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67.27% An Empire Divided / Chapter 37: Friend or Foe

Capítulo 37: Friend or Foe

"Return home, honored brothers and sisters" General Svein place the torch on the last of the funerary pyres. The sun was breaking already, almost the entire camp had come to respect those who had died. Aedrik was frowning as he looked at the eight pyres burning, he hated having to lit them, the empire needed peace. He saw that most orcs had come, the Book Reader tribe in its entirety was here.

The orcs had already buried their dead, the eastern army had helped, Aedrik had help dig as well. The orcs had replied to the gesture, they had fought and died together, the dead had earned their respect.

After the pyres started breaking down, general Svein and Bretik started moving the camp. Aedrik spotted several people looking sick, the celebration had last well into the night, but work would wait for no one. He stayed until the fires died out, he had too many things to do, he needed to take care of everything, and head back to Frey, the wedding date was coming. He sighed an headed back to his tent.

Pan was already waiting for him inside the tent, he had a smug face, Aedrik had lost sight of him at the start of the celebration. He was in a bad mood, funerary pyres always managed to do that, and there was his cousin, who had probably a great night.

"Morning prince cousin, I brought you several messages. There is one from the King of Loire, I believe you were expecting it" Aedrik knew Pan was about to say something else, but after watching his face he had changed his mind, good.

"Morning, thank you Pan" he grabbed the one Pan pointed as the king's letter. The King had agreed to his suggestion, the plan he had made with lord Damian, lord Rowan and the royal Duke had worked as expected. The royal family would accept the mines as gift from house Lunebleau and give them the right to use them, paying the crown for it's use understandably. The lands they had taken around the Auverniers will become part of house Lunebleau, and the lands along the eastern border were being taken by house Beaumont.

The rest of the messages were confirmations from high command, recognizing his request for rewards. The last ones came from the high council. He had received orders regarding the lands than would become part of the empire, and they had accepted his proposition regarding the orcs, and the acceptable of the Book Reader tribe inside the Empire. It also had the order for the easter army to mobilize and secure the new border, and it also had his order to relinquish his command of the eastern army, and his continued command on the 11th northern battalion. The messages from the high council had his father signature among them, he had read the reports.

"I trust you had a fine evening, cousin" He said as he placed the messages on the table, and after he had calm down.

"I did, and you know, some of the mages in the eastern army are truly flexible" Pan permitted himself a large grin, Aedrik sighed.

"Nord Stern, lords Luka and Percy, are outside, may I allowed them inside?" Aedrik nodded at the soldier who was keeping guard.

"Morning" that was all Percy managed to say as he let himself fell on an empty chair. He looked as he had been in a dangerous battle half the day, and spent the rest of it drinking heavily, which was exactly what he had done. Aedrik guessed the only think keeping him here was a stamina and pain potion, Aedrik and Pan, nodded at the pair.

"Thank you, for assisting the pyres Luka" Aedrik said, as Luka sat next to Percy looking disapprovingly at his cousin.

"The least I could do, I am just glad we are done with this" Luka had lit one of the pyres as well, most of the man from Lunebleau territory had been there as well, a nice gesture on their behalf, since almost all the casualties were from the Empire.

"I've received a letter from your king, I trust you have been informed as well?"

"The royal duke send me a message, the king's letter should be arriving this morning to my father, and one for my uncle Rowan"

"The map on the table has the land distribution as we had discussed" Aedrik pointed at the map sitting at the top of the table, Luka and Pan went to it, Percy was trying hard not to puke inside the tent "We managed to take over a little more land than we originally intended. These would be Loire's new borders, I marked as how you've told me, but I would appreciate if you could give me the final distribution, it is important to share it with the tribes"

"I will take a few more days, we have a general idea of what we are intending to do, but we wanted to confirm with the royal Duke, we can secure a little more support. Recognizing the rest, as well as the tribes, is a given, the royal Duke is redacting the edict, the King will sign it today" Aedrik nodded, that should be enough for the orcs, the relationship would depend on how Loire treated them from here on.

"We will need to speak with the tribes that have decided to become our allies, they will in turn talk with the rest of the tribes directly near our new borders. I will also have to address the Book Reader tribe, assuming they keep on their word, the Empire will give them the lands directly north east of Sven Cilar, we want them to found the new border we will share with house Beaumont" Aedrik turned to look at Percy, but he was still trying to hold whatever he had inside his body.

"I hoped to arrange a meeting with lord Beaumont, Percy and the council that will be taking care of the shared border" everyone gave Percy a look, and sighed.

"Uncle Rowan should come to Lune de Neige before the wedding, you could speak with him there and arrange the meeting, he is eager to meet with you" Luka said not as confident as he wanted, he was almost sure his uncle would want the meeting.

The three were looking at the map on the table. Aedrik had considered giving them Fire Eaters and the Ruin Builders, more lands, closer to both the Empire and Loire, then the other tribes who had been spared from the battle with the Sleeping Thunder tribe, they would only had to deal with their allies for the most part, although most tribes were nomadic, they held some territory, with the result of the battles at the warring hills, there was more space, the tribes that were going to ally with them could truly develop they land if they worked with the Empire and Loire, and their lands separated both kingdoms from the rest.

"Have you considered the idea of offering refuge to the slaves?" Aedrik had suggested Luka to offer some for or alliance, to the orcs who had been taken as slaves too work the mines, their tribes were shattered, and they looked with contempt to the rest of the orcs, they could reach an agreement.

"I talked with my father about it, we cannot accept them inside the kingdom or as citizens without the crown consent or the entire high council, that would be difficult to achieve. We were considering supporting them, and help them settle on a part of the Auvernier mountains, do you think they would accept?"

"They would feel better if they were not expose to other tribes, but if they would take the opportunity, but if they do not manage to form a concise tribe, many would eventually leave. It is a shame you cannot take them inside your territory, would you allow me to offer them asylum within the Empire?"

"We were hoping you would, I think they deserve at least that much"

"Then that is settled, the Empire will offer them Asylum, they could relocate to our eastern border, or the north will take them" Aedrik understood the position, he hoped the orcs would take the chance at the eastern border, they would help the people of old Faerun to understand that the empire was made of different races.

"It will come down to what the tribes that fought with us choose, they defeated the Storm's Fury tribe, they have gained prestige and position at the warring hills, the rest will move to answer what they choose" Pan intervened, Aedril nodded.

"By the way, have you learn anything from the prisoners?" Luka asked, Aedrik frowned. They have already questioned them, but there was no answers, they would have to resort to different methods soon.

"Most of the orcs did not share anything, we will start probing them for information today. The commander and two of the of the lead shamans did not even talked back. One young shaman however, claims he saw the commander meet with a couple of humans twice. Seven years ago, and afterwards the Storm's Fury tribe had moved into the Auverniers and found the iron mine. The second tine was a year ago, that was when their tribe had armed the Sleeping Thunder tribe. That is all the information we had for the moment"

"The Storm's Fury tribe was already focusing on growing and expanding, the iron mine gave them the means to truly prepare to take over the warring hills, where the humans the same?" Pan asked

"The shaman was not sure, so is possible there are two groups who approached the Storm's Fury tribe at different times and with different purposes. Once we have properly interrogated the prisoners, we will know more. The thing is, orcs do not accept information or act on good will alone, there had to be a trade"

"That is concerning" Luka added while massaging his temples

"If we could identify those who contacted the Strom's Fury tribe, we could work on that, but I think that is a little harder to achieve, there are many ways for whomever was that contacted the orcs, to take measures that could lead us stray. Incidentally if we can understand what the Storm's Fury objectives were, or what they were asked to do, then they could start identifying were the threat came. Separatist of the Empire or nobles from Loire who could have expected to take over in the aftermath. We need to start narrowing down the options"

"Nord Stern, the orc tribe leaders have arrived" a soldier called form the outside of the tent once more.

"Let them in"

Raz and the seer of their tribe and two more shamans from the Fire Eater tribe were the first to enter the tent. They were followed by Erkal and another warrior of the Ruin Builder tribe. Last, entered Kirn the huntress, she was accompanied by one of her usual guards, Lurn and the elder shamans of the Book Reader tribe.

"Let the earth remembers those who bled on it" Aedrik said to the orcs once they had managed to find a place inside the tent. He greeted them as was an orc custom, after burying someone. The seer and the elder shaman smiled at Aedrik's gesture.

"Thank you, young prince, we remember your missing as well" the seer from the Fire Eaters answered, Aedrik have him a bow as a response.

"Thank you, wise one. I am sorry for calling on you, I would have like to honor the death longer, but time is important, and there are many things to talk about" Raz and Erkal nodded, Kirn said nothing, the seer and the elder shaman made a small nod.

"How is it young prince, that you speak so much like us, and understand us so well?" the elder shaman asked curious, Kirn frowned at her tribeswoman, it was a rude question in part.

"I have the fortune of calling my friend, the son of the great shaman of the lost tribe Frozen Breath. He thought me, and for a time, I lived with him in a tribe" Aedrik replied smiling at the question "I should warn you however, he is my dear friend and my brother in arms, you should know he is a vanil ork and that I would not stand to see him disrespected" every one of the orcs tensed up, the normal polite tone on Aedrik's voice was lost, a vanil ork, was a half orc, many laughed and denigrated them and he was clear, he would not have that.

"The Book Reader tribe does not bother with vanil, young prince, your warning is heard, our tribe will abide by it" the elder shaman responded immediately. Aedrik knew her name was Yara, she was respected as much as Kirn within the tribe.

"The eastern tribes do not care for vanil much, prince, the Fire Eaters have no trouble with them" Raz said amused by the situation.

"The Ruin Builder tribe greets any vanil, prince, we are glad and happy to see you treated them with the respect they deserve" Erkal and his companion added, Aedrik smiled at their answer. Pan was translating the conversation for Luka and a pale Percy.

"Yesterday we celebrate victory together. The Storm's Fury tribe has in its end, the alliance and pact we made may be considered fulfilled" orcs did not waste time when there were things to say. Aedrik knew most alliances ended once the pact that kept them was fulfilled, that was true for what he had seen with the northern tribes. The result may be the foundation for a longer bond, formed by the respect earned by those who worked on it.

"The Empire and the Kingdom of Loire will honor our alliance; you saw our men gathering the spoils of the battle. The Empire and Loire will abide by the custom on whoever took place in the battle, may take something for themselves, and those who died on this field, a token will be sent to their families. You'll have to decide on the order, as well as see that the fallen receive what they are owed" Aedrik noticed half the orcs were frowning at his words.

"We give you the right of picking first, because we respect your tribes, there is nothing more to it. You are the proud orcs of the warring hills, our allies, there is nothing behind my words" the orcs nodded, only Kirn remained preoccupied.

"We have already talk about the lands we've taken at the warring hills, this is the most important part, for it I want to know where we stand. The Empire offered you the chance to become part of us, if anyone of you wishes to continue with this thought, know that your tribe will forfeit their right to the spoils and lands, as you will be considered part of the Empire"

Everyone inside the tent turned to look at the Book Reader tribe orcs, the young guard Lurn was worried, Kirn seemed to have finally be at ease, the elder shaman however was smiling at Aedrik.

"I ask once more, because if you accept, there is no return from it, we respect you, we consider you our friends, and between friends things should always be clear. So I offer you once more, friends and allies of the Empire and Loire, who among you would choose to become part of the Empire? Who would accept our hand and take our friendship and alliance, the choice is yours? Know that for what we did together, the Empire and Loire, already consider you true friends" The three tribes, heard Aedrik's words and nodded. They acknowledged his proposition, but they all had an answer already.

Two nations and three tribes who had bled together. They have brought retribution the Storm's Fury tribe; their end was the seal of their promise. This was the chance to change the warring hills, an opportunity for trust and friendship, between men and orcs.

"You were worthy allies" Erkal was the first orc to speak "We cannot speak for the whole tribe too few of us came, the Ruin Builder tribe needs to consider your offer prince Aedrik, our tribe welcomes your friendship and offers the same in kind, what happened here will always be remembered by the tribe. We will bring your words for our tribe, but now, however, there are some of us, who will take on your offer prince. Would take those of our tribe who wished to honor your proposition?" everyone was surprised by the response, Aedrik most of all.

"We will be honored" Aedrik extended his hand without hesitation, Erkal laughed and took it "Anyone from the Ruin Builders who wants to become part of the Empire will be received, and your tribe will forever be recognized as friends of the Empire"

"The Book Reader tribe, will honor the promise we made with you prince Aedrik" Kirn the huntress cut in "The Empire kept their word, so will we"

"Is this the will of the tribe?"

"It is young prince" the elder shaman answered.

"Then I ask, to those who speak in the name of the Book Reader tribe, you made a promise with me, a promise made while blood had been spilled and fresh, it has been fulfilled and honored, will your tribe become one with the Empire?" Aedrik tone and demeanor changed, he was standing straight, his presence larger that his size, his eyes set on the orcs of the Book Reader tribe.

"The Book Reader tribe, will become one with the Empire" Kirn answered without hesitation, the huntress, the elder shaman and the young guard all bowed "We will honor our promise"

"So be it, here are orcs of two tribes, and lords of Loire as witness, bring your tribe, gather them all" Aedrik's voice was a command "High Advisor Pan, call the generals, gather the easter army, today is a grand day" Pan stood up immediately, and bowed to the orcs of the Book Reader tribe. It took a moment for the orcs of the Book Reader tribe, to start moving. They bowed once more and left the tent behind Pan.

"Those of your tribe who wished to join the Empire, bring them here as well Erkal" Aedrik turned to the Ruin Builders, Erkal and his companion nodded and left the tent.

"Lord Luka, Lord Percy, would you be witness to what is to come?"

"We will, prince Aedrik, it will be an honor" Luka said surprised at how much Aedrik could change, in a moment. Percy managed to nod, still pale and sick.

"Now then, Fire Eater tribe, what is your choice?" Aedrik turned towards the only orcs who were left on the tent, Raz was serious, but the old seer was smiling.

"We will, take your hand as friends and allies, prince. That is the decision of the Fire Eater tribe" Raz answered

"The Empire is honored Raz, of the Fire Eaters, for today my tribe and yours become friends, every son and daughter of the Empire will know this, and those of your tribe, will be treated as such" Aedrik extended his hand and Raz took it smiling "We still have to talk about, your lands, and yours would be the first to take on the spoils of war, but first, would you bare witness of what is to happen?"

"It would be our honor, young prince" it was the seer who answered, smiling.

"Then I ask of you, to call on your tribe, so they could tell it to any orc who asks, for days like these are rare" Aedrik replied, and the Fire Eaters, nodded and left. Luka and Percy were still inside the tent.

"Will it be alright, to take the tribe and orcs into the Empire?" Luka asked worried, and Aedrik smiled.

"They will regret it for a while, they will lose much, things they do not think are important, but for some, they will understand what the Empire means, and feel part of it. Country and land mean something only when they are ruled by laws, and they only mean something if you choose to follow them" Luka saw Aedrik smiling, he could understand how his sister liked him.

"I'll bring every man of house Lunebleau as witnesses as well" Aedrik bowed gratefully "Come Percy, you need to see a healer" Luka helped Percy get up, and they both left the tent.

Aedrik heard the movement and commotion outside his tent, the camp was moving. The warring hills will change, the Empire will change. He, he missed his fiancée, he wanted nothing more than talk with her, but it would have to wait, he touched the ring in his hand.

Did she know what it meant marrying him? Aedrik smiled, she did, was she ready for it? Was he? He had never been so eager to learn something. Her smile, her voice, her thoughts, the freckle on her upper lip, her heart. Aedrik took a deep breath and exhaled, he missed her. 'Get your shit together', he was about to leave the tent, when he saw the fey board surface change.

"I miss you" Aedrik smile was radiant, before he left the tent.

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