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100% DcMcu: kaiju system / Chapter 110: Chapter 110 Rats Attack

Capítulo 110: Chapter 110 Rats Attack

(A few Days Later)

POV: Max Draco (Water elemental clone)

Location: New York

"Yes I just got back...yes Jean I'll call you later alright...Ok, I'll see you tomorrow," I said ending the call and dropping my backpack on the ground.

Predator: "So how are things?" the fully transformed and armored clone asked sitting on the couch sharpening his wrist claws.

"Good the original's life will be perfect when he returns to it," I said and briefly becoming liquid and reformed into a sitting position on the couch "What about the original hero work?" I asked and the Yautja shrugged.

Predator: "Been busy hunting rats throughout the city," he said and I gave him a look "Well mostly I take down the occasional thug and lowlife," he said retracting the claws.

"How is the Rat hunt going?" I asked the Yautja clone but he shrugged and only now did I notice that he looked bored.

Predator: "Same old same old with S.H.E.I.L.D, H.E.A.T, Monarch, and a few other organizations also hunting the beasts It become tiresome less of a hunt and more like a slaughter," he complained taking out another blade that I didn't recognize and began sharpening it.

"Which sword is that," I asked looking closer it was a katana with a red blade it looked familiar but I couldn't remember where I had seen it before.

For a moment my fellow clone didn't answer looking...sheepish but it was hard to tell since he still had the face of a Yautja.

"You know what I don't want to know," I said turning on the TV and was met with a scene of reporters in Mexico recording live Rodan and Quetzalcoatl both flying in the sky over an active volcano.

Predator: "Don't they just make a lovely couple?" he asked and I shrugged as I changed the channel.

"So if hunting down these rats are so easy why haven't you just wiped them out?" I asked flicking through the TV shows.

Predator: "They're a good source pf points for me to use to but supplies for my ship," he said and I nodded only for me to freeze at what I had just put on the TV.

The TV show Central Park and people running as giant mutated rats chased after them I looked to where my other was but he had already disappeared like he was never there.

A part of me wanted to join him but it quickly disappeared as the orders from the original and common sense stamped down on the small part of me that was still human.

'I wonder if the original has these small parts of him that are still human?' I thought as I called back Jean to see if she was alright.

POV: Spider-Man aka Peter Parker

Location: New York, Central Park

"You know I new the big apple had a rat problem but this is ridiculous," I said as I dodged the bite of a giant rat.

Just as other rats started making thier way towards us I dodged once more but this time I jumped over it grabbed its tail and....

"Hey always watch your Tail!" I said as I spun on my heal and threw the rat into its friends and began trading them in a web.

???: "HELP SOMEBODY HELP..." I quickly turn to find a see a woman caring a child being chased by another giant rat but this one has no fur a naked rat.

I quickly leap forward and firing my websooter just right I swing down grabing both just in time before the rats jaws clamp down on both of them.

"I got you don't worry I'm taking you behind the barricade," I said to the breathless civilian.

It only takes a few swings and one final leap before we arrive I land and many people notice but have no time to comment as they get to where they are needed.

The two thanked me repeatedly and quickly run off into the crowd as I stand there I feel my the tension and adrenaline in my body decrease for just a few moments and that's enough to tell me I need to keep moving or I'm not going to be able to move.

I swing back into the thick of it looking for trapped civilians or large groups that can be dispurst or trapped.

Just as I'm mid swing my spider sence warns me just as a large shape jumps out of the tree I had attached my webline to.

I barely manage to break the line and dodge rat and land on the side of one the trees I turn to see it was one of the skinnier rats.

It's red eyes glared at me before it skunked away into a large group of rats as I watched I was about to leap after it and the group when I got a call from my communicator.

"Spider-Man here what's the situation?" I asked as I began swing again.

Robin: "Spidy it's Robin S.H.E.I.L.D has finished reinforcing all the north and part of the western part of the park," he began to say only for me to hear a explosion.

I dodged a rat that tried to jump and take a bite out of me in return I gave it a black eye.

"OK though I think I sense a but coming," I said as I spotted a man trapped onto of a rock completely surrounded.

Robin: *Sigh* "But the east side is almost completely over run and the pests have made it further into the city then we suspected White Tiger is moving to reinforc Dagger and i got word the the Thing moving to help as well," he said as I swung in kicking a rat getting to close to the guy.

Just a second later a black whip wraps around the neck of another I turn just in time to see Felicia land next to me while throwing the rat off the rock.

"Understood me and black cat can hold the south," I said cutting communications as I garb the guy and we swing back.

Just as we landed again I feel myself get that much more tired and I see Felicia give me a concerned look.

Black Cat: "I love the confidence but we are definitely going to need some backup," she said and I had to agree.

"We just need to hold out until the immediate evacuation is finished," I said as suddenly a few blast and a cheer went up and we both looked at each other and turned to look over the barrior of police cars and barricades.

Out in front of the once endless on rushing attack of rats was now stopped and I saw what had stopped it.

Their stood a humanoid like creature in futuristic white armor dreads hung from the helmet and two large Cannons moved freely from its shoulders and on each arm and in each hand was a weapon.

And all around this figure was a pill of dead and decapitated rat bodies some just missing thier heads entirely others just had a hole in thier chests

For a moment I wondered who I was looking at until I saw the familiar emblem on the shoulder.

"Nightfury glad you finally showed up!" I shouted and he turned gave use a thumbs up before leaping into the hoard of rodents.

Black cat: "Well that should take se pf the load off," she said and I agreed as Nightfury tore apart the rats.

"Let's give him a hand," I said and Felicia nodded as we both swung in.

POV: Johnny Storm aka The Human Torch

"Come on you dumb rats follow me," I shouted out as I flew above leading a group of giant rats.

I flew just above where they could jump and continued to taunt them.l when all of.a sudden a clear dome appered around the group I looked up to see my sister hovering on a disc.

Susan: "Johnny don't taunt the rats," she said but I shrugged and followed as she morphed the dome to crate a sphere and lifted them up along with herself and I followed along.

It didn't take us long to arrive at the roof of the Baxter building where three cages filled with rates and one empty one.

"Special delivery!" I shouted down as Susan landed and dropped off all the rats in the cage.

I landed as all the Monarch scientists got to work examining the new batch I looked around for Reed only to see my sister hand on her communicator a smile on her face.

I gave her a look wanting a explanation.

Susan: "Nightfury has just arrived in the south helping Spider-Man and Black cat," I nodded smiling too.

"Finally a heavy hitter arrives," I said and Susan gave me a look,"What?" I asked and she just shrugged.

Susan: "You can get as hot as the surface of the sun and possibly hotter and you don't consider your self a heavy hitter," she asked raising a eyebrow.

I waited a few moments exepecting some kind of extra comment but she didn't say anything else.

"...Wait do you mean?" I asked getting a little excited and she nodded.

Susan: "They could use the help amd we have more then enough specimens," she said but gave me a worried look "Just be careful alright?" She asked and I nodded.

As I run then jump off the building I let the wind blow past my head as I feel the heat inside my body build up and spread through my body and I shout.

"...FLAME ON!!!"

POV: Steve Rogers Aka Captain America

My shield ricochet off four giant rats before returning to my hand the stunned rats get gunned down just a moment later.

I glance to my left to see Natasha Romanoff aka the Black Widow holding her custom pistols both having smoking barrels.

"Any news on reinforcements?" I asked and Widow nodded.

Natasha: "S.H.E.I.L.D and the US military is mobalizing what they can but it will take some time to get anything big here," she said just as a massive naked rat turned the corner a d charged us.

I readied my shield only for a arrow to come from above and hit square in the creatures eye before exploding.

Natasha: "Tony is on his way but he's on the west coast at max speed it will take him a while to get here and most of the Justice League are overseas," she said as I looked up to see Clint Barton repeling down to meet us.

Clint: "The majority are still moving towards the hudson on the major roads but a few groups are taking the alleyways and tight corners," he said as S.H.E.I.L.D personnel began setting up around us.

Natasha: "Cap got some good news Nightfury and Johnny Storm have entered the fight," she said and I nodded

"Good get Johnny to do crowd control either turn them back or turn them to ash," I said and Natasha nodded.

Clint: "What about Nightfury?" He asked as he knocked a trick arrow aimed and fired it off into the distance.

"Nightfurys a wild card and a jack of all trades best to let him decide where he's needed so someone get him a comunicator," I said as I watched another large group of rats in the distance.

Just as I was about to give a order a familiar roar came from the sky right before barage of bullets, missiles and red beans of energy.

As the dust settled all the rats had either died or retreated though most had done the former then the latter from what I could tell as I and everyone around me looked up to see the scorce of the attack.

In the sky right floating down towards us was a familiar suit of Iron-man armor though this one was clearly far more heavily armored and kited out with heavy ordanens.

"Thanks for the assistance lieutenant colonel," I said as War Machine landed and the helmet plate lifted to reveal Tony's best friends Rhodey's face.

Rhodey: "My pleasure Captain but please call me War Machine," he said as he reached out his hand which I shook "So where do you need me," he asked and I nodded.

"We need you in the sky with Johnny Storm keeping these things from getting any farther into the city," I said and he nodded.

Rhodey: "Consider it done Captain," he said as the face plate snapped shut he gave a salute which I returned a second before he took off into the sky.

"Clint get back up to the ceiling and keep your eyes in the alleyways Natasha go with him I'll stay here," I said as I tightened the strap on my sheild as more rats gathered and trampled thier dead.

Natasha: "And what are you going to do?" She asked and I smirked at her.

"What I always do," I said as the rats got closer and the soldiers around me opened fire "...hold the line," I said.

POV: Hank Pym Aka Ant-man

Location: New York, Brooklyn

"Finally it finished my new suit is completed," I said as I lifted backed away from the table it laid on

Unlike the original suit this one was far more padded and resistant to cutting, tearing, and piercing and allowed far more and safer us of the pym partials then the original.

The new helmet was also a improved it was far more sleeker and far more advanced then the scuba like original.

I let the feeling of accomplishment wash over me as I took a sip of warm coffee only for that feeling disappear as the door to my lab be flung open.

I was so surprised I chocked on the coffee I ha been drinking beraly managing to stop myself from dropping the cup.

I turned to the door to see a upset Janet Van Dyne wearing the Wasp suit.

Janet: "Hank why arnt you suited up we need to get to Manhattan now!" She said which confused me.

"Janet what are you talking-" I began only to get untrusted as the many windows shades opened letting light into the dark barly lit lab.

I squinted my eyes but as they adjusted I looked across the East River and saw giant and multiple smoke stacks rising in the distance.

I didn't even hesitate as I grabbed my new suit.

In just a few minutes we were both flying over the East River Janet with her wings and me riding on the back of Ant-thony with a swarm of flying ants behind us.

POV: Wally West Aka Kid Flash

Location: Central City, Missouri

I walked down the short path to my front door my mind a daze and consequently my body was sluggish as School had been like it always is a complete snooze fest.

I dug in my pockets for my house key and opened the front door.

"Mom Dad I'm home from school!" I shouted out but I got no reply back I looked around for a moment when I saw the not on the fridge and saw a note tapped to it.

As I read the note a smile grew on my fa e and all the boredom of the school day disappeared and in the blink of an eye I set up the table infront of the TV with a plate full of snacks that only a speedster could enjoy.

I began sipping on my soda as I turned on the TV only for me spit out the mouth full of cherry soda as I saw gigantic rats terrorizing the streets of New York.

I quickly got up and checked my phone and saw the 17 Missed calls from 'R' and I physically cringed.

"Oh he is so going to kill me," I said as pointed out my costume ring and quickly put on my costume and activated the comunicator in my ear.

Robin: "Kid I-no...We need you in New York now!" He said breathless as I head low growling and high pitched screeching.

"Be there in a flash!" I said and heard a audible groan in my ear just before the the comunicators link was cut.

POV: Max Draco aka Nightfury

Location: Nighthawk island

Current transformation: Zilla Jr

I laid on the warm sand letting the sun's rays hit my scales and dorsal scales I adjusted and itched my nose and as I shifted I felt multiple things on my back shift as well.

[Max you might want to know that New York specifically Manhattan is currently being over run by giant mutated possibly titan rats.]

'Aren't two of my clones in New York can't they handle it?' I asked shift back to where I was and I once again felt multiple things on my back move with me with soft gigling with it that caused me to smile.

[One is in combat with the rats but the other is pretending to be you as a civilian and from what i can tell the rats just keep coming.]

I let out sigh that caused a mini sand storm on the beach and I opened my eyes.

'Well guess I my break is over,' I thought as I began to stand up and I felt the multiple weight tumble off my back I looked down to see all my kids tangled togeather in the sand all fully in their monster forms I smiled as they chirped at me.

Just behind them in the forest I saw my two other clones at the edge of the trees they nodded and I nodded slightly at them and started walking into the water.

The Atlantics the cold water woke me up fully and I quickly made my way back to New York.

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