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Getting a harem? Hell no! I just want to have a peaceful life. Getting a harem? Hell no! I just want to have a peaceful life. original

Getting a harem? Hell no! I just want to have a peaceful life.

Autor: Yoel_Romeros_Face

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: From the start


The afterlife sucks by the way.

Usually when a person dies, they usually go to either their religions version of heaven or hell. But not me, I was currently stuck in the space called purgatory. It really was dark, my body couldn't move,. and I couldn't really hear a damned thing.

'It really sucks'

It was currently the 3rd week in this predicament and it was driving me crazy. This also reminded me of that old saying 'No man is an island.' I didn't believe that saying in the past. But now-

'Woah! Who turned on the lights?!'

As I busy with my inner monologuing, I was suddenly blinded by a very bright light. Was this the light of god?

"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Inugami, you gave birth to a healthy baby boy." The nurse stated.

It wasn't god. Its one of those cliche reincarnation's. Well, at least it's better than being stuck inside of my mother's womb.

"Do you have a name for him Shoji?" The woman that I presumed to be my mother asked.

"I'm not really good with names Reika." My dad? replied. The woman — Reika — let out a huge sigh.

"Haaah... Fine well go with Reiji, a mixture of both our names." She stated.

"Inugami Reiji... It has nice ring to it." Shoji muttered. "We'll go with the name you chose Reika."

"Did you hear that Reiji." The woman told me.

'Yep, I heard it.' So I'm Japanese now. Cool, I guess. Wait... How can I understand Japanese...?


'Eh, who cares?'


Reiji Inugami 5 years old.

As I got older, I started to realize two things.

Firstly, this world is filled with different anime characters. That's all you need to know.

What? You need proof? Fine, our Prime Minister is a man named Donald Zuramp.

"I'm not Zuramp. I'm Katsura!

Yes... this country is doomed. I've already accepted that. Now where was I...


Secondly, my family was no ordinary family. My mother — Reika — and father — Shoji — were magic users. No, not those cheesy party magicians. They were real-life magi, like those seen in fiction. I've also learned that certain magicians can only learn certain types of spells. In my case, I could only learn 'Spacial Magic' like my father and 'Time Magic' like mother. This really didn't bother me. Space and time magic are already powerful so I didn't need to do anything else. I just need to trian. And speaking of training.

"From the top Reiji." My father was currently training me. He's currently teaching the most basic form of 'Spacial Magic'.

"Okay! Displacement!" I stated. I teleported a 2 meters away from him.

Why was I shouting 'Displacement' you might ask? Simple, the spell is called 'Displacement'. It's just basic teleportation spell, it could teleport its user within a certain radius. And it can also teleport different people or objects but this time in a much larger area. The distance of this spell increases with practice and mana capacity. Right now I could teleport myself by 2 meters while other people and objects teleportation range is 4 meters.

"Not bad Reiji, you could already teleport by 2 meters." My father stated. He started patting my head as a form of praise. I couldn't help but smile. In my past life, I wasn't really close with my father. Here in this world, it was different.

"Reiji, Shoji! Dinner is ready!" My mother told us. My dad smiled then turned towards me.

"You heard your mother let's go." My father stated. I smiled and nodded. He grabbed hold of my hand then he teleported us into the dining room.


Reiji Ryugami 6 years old.

I'm currently a grade school student right now. And over the years, I've learned that magic wasn't a secret in this world. It is part of the social norm.

People also different forms of superpowers.

What are these superpowers? I'll give you some examples.

First are Espers. You can say that they are the science equivalent of us Magic user. They're mostly situated in Academy City with some of them sprinkled around Europe and North America.

Second are the chakra users. A most of them are located in Japan and the Elemental Nations. Yes, the Elemental Nations exist on this world and they're located in the Pacific Ocean.

Third are the Ki or Aura users. They're located mostly in Asia, specifically Japan and China. The most prominent of them being Kawakami Tesshin the God of Martial Arts. He's been alive since the late eighteen-hundreds making over a hundred years old. In his prime, he had the power to destroy a whole country.

And by the way non-humans like Yokai are a regular sight in this world. The live their lives just like us humans

What about the magic users? Yes I forgot about us.

Well, us magi can be found almost everywhere on this planet. There are also a ton of different magic schools that can be found allover this world, from Mahora Academy here in Japan to Magnostadt Academy in the Middle-East. (People with 'Sacred Gears' and 'Magical Weapons' fall in this category.)

Speaking of magic schools, my parents opted to not enroll me in one. They said that I would only become a snobby brat if I joined one. I agreed with them.

"Reiji what are you doing." My mother interrupted my thoughts.

"Nothing mom!" I told her.

"If you're doing nothing how about I teach you some of my magic then." She stated. I smiled at her then nodded.

I learned a lot of 'Time Magic' that day.


Reiji Inugami 10 years old.

"Get lost!"

"You're just a plague!"

"Trash like you shouldn't exist!"

Children's are cruel, I'm now just realizing it. As I was busy minding my own business, I saw couple of them bullying a kid. They were punching and kicking him while he was on the ground. In my past life, I would have just ignored them. But I'm different now. My father told me to use my powers for either self defense or to protect the weak from being bullied. I intend to follow through with his lessons.

"Hey assholes! You should do something more productive in your lives." I screamed at the bullies.

"What was that you punk! Are you challenging me to a fight? " The leader of the bullies stated.

"Yeah Shota's from the Elemental Nations! He can do ninjutsu! You have no chance against him!" One if his lackeys told me.

"Ninjutsu huh?" I asked.

"Yeah! Your loo-" I interrupted his boasting.

"Displacement!" I used my spell to instantly in front of them. The bullies eyes widened.

"Damn he's a magic user!" One the lackeys stated. The leader started to do some hand seals.

"Shit! Earth Sty-" I didn't let him finish his jutsu.

"Overtüre!" I chanted my spell in response.


I delivered a straight left punch at the leader's face. He body crumbled to the ground.

"Fast!" One of his lackeys stated in shock.

'Overtüre' is a form of 'Time magic' that accelerates the user's time, making it seem that they're moving fast. The duration of the spell depends on the users mana pool. With me it can last for about 5 minutes.

"Take this! Snake Fist!" Oh! a Ki user. One them tried to use a Ki attack on me.

"Displacement!" I teleported him into the air.

"Wha?!" He was surprised by his predicament. And while he was airborne I didn't let him regain composure.


My Overture spell was still on. So I was able delivered a very fast roundhouse kick to his airborne body. I heard a couple of his ribs crack.

"Guhah!" He cried in pain.

I sent him flying through the air like a rag doll. He then landed on the ground in a very harsh manner.

With two of them out of the way, I turned my attention towards the last of the bullies. But a soon as I saw him.

"Dude your pathetic." I told him. He was on the ground crying and it seems that he also pissed his shorts.

"You still wanna go?" I threatened him.

"No! Please don't hurt me! I'm just a regular human! I don't have any powers!" He begged for my mercy. I wasn't a sadist, so decided to let him off with a warning.

"I don't want to see you and your friends bullying again. Because if you do." I began cracking my knuckles to emphasize my point.

"I understand! No more bullying! I'm sorry!" He answered me in fear.

"Good, now wakeup your friends then leave." I told him.

After a few minutes the bullies left the area with a new found fear for magic users.

"Now then." I turned to the kid who was being bullied. "What's your name.

"Touma, Kamijou Touma. Thanks for saving me." He stated. I smiled, I was wondering when I would meet an anime character in this world. I extended my hands towards him.

"Reiji, Inugami Reiji nice to meet you man." After giving him my name we then shook hands afterwards.

That was the day that I met my best friend.


Reiji Inugami 15 years old...

Its been years since I first met the boy named Kamijou Touma. And during those years I was able to witness the effects of the Kami-yan disease. It was truly a terrifying sight. Left and right different girls were constantly falling in love with him. If I remembered correctly the 'Imagine Breaker' has the ability to negate the supernatural. Even the so called 'red string of fate'.

By the way I was currently on rooftop watching a classmate of ours confess to Touma. (I'm actually invisible right now. It was due to one of my 'Spacial Spells', Invisibility. You could probably guess what it already does. It also requires for me to stay still for it to work.)

"Touma-kun I like you!" It seems that the Kami-yan disease also works on characters from different anime shows. A classmate of ours — Miura Yumiko — confessed her love to him.

Touma being the dense guy that he was responded with. "I like you too, you're a great friend Yumiko."

I facepalmed at his response. I've dealt with this for years now. And I still cringe everytime this happens.

"Yes... friends. Hehehe." Miura-san you look dead inside. With that Miura left rooftop. With her gone I made my presence known.

"You really are special Touma." I told him. He gave me a confused look.

"How long have you been here? And also, what about me is special?" He asked. I smirked.

"It's nothing, I'm just here to invite you for some ramen, my treat." I told him.

"Thank you! I lost my wallet earlier and because of that I wasn't able to eat lunch." He cried tears of joy when he heard of my offer.

"Jeez dude, just stop crying and lets get out of here." I stated.


At the Ichiraku Ramen...

"Damn this ramen is good." I stated. Ichiraku Ramen brand came from the Elemental Nations. And with the help of the Prime Minister Donald Zuramp and the Hokage — Uzumaki Naruto — it was able expand here into Japan. I'm still baffled thay this country is still alive. I guess Zuramp isn't that bad afterall.

"Yeah, I can't deny that. The Ramen here is really good." Was Touma's reply.

"So Touma *slurp* Which highschool are you going to attend?" I asked him while slurping at some ramen.

"I'm not really sure just yet, but I did get an offer from Academy City." Was his reply. Damn I want to study at that place. But Magi aren't allowed to study there because they can't learn Esper abilities. Academy city is an Esper centric place after all.

"How about you Reiji?" Touma also wanted to know where I was going.

"I'm not sure, my parents are deciding for me." I told him. I didn't have a school that I particularly found appealing, so I decided to let them choose for me.

"What if you don't like the school they choose?" He asked. I smirked at him.

"I suck it up."

After that we continued to talk about meaningless topics ranging from girls to videogames.


Reiji Inugami 16 years old...

I was currently outside of the gates of Azgard Academy. This is the school that my parents chose for me. There are pros and cons to this. The latter outweighs the former.

I'll explain them to you.

The pros.

Firstly, it's close to my house. Just a 10 minute walk if I didn't use magic.

Secondly, Touma is also going here, it seems like he turned down Academy City's offer.

Now onto the cons.

The first one is, Yuuki Rito and Hyoudo Issei attend this school for some reason. It's annoying as all hell.

The second is, most of the girls in this school are really horny. Touma almost lost his virginity on the first day. Thank the gods that it wasn't me.

Third, this school if going to be filled by harem cringe in the coming months. I could feel it. With Yuuki, Hyoudou and Touma it was bound to happen.

And lastly. I have this idiot that is always trying to fight me.

"Fight me Inugami! Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" Natsu Dragneel the foreign exchange student from Fiore tried to attack me. Yes, Fiore does exists on this planet. It's located somewhere in middle of Europe and Asia.

"You never learn, do you Dragneel. Overture!" I accelerated my time to dodge his attack. His flaming fist touched nothing but air.

"Stop dodging! Fire Dragon's Roar!" Dragneel unleashed a roar attack towards me. In retaliation I unleashed my own magical attack.

"Asterism!" I shouted. Our two magic attacks connected.


The clash created a huge explosion. It blew Dragneel back a couple of feet.

'Asterism' it is an attack type 'Spacial Magic'. The user gathers and compress cosmic energy into their fist then unleashes it onto their enemies.

"I'm not done yet!" Dragneel roared in defiance. This battle freak was really something.

"You are done" I stated. I cocked my fist back and began charging for another 'Asterism'.

"STOP!" The voice of Lucy Heartfilia was suddenly heard. I decided to stop my attack. She came running with Happy the flying cat in tow.

"I'm sorry for Natsu's stubborness!" She bowing and apologizing to me.

"I can still fight, don't stop me Lucy." Dragneel stated. Heartfilia not having any of it bonked Dragneel on his head.


"Ow Lucy!" Natsu complained.

"I told you to stop, you idiot." She screamed at Natsu.

"Yeah Natsu, stop being a sore loser." Happy told his friend.

"I'm not a sore loser Happy!" Dragneel denied Happy's accusations.

"If you don't stop, I'll call Erza." Heartfilia threatened the Dragon Slayer. Me and Dragneel instantly froze when we heard that name. During my first week here at Azgard Academy, Dragneel and I suddenly got into a fight (Don't remember how). But long story short, Erza Scarlet completely destroyed the both of us because of that. I was hospitalized for a week. It only was thanks to Touma's notes that I was able to catchup with our studies.

"No don't call Erza!" He begged.

"Good." Lucy stated. She then turned her attention towards me. She started fidgeting.

"Um Inugami... do you know where Touma is?" She blushing right now. I let out a huge sigh.

"Even you're powerless against the Kami-yan disease." I muttered. She started to blush even more when she heard that.

"I'm not affected by anything!" She tried to deny my accusations.

"Happy do you know what they're talking about?" Dragneel asked his friend.

"I don't know." Happy wasn't listening to my conversation with Heartfilia. He was too busy eating fish. (Where did he get that fish by the way.)

After that event well all went to our respective classes, we were almost late after all.


Azgard Academy is a pretty massive and famous school. It was the size of a small town. It has over thousand students enrolled in it. A good chunk of them have some sort of power in their disposal. About 12% of them are Magic users. 10% of them are Ki users. 9% for chakra users. 5% for Espers. 21% of them are non-humans. (Yokai, devils, and etc.) And finally the remaining 43% are just regular humans.

That's why in every year the students are divided into 10 classes. In my case I was put into class 1 - J. This class is usually reserved for the scholarship students. I get why Touma was chosen. (Imagine Breaker) But I don't know why I was chosen but. My father must have pulled some strings. I know how he did it, but I didn't ask them. My parents are entitled to keep their secrets after all.

"Inugami-kun, is my class that boring to you?" My teacher Aburame Shino asked. After teaching for a bit in the Elemental Nations Aburame-sensei was recruited here by the headmaster due to his intelligence and combat prowess. He' mostly teaches us about the world history teacher, but he's also a part-time combat class instructor when our regular instructor isn't available.

"I'm sorry sensei, I just spaced out for some reason." I told him.

"It's good that your admitting to your faults, but don't let this happen again." He stated.

"I understand." I nodded.

"Good now let's get back to our lesson."

Nothing noteworthy happened after that.


At the arena...

With the amount of supernatural shit that could happen, combat class has become sort of a necessity in this world.

In this class, regular humans are separated from those that have power. Class 1 - J has 31 thirty students in total. With 8 magic users, 7 ki users, 3 espers, 2 devils, 2 anomalies, and rest are normal humans. The anomalies is Touma and another friend of ours Tsuchimikado Motoharu. (My guess is that he was sent here to spy on Touma.) But let's get back to combat class now.

My opponent currently is Teitoku Kakine — Dark Matter — the number 2 esper of Academy City. From what I heard from Tsuchimikado, he was sent here by Academy City's Board Directors. For what reason? I don't know. Tsuchimikado said it was classified.

"Asterism!" I bellowed. 'Asterism' has the power to level a small building. But it had no effect on my opponent.

"Not bad." Dark Matter stated. White wings made out of unknown matter block my magic blast.

"..." I stayed silent while still in my combat stance. I guess the title — The One Who Has Touched the Territory of God — wasn't for show.

"Not talking? Very well then, my turn." The artificial angel stated while having his hands in his pockets. He then flew up into the air then used his wings to change the vectors of the light particles. My skin began to cook as soon as the light he produced came into contact.

"Damn it! Displacement!" I used my Displacement spell to teleport away from his attack but.

"You can't run!" He stated. His wing began to shine then.


"Gah!?" I screamed in pain. He was able to predict the location that I was going to appear and then caused an explosion right were I teleported. "How the hell?"

"Its simple really, look at your body." The artificial angel stated. As I did what he said my eyes began to widen.

"Dark matter..." I murmured. There were tiny dark matter dust sprinkled in my clothes. Is this why he was able to locate my location?

"You shouldn't take your eyes off me." The artificial angel told me. He then shot me with a beam of compressed dark matter. I didn't really wan to do this but.

"I give up!" I raised my hands up as a sign that I surrendered. 'Asterism' and 'Displacement' were my bread and butter. If both of those didn't work, there's no chance in me winning this bout.

Before the dark matter could reached me, it was stopped by our combat class instructor, Tatsumaki, the strongest esper on the planet currently. She used her psychokinesis to freeze the dark matter in place. If we were to measure her powers by Academy City's power scaling, she would be at the level of 5.5.

"Okay Teitoku that's enough." Tornado stated. In response the artificial angel just shrugged. Tornado gave a huge sigh. "Seriously what is Aleister feeding you brats?"

After the fight, I went into the seats where Touma and Tsuchimikado were waiting for me.

"You okay?" Touma asked me. But just when I was about answer him.

"Man you sucked back there Inu-yan." The sunglasses wearing Tsuchimikado Motoharu mocked me. (Why would you even wear sunglasses indoors?)

"Whatever asshole. But seriously, that guy is Teitoku a monster." I muttered.

"I can't argue with that. But if the number 2 esper of Academy City is this strong, just how much stronger is the number 1?" Touma stated.

"You don't know the half of it." Tsuchimikado whispered to himself so that nobody could hear him. But I was still able to pick up on it.

"Kamijou Touma and Toujou Koneko. Get your asses into the arena, both of you are next!" Tatsumaki-sensei stated. Touma Reluctantly got up and made his way towards the arena.

"If you harm Koneko-chan in anyway, I'll beat the ever living shit out of you Kami-yan!" The hybrid threatened Touma.

"Shut up you lolicon! But seriously, I'm going up against a Devil. Such Misfortune." Touma stated.

"Suck it up man." I told him.


The battle between the two ended with Touma getting the win via a punch to the face. It also seems that the 'Imagine Breaker' is 'super effective' against devils. Koneko was immediately sent to the infirmary right after the fight. Damn, I really wish that I had an 'Imagine Breaker'.

"Damn you Kami-yan! I told you not to harm her!" Tsuchimikado raged while shaking Touma violently.

"I didn't know that my 'Imagine Breaker' would affect her like that! I really feel guilty about it!" Touma exclaimed. Luckily for Touma I was there to stop Tsuchimikado.

"Tsuchimikado, my dude, calm down." I told him. Tsuchimikado lets go of Touma then immediately after that he took some deep breaths...

"Sorry, sorry, my brotherly instincts got the better of me." He explained. Botherly instincts?

"We all know that's bullshit you lolicon." I called him out.

"Im going to see if she's okay. I really feel guilty for what I did to her." Touma suddenly stated. Touma tried to make his way towards the infirmary but.

"STOP!" Both me and Tsuchimikado block his path.

"What are you guys doing?" Touma asked in a confused manner.

"I can't let the Kami-yan disease spread any further." Tsuchimikado stated. I nodded in agreement. I didn't want to see anymore harem antics.

"Look I don't know what this Kami-yan disease is, but I really feel bad for what I did to he-" He wasn't able to finish his sentence because Tsuchimikado covered Touma's mouth and nose with a chloroform laced handkerchief. Touma instantly fell back into his seat. I stared at Tsuchimikado.

"You know, that if Tatsumaki-sensei sees you in doing this, you'll have a high chance of getting expelled?" I asked him.

"I'll take my chances." He stated while adjusting his sunglasses.

Touma was knocked for half an hour. Exactly the time when ther combat class ended.


School hallway...

"What the hell Tsuchimikado!" Touma was furious at the hybrid.

"It had to be done." Tsuchimikado stated while shrugging.

"Look Tou-" As I was about to say something, but the holder of the Imagine Breaker interrupted me.

"And you. You just let it happen!" Touma accused me.

"Look Touma." I put my hand on his shoulder. "I've got nothing."

"I can't believe I'm friends with you guys. Such misfortune." Touma stated.

"Well look at the bright side, at least I didn't tie and gag you with a rope." Tsuchimikado stated. But in response Touma just stared at him with a deadpan look. Wanting to diffuse the situation I started to talk.

"So do you guys wanna hangout?" Classes were over after all.

"I can't, I promised that I would help Kusano with her part-time job." Touma stated. My eyes widened.

"Kusano? As in Sakura Kusano?" I asked my friend. He nodded.

"Damn it!" I screamed while punching the wall right next to me.

"We were careless Inu-yan, the Kami-yan disease got another one." Tsuchimikado stated. I agreed with him.

"I hate you guys." Was the last thing Touma said before leaving us.

"Looks like its just you and me now Tsuchimikado." I stated.

"Sorry Inu-yan but it I also can't hang out. My sister is currently visiting." Tsuchimikado stated. I gave him a deadpan stare before releasing a huge sigh.

"Haaaah. Fine, you siscon." I shooed Tsuchimikado away.

"Sorry man." The hybrid then left me alone in the hallway.

"I'm alone now, I guess." I muttered.

I left the school afterwards.


Louise Francoise Le Blanc De La Valliere hated a lot of things. She hates women with big breast.(With exception to her family.) She hates it when people insult her small breast. She also hates waiting, especially when she was tired from the jet lag. Why couldn't they just use a teleportation spell? Oh, right people are banned from teleporting from country to country. It had something to do about terrorism is she remembers it correctly.

"I'm so sorry about this. We didn't know that you were coming here today." The Japanese woman told her and her mother. She was beautiful she had silver colored hair uncommon for a woman of Japanese decent.

"It's fine Reika. It's our fault for not telling you and your husband sooner. But where's your son right now?" Her mother asked the woman.

"Oh Reiji? I called him earlier and he said to me that he was on his way home." The woman replied. And just like that.

"Yo mom I'm home." The boy who Louise assumed as Reiji spoke.

"Oh my, he's here already. Reiji come in the living room." Reika stated. A few seconds later the boy named Reiji entered the room

He had brown colored hair, unlike his mother and had a muscular build. He was currently wearing what looked like a school uniform.

"Hey mom whose the lady and the kid." Louise already hates this guy.

"I'm not a kid! My name is Louise Francoise Le Blanc De La Valliere a proud magician of the De La Valliere family!" She proudly stated. Reiji eyes widened when heard that name.

"She's also your fiancee dear." Reika told her son.

"Wha?" Was Reiji's dumb response.

Yoel_Romeros_Face Yoel_Romeros_Face

Chapter is mostly about world building and character introduction. The protagonist will not get a harem. Other characters will but not him.

Do not ask me for anything. I you want to have this and that in the story, create your own.

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