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Capítulo 3: Preparation


Azgard Academy morning...

A transfer students is usually something that people get excited about. Especially if said transfer student is a cute foreigner. But in this case, its was horrible.

In the front of my class is my fiancee, Louise Francoise Le Blanc De La Valliere. And she was currently getting a lot of questions from my fellow classmates.

"Where are you from Louise-san." Kusano Sakura the street fighter asked.

"Tristain." Was Louise's reply. Many of the female students gushed when they heard that. The prospect of meeting a noble was romantic to them.

"Do you have a boyfriend Louise-chan!" Tsuchimikado asked in a very excited manner. "If you don't I co-"

"I have a fiancee." Louise interrupted the hybrid before he could finish. Tsuchimikado becane deflated when he heard that. I heard him mutter something about still having his sister but that's beside the point.

"Is he here in Japan." Ravel Phenex another devil — aside from Koneko — in my class asked. She seemed giddy at the prospect of love.

But it wasn't Louise that answered the question, it was Gokusai Kaibi the partner Teikoku Kakine that answered. "Inugami here is actually her fiancee. Me and Kakine saw them hanging out yesterday.

The room suddenly went cold when she said those words. My classmates began to stir.

"Inugami, of the delta force? I feel sorry for Louise then."

"Yeah, he's a strong magi, but he has a horrible personality."

"I thought Inugami liked older women."

"Maybe he increased his strike range."

"I'd better hide my sister from that bastard then."

"I can hear all of you jackasses!" I screamed at my classmates. All of then quieted down when they heard my voice, all except for one. My other friend besides Touma.

"Inugami you bastard!" Tsuchimikado suddenly grabbed hold the collar of my uniform. His eyes has jealousy and hatred written all over them. "We made a pact remember! You, me, and Touma promised to remain virgins together!"

"I made no such promise!" Me and Touma both exclaimed.

After that, the argument between the delta force members devolved into a fistfight. My classmates were too dumbfounded by what was happening between the three of us that forgot about Louise entirely.

"This is annoying!" Louise getting annoyed at the absurdity of what's happening in front of her used her magic to stop it. "EXPLOSION!"


All there members of the delta force got thrown out the door due to the force of the explosion spell.



"Such misfortune!"

"Why did they give me this class?" Shino sensei muttered while regretting his life choices. "I should have stayed at Konoha."

This chaos lasted for another ten minutes or so. It due Tsuchimikado not giving in even though he was shot with an explosion.


"Okay! Now that everyone has calmed down. I'm going to brief everyone for our upcoming 'class tourney' against class 1 - H, their class consist of mostly of non-humans specifically aliens." Shino sensei stated. Me and the rest of my classmates became excited, all except for one.

Louise being a transfer student is confused of what was happening. She didn't know what our sensei was talking about. This prompted her to stand-up from her seat and ask Shino sensei a question.

"Sensei, what's this 'class tourney' that you're talking about?" My fiancee asked.

"I'm sorry for not informing you about this miss Valliere." Sensei stated. "Class tourneys is a 3 - on - 3 battle tournament that are held every semester to determine which class in each year is the strongest. And in the last semester, we were the winners due to the efforts of Teitoku-kun, Tsuchimikado-kun, Kamijou-kun, and Inugami-kun."

"Sensei what's the point in winning this?" Louise asked. Sensei expected this question.

"I'm glad you asked me miss Valliere. The winner of this tourney will not only get free food from the canteen for a whole semester. Their grades in all subjects will be also boosted up by a large margin." Sensei stated.

"Why would the principal allow such a barbaric way be a determining factor for the grades of their students?" Louise asked in a appalled manner.

"If you didn't know already, our principle is 'Odin' the Norse god of war. He enjoys doing watching almost as much as doing it. Hence his reasoning for the 'class bout'." Shino sensei explained. "Now do you have anymore questions miss Valliere?"

"None sensei." Louise stated whilst returning back to her seat. She didn't agree with this barbaric way of fighting but she really has no choice but to accept it.

"Now where was I? Ah yes... Class 1 - H has two new transfer students, mainly the twin princesses from planet deviluke." Sensei explained. "Momo Belia Deviluke and Nana Asta Deviluke."

"What are their three sizes sensei?" Tsuchimikado asked in a serious tone. Many

of the girls in our class were disgusted at his question. But Tsuchimikado just ignored them all.

"Ignore that idiot sensei." I stated. "What are their powers instead?"

"Well aside from having immense strength due to their 'Devilukean' physiology, one of the twins possesses the power to communicate with animals while the other with plant life." Sensei stated. I can see the animal and plant power being difficult in a non-controlled setting so the main problem were going to have against them is their 'Devilukean' strength.

"Sensei, we should switch out Touma for Tsuchimikado." I stated. "His 'Imagine Breaker' is pretty much useless with opponents like them."

Touma hated fighting so when he heard that, his face instantly lit up. Maybe his luck finally changing.

"That was the original plan Inugami-kun." Sensei sated in a somber tone. "But... They've banned Teitoku-kun from competing at thke 'class bout'."

"They banned me, for what reason?" The artificial angel asked. While he had no problem in this, he still wanted a valid reason for his banning.

"I was a majority vote from the other teachers." Shino sensei explained. "They said that your esper abilities were deemed to powerful for the competition."

"What about the other classes then? Are they also getting bans? What about Erza from class 1 - F? She's super strong. Or Sakamaki Izayoi from class 1 - B? Or maybe Golden Darkness, who's on class we're currently scheduled to fight?" I asked Shino sensei a multitude of questions.

"Nope, Teitoku was the only one that was deemed too 'powerful'." Sensei stated while emphasizing the word powerful. The other classes are singling us out.

"This is bullishit!" I exclaimed while slamming my desk. "Were going to lose our free food and grades at this rate!"

"Did you at least tried reason with them sensei?" Touma asked. "It's a tad bit unfair thay our class was the only one with a handicap."

"I tried to reason with them, but principal has already made up his mind." Sensei explained. "And once he makes up his mind, there's no changing it."

"Well this sucks." I muttered then turned my head towards the 'Imagine Breaker'. "I guess your back on the team Touma."

"Yay... Such misfortune." Touma muttered.


It was currently lunch break.

Me, Touma, Tsuchimikado, and Louise were currently eating our respective lunches. Mine was plate full of pasta alfredo, my favorite. My fiancee's food of choice was pan seared salmon with a side of greens, a typical dish for rich girl like her. For Tsuchimikado it was bowl ramen. And lastly for Touma it was yakisoba due to him having so little money.

"So Inu-yan, how are we going to compete against the other classes without 'Dark Matter' to bail us out?" Tsuchimikado asked.

"I wanted to do this later but since you've asked." I turned towards Touma and asked him for a favor. "Hey Touma, can you arrange a meeting with Othinus sempai?

Othinus was magic god in the Toaru Majutsu light novel series. But here in this universe, she's Odin's favorite granddaughter and a great magi. While not as powerful as before she's still the strongest student here at Azgard Academy.

"Sure, but for what reason?" He asked while taking a bite of his yakisoba.

I took the 'Zero Infinity' book from my bag and showed it to my group of friends and Louise.

"I want her help with this." I stated. Louise's mouth went agape when she saw the book. I was like she saw the holy grail or something.

"A 'Zero Infinity' spell book. Where did you get this?" Louise asked me in a surprised fashion. "Only ten copies of this book exist in the world."

"Is this book really that rare?" I asked the pink haired girl in which she nodded after.

"Yes. How could you not know this?" She asked me in a surprised fashion. "Your a magi aren't you?"

"Well yes I'm a magi." I stated while waving the book around. "And also, I only just recently got this from my dad."

"Your dad just gave it to you?" She asked in surprise tone. This girl really likes to underestimates me.

"What? No, I've earned this." I explained to my fiancee. "We had a spar two days ago. I didn't beat him but I was able to land a hit on him. He deemed that enough for a reward. AKA this book."

"You were able to land a hit on your father? The one who they call as the 'Highest Magi'?" Louise asked. She's still underestimating me.

"He was going easy on me if your wondering." I stated. "But lets forget about that for now. Let's have Touma contact Othinus sempai first."


After Touma contacted Othinus sempai. She ordered me to come meet with her at the back of the schools arena. Why the back of the arena? I don't know.

"So you want me to help you remove this seal?" Othinus sempai asked while waving around the 'Zero Infinity' spell book that I handed to her.

"Yes, if that's okay with you Othinus sempai?" I stated. Othinus pondered on wether she would do it or not. But after a minute she finally relented

"Very well, I'll do for in one condition." She stated while raising one of her finger.

"Of course! Name your price sempai." I told her in a confident manner. She formed a smirk when I said that.

"Very well." She went closer and whisper into my ear. "I want a picture of Touma when he was a kid."

"Done." I stated. We shook hands as part of our agreement. She then examined the 'Zero Infinity' spell book. Her face formed a frown when she saw the seal.

"This is really complex. With this type of seal, when you remove one seal another two will come and replace it." Othinus stated. "As expected of the 'Highest Magi'.

"Can you remove it then?" I asked the former magic god. She formed a smirk when I asked that.

"Give me a day. I'd be able to remove it by then." Othinus stated. I smiled at her answer.

"I'll send you some down payment then sempai." I stated. I took out my phone and sent her a picture of a 10 year old Touma Kamijou.

"Ahh... Ahhh...!" She started to gush once she saw the picture of Touma.

"There's more for you when your done." I stated. After that I left the book with sempai and we went our separate ways.


Inugami Residence...

While Louise was currently at our room studying, I was in the living room having a discussion with my mom.

"Mom teach me the 'Da Capo' spell." I stated while bowing my head towards her.

"I don't know." She stated while having a contemplating look.

"Please! I beg of you!" I exclaimed with passion. I don't want to give up on my free food and grades.

"Fine... I can't say no to you!" My mother suddenly started hugging me. Her grip was strong.

"Gah! Mom let go of me!" I exclaimed. Damn it, I can't do anything when my mother gets like this. I'm lucky no one else is here to see this.


As I turned towards the entrance way and I saw my fiancee Louise holding in her laughter.

"Kill me now." I muttered. After a few more minutes of my mom hugging me. She finally lets me go and we made our way towards the training facility.


'Da Capo' is a spell that's able to restore the status of an person or object in a 2 hours time frame. It's basically a time rewind spell. Bit it has its limitations, like not having the ability to revive the dead. It can restore the body but the soul is a different factor. You'll need 'Soul magic' for that.

"Try to stop this Reiji!" My mother exclaimed. While my mother specializes in time magic, she can also use light and dark magic. Case in point.

"'Weiss Schwarz'!" My mother used her magical pistols to shoot me with a combination of Light and Dark magic. They ricochet towards my direction, but before it could hit me.

"'Da Capo'!" I exclaimed. Blue aura covered my body.

The magical shots never reached me because I turned back their time by 5 minute, the time that they never existed. I was about to celebrate when suddenly.

"'Weiss Schwarz'!" My mother shot me agian with another volley of her light and dark magic.


This time it hit me and I was blown back. I felt my skin burn from the shots.

"Gah!" I exclaimed in pain. The 'Da Capo' spell has a two minute cooldown to it. If it's used more than once in that timeframe it will deal massive damage the users body, due to the magical basklash. "Why did you do that mom! The 'Da Capo' spell was still on cooldown!"

"Oh! My bad Reiji tee-hee~!" She stuck out her tongue while saying it.

"Don't 'Tee-hee' me! I could have died there" I exclaimed.

After an hour, I was able to master the 'Da Capo' spell. But in exchange for that, my body was mess thanks to my mother.


The next day.

It was currently lunch and I was meeting up with Othinus sempai. Touma said that sempai was currently waiting for me at the back of the schools arena again. What's her deal with that place anyways. But I digress because I spotted Othinus sempai waving at me.

"Hey! Inugami I'm right here." Othinus sempai stated whilst waving at me with the 'Zero Infinity' spell book in her hands.

"Here's the picture of Touma." I gave my payment to Othinus sempai and in exchange she gave me the unsealed 'Zero Infinity' spell book.

"No worries Inugami and if you need anything else just call for me." She stated. After that we said our goodbyes and sempai left the area

I stayed behind and started read the 'Zero Infinity' spell book due to my curiosity on magic.

"Damn this is complicated..." I muttered. "Manipulation of space is really hard."

"Yo Reiji, what are you doing here." My reading was interrupted by the mage named Gray Fullbuster.

"Oh hey Gray! What's up my man." I definitely like Gray more that Natsu. Because unlike that annoying fire mage, Gray doesn't force me to fight him. "I'm just trying to learn a new spell for the upcoming 'class bout'."

"Your going up against Class 1 - H right?" Gray stated. "I saw their new students in action. They were pretty strong. Especially that Momo girl"

"Yep, that's why I'm trying to learn a new spell." I told him while waving around the 'Zero Infinity' spell book.

"Is that so... How about we have a spar then, seeing that were near the arena and all." Gray offered to have match with me.

While the offer is tempting, I decided to say no to him.

"Maybe some other time. I really need to master this spell." I explained to ice mage. Gray being the bro that he was just smiled on my answer.

"Hey no worries man, we can do this some other time." Gray stated. "But a word of advice... I suggest that you leave this place, people are giving you weird looks."

I looked around and saw some students looking at me like I'm some kind of shady drug dealer.

"Yeah, hanging around at the back of the arena can be pretty suspicious." I stated. "Let's leave this place."

After that, me and Gray left the back of the arena and went on our separate ways.


Classroom 1 - J

"Reiji seems to be focused on that book." Touma stated whilst drinking a can of coffee.

"Yeah, I've never seen Inu-yan this serious." Tsuchimikado added. "Do you know what 'Zero Infinity' spell does Louise-chan?"

"It's a spell that can change the distance between user and his targets to infinity." Louise happily explained. "It can also the distance into zero, hence the name."

"That sounds powerful." Teitoku suddenly appeared and stated. "Does it have a weakness?"

"Yo, Dark Matter trying to find its weakness already?" Tsuchimikado asked the artificial angel. "Not willing to step down from your throne?"

"Of course not. I'm not giving him my spot as the strongest student in this class." Teitoku told them without a hint of regret.

"Boys... It's always a dick measuring between you lot." Louise stated in exasperated tone.

"That's just how males are Louise-chan." Tsuchimikado mused.

"YES!" Reiji suddenly exclaimed in excitement. "Zero Infinity!"

The students in room with magical awareness felt the sudden change in the space.


"Oi, Reiji what did you do?" Tsuchimikado asked me. I ignored him and turned towards the artificial angel.

"Yo Teitoku hit me with an attack." I stated while do the 'come at me' pose.

"Dude are you serious?" Touma asked in a worried fashion. "He could seriously hurt you."

"I'll be fine." I stated." Hit me with an attack Teitoku."

"Hmm... Very well." The artificial angel extended his right hand and fired off a blast made out of dark matter towards my direction.

The attack never reached me. It just fizzled out like a fire being snuffed out. Seeing this, Dark Matters eye widened.

"Hell yeah!" I exclaimed. With this magic, I'll have no problem dealing with the other classes.

"A mutt like him was able mastered the 'Zero Infinity' spell with very little time! How is this possible?!" Louise exclaimed not believing what she just witnessed.

"You should really stop underestimating me my dear Louise." I told my fiancee while doing a bow.

"Seeing that Inu-yan is practicing hard for the bout, makes me want to take this seriously." Tsuchimikado stated.

"Hoh? How are you planning to do that?" The artificial angel asked the hybrid.

"Hehe... Let's just say that I have a trump card of sorts." Tsuchimikado stated while adjusting his sunglasses.

Seeing all of this play out, Touma began thinking of a way to improve himself. "Maybe I could ask Othinus sempai for some advice. But she'll tease me if I do that... Such Misfortune."



I've always hated shopping, especially if its with a female. They take to long and have you carry their shopping bags for them.

"Be sure to not drop those you mutt!" Louise stated. Why am I doing this again? Oh yeah, I didn't want to trigger the tsundere.

"Can you at least call me by my name." I told the pinked haired tsundere. Louise pondered for a bit before nodding.

"Fine... Reiji." She stated in a low voice. I smiled at her and she blushed.

"There, is that so hard?" I asked my fiancee.

Louise was just about to reply to my question when suddenly.

"Oh my? Louise is that you?" A feminine voice called out to my fiancee. The woman who called out to her, was Kirche von Zerbst a fire mage. From what I vaguely remember in the anime, Louise and Kirche despised each other. This is going to be bad.

"Zerbst... What are you doing here in Japan?" Louise told the fire mage.

"Oh me? I'm just visiting a relative of mine." Zerbst stated. "How about you Louise? You just up and transferred school without informing me."

"Why would I inform a cow like you?" My pink haired fiancee asked.

"Being cow is better than being a washboard like you!" Kirche exclaimed while emphasizing her very large chest.

"Grrrr...!" Louise was losing her patience so I decided to step in.

"All right, let's stop this before it gets messy." I stated.

"And who are you? Her caretaker or something." The fire mage asked me.

"Fiancee actually." I stated. Kirche put a hand over her mouth. She seemed to be surprised of what I said. But finally regaining her composure she gave me sad look. The sad look when you see a person on their deathbed

"I feel sorry for you." She told me. "Being engaged to Louise... Is something that I'm not wishing for anyone."

"That's it Zerbst!" Louise exclaimed. She was about to bust out her explosion spell but I was able to knock her out with a quick karate chop to the back of her neck.

"There." And before her small body can fall down. I was able to grabbed a hold of her.

"It was nice meeting you Ms. Zerbst! But I must get going!" I stated before using my 'Displacement' spell to teleport Louise and myself to our home.

"Aww... I wanted to tease her some more." The fire mage stated.


Inugami Residence...

"Who gave you the right to do that to me?!" Louise exclaimed. She was mad at because I knocked her out.

"I had no choice." I stated. "You were about to use your explosion spell weren't you."

"But that cow!" My fiancee exclaimed trying to justify her reasons.

"Just chill for once. Anger begets more anger, and forgiveness and love lead to more forgiveness and love." I stated.

And After a few minutes.

"Fine..." Louise reluctantly calms down. My face forms a smile when she did that.

"Good... Now lets go eat some dinner." I told my fiancee while holding my left hand towards her. Louise slaps it away.

"Don't touch me." Louise stated. But I couldn't help but see the smile on her face. Typical tsundere reaction.

Yoel_Romeros_Face Yoel_Romeros_Face

Chapter is mostly to set up future fights with the other classes.

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