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14.28% Spring Of My Life / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 : The Day it All Begun
Spring Of My Life Spring Of My Life original

Spring Of My Life

Autor: DG_Novels

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Chapter 1 : The Day it All Begun

      "The time has passed really quickly, I had almost forgot what it meant to be happy, to be cared by someone or what it meant to be loved by someone, but the time I met her everything changed and I'm sure meetting her was the best thing happened in my life."

  "My name is Haru Fuyuki (his name means winter tree born in spring, winter in his name is becuase of his appearance). This year I'm going to turn 16 year old, I'm a 2rd year of high school student(10th grade), Today is 26 April which means Spring season is going on and currently I'm getting ready for school because I'M ALREADY LATE!!! I have to rush as fast as I can or it will result in really screwed situation. I wish I didn't had played games till late night. If I don't reach on time my teacher is going to KILL ME!!!"

  This is our story's protagonist. He is 172 cm in height and has dark purple - blueish hair, golden colour eyes and has averege type of body. He is a really lazy guy. But despite his laziness he is quite a brilliant student which saves him in quite a number of times from teachers but his class teacher doesn't like him at all."

  Haru rushes towards the railway station to catch his train, he sees the last train for his destination.

"No!! Please make it on time I can't miss this train."

  He jumps in the train right just before the door closes, and catches his breath for a minute, right after that a announcement is made.

  "Please do not rush into the train when the door is closing, it may result in huge accident. Repeat, Please do not rush into the train when the door is closing, it may result in huge accident. Thank You...."

Everyone looks towards Haru and it turns into an awkward scene. He whispers to himself-

"Why do I feel like today is going to be my worst day."

And saying this he sits quietly and takes out his phone and starts playing games until his stop comes

                                     After a while...

  While he was playing by the time he notices he misses his station and the next train would be after one hour....

"WHY!!! Today's day is going so bad "

  He runs as fast as he can from the station his school was 2km away and he was not good in sports at all but still he runs to reach as soon as he can.

"Come one man if I didn't reach on time that Hitler (teacher) is going to punish me really harshly"

  20 minute are remaining until classes starts and he still have to go about 1km. Haru tries to run as fast as he can but he is out of breath then he realises something really important. He could have used a cab to reach there.....

"Why!!!!!!!! this happens with only me"

  He takes a cab and reaches the school under nearly 17 minute but he still have his attendance going to get started by his teacher, if his teacher is going catch him he is going get a really hard punishment but he has a secret agent in the class.....

"OK, now I'm going to take attendance get ready.....


"Present sir..."



"Haruto! Where is that bastard?!"

"Present sir..... I'm here, sorry I didn't slept last night"

"Next time if you sleep in class I will keep you standing outside the whole day"

"Sir I was playing games with Haru last night that game is really nice you should play it too"

 (Wasting time so that Haru can come in class secretly, Haruto is Haru's best friend)

"What is the name of that game...?

"Sir I forgot...."

"OK moving on to the attendance... Haru Fuyuki....."

  He is standing outside and trying to come inside without being noticed when he suddenly sees a girl with long silver coloured hair and pale white skin she had height of about 160 cm, 12 cm smaller than Itsuki, she looked like an angel and had a cute smile on her face....

Then suddenly the door opens and who is standing there the Hitler he has a dead serious look on his face.

He scolded him for about 10 min and gave him a warning.

"This is the first time he left me I guess I'm lucky as hell or maybe he left me for something else....."

  "Students attention now, due to the delay caused by a foolish fellow (pointing Haru) I forgot about something important we have a new transfer student joining our class today. (Looking towards the door) You can come in now..."

  Haru had a angry face because of what his teacher said to him indirectly but when the door opened his anger changed when he saw the face of that girl, suddenly wind started and blew the flowers of cherry blossom tree and created a really delightful scene when she opened and showed her blue coloured eyes and Itsuki said just one sentence

"She is as beautiful as cherry blossoms"

  Everyone heard it even though he said it in really low voice... the girl blushed and her cute smile made her look even more beautiful than before. Then she spoke in her soft and cute voice while taking a graceful glance at Haru.

"Hello everyone, My name is Aina Sakura, I hope we will become good friends"

Haru whispered to himself-

"Her name matches her appearance. (her name means view or sight of cherry blossom)"

  "Sakura go and sit at that vacant place near that boy but be sure to not to talk to him he will influence you and affect your grades (pointing Haru again)."

  That was a surprise for everyone in the class, they were shocked to when they heard teacher spoke in a soft voice to someone for the first time... while Haru was really mad about what teacher said even though the teacher knew that he was counted in the best students in the class.

And then she comes and sits next to Haru and spoke to him in a loving manner

"Thank you, for what you said earlier. You can call me Aina if you want. What's your name?"

  Haru blushed really hard his face turned red by the thought of just talking to her, because who will not, a girl just like as beautiful as an angel comes and talks to you without any sign of rude attitude I (author) would have fall in love with the girl right on the spot. Haru got somewhat dizzy just because of his blushing but he somehow controls himself and looks at her and spoke to her."

  "Hi, My name is H-Haru Fuyuki (troubling to speak smoothly because he was blushing like hell). I hope we will become good friends and just one more thing"

"What is it? (She spoke with a really curious look)."

"YOU ARE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL I EVER SAW!! (He said that in really loud voice because he was blushing a lot)

Then a chalk piece came flying.

Shu~ and BAM!! bullseye it hit his head really hard

  He fell on the ground and when he stand up and saw the face of the teacher. It didn't look any less than of a monster enraged


  He turned his head and saw her face, she was as red as tomato and was still thinking about what Haru said out loud

"Aina are you okay?.."

  After hearing this she turned even more red and last thing she saw was face of his right after that she blacked out....

   She woke up in the infirmary room...

  "That stupid guy why did he said something like that out loud ( She again turned red when she imagined his face saying that )

Suddenly a hand touches her head..

"You don't look like you have fever. Are you okay?? (Haru said with a worried look on his face.)"

"I'm okay, thanks for asking but why are you here?"

  "Teacher send me to take care of you, he said it was my mistake you passed out, but don't get it how it was my mistake? And by the way when I carried you here you are really light weight were you in any sports club or something in your previous school."

"Yeah, I was in tennis club and cheerleader club. Hey wait a second, why did you carry me here?"

  "I told you that monstrous teacher sent me he was blaming me for everything I don't know why. Or maybe he didn't wanted me in his class well anyway I'm tired so, I going to take a nap so please wake me up before someone comes in and can you please try to always keep up your smile instead dull plain expression you look really beautiful with smile."

She blushed a little again but by the time she turned her head and look at him, he was already in deep sleep.

"He sure is a lazy guy it didn't even took him 4 minute to reach deep sleep."

  Then she hears someone's footsteps when she looked from the door, it was their class teacher and he was coming straight towards infirmary room.

  "Hey Haru come on wake up class teacher is coming straight here. Oh come on, you will be scolded really badly wake up!!!"

Haru was in deep and was not waking up....

"I have to save him..... but how?"

  She noticed a blanket she quickly grabbed it and lay on the infirmary bed with Haru and put on the blanket.

Then suddenly class teacher enters the room.

"Sakura how are you feeling now?"

"Sir, I'm feeling a little dizzy so I will rest a bit more."

"Ok, Hey and where is that guy? Have you seen him?"

"Yeah I was feeling thirsty so he want to buy some juice.."

  "Okay, I guess but be sure to send him to class that lazy guy always wanders off to some place and sleeps until I come and wake him up."

"Ok sir, I will send him back to class as soon as he gets back."

"OK get well soon it's your first day here."

Teacher head back. after taking a deep breath she look inside the blanket, Haru was sleeping like a cute baby.

"He looks so cute when he is sleeping. Hey come on, wake up now (She said in a really low voice and in pleasant way)."

"Please let me sleep Mom I don't want to go to school."

She smiled because how cute Haru was looking back then.

"How sweet he just looks like some sweet innocent child."

  Saying this she stands up and sits over on the chair, then she again hears someone footsteps she looked over who was there, it was Haruto.

  "As expected from Haru sleeping during school time (while looking at him), My name is Haruto, I'm sorry if my friend caused you any problem."

"No, not at all he didn't caused me any problem but why are you here?"

  "Well you know I already knew if he gets the opportunity he is going to sleep here so I came to check if everything is okay. You saved him from class teacher, thanks for that but maybe now we should wake him up."

"But he is sleeping like rock I tried many times but he is not waking up."

"(While smiling in a demonic way) I know how to wake him up."

He grabbed a air horn from his pocket and blew it as loudly as he can. BWaaaaaaaaaaaahp~

"Ahhh!! Haruto turn that off. (Haru said in a annoyed manner)"

And BAAMM!!! Haru fell on the ground.

"Ouch!! Haruto why did you do that!?"

  "You were not waking up, we tried many times, when you were sleeping a while ago when I wasn't here the class teacher showed up but Sakura somehow saved you, think about what would have happened if she wasn't here."

  "Well thanks for that Aina you saved me back there, but can you please try not to laugh it's embarrassing (She was laughing really hard because how Haru felt off the bed)."

"OK sorry, it was just funny I couldn't help myself."

"OK now let's get going you two otherwise class teacher might come again."

"Ok Haruto, but can you tell me first what's the time?"

  "Half day had already passed you were sleeping the whole time and because of the opportunity Haru was wasting time too..."

  "What!! Why Haru you didn't woke me up? My first day in this school is already half wasted (She said this with a really cute childish way)."

"Well you were looking like a beautiful princess while sleeping so I didn't wanted to wake you up."

"Haru stop lying to her, you just wanted an excuse to skip classes, didn't you?"

"I swear in the name of my private jet I didn't do that."


Aina had a surprised look on her face when she heard he had a private jet....

"Hey Haru but you don't have one, remember?"

"Yeah, that's the point Haruto, you know me so well."

"You will never change, will you idiot?...."

"Hey guys can we go back now? We are wasting even more time here."

"Ok let's head back to the class."

  They slowly head back to the class in fear what would happen because currently their class teacher's period was going on. But when they entered the class at the exact time period got over and they were saved. And so, they continued their day at the school.

                                       In the Art Class...

The art teacher spoke-

"Everyone observe your partner and try to draw portrait of them, no need to rush be patient."

"Hey Haru you heard her, didn't you? be sure to make a good portrait of mine, I will try my best too."

  "(Haru said in confident way) You don't know my art I'm the best artist in our class just sit tight I will make the best portrait for you."

"Please don't move for a sec Aina let me take a quick look at you."


"Now when I look at her closely she is much more beautiful than I thought." He whispered to himself.

They both sat quietly trying to make each other's portrait.

"Hey Haru are you done?"

"Just a sec.... OK done"

"Hey, can I show my first please?"

"Yeah, sure go ahead."

Aina's drawing was really great but she had made Haru's face a little relish.

"Hey Aina, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, go ahead"

"Why did you drew my face redish?"

"Your face was all red the whole time."

"Sorry (I was blushing all time because of how beautiful she looked)"

"Ok your turn Haru now, show me."


  Haru's drawing turned Aina face red again his drawing was really great, the detail of her crystal blue eyes, silver silky hair and face were so good, it attracted everyone attention towards his portrait.

  Aina tears from happiness rolled down from her eyes, she closed her eyes and smiled with a loving face and said-

"Thank you, it is the best thing anyone did for me. I loved it"

He blushed at the moment when he heard her thanking him

"W-well thank you, it was my pleasure to draw your painting"

And after the period ended they head back to the class. And moved on with their class routine.

  By the end of the day at school Haru and Aina had became quite good friends and Aina had became really popular on her very first day at the school because of her beautiful and charming look and her incredibly great grades. The Day got over and everyone started going home.

"Hey Haru wanna walk to the railway station together?"

"Sure, I guess but I think many boys would become jealous of me"

"But why will they become jealous of you?"

  "Well er, you know because you are so popular and charming some boys are already head over heels for you and I will be walking with you so they will sure be jealous."

"It's Ok I don't care about that let's get going now"

"Ok..." And so they started heading towards the station."

  They rested at a park nearby for a little bit, had some cold drinks and was about to start going but right before they saw something. A blossom tree, Aina looked towards the tree and smiled. She again reminded Haru of her angel like appearance he saw in the morning.

"Haru thank you for today, you are the best person I ever met. Can we become friends?"

Wind blew the flowers of cherry blossom and turned it into a delightful scene.

"Yes I promise I will do my best."

                                      End of Chapter 1

                                     Things to be noted

1) All the things in the brackets are used to tell you about the names, expressions, who spoke to whom, in which manner and meanings of words.

2) This is my first time writing a novel so I'm sorry for all the mistakes and I don't know whether I will make more volumes or not but if you liked it, thanks a lot.

3) All the sentence in quotation mark are used for indicate what character were speaking and the ones without quotation mark are used for sentences said by the narrator.

4) I'm not from Japan but I tried writing a Japanese type of novel so there might be few things like about japanese culture, etc.

DG_Novels DG_Novels

Please comment and advice me what should I improve in my novels cause this is my first novel, I'm still a beginner so it would help me a lot. Thank you

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