It depends on good luck! And why do some - have luck, while others do not? Well, if it's society and it depends on the person. it can be explained simply - malice. This is easy to do in a clan world. Money and power can buy everyone, and those who cannot be bought can be intimidated. Blacklisting is a great opportunity for bullying.
Once a person gets into it, with a high degree of probability it will not leave him. For example, a person fell into the black list under feudalism, then the format changed, capitalism and democracy became, and the black list remained. Since the formats only changed externally. And the clans who introduced them remained. And the assessment takes place on formal grounds. And according to the formal ones, it turns out that a person is worthy of this list. Since he was pressed for 20-30 years, they watched, twisted his arms, but this is not reflected at all on the formal level. And if not reflected, then it did not exist. So it's like in the story of Count De Monte Cristo, he sat under both the King and the 100 days of the Emperor.
If, on the contrary, everything works out, then you need to say thanks to the clan and the influential group. The student enters a well-known university, after which he becomes the head of a department of a large corporation. Which, in agreement with the clan, creates preferences in a particular industry sector, for example, mining. The young head of the department at the age of 18, becomes deputy CEO. At 22, CEO, at 24 the chairman of the corporation, a figurehead, but the chairman! The 27th General! In 30 by the Minister! At 31 is awarded the highest award in the world!
This is about luck, which depends on people.
As for luck, which is not connected with people, it all depends on knowledge, skills, and, again, on luck.
Probably, as the Chinese write, this is the merit of the ancestors, or vice versa, a person once offended someone, did poorly, his luck goes into repayment of sin. Then, if a person does good deeds, his sins go away. if he helps people, does not harm them, if he himself does something useful, then instead of sins, good deeds are written to him. Gratitude from the pure heart and soul of different people. This somehow affects luck. In some situations, help comes from not from where, and those who did poorly to other people, then help does not come to them.
Therefore, the soul means a lot to a person. If it is clean, then a person lives in general not badly, the main thing is that he does not have a hungry look. When eating, he ate himself, and gave it to another.
Dara tried to be like that, removed branches from the road, helped push a stalled car, fed the one who needed food, watered the one who wanted to drink, gave roof to the head of the one who needed it. These are good things. Simple, ordinary, not heroic. Ordinary life, ordinary man.
Therefore, probably, Dara could find what others could not. Sometimes luck can come in 50 and 60 years, if there are conditions. And sometimes luck can't foresee, a person will simply live an ordinary life full of trials, sufferings and overcoming the difficulties of the path, but he will comprehend his teachings of the Tao!
Each person himself determines how his soul will respond, whether he was a person or not? Money is an assessment of a person's success in the business world. The soul is a person's assessment of humanity. Those who make inhuman decisions can be winners in the near world, but in the far world they will be losers. And this right is not worth it. Each person has his own choice of path, his own view of the world, his own values, his own ideology, his own experience, and human experience is far from universal. Everyone goes his own way, and everyone chooses his own path and he is not a victim of his choice. Since he himself is responsible to his soul for the choice he made.
Therefore, Dara was sure that he could find a treasure in the mountains. He wouldn't just hide it and only himself would eat a delicious pie in a dark corner, he would share it with others who needed food. This is how money should work. They should benefit people and not one. This was taught by the grandfather, Firuz the Sage. Although he was in his own way gay, faithful to the party, the mind and conscience of that era. He believed in brotherhood, justice, solidarity, freedom. He believed in the ideas of the second International.
Well, all people are different, everyone has their own ways of comprehending DAO. Some people renounce the benefits to help people, others go the way through money. But at some point they get lost and forget that money should help people live better, not just one person. So, he simply lost his way and went the wrong way, went to the dark path of Tao. The path of DAO is different, there are many paths and the truth is one!
Dara was therefore able to achieve a brief moment of enlightenment.
He seemed to know where he could find something. His soul told him.
Fang andChauffeur were surprised at Dara's luck. Therefore, this time they decided to walk next to him. And do not wander around in different angles.
In the mountains of Pistachio they left one more place. And then they had to go to the "Fishermen" mountains where there were only two promising places for finding treasures!