Izuku was currently in the classroom while waiting quietly.
And as expected, he saw the Quirkless being called one by one to the principal's office.
Izuku already imagined this would happen, they would fail miserably to press Izuku and so would try on other Quirkless, but what they didn't know was that they could never take any information from them.
One of the prerequisites for learning any technique in Fairy Tale is to accept having an information stamp implanted in the person, so one could never pass the technique out of Fairy Tale without authorization, and a seal that prevented any Quirk was also placed. manipulation, or mental reading, so there was no way to get anything out of any of them.
While waiting Izuku saw Aizawa returning to the classroom with the last student he had brought, and after that All Might came in and started teaching as it was in the anime.
When it came time to see the uniforms, everyone present was shocked, as all Quirkless's uniforms including Izuku's were extremely similar.
They all had Anbu-style clothes, and a face-covering mask, some had masks like Kakashi's, others had standard Anbu masks, in the form of a monkey, fox, snake, Boar and etc ...
The costumes had different outfits and different melee weapons attached to it, having various weapon shapes, while retaining different colors from each other, but never wearing very flashy colors, Izuku was the only one without a mask.
Izuku's costume was basically completely black, and on the back was a huge 3-Tone Fan over it and a long scythe tied with a chain over the fan, on the chest of the Armor was a leaf design.
{N / A: Basically Madara's weapons}.
Unlike the arms being exposed, Izuku had a synthetic mesh made of an alloy of Vibranium and Metal Chackra.
Naomi and Luna had a common Anbu costume with the masks being a rabbit and a dog mask.
Originally everyone would have different outfits, but Jeniffer convinced ... Cough ... Forced ... Cough, that Izuku would get everyone to go to him at U.A. They wore Anbu costumes so that she could maintain a connection with everyone, as she would.
Jennifer convinced Naomi and Luna with some kind of deal and beat all the others who would not agree.
All Might had noticed that the costumes were all the same, with the only difference being the weapon of choice and the customization of the costume.
Wasting no time All Might divide the students into teams and determined that in teams there would be a Quirkless, and an Esper.
{N / A: I don't want to be writing a person with Quirk at all times, so I'll call them Esper}.
While the draw was made, Izuku was drawn to stay on Momo Yaoyorozu's Team, an Esper who had the ability to create other things as long as she knew how they were made.
Seeing the team, Izuku simply ignored the situation and walked over to Momo before saying.
[It looks like we'll be teammates, so if you can share how your Quirk works more or less, I'll also talk about my specialties so we can form an effective plan.] (Izuku)
[Ok, My Quirk is called Creation, I can create any kind of object I know how it is made, but doing so consumes fat, and without overusing it I get weakened]. (Momo)
[I understand, I specialize in melee combat, and I can use techniques from many different elements, my main element is Lightning, and I use it to increase my physical abilities even more, yet I am proficient in using all the elements. basic, and I can use techniques that destroy at an atomic level, and techniques that involve the use of plants]. (Izuku)
[Doesn't that make you extremely versatile in combat?]. (Momo)
[Yes]. (Izuku)
[I kind of envy you Quirkless, everyone has a great deal of power at their disposal, and can easily struggle with many different styles]. (Momo)
[You shouldn't, your Quirk is amazing and if trained correctly, you could easily defeat even All Might]. (Izuku)
[This is impossible]. (Momo)
[No it's not, you see, your Quirk allows you to create anything material as long as you understand how it is made, and although now you have to spend a large amount of fat to create objects, if you are effectively trained you can reduce this value since Quirks are just like any other muscle in the body, and the more you use them, the more they evolve, keeping in mind that if you train your Quirk extensively, you will come to a point where you can easily create cars. in moments with minimal consumption, in this situation you would be the equivalent of an entire moving arsenal, allowing you to counteract anything used against you]. (Izuku)
[If he punches you, you can easily create something to absorb the damage and counteract it by returning with 3 times the power, as strong as he is, All Might cannot stand a shot of a missile at close range.] (Izuku)
[But how to train my Quirk at this level?]. (Momo)
[This is easy after school comes to me, I teach you how to use your Quirk properly without problems]. (Izuku)
After that Izuku and Momo waited for the draw to take place, and he fell against Katsuki and Hiruko, just by seeing them, Izuku knew he had already won.
Hiruko hated the Espers and Katsuki the Quirkless, they were the worst possible combination, it would be almost impossible to beat Izuku in a normal situation, with these two together they were doomed to failure.
Izuku and Momo were determined to be Heroes, and seeing the situation Izuku said:
[Momo, if I'm not wrong Katsuki will come to me as soon as he starts, and Hiruko will try to attack you, to avoid this situation I need you to create some sleeping gas bombs]. (Izuku)
[Sleep gas?]. (Momo)
[Yes, do you know how to create them?]. (Izuku)
[I know, but they won't be useful in a building where they can open the windows]. (Momo)
[Trust me, make as many of them as you can, and we'll win without even trying hard.] (Izuku)
Momo decided it was best to trust Izuku and made the request, in a few minutes more than 80 grenades were set up, and Izuku told Momo that was enough.
Once the exercise began Izuku used his release from Madeira to create a huge closed box that had no spaces beyond a door whose air would not even pass through and envelop the entire building, after which he simply utilized the door and created several clones. from the shadows and had them pick up the grenades, after which the clones entered the building and activated the grenades before they disappeared.
After 3 minutes, Izuku came in with Momo and easily arrested Katsuki and Hiruko without even engaging in combat.
The next sequence of fights was simply a show for the Quirkless to show what they are capable of, Naomi dominated using Ninjutsu and defeating enemies without even entering the building.
She released a huge poison mist that would completely paralyze the affected for 3 hours.
Luna simply walked over to them and defeated them with an extreme display of their Taijutsu.
Olivia demonstrated her trump card and used the Magnetic Throw to manipulate a large amount of iron dust she had on a gourd next to her body, without even entering the building she prevailed by capturing her opponents.
The rest used effective tactics and means, never relying on the Espers, to achieve victory.
All Might do not know what to say, as only Izuku had shown teamwork with Momo, the rest of the Quirkless had solved everything themselves, never depending on their partners.
The villains eliminated their partners first, as well as the heroes, and after that faced each other in full power using all sorts of tactics.
Izuku watched it with amusement, he already imagined it would happen that way, no matter how much Fairy Tale tried to counter their hatred of the Espers, all Quirkless held a grudge for what happened to them, and the only reason they didn't attack them. Espers after graduating, they didn't want to cause trouble for Izuku who helped them so much.
At Fairy Tale they were taught to always think of everyone in the group as a gigantic, close-knit family and army, so one would never easily find a traitor among them, as Izuku would remove them the moment they did, he had no time or time. resources for ungrateful traitors.
After all the battles Izuku was about to leave when All Might called him.
[Young Midoriya, I would like to talk to you for a few minutes, please]. (All Might)
[OK]. (Izuku) Said and signaled to Naomi, and Luna to go home first.
After that, he escorted All Might to a separate room where they sat quietly.
Because Quirkless focused on always acting as efficiently as possible, the entire exercise lasted no more than 70 minutes.
Giving All Might time to talk quietly with Izuku for several minutes without running out of time.
[And then why did you call me here, Sensei]. (Izuku) I said calmly.
[Young Midoriya, I know your respect for me, and the other heroes and teachers of U.A. they may be almost nonexistent, but I ask you to listen to my explanation]. (All Might)
[Go ahead]. (Izuku)
[Young Midoriya, you were right, we didn't help the Quirkless and certainly favor those with potential, because if we didn't, society would have noise, if the Quirkless knew their potential, a war would have exploded over the way they were treated. , we did not have the resources to prevent this situation, in such a situation the choice we made was to keep the peace for the majority while we had to turn a blind eye to what was happening to the minority]. (All Might)
[Is that your excuse for your actions? That you couldn't, for the sake of the majority? Do you realize that we are talking about several tens of millions in Japan alone?]. (Izuku)
All Might, hearing Izuku, clenched his fists and said:
[Yes I have]. (All Might)
[So you are even worse than I thought, I even understand the other teachers and heroes, but you should have supported the Quirkless since you were once one too]. (Izuku)
When All Might heard him he was shocked, but before he could speak Izuku continued.
[As I know about One for All, it's quite simple, the 4th bearer had 2 disciples, and told both of them about Quirk when he passed over to the eldest, the younger was outraged because he was more powerful than that his senior brother, but he eventually accepted, yet before he died, he told the secret to someone else, who told another, who became one of my teachers and told me, and when I knew what to look for it wasn't hard to find out you're the one for All]. (Izuku)
[And that's what disgusts me most about you All Might, you knew how we were treated, you had the ability to change that, but all you did was turn a blind eye and ignore us for in my childhood you were my idol, someone for whom I had the highest degree of respect, but when I found out about it, that respect became contempt]. (Izuku)
[You were once like us, but instead of protecting us and showing a light of hope, you abandoned us, and chose to ignore your past, which is why I despise you, at the age of 11 I helped the Quirkless when I didn't even have the resources, the influence, or the capabilities that you had for the past 10 years, but you just refused to do it, and now you come to tell me you couldn't do anything about it?]. (Izuku)
[How hypocritical can you be?]. (Izuku)
All Might wanted to say words to deny what Izuku said, but he just didn't find them.
[I'm so sorry]. (All Might)
[Okay, so I'll ask you will you support the Quirkless move now?] (Izuku).
At that moment All Might clenched his fists tightly and said:
[No, I won't, doing things the way you are doing will end up generating war, and a huge number of deaths] (All Might).
[I figured that would be the case, after all, you're still a Hypocrite, you downed the whole All For One organization without even blinking, but when it comes to helping the Quirkless bring change, you refuse.] (Izuku)
[I'm many All Might things, but at least I'm honest about what I am, I'm already beyond salvation, a corrupted and distorted being due to knowing too much, I admit what I am, a monster, and it's because I am this monster, which I can protect the innocent better than you'll ever get because unlike you I don't pretend to be what I am not]. (Izuku) He said and left the room.
Leaving a frustrated and thoughtful All Might over everything Izuku said, for the first time in his life All Might be disgusted with himself, but he still decided that he should continue on his way.