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17.83% Bread For My Family / Chapter 28: A Little Reminder

Capítulo 28: A Little Reminder

"Noah? Sorry, I couldn't call sooner. I'm currently staying with my mother right now. If you'd like, maybe we can see each other next week?"

"If you're busy, then we don't have to meet…" his voice lowers in disappointment.

Mabel reassures him, "no, I'm fine with it as long as it does not bother you."

"Yes, I don't mind at all," his voice crescendos happily.

"Great! Then I'll see you in a week from today. Bye-bye."

They hang up. At that moment, Noah silently strikes his fist in the air, feeling accomplished, "this is great! maybe, just hope I can learn a bit more about her family." But at the same time, his happiness disappears when he thinks, "what if she wants to know about me? I don't know if I'm ready to share my past" he considers going up the stairs when suddenly a flashback pops up in his head, desperately reaching out his tiny hand to a blurry figure yelling, "mom, mommy, please, don't leave me! Mommy!"

Noah shakes his head to rid of the hallucination looking around to notice it was all in his head.


Back at Yonah's house, they're walking out of the room, "Yes, don't worry, I can have the measurements emailed to you by tomorrow morning."

"Sounds great! I'll email you back if I need anything else. Oh, but I do have a question, where will you get ready for that day?"

Belen pauses to think, "hmm, I'm still unsure…"

Yonah offers, "if its no problem, why don't you get ready here? I usually have my customers ready themselves here."

"that would be easier…then if its no trouble."

"None at all! I'll email you for more information."

"That'd be great, thank you. It's gotten rather late, and I have to go back to the office" Belen unsurely checks her phone.

"Ooh! I'm sorry for keeping you two here. Let me walk you out" Yonah leads the way, but just as she opened the door, a tall, pale skin man dressed in a tuxedo suit wearing a black sombrero hat and white tassels hanging from the side of his thighs like wet spaghetti shudders, "Yonah what are you?"

He realizes the two behind her, and guesses they must be her customers when Yonah steps aside and introduces them, "My goodness you scared me! Ooh! Miss Astares, this is my husband, Shmuel Katz."

He openly extends his hand to shake Belen's, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Katz, I am Belen Astares, the owner of A Star. And this is my employee," she moves aside, "Everest Fox, nice to meet you."

Shmuel happily smiles, "ah, I see. Congratulations to both of you on your engagement."

Belen and Everest stare confused if he's referring to their engagement, which is all over the media. But Yonah bewilderedly corrects him, "No~ they are my customers, but they aren't an engaged."

Shmuel stares at them, confused, "what?"

Yonah wraps her arm around his with a smile, "You'll have to excuse him; he's a little slow."

Shmuel cutely nods, "Forgive me. I only assumed you two were engaged because my wife only makes dresses for brides. It's a pleasure to meet you two."

He walks inside after kissing the mezuzah, but as Belen was about to walk out the door, he turns, "excuse me, miss?"

Belen turns, "Yes?"

Yonah drags her outside, "oh don't mind him, he's just a little tired is all."

As they walked out, Belen gets in the passenger seat as Everest pulls out, and they drive away from Yonah's house.

She rolled down her window halfway to feel the cold wind on her face. Everest realizes her fatigue when he asks, "To A Star?"

She silently nods, "…yes, to A Star."

After a few minutes, Belen sighs, "that reminds me, Everest, I'm going to need you to come in early tomorrow."

"Okay, sure. May I know for what? Is something important going to happen tomorrow?"

"we're going to have your measurements taken."

"my measurements? As in my height and weight?"

Her eyebrows twitch, "no? It's for something else. I'll explain everything tomorrow."

"I see."

Their conversation cut short. Belen is very awkward because she talks when she wants to and or is very curious about something. She will either ask or say what is on her mind. At this moment, though, she seems to be mentally exhausted because she's usually stuck in her office dealing with affairs on paper. And she is not a socially active person. But at the end of the day, she gets tired very quickly, especially keeping her professional façade from melting. It's as if she can't be her true self or say what she wants in a conversation when meeting anyone.

This is where Noah's role plays a significant impact on Belen's life. She's her true self with him. She can laugh, smile, cry, and even look her most vulnerable around him because he is her best friend. Just as Noah depends on Belen, so does she, but she does not recognize it enough to accept the fact that Noah is her comfort.

Everest hates awkward silence. It feels suffocating, but oddly enough, does not feel that way with Belen. Instead, he wants to ask questions continuously. In truth, he just does not want to ask cause he's scared for his life. In his eyes, Belen is like a fearless lion, or better yet when provoked a fire breathing dragon.

To avoid silence, Everest asks, "So…that was pretty awkward, back there."

Belen answers with her eyes closed, "what are you talking about?"

"You know, Miss Yonah, I never would've thought she was a Jew."

"What about it? does it bother you?"

"No! It's just. I've never met a Jew before. Nevertheless, a couple," he scoffs, "her home felt like a different world…have you met one before? You seem pretty calm."

She chuckles, "I've met many Jews, but she seemed different."

"what do you mean?" he asks seemingly interested.



She further explains, "there are celebrities who claim they're Jewish, but don't seem anything like her. More like a dedicated person who cherishes her religion."

"hmm, I think I know what you mean."

"I guess you can say that. My father is Christian, and I remember he'd often take me to church" she profoundly sighs, "I remember the preacher say that Jews are going to be the first ones to be saved and then the gentiles…I cried afterward to my dad, asking if we're gentiles, and he said yes. I asked if we're ever going to be saved, and he said only if God has mercy."

"I don't know much about the bible. My dad didn't raise us believing in a god or religion. He'd always say it's useless."

She scoffs, "Yeah, I guess to some people it means nothing. But to others, it's their hope. That's why I respect all religions, but Judaism seems like a beautiful religion" her honest tone convinces Everest of her sincerity.

When all of a sudden, "qqqqrr." He bites his lower lip, "shit! My stomach's been growling non-stop since we left A Star."

At that moment, Belen opens her eyes, sighing, "are you hungry?"

Everest's eyes widen in shock yet surprised because he thought all along she was asleep thinking, "she was so silent, I assumed she might've fallen asleep!"

He cracks a smile, "ah, uh, yes, I am, a little."

She asks coldly, "did you not eat before?"

"I couldn't eat because I was busy with the leaders of the departments. Sorry."

She grins, "why are you apologizing? If you didn't get to eat, then you didn't get to eat. Why should you be sorry?"

He stares at her confused, "but"

She admits crossing her arms, "I'm pretty hungry myself too."

He suddenly thinks, "what is this situation? Isn't this usually when women say that they're hungry and want the man to treat them to dinner? Is that what she's indirectly asking me to do?"

"ahem, then would you like to stop by someplace to eat?" he smiles as if he's achieved a pass.

She casually replies, "I don't have time for that right now. I need to get back at A Star as fast as I can," she sighs, feeling troubled, "and then I have to practice the dance routine. That's not the worst of all. It turns out Noah can't practice with me because he's behind and hasn't mastered the beginning of the dance. Ugh, I swear if it weren't for that damn contract renewal, I wouldn't be pushing myself this far to attend such an event," she complains, gritting her teeth.

Everest calmly listen to her complaints, "then when are you going to eat?"


"Well, you said you're also hungry, you can't dance on an empty stomach. Let alone work."

"Mm, I don't know, maybe I'll just have," he cuts her sentence answering sarcastically, "survive on salads and tea?"

She stares at him, impressed he knew what she was going to say, or at least close. He scoffs, "I've seen enough to know that you eat nothing but salads and tea. Seriously what are you on a diet every day?"

But as he said this, the car becomes quiet. He takes a chance to look at her when she blankly stares, scaring him.

She thinks, "this is the first time someone spoke to me this way. Not even Noah would say something like that. If it were Noah, I think he'd most likely drop me off at A Star and bring me food. Hmm…this is new" she lets out a faint smile.

Everest suggests, "then why don't we pass by some," she cuts him off, "I do not eat fast food!"

He sighs, "but you're hungry, right?"

"yes," she answers confidently.

"then what is the problem in eating fast food once in a while?"

"It's not that I don't like it. I just rather not eat it."

He tries to clarify, "so you're fine with eating fast food, but you just choose not to?" he tilts his head trying to understand her reasoning.

She arrogantly nods, "that's right."

"then what's the problem with eating something right now? Or are you afraid you'll gain weight?"

She shouts flustered, "I'm not concerned about my weight!"

Everest is taken aback when Belen realizes she lost herself and clarifies, "I don't care about my weight. I'm just picky when it comes to my food."

"Okay, then what do you like?"

She stays quiet contemplating on her answer, Everest asks, "do you like seafood?"

"eww, no!"

"Okay, then what about pasta? Spaghetti? Pizza?"

"hmm, I don't mind it, but it's too messy."

He rolls his eyes, "then, tacos? Burritos? Enchiladas?"

"I hate Mexican food" her solid answer makes him quiver.

"Ooh, then what about"

She whispers, "I like burgers."

"What?!" he asks as if finally a ray of hope, "did you say burgers?"

"Yeah…" she innocently nods.

He can't help but chuckle, "great! Then what about a burger with fries?" he desperately stares at her hoping to get a nod.

"Yeah, I can eat that."

He mentally celebrates, "finally! Something! If she's this indecisive about what she likes, I don't want to imagine asking her what her favorite dessert is. It's like a quiz show with her. I don't know how Noah does it."

"Then, after getting off the freeway we'll get in the drive-thru of Micky D's."

"What?" she asks coldly.

"You've never heard of Micky D's? You'll see."

But as they pulled up to the line of the drive-thru, Belen complains, "this is exactly why I don't like places like these. They take so long in just taking orders! And I need to get to A Star."

Everest sighs, "why don't we make a deal."


"Hear me out. I'll be your dance partner for you to practice with if you agree to eat something from here."

His offer sounds intriguing, or rather it could be that he knows Belen's desperation for practicing the routine that maybe she'll give in.

"I'll only eat as much as I can, but you must keep your end of the deal!"

He nods, "okay! Then it's a deal! I'm also going to have to stay a bit late today, so after we eat, then in like two hours, I'll come up and practice."

"In my office?"

"yeah, it's pretty spacious, there's enough room."

It's their turn to order when he rolls down the window and whispers, "what do you want? What kind of burger? Chicken? Beef?" and gets a sense of déjà vu.

Again she indecisively answers, "I don't know depending on the value of the," but Everest ignores her and orders, "yes, can I get a chicken sandwich and a quarter pounder. And can I get a cof-" he remembers that Belen hates the smell of coffee and instead orders, "I mean a chocolate shake, and…" he turns to ask, "Do you want a milkshake too?"

She proudly answers, "I'm lactose intolerant."

"Mini pie?"

"Don't like it" she shakes her head aggressively.

"Smoothie? Cookies?" his expression begs her to pick something, "hmm, what kind of cookies?"

He silently grunts, "can I get three chocolate chip cookies? yes, that is all."

He finished putting in their order and moves forward, feeling tired, dealing with her stubborn, picky self.

"You're lactose?"

"yes, I can't eat regular ice cream or certain types of milk."

"Wow…I had no idea, then what about cookies? can you not eat them either?"

"I can handle cookies, its just other desserts that contain too much milk I cannot."

"Sorry. I had no idea."

She smirks, "well, it's bound to happen. You don't know anything about me, so there's no need to be sorry. Even if you were to order it for me, I wouldn't drink it."

His head tilts as if trying to put together bits of pieces, "But if I were unaware of you being lactose intolerant…that would only give me a wrong impression of you" he quickly shuts his mouth feeling like if he just dug his own grave.

On the contrary, she calmly responds, "It doesn't matter. I don't like explaining myself to others because they take it in with a grain of salt and forget about it afterward."

Everest agrees relating to her comment because he also hates having to explain himself for others to understand him. He secretly takes a few glances at Belen's serene expression, amazed to see how mature she seems and compares himself wishing he could have such a philosophical understanding of life.

"st…Everest!" Belen shouts, he snaps out of his trance, "yes?"

"um, did you forget where we are?" the tone of her voice lets him know that she's annoyed.

Everest comes back to his senses, "oh right!" he pulls up to the mini window to pay, but Belen hands him her card when he stares at her hand extended, "here."

"I was going to pay."

She disagrees, "you're going to practice with me. The least I can do is pay."

Everest moves her arm away, "no, really, it's fine. I can pay." He takes out his wallet, but before he can pull out his card, Belen extends herself over him to reach the mini window and pass her platinum credit card to the person. As she did, Everest feels her silky black hair on his face as the wind blows her scent to his nose, pressing her chest against his shoulder. But before he knew it, she goes back to her seat, smiling, "you're welcome."

He drives forward, waiting for the food, "I was going to pay."

"don't worry, you can pay next time."

But as the food was handed to him, his heart jumbles, feeling a bit enlightened that she said "next time."

They drive off, when Belen places his chocolate milkshake next to him, "you like chocolate?"

Everest faintly smiles, "yeah, I do." Though secretly, he chose chocolate because it feels the closest to coffee. While sipping it, he can imagine it's a cold Frappuccino.


Ding! The elevator doors open on the 7th floor, Noah walks out breathing heavily asking the receptionist, "Has the Madam President arrived yet?"

The receptionist looks at him, puzzled, "I thought you knew she came back already?"

"she's here?" he asks shockingly because usually when she leaves or comes back to A Star, he'd be the first one to know. He double-checks his phone in front of the receptionist to not start any rumors and fakes a smile, "ah yes, she is, I guess I didn't hear her phone call earlier since I was working in the basements. Are you leaving already?"

"Yes? Is there something you'd like me to do?"

"No, no, no. It's late, so be careful going home."

The receptionist blushes, "thank you, you too Secretary Noah" and leaves.

As she left, Noah's smile disappears, "that was close…"


Everest laid everything out on the table in Belen's office after washing her hands, "so which one is mine?"

"Why don't you try the beef burger?" she places a napkin on her lap but realizes, "it's going get messy," she whispers under her breath getting up to take off her blazer, revealing her smooth caramel skin. And sways her hair to the side, exposing her slim neck as she sat back down and began unwrapping the burger.

Meanwhile, Everest nonchalantly eats his chicken sandwich when he asks, "do you want ketchup? Barbeque sauce? Or hot sauce?"

She takes a packet of ketchup, but Everest recommends, "why don't you try hot sauce? It'll give the burger a lot of flavor."

She takes a savory bite when he continues, "come on, just try a bit of it, I promise it tastes a lot better" he shows her by putting some on his.

But as Belen finished chewing, she says, "I don't like spices, I can't handle them."

"You don't eat spicy foods either?!" he overreacts.

Belen coldly rolls her eyes, seeing his reaction, "it's not a big deal your making it out to be."

"Aah, sorry, it's just…are you sure?"

She turns colder, "YES," sending shivers down his spine, making him stop from questioning her even further. But just then, Everest notices, "ahh, you got some ketchup on your hand." He reaches over to clean her with a napkin but suddenly gets reminded of a memory when he'd eat with his ex, Sun-young.

Everest remembers eating with Sun-young when she complains, "I can't eat a whole burger right now because I'm on a diet. And I have a movie to film tomorrow, so can I just get a bite off of yours?"

He laughs, teasing her, "okay, then here take a bite." But as she took a bite. Ketchup stains on her hand when her eyes widen, "Mmm!!"

Everest can't hide his dazzling smile when reaching for a napkin and cleaning her hand as if she were a princess.

Belen, on the other hand, remembers eating with a person within her house when the person nags, "don't put ketchup, you'll only get your clothes stained! Don't you have to leave in fifteen minutes?"

She casually replies, "eh, calm down! I'm hungry!" but right when she took a bite, ketchup falls on the floor and her hand when the person turns in disbelief, "ay Belen! You're honestly so clumsy!" but when Belen tries to clean up her mess, the person yells, "don't move! You'll only make a bigger mess!"

She stares at the person with a smile, "sorry…"

The person irritably cleans her hand, nagging, "I swear Belen you're so clumsy, why did I let you eat."

She tries to nuzzle the person up close, but it refuses her cute charms, "come on, I'm sorry. But isn't it kind of cute that I'm clumsy? Only you know the real me."

The person laughs, "Yeah, I do! If others saw this, they wouldn't think it's cute. They wouldn't hesitate to tarnish your name."

"Eh, even better. That way, people won't think I'm the perfect person they think I am."

The person finished cleaning her hand when she says, "thank you, I owe you!" she happily smiles, making the person sigh but can't seem to get mad.

Everest and Belen both snap out of their flashbacks when they hear a knock, and they turn in unison as if they were caught, and Noah enters, "Madam, I heard you've arrived from…" reacts surprisingly seeing her eat, "are you eating?"

Belen grabs the napkin from Everest's hand and cleans hers when placing her burger down on the table, "yes, I am. Is something the matter? Why did you come?"

Noah, still as a robot is standing there trying to process the fact that she's eating fast food, "I um, was thinking, why…how? The food? Were you hungry? I mean h-how did it go?"

"great. oh by the way I need you to come in early tomorrow, I'm going to need your measurements."

"my measurements? Aah! Yeah, I mean, yes! Then…if you don't need anything else. I'll be leaving in a few minutes."

She coldly turns away, "then you're done for the day."

"Are you not going home today?"

"I will," her cold tone is enough to draw a line between the two.

Tension in the air and awkward silence becomes unbearable for Everest when he feels it difficult to swallow his food.

"Have a good night…Belen," his voice lowers.

As he left, Everest is finally able to swallow when he stares at Belen, barely touching her food, "is something wrong with the burger?"

Belen spaced out when hearing Everest, "I don't have much of an appetite anymore."

Everest observing everything that just happened thinks, "they aren't dating, but why is she like this? Did they get in a fight? It's as if she's uncomfortable seeing her ex again or something."

He cautiously asks, "Madam, may I ask you a personal question?"

She stares at his eyes, "sure."

His eyes widen, hearing her relaxed tone, "is there anything going on between you two?" it was risky to ask, but Everest's curiosity can't calm down until he learns the truth.

Her soft, sincere voice resounds, "he's my best friend…we had a little quarrel, but it's nothing," but her calm, serious tone is enough to let him know how serious it is.

He internally sighs relieved but wonders, why? When whispering under his breath, "so you two are only friends…why do I feel better knowing that?"

She goes back to her desk, but Everest claims, "Remember our deal…it'd be a waste of food."

Hearing his words remind her of the person she cherishes a natural smile forms on her face, "you're right, I'll finish it later."

As she smiled, Everest's eyes shine, feeling a tickling sensation in his stomach, "Y-Yes! Then I-I'm going to be downstairs if you need anything," he hurriedly leaves shaking his head, "what was that? Her smile…"


Later that night, Belen is finally at home sitting on the corner of her bed using the full moon as light solemnly staring at a pink journal with a laminated bookmark of Cinderella. An earnest smile forms on her face along with lonely eyes, while staring at the bookmark. When flipping through a particular page in the pink journal and stops to write, "It's been a few years since your death. Those few years feel like an eternity. Even a day feels like a burning furnace. I remembered you today. Today is July 1st I know how much of a big deal you'd make saying it's the beginning of your birth month. I'm working this time, sorry. I know you'd be angry with me knowing that I'm working on your birth month. But I'll be there for your birthday, I never miss it." she pauses as her hand trembles like a leaf and her eyes become watery, "I miss you, every day is difficult. But your small words often remind me that I'm not alone. Thank you." She stops as tears silently roll down her cheek, while biting her lower lip with a frown, "I have a surprise for you." She sniffs, "I'm going to wear a beautiful Aurora-like dress and worst of all it's going to be blue." She lets out a small chuckle, "but I know how much you like her blue dress. I'm only doing this because that is how much I.." she pauses, gathering every bit of strength to write, "I love you," she throws her journal aside, unable to control her yearning while covering her eyes from countless of tears falling, trailing to her arms.

"I miss you."

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