you wouldnt suffer extreme effects from carbonation. You have no mission but to live on and get powerful, if you want to find us we have went into the unknown regions and you can try and find us but all i can say is follow the force it will guide your path of freedom. We have placed a force field on this temple stopping your outrageous powers from being felt through the force. You are neither evil nor are you good in the force sense. You can be what you want so have fun"

Drex was stunned as when the voice went out he pulled his guns looking for a person speaking just to find a recorded Holograph but it only projected a voice instead of someone talking as you always seen on the star wars games and movies. He slowly made his way over to the vial which had the only light in the room above it shining directly on it.

He was contemplating to drink it now or no. But for now he stored it in his inventory

{Obtained Mysterious Vial of Unknow liquid}

{Effects unknown}

Drex was sure he wasn't going to drink it right now after reading that. So he went back to the ladder and started climbing up. He was wondering what he should get the forge to do first. "hmmmm, mayber i should build some more armed units or should i build some builder and repair droids to go and fix the place up and expand it". This went by as he climbed up just wondering what to do as if he got more armed units he has more protection but he can really do nothing with them for now till he had built the place back up on the outside and expanded the place out to have space for more units. Where as if he got builder and repair units he could fix the upper area of the Temple and maybe expand it and make it more secure by putting up hidden watch towers into the massively thick trees out there and make walkways between them like on the planet of Kashyyyk and have hidden arieal defence weapons and point defences surrounding the permitter.

That was it Drex had decided to make an army of builder and repair droids first to get his temple that he now owned and defendable. Finally at the top of the ladder he went to the main terminal and booted it up. It instantly stated "Welcome to the first Forge Master! I have been programmed to only follow your orders and to never go against you Master!" Drex was taken back by the hologram that popped up at the same time. It looked like a PureBlood Sith mixed with a cyborg.

Drex told the hologram "Forge i want you to make a 100 advanced builder droids that can make anything i need and i want them all to follow the orders of Gold here who reports directly to me" Within seconds all the carousels around and all the arms were putting together droids in seconds. Not even 5 minutes went by and they were all completed.

Drex said "System open up the builder menu" when he said that the builder menu popped up infront of him and he started to design the layout for his plans. He went to the surface first and designed for all the Treehouse forts with thick metal hiding on the inside of the trees so they don't get cut through with blaster fire or anything like that. The he designed for the massive Anti-Air guns that would be hiding in the tops of the trees around the temple and at all the trees can open up automatic ports up the trees that automatic turrets will come out and shoot any designated targets.

After that he designed for the temple to be rebuilt and a moat to go around to use all the ponds that he had outside the temple to make one big moat. He wanted a strong bridge to go over the moat the only entrance to the temple and for it to be 40m deep and a sheer cliff perfectly flat so no one can climb up if they fall in. Unless ofcourse it is a Jedi or Sith who could use the force to get back up. He then Placed a wall design around the outside of the moat as he wanted it too seem like an impenetrable fortress from the outside. The wall was 30m hight and 20m thick with the strongest blast door he could possibly think of and design to be put as the only gate to the bridge to the temple.

This wall was designed to be littered with artillery on the top and there was gun ports all along the wall for anti-tank weapons and turrets for any enemies coming in. The total time it states it would take was 6 years as he wanted it to all be done up slowly and not super quick as it might look strange if someone flew overhead and there was building being put up at a crazy speed. That left him with the idea to start designed the temple part now. So far the temple had a hangar, storage, medbay, Cafeteria which had a chef droid programmed in already, armoury and a generator area. There was no place for droid maintenance, storage for droids or anywhere to park more ships when they finally got built and he found out the forge connect to the underneath part of the hangar where his current ship is sitting.

So he got the Droids to expand the Hangar Upwards and sideways and make mini hangars inside the main hangar. Once that would be complete he has the forge to make duplicates of his ship but a smaller version so he can have a small mercenary fleet. Drex was happy with his plans all together it would take 8 years to get it all done if he had them going slowly so he piled up what he wants to be done. First the Tree Houses then the Moat then the Wall then the Temple. He done it this way so he can have Defence over anything else. Then He suddenly remembered about the wild life and the massive Rancors he had to face. Who was going to defend the builders so he had the Forge make Thousands of HK units all them specialised in sniping or heavy weapons and a few close quarter specialists.

These units will all be sub commanded under the other units in his own personel squad. The party system updated to be a Squad system so they are all under a different leader from Drex being in charge of everyone, Then Gold was his Second in Command and Shadow was Drex's personel guard as the Assassin HK. All the rest of his squad had hundreds of bots underneath them but in the end they all report to Drex or Gold. Drex instantly ordered the squads to go as such. A Heavy Weapon and Sniper squad for the wall and the same for the Tree houses. He set for all the close quarter combat HK units to be underneath Gold. They would be inside the Temple to defend the area since its indoors they would be the best and CQB ofcourse.

All these HK units that were being built were too a lesser quality of the HK units that work directly for Drex. He set the units all to go on patrol the areas till there built then went to Gold and asked him if the food was done and processed since he can connect directly to the other HK units that are already out and about. Gold stated "Statement Master, All the Rancor meat has been cut and is ready for eating after being thawed. Chef Bot has access to the freezer at all times from the Cafetria" Drex started walking to the cafeteria while walking over he was wondering what he should do in the future. Should he take sides or should he just be a merc for hire or even better attack both sides but stay hidden by using clone armour ontop of his HK units and do hit and runs on both sides to make the enemy confused along with the Republic.

He would have to contemplate over this for the time being. He arrived in the Cafeteria and told the Chef Bot "Chef i want the 60oZ Medium Rare Rancor Steak." Chef Bot replied with "Right away sir" Gold went over to the fridge and pulled out a mug of water that seemed to be in there waiting for Drex. A few minutes later a gloriously massive and juicy steak was placed infront of Drex. Drex took his helmet off and was drooling as the smell was perfection he slowly cut into the steak and he didn't even use a steak knife a butter knife was going through it like it was water. He takes a bite into the steak and it melts in his mouth.. He was happily eating away and before he knew it, He had ate it all and sighed it was the best meal he has ever eaten. It tasted nothing like he has ate before and it was perfection.

"Chef Bot that was the best meal i have ever had" Gold piped up saying "Statement Master, That was your first evel meal so what do you mean?" Drex froze and thought he fucked up but then he remembered that they only listen to his orders and said "It was nothing Gold just ignore that Aahaha" he laughed afterwards. He stood up and went towards the medbay as he knew that was the only place with a bed in the Temple apart from his ship. He arrived at the medbay and told the Medbot to examine the Vial. The Medbot beeped happily to him and took it and Drex got on the bed.

After what felt like an hour the Medbot came back to Drex and Gold said "Statement Master, Medbot has discovered that this vial will unlock your true potentional according to the servers in the temple. But it would put you in a coma for a few years so you will need to be put in the bacta tank to survive" Drex was taken back at this and thought well what does it mean by my true potential then the system spoke to him.

{Host, your body is locked by layers of bioloigical firewalls that are stopping you from growing after these are removed you will possibly grow up to 6'7 that standard height for a Sith Pureblood}

"Thank you System" Drex said. He decided he would do this so he removed all his armour and laid on the bed and said "Gold i want you to oversee all projects and make sure there done. You have my permission to upgrade everyones armour and build more Droids and expand the base to my designs that i have just forwarded to you, Also make sure to add an ION Cannon or two to the walls to shoot out star ships if needed. Build a cloaking field over the whole facility also i dont want us to be discovered. After all that is done make sure to get a sensor up i want to be able to connect with the outside world once i awaken" Drex sighed with relief after he said all that Gold nodded and stated "Statement Master, When you awaken we will be the strongest army on this moon and the neighbouring planet, Can i get permission to build droid dropships and carriers sir?"

Drex nodded and said "Triple the size of the hangar then Gold, I want an army of my ships maybe about 50 of them and pilot droids for them all and you will need to increase the size of the tunnel that we fly through to get out also then. Build maintenance droids also to maintain everyone and everything constantly. Also get some god damn light in this place its so dull and dark. Medbot inject me and get this over with" Medbot beeped happily and flew over and injected him with it not even a few seconds later his vision went black.

{Biological unlocker injected time to awaken from coma 8 1/2 years}

Drex's last thought after this notification was that leaves me with 1 and a half years to prepare for the invasion of Naboo. He smiled thinking of Padme and wondered if he could meet her and possibly get with her. He always had a crush on her. Everything went to black and he decided to train his mind for the next 8 and a bit years.

Jango_Dett Jango_Dett

Hello Everyone, I noticed a few don't like the name for him or the height. So on this chapter i am willing to change his name and change it on all the previous chapters also but i need a new name. I only chose Jimbo as it's my nickname in the Navy.

Also his height after checking multiple sites, he is just 20cm shorter than an average adult human. He wasn't born he was designed by what ever it was that made him by crossing a Sith Pureblood with other Races. He will grow over time mostly on the main time skip that i will be doing.

The Forge that is under the temple i am making the First Forge. You will find why he has the Master of Building trait in some of this chapter and more in the next while he builds the temple up and possibly expands the Forge to be able to make bigger Star-Ships but he is going to be focusing on making a more uniformed Droid Company.

If you want to have a squad of droids named after you just state and i shall make it.

Thank you all for the Honest feedback so far and i hope for more in the future.

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