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74.3% Soul Evolution System / Chapter 399: Chapter 396 Facing A Disciple Of Yomi 4

Capítulo 399: Chapter 396 Facing A Disciple Of Yomi 4

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"Y-You... how dare you attack this King !!"

" Hmn? It's normal to get hit in a fight, don't you think?

Well, sadly for you, this is no longer going to be something as simple as getting beaten up… your majesty. If you had stopped your men from attacking Miu-chan earlier, then this would not have happened to you.

...You can only blame yourself for this.

Although the truth is this will be the first time that I try to do something like that, you better clench your teeth because it probably hurts a lot... "

"W-What do you want to do..."

The Yomi's disciple seemed quite annoyed by the blow from earlier and started yelling at me… well, it seemed like my blow did more damage to his pride than his body. Either way, I was just testing things with that punch from earlier...

I wanted to see how much I could control my technique [Futae no Kiwami] without risking his life. The reason for this was simple. My attack from earlier was aimed directly at where his energy core was... thanks to my eyes that could vaguely see where the energy was concentrated in his body, then this was possible.

My experiment seems to have been quite successful. Instead of having the [Futae no Kawami] technique wreak havoc on his body, I try to make it concentrate the damage in a much smaller area... I take a lot of concentration to achieve that and I don't think I can do it during a normal fight, but since he now has no fighting ability, I can allow myself to do this quietly.

The small explosion by my technique inside his body actually seems to directly attack his energy core... also probably because that place concentrates all the energy of his body, that energy that attacks him is quickly annulled.

"K- Kuaaaah!!!"

Well, his energy core certainly has a limit to be able to neutralize my energy... so now only remains to see if my energy is depleted first or its energy core is the one that breaks. Of course, that meant attacking him multiple times in the same place ... and it seems my hunch that it would be painful was correct.

"A-Alexander... y-you should stop that now..."


I only had two problems doing this... the first was that the master could intervene, and the other was Miu- chan... since it's been a bit of time since I started and that Master-level present that I felt hasn't moved, so only the sweet girl behind me with a worried face was the only obstacle to this experiment.

"…Don't worry, Miu -chan, this won't kill him. He will be able to have a normal life in this world after this… he just won't be able to continue practicing martial arts and reach the Master level in the future. "

" Guaahh!! Y-You... I-I'll kill you, damn bastard!! "


When I had heal Shiba, the Boxing Master, before, I had asked Aurora about what would happen if I broke a person's energetic core... and then, her answer was precisely what I said. The person would not die, but loses his energy and could not create another core normally. To create another he would have to get some special medicines, but… I highly doubt that something like that is possible in this world.

…Also even if a person managed to deal with this, it did not change the fact that he would have to restart from the creation of a new energy core. Although I think the impact of something like this happening to a person should be greater the more advanced his energy core is...

Well, the soul level of such a person may not drop because of this, but his strength is undoubtedly more related to his energetic core. Also, the time someone took it to advance his energy core throughout his life is just as long that he had to go through to bring his Soul to that level... so this still is a big loss.

"S-Stop… stop please! I apologize! I-I won't attack you and your girl again!! "

" Umu, I accept your apology.

But unfortunately... I will not stop. "

" Guaaaaahhhh!!"

As if instinctively he knew what was happening to his body as his energy core was beginning to lose its strength, this time this King speaks begging me to stop. He had given up that arrogant attitude completely and now he seemed just a normal person.

I don't think he was lying, but… if someone apologized only when they felt cornered, then it lost a bit of meaning.

With that big scream from him, I have a slight sensation as if I was breaking something and right away I can see how the energy in his energy channels begins to dissipate… it seems like I was successful. Still, this was pretty strenuous for me too.

"Well, then let's go back now, Miu -chan"

"Haa~ Y-You didn't have to go that far...

W-Will we just leave him like this here?"

"Don't worry, there are some of his men around. They will surely find him soon.

Now we better go since the others can worry about us. "

"E- Emmm… K- Kyaah! I-I can already walk by myself, Alexander- kun! "

"Okay, okay. You better not try too hard. Before I was really very worried, so I don't want to see Miu- chan in that state again. "


After wrapping her in a blanket, this time I pick up Miu-chan in a princess style. So, with his face flushed, I start walking to quickly get away from this place. I want to be far enough away so that I no longer feel observed by that Master!!

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(POV 3rd person- Snowy Mountain)

" Hehehe… he really seems to be a skilled boy!

Or at least he is much better than that boy who has now become useless... he was quite disappointing. "

Away on the snowy mountain in the dark and amidst the snowstorm that fell on the place, a small figure watched Alexander as he was walking away from the building where he had previously taken shelter.

It was none other than the person Alexander had sensed that had been watching him. He had been watching him closely throughout his disciple's fight, and the more he watched his actions, the interest in him grew even more.

"…Should I go after him? Strangely, I feel a slight threat from that boy… hehehe, that surprises me even more! What other cards does that little boy have up his sleeve?!!

Interesting, interesting"

As his eyes were fixed on Alexander and they were shining through the wooden mask this small figure was wearing, he stood up. Then, as if feeling threatened, Alexander who was running through the snow stopped abruptly, lowers Miu-chan, and gets into a defensive posture while in his hands he held two objects… two offensive BIMs.

His eyes moved around the place trying to find the person responsible for the shiver that made him go through his body, but due to the distance and the snowstorm, he could only roughly know where the person who was observing him was.

" Hehehe… you have good senses little one… sadly, it seems that it is still too early to meet us. It would be problematic to take someone out of this country by force… besides, it seems that I can't be careless either given the warnings of my senses.

Now that I think about it… he doesn't seem to be a Ryozanpaku disciple according to the information I have… is he a disciple of another Master who is related to those guys? But... it seems to be quite ruthless for someone from the fist of life... can he be a disciple of another Yami Master?

No... it seems that their techniques are also those Masters of Ryozanpaku...

Interesting, interesting! You really are quite an interesting person, boy! "

As Alexander repeatedly asked Miu-chan to start running towards the hotel without taking his eyes from where he felt the threat, the small figure that watched him seemed to have an internal struggle on what he should do now.

Despite the cold weather, you could see how some beads of sweat began to form on Alexander's face as that person marked him with his next prey...

"No... it seems like it's not time to meet us yet... haa~ I hope my boring days are over soon, hehehe"

In the end, the image of that person seems to get lost in the snow and his presence also disappears. Regardless that his disciple who was still unconscious in that building, he leaves the place.

Then feeling that he was no longer being observed, Alexander exhaled a great sigh and then carried Miu-chan again who protested about it.

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(POV 3rd person - City where the Ryozanpaku is located )

"Master... It seems that the person who you asked me to look, has returned. Some of the other guys that you also trained saw him recently… "

" Kuhaha! Finally! Finally!!

Boy, you really made me wait… I was starting to get uneasy. "

In a room in some building in the city, a young man using a wheelchair move in and says that to the person inside who wearing a hood. They were Ryuto, the person Kenichi fought with more than 6 months ago, and Ogata his Master.

…Ogata still looked exactly the same, but if Kenichi and Alexander saw Ryuto, they would surely be surprised. Aside from using a wheelchair now, his hair was longer and his body was quite slim… even his skin tone indicated his poor condition now.

Well, Alexander would probably not be so surprised since he had understood very well that the technique he used in the fight with Kenichi would end up affecting him much more than the blows he received in that fight.

"…what do you want me to do? Do you want me to tell those guys to take care of him? "

"Take care of him? Kukuku… no, they surely couldn't deal with him even by joining all of them.

Where is that boy now? Is he in the Ryozanpaku? Haa~ Going to the Ryozanpaku now that Yami has started to move around is more a bit troublesome now… "

"No… it seems that he separated from the Ryzanpaku when he arrived in this city. He is now in a building that appears to be an underworld Arena... although it seems that those who fight there are only young people.

Well, it does not seem that he has severed all ties with the Ryozanpaku... several of those Masters frequently visit that place"

" Hmn? An underworld Arena? Well, that does not matter. The main thing is that it seems that maybe it is easier to meet that boy...

Kukuku, I wonder how much progress has he had since we last met? This is bad... if he's too strong, then I might not be able to resist fighting that boy."

Hearing Ryuto's information, Ogata's mood brightens up quite a bit. It almost seemed like he would run into an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time… no, maybe for him, that wasn't much different than his thoughts right now.

As if he can't wait to meet up with Alexander, he picks himself up off the ground where he had been meditating for a while and then starts walking out the door as he speaks.

"Then do not waste time, we will see to that guy now... Kukuku, you should also rejoice Ryuto, maybe he could help you"

"…Unfortunately at the moment he is not in this city now, he went out on the school trip from Kenichi's school. They will probably be back in a few days. "

"… Haa~ You should have said that first. Well, the important thing is that now he is in this world again...

Kukuku, although... it seems that waiting these days will be more difficult for me"


Many of the things that his Master said, he did not understand, but... from the moment they met, he knew that he was not a person that you should classify the same as the others in this world. Also, his eyes couldn't stop from shine a bit when he heard him say that that guy could heal him… he perfectly understood his condition, so he didn't have much hope about that. But he also knew that this person was not someone who would lie to him about something like that...

It wasn't that there was unconditional trust between them, but Ogata neither was someone who had the hobby of making others suffer just for fun. So Ryuto didn't think he was just giving him hope to make fun of him right away after he found out these were lies.

While Ogata wasn't a saint, he couldn't be considered evil either… probably a more appropriate description for him that he fit into was a fighting maniac.

So, like any sick man who heard that he could be cured, Ryuto couldn't help but feel motivated to meet up with that red-haired boy that he had seen for a short time before. Although he didn't understand everything Ogata was saying, he seemed to evaluate that boy very favorably.

...unfortunately, that also meant that he could start a fight at any moment. He hoped that if things turned out that way, he would at least get a chance first to see if that boy could do something about his current condition.

In his mind, the idea of meeting him before Ogata arose but quickly discarded it. He knew that his Master was probably the most interested in seeing him... so it would be difficult to hide that from him.

"Well, we can only wait a few days."


Ending this discussion, Ogata returns to a meditation position, and then Ruyto moves his chair to leave the room.

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(POV Alexander)

The days of the school trip came to an end and we were all preparing to return to the city. I couldn't achieve the goal for which I came, but I can't say it was a waste of time either.

Well, there was also a moment where I seriously felt that I would have to fight for my life, but in the end, things turned out favorably.

At that time I insisted to Miu -chan to go back to the hotel with the others, but she refused to leave me there. As punishment, once I felt that the danger had disappeared, I carry up her as before to return.

…Of course, this was not enough punishment for Miu- chan, so I also started stroking her butt at that time. She looked pretty cute by not knowing how to respond to that... but I had to stop a few minutes later due to her embarrassed and reproachful look at my actions.

Umu, without a doubt this trip was not a waste of time! Thank all this, the affection of Miu -chan surpassed the digit of 100 finally!! I was a bit worried since at that time she was quite unstable and I thought there was a good chance that it would go back to the previous levels, but in the following days this did not change!

So I could feel quite happy playing with her and Renka-chan the remaining time of this trip! Maybe the only bad thing is that Miu- chan is quite an innocent girl and she seemed to have a hard time interacting with me now as her partner.

Although, since Renka- chan is quite a clingy girl, that must have aroused her jealousy and then was a little more proactive. Well, her complaints when she saw us cuddling together also had increased on a scale now.

Also, when I also tried to do the same with her like with Renka-chan, she would run away while saying something like "Alexander- kun pervert! ". That cute attitude of hers made me be a little more insistent with her to be able to see that embarrassed face of her...

"…W-We will finally return. I-I'm so happy to be able to return to my everyday life again… "

"What's up Hamtaro? You seem quite exhausted… maybe you were able to sneak into Izumi's room? "

"" ... ""

" A-Alexander- sensei, what are you saying?! W-We don't... y-yet... "

I can't help but ask that to Kenichi who was walking next to us quite discouraged. School trips are for that, right? It is the place where you should try to sneak into a girl's room!

Unfortunately, I had to sleep with the other teachers, and it was difficult for me to do something like that... I couldn't tell those guys something like "Now I'll go and sneak into the student room", right? Also, I couldn't just go out at night without good justification...

Hearing my words, the girl of this young couple gets a little nervous by the look of the other girls, and immediately she complains to me...

" M-My exhaustion is because of you, Alexander- senpai! You didn't let me rest even at night! "

"You... can't you really speak in a way that isn't misunderstood?"

"Eh? A-Ah! I-It's not that!! "

When the girls next to me change their gaze of curiosity from this young couple, and then now all the girls lay their eyes on us full of strangers and concern, he realizes his bad choice for his words.

Not because I didn't have a girl by my side I was going to release this frustration of mine on a boy! Well, not in a sexual way. As Kenichi said, these days he was my training partner. And yes, I was a little tougher on him.

"Well, then it's time to go back to our houses"

"" Yes ""

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