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28.57% Spring Of My Life / Chapter 2: Chapter 2 : Feeling I Experienced for the First Time

Capítulo 2: Chapter 2 : Feeling I Experienced for the First Time

                                     At Haru's Home

        "Mua~ (taking a big yawn) today is Saturday 27th of April so the school's day off, I didn't slept well last night I don't know why and I was having dreams of yesterday again and again due to discomfort afterwards I slept peacefully. Maybe now the time should be around 12 o'clock by now...."

  He looks up towards the clock hanging on the wall in his room but he wasn't able to see clearly because he was still half asleep.

"Maybe I should go and wash my face."

  He washed his face and twitched his eyes and again looks towards the clock to see the time.

  "I'm not dreaming, am I? (Saying in disbelief). WHAT!! It's just 7 in the morning, why it always happens with me when it's school time I never wakes up earlier and mostly miles my train and now when it's a holiday this has to happen with me??? I thought I will sleep till 2 or 3 o'clock because today was holiday....."

  After siting for a little while....

  "OK, I have decided I will take a bath eat my lunch and again going to sleep I will not let this day go to waste like this"

  While bathing.....

  "Yeah I can do this take a perfect bath with cold water so I can have a good sleep all afternoon. Come on it's not so cold I can this do this..."

  Saying this he puts a splash of water on his body.


  After a few minutes of screaming, he gets out of bathroom and starts preparing his lunch

   "I think I cooked rice for 15 minutes that should be enough (actually he did it for 25 min and they gets cooked at nearly 10 min) okay everything is ready now let's eat, God thank you for the food and let's dig in..."

  He takes a bit of rice and....


  Again after screaming for few minutes, he lays down on bad...

  "Why, why it has to happen on the holidays. I was thinking spend this day slacking off and sleeping but now due to those rice my mouth is burning and I think I caught cold too after that bath. Now I just want to sleep and nothing else..."

  And suddenly his phone starts ringing...

"Hello...Fuyuki residence"

"Hello, Haru it's me Aina"

  As soon as he heard her voice his bad mood changed and his face light up with a bright smile.

"Oh, Hi Aina why did you called?"

"You know, Today is Saturday and I was being bored so do you want to go shopping with me?"

"No, sorry(in excitement he started dreaming and instead of saying yes he said no)."


  And she hung up the phone. And as soon as he realises it he calls back.

"Hello, Sakura residence"

"Hello, Aina I want to go"

"But you said, no"

"Sorry, I was to excited and said opposite of what I wanted to."

"You silly guy, ok so meet me at coffee shop in front of station. OK?"

"Yeah got it, Ok bye"

  As soon as he hung up the phone he started jumping from excitement.

  About 10 minutes of jumping and shouting this-

"Yes! This day is my best day....(He totally forgot about what happened earlier)."

  He gets ready and goes towards the coffee shop.

  "Ok now I'm all set maybe I should go and check out some flowers for her..... maybe nah, no needed it will take lots of energy to go to the flower shop and she might already have some on her house (He is lazy guy, remember?)"

  Before reaching to the coffee shop he suddenly start sneezing. He continously sneezed about 14 to 15 times and enters the shop.

  "There she is, looking as beautiful as always despite the fact that I saw her yesterday for the first time, but anyways."

"Hi Aina, how are you? Shall we get going"

"Excuse me but who are you? And how do you know my name?"

"Hey it's me Haru"

   She started laughing very loudly when she heard his name

"Why are you laughing? (He said with innocent look)."

"Look at your hair..(said while still laughing)."

  She took out a pocket mirror and showed him his hair his hair was all messy they looked like some kind of afro.

"What, how did this happen? Maybe it's because of those sneezes I had before coming here."

  And he startes fixing his hair it took him about 5 min in fixing his hair.

"You look like you have cold."

"Yeah, due to my foolish plan to have a good sleep."

  Then he explained what happened with him..

  "Oh, I know maybe you should have drink something like juice or eat some bread for your mouth and let's go to doctor for check up or you might get fever"

"No I'm fine let's get going for shopping it's getting late..(He is scared of doctor.)"


    After a while they reached shopping mall...

"So what are you going to but Aina?"

"Nothing much I will some dresses, do you want to come with me?"

"No, till you are done I will be in book store"

"Ok.. (She wanted him to come.)"

        After few minutes....

"Hey Haru I'm done let's go and eat something.."


  While they were walking. Haru saw something and rushes towards the store.

"Haru where are you going?"

  He takes out something and with sparkly eyes sees towards Aina.

  "See this, the best thing in the world. (Raises the thing and says out loud) An Inflatable Pillow!!! Finally I got one. After so much hard work and searching I finally found you (while hugging it)."

"Hahaha!!! A pi-pillow, why do you like that thing so much (She was laughing really badly)."

  "It's the best thing in the world. I can carry this in my bag put some air in it and use this anywhere and the best thing it is better and more comfortable than those of infirmary room. Now, I don't have anymore need to make an excuse and good to infirmary room again and again for sleeping I can use this in class. Hahaha I'm the happiest person in the world.."

  And so he finally buys it, all the time until they reached café, Haru had a smile reaching till his ears and Aina was laughing seeing his reaction... when Haru saw her laughing he became very happy.

  They reached the café and Haru ordered a cold coffee and Aina ordered a ice cream

"So Haru do you have any plans for these holidays, the upcoming days till 6th May are continuous holidays."

"Of course, I just now planned everything, I'm going to test how comfortable this pillow is."

"You are the laziest guy I ever met."

"Thank you"

"Let's go somewhere again together, I will call you okay?"

"Yeah sure it was fun being with you today, Hey by the way how did you got my number?"

"Haruto gave me"


  After drinking his coffee Haru started feeling a little dizzy.

"Hey Haru, are you okay? You are all red."

"Yeah I-I'm fine....just feeling a little tired."

  She touches his head. He had a high fever.

  "You have high fever. I told you, you should have seen the doctor and you were running here and there in excitement might have gotten higher because of that."

"No I'm just fine you should enjoy don't worry about me (He said in a tired and dizzy way)."

"We are going home now. Tell me where your home is I will book a cab."

"Ok and sorry I ruined the mood."

"It's Ok I had lots of fun today, thank you for everything."

  He blushed a bit but due to his dizziness he didn't say anything.

"OK let's go our cab is here."

  Haru showed the direction for his home and after few minutes they reached his home.

"OK lay down on your bed. Till then I will make a ice pack for you, you might be having some headaches by now."

"Yeah a little bit, let me help you to find the things."

"Just lay down on your bed I will manage."


  She maded a ice pack for him and bought some medicine from nearby shop.

"Ok I bought some medicine for you, I'm going to make some stew, Ok?

"No it's fine, no need to do this much for me."

  "Not happening I can't just leave you with that high fever, just be on your bed no need to move or talk much, rest as much as you can."

  She maded stew for him and gave it to him..

"Thank you it's delicious."

"After taking this just rest, ok?"

"Ok, thank you for taking care of me."

"I gotta admit you have kept your house so much clean."

  "Well it's a small apartment (He purchased a small one because he lives alone) so it doesn't take much effort to clean."

  "You are sweating a lot, sit for a little while I will wipe your face, arms and legs with water, you will feel good from it."

"Ok thanks for doing this much for me."

    His fever slowly decreased by the night.

"It's already 8 o'clock now it's been 4 hours since I came here, I should get going."

"Ok, take care while returning, and thanks becuase of you I'm feeling better now."

  "Ok bye, oh and by the way my house is nearby from here would you like to walk school together from now onwards?"

"Yeah sure (said with showing very much happiness)."

  She left and by over the night Haru's fever vanished too, he slept very peacefully because of her help.

                                         Next Morning...

  "Mua~ (again taking big yawn) morning to myself, please tell me today I slept for 12 o'clock  (slowly rolls his eyes towards the clock) what it's 1 o'clock... yes I even slept longer than expected. Yes! I'm such a sleeping genius..... maybe I should call Aina and thank her."

   Calls her.....

"Hello Sakura residence."

"Hi it's me Aina, Haru."

"Oh hi so how's your fever now?"

"It's all gone, thanks to you."

"So why did you called? Is there something you want from me?"

"No I just called to thank you, that's all."

"Ok.... (said in a bit disappointed way)"

"Oh yeah as a thanks wanna go to the zoo next Saturday (11th May)?"

"Yeah sure."

"So it's a date?"

"W-what i-its not a date (blushed a lot as he said that)."

"Ok bye"

     Then Aina sits for a while and thinks

  "That reminds me when is Haru's birthday as far as I know it should be between March and May. Maybe I should ask Haruto."



"Hi Haruto it's me Aina."

"Oh hi so how can I help you?"

"You know, I was thinking, can you please tell me when Haru's birthday is?"

"At 28th of April means today..."

"What but he didn't tell me."

"You know he don't celebrate his birthday so that's why."

"But why?"

"He don't have any friends except me and you."

"But he looks so friendly he should have many."

  "Yeah he looks like that but he don't care about anyone. He likes to be all alone, he might be the most lonely person you will ever see, but I don't know why somehow he wants to be friend with you."

"I know let's put a birthday party for him."

"Ok, I'm in. But Aina how will we invite people?"

"I will try my best don't worry about it."

"Ok bye see you at his house."

"Ok bye."

"Ok now I should try inviting everyone from our class."

     She called everyone and ask them to come to his birthday party but

"Hi there wanna come to Haru's birthday party?"

"No I'll pass."

"But why he is our classmate?"

"He is a creepy guy he never talk to anyone and he is very lazy, I think in the party also he will sleep."

"But..... (and the phone gets hung up)

  Everyone said the same thing to her they didn't wanted to come.

"Just wait Haru I will put up the best birthday party ever."

   She went to do shopping and buys some gifts and a cake for his party and by evening she and Haruto reached his home.

"Hi Haruto so how should we surprise him?"

"Let's ring the bell and as he opens surprise him by wishing."

   They rang the bell but no one came for two three times.

"Maybe he is sleeping."


"Let's just go in (and Haruto opens the door)

   When they entered the room they saw Haru lying on the floor, he was crying.

"Hey Haru what's up buddy."

"Why you guys are here."

"Why are you crying like that. (said Haruto with a little worried face)"

"Oh I was.... well I was watching a movie (he gave a faint smile)."

  Aina had understood why he was crying, she sat down with him and..... she hug him.....

  "Haru... no need to force yourself to smile, you have been hiding all the pain you were carrying, we remember your birthday, I promise you it will be your best birthday ever (She said in really polite way)."

"Thank you guys....."

"Ok now let's celebrate Haru's birthday (Haruto said in encouraging way)."

"Okay let's have dinner and then we will cut the cake."

   They starts eating their dinner

"By the way, where are you parents Haru? (asked Aina)"

"They left me.... they died in a car accident when I was 8 years old. Since then I have been all alone."

"No you are not alone, I and Haruto are with you and we always will be."

"Yeah buddy I will always be with you."

  Haru hugs them both and tears starts coming from his eyes.

"Hey why are you crying, did we said something wrong? (Aina asks in a worried manner)"

  "Thank you guys, you are the best I don't need anyone else, please stay always with me, I don't want to be alone again (He was crying)."

"Don't worry Haru you will not be alone. But can you stop crying, you look much better when you are smiling."

"Idiot, I will kick you if you didn't stop crying."

  "Ok I will try to stop, I'm so happy they won't stop, I never celebrated my birthday since my parents died so you know it feels really nice being able to celebrate with my best friend."

"Oh and here's your gift Haru."

   She picks out a ring with a moonstone gem in it.

  "You know this moonstone gem on it, it is said they are good to improve love and affection. Maybe it will help you make even more friends. You know when I called everyone they didn't wanted to come to party so I thought I should give you something like this"

"Thank you, Aina"

"So do you like it?"

"Like it? No... I loved it!! Thank you."

"Sorry guys (said Haruto)."

"Why are you saying sorry."

"Haru I also bought you this (He takes out a bracelet with a blue sapphire)."

"I didn't know what to purchase for you that you will like so I bought this."

"Hey it's OK I don't like you guys becuase of your gifts I like you because of who you are..."

  "Thank you, you are the best person you know that? Those classmates I will kick everyone out of class, they can't even come to your birthday party to make you happy (Haruto was really angry)."

"Hey no need to do that (Haru said with smile)."

"Ok let's cut the cake I designed a special one."

  The cake was in.... Pillow shape.

"Wow!!!!! This is the best cake!!!"

"I know you will love it"

  And Haruto was silent and he had a shocked face after seeing that cake. When they both looked at him they laughed a lot....

         After a while.....

"OK Haru I'm going now (said Haruto) I'm getting late."

"Yeah you should get going your house is far away from mine. But thank you for coming for me."

"Anything for you buddy. So bye Aina and Haru."

"Ok bye"

"Haru I will help you clean the dishes."

"No you should rest now, you already did so much for me."

"It's Ok, move aside."

  And they starts washing dishes together they were having fun while washing because instead of washing they both were splashing water on each other.

"Hey stop it. Haru, please stop it's cold (said while laughing)."

"You stop first (both splashing water)."

  After a while and breaking 2-4 dishes they finally finished washing and sits for a while.

"Thank you Aina for everything, it was my best day."

"Your welcome."

  "Since my parents left me I was adopted by my grand parents but when I reached highschool I started living alone and since then every year I used to cry a lot on this day becuase it reminded me of my dark and lonely life but today was different, it looked like my life is again painted into rainbow colours by you and Haruto. Thank you for giving me another hope."

   A tear rolled down from her eyes and she lean towards him and hugs him really tightly.

"Don't worry Haru I will always be at your side no matter what, I will never let you be alone again."

  As she said this Haru became blushed and a stream of feeling of happiness flow all over his body.

"Thank you, I know I'm saying this again and again but I don't have any better word to say to you."

"Ok maybe I should get going too it's already 9 at night."

"Yeah so bye."

   He comes to the door to see her and say her bye.

"So bye see you at school and remember we have a date on Saturday next week."

"Yeah I know, (She blushed) Hey wait I told you it's not a date."

"I know I'm just kidding. Bye bye."

  She starts walking but she suddenly turns back

"Hey Haru."


  She leans towards him a kisses her on his cheek.

"Thank you, for showing me the cute and childish side of yours... I now like you even more."

  As she said this a feeling unknown to him started flowing in his body. Happiness, enjoyment, excitement and many other feeling started rushing in him, but the main feeling which was flowing inside him was indefinable..... it was a Feeling he Experienced for the First Time.

                                            End of Chapter 2

                                           Things to be noted

1) All the things in the brackets are used to tell you about the names, expressions, who spoke to whom, in which manner and meanings of words.

2) This is my first time writing a novel so I don't know whether I will make more volumes or not but if you liked it, thanks a lot.

3) All the sentence in quotation mark are used for indicate what character were speaking and the ones without quotation mark are used for sentences said by the narrator.

4) In this chapter everything Aina spoke was in a polite way (as she was speaking in the last chapter) don't get misunderstood by the way dialogues were spoken.

5) I'm not from Japan but I tried writing a Japanese type of novel so there might be few things like about japanese culture, etc.

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