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89.17% Mixed HD / Chapter 387: 915-929

Capítulo 387: 915-929

Chapter 915 Reunion After 2,000 Years

"Ziyi…" Su Yang felt an urge to cry after seeing Luo Ziyi's beautiful face for the first time in years.

Even though it has been technically 2,000 years, Su Yang has only experienced a small fraction of that, as he'd reincarnated only 20 years ago.

Of course, while it has only been a few years for Su Yang, it has been over 2,000 since Luo Ziyi has seen him.

After killing the Red-Faced Lizard with almost no effort at all, Luo Yizi slowly approached them in small steps, and she spoke in a calm voice, "I will see you at the Frozen Azure Cave in three months when the Azure Lotus blooms."

"Tell me, why did you tell Mu Yuechan to convey this message to me? And how did you know about it? That was what my late husband told me when I told him that I needed the Azure Lotus." Luo Ziyi stopped walking a few steps before him.

"You also knew an awful lot about Mu Yuechan while she knew nothing about you. Tell me, who are you?"


Su Yang didn't immediately answer her, and he looked around the Frozen Azure Cave instead, looking like he was searching for something.

Seeing this, Luo Ziyi snapped her fingers, instantly creating a powerful formation that covered the entire mountain.

"I have concealed this entire place. Nobody will be able to hear us unless I allow them— not even heaven itself."

Su Yang then smiled and said, "What do you think? Who do you think I am?"

Luo Ziyi narrowed her eyes, and a powerful pressure suddenly enveloped Su Yang, threatening to flatten him just like she did to the Red-Faced Lizard.

Although it didn't injure him, Luo Ziyi could do so with a single thought.

Su Yang started laughing at her reaction, and then he said, "You haven't changed at all, Ziyi. Go ahead. Kill me if you dare."

Luo Ziyi's body visibly trembled after hearing his words.

The pressure disappeared the next moment, and she spoke in a shaky voice, her calmness from a moment ago nowhere to be seen, "I-Is it really you?"

Su Yang then retrieved a white pill and consumed it.

A few seconds later, his round figure began slimming down, and his height even grew taller.

In just a few seconds, the fatty before Luo Ziyi had completely disappeared, turning into an incredibly handsome young man with unfathomable charm.

"I know I look a little bit younger than what you're used to, but yes, I am indeed Su—"

Before he could even finish his sentence, Luo Ziyi stepped forward with her arms spread wide open, tossing herself at him.

"Su Yang! You're really alive!" she embraced him tightly with the corner of her eyes overflowing with tears.

Su Yang also embraced her.

Feeling the nostalgic warmth of her body, he finally felt like he was home.

Even though he has been in the Divine Heavens for a couple of months by now, it didn't feel like he'd gone home— at least not until he reunites with his family.

After spending the next hour simply hugging each other in silence, Su Yang finally said, "Alright, Ziyi. As much as I want to continue this, we have a lot to talk about."

"Indeed, we do. I have so many questions for you."

"What a coincidence," he said with a smile.

He then continued, "Go ahead. Ask me. I will answer your questions first."

Luo Ziyi wiped her eyes and nodded.

She then asked him, "How? How are you alive? I… We all saw your corpse when the Heavenly Emperor handed you back to us. And where have you been for the past couple of thousand years?"

Su Yang then retrieved a mattress from his storage ring before placing it on the ground.

"Take a seat. This is going to take a while," he said.

Seeing him take out a mattress, Luo Ziyi smiled and said, "You're definitely Su Yang, no doubt about it…"

Once they were both seated, Su Yang turned to look at Xiao Rong and patted the space beside him, "You can sit here as well."

Xiao Rong nodded and sat beside him in an obedient manner.

Although she tried her best to avoid looking at Luo Ziyi, Xiao Rong would glance at Luo Ziyi every once in a while, as she was attracted by the unfathomable aura surrounding Luo Ziyi's graceful figure.

Sometime later, Su Yang began explaining to Luo Ziyi what had occurred when he was still trapped inside the Eternal Retribution Cliff and how he met this mysterious old man.

He then talked about how he got reincarnated to another world that was not part of the Four Divine Heavens.

"So after you met this old man, you suddenly woke up in the body of another person, but that person turned out to be your reincarnation? Just who is this old man that can force someone to reincarnate? Even the Heavenly Emperor doesn't have such capability… I think…" Luo Ziyi wondered out loud.

"Yes, and I have been trying to get back here since I woke up in that world. I managed to return to the Four Divine Heavens much quicker than I'd expected since I wasn't expecting to return for at least a few more decades if not a few hundred years."

"Anyways, now let me tell you about my experience there."

Su Yang proceeded to lay on the mattress with Luo Ziyi lying beside him, and they both stared at the cave ceiling that was glistening like the starry sky, almost like they were stargazing.

Once they were comfortable, Su Yang began recalling his entire experience in that new world from the moment he woke up in his new body until the moment he stepped through the mirror and returned to the Four Divine Heavens.

Luo Ziyi didn't utter a single word until Su Yang was finished with his story, her hand gently clasped onto Su Yang's hands this entire time.

Chapter 916 Reactivating Luo Ziyi's Family Seal

"And that's how I returned to the Four Divine Heavens." Su Yang ended his story after talking for four hours straight.


"Well? What do you think?" Su Yang asked her afterward.

"I… I am speechless…" Luo Ziyi said in a dazed voice.

Luo Ziyi found many shocking things in Su Yang's experience, but the most shocking detail of all was that he'd actually managed to find over a dozen women to join the family in just four short years when he'd normally only come back home every few hundred years with a single new addition!

Of course, Su Yang had skipped some 'minor' details in his story, such as impregnating a few of these women, as he wanted to surprise her with them later.

"Sister Lingxi… So she knew that you were alive this entire time but didn't say a single word to us despite returning to her original body for so long? I don't even know if I should be mad that she kept it to herself or happy that I got to learn about it for myself, making our reunion that much more emotional and better."

Su Yang smiled and said, "She was never the type to communicate with everyone else."

"What are your plans now that you have returned, Su Yang?" she then asked him.

"I heard from Mu Yuechan that everyone has scattered after my death. I plan on reuniting everyone. However, in order to do that, I must recover my original strength. If I try to do anything with my current cultivation base, I will die before I can do anything."

"I see…"

"With that being said, do you know where the others are? I only know about your sect and everyone inside. Mu Yuechan told me that most of them had returned to their own homes, but that's the extent of my knowledge."

"I know the location of some, but I do not know where everyone is," she said.

"Although we would send letters to each other at first, we eventually stopped and continued on with our life."

"Is that so… Looks like it will take a while to reunite with everyone." Su Yang sighed.

"If you want, you can always reveal to the world that you're still alive. Once word spreads, they will eventually come back on their own," said Luo Ziyi.

"As much as I want to let the world know that I am back, I am still far too weak, and there are plenty of people who would do everything in their power to get rid of me once and for all. Furthermore, even if I can seek protection from you ladies, chances are my enemies will find me first before everyone else."

"Also… As far as I can tell, you ladies are living in peace right now even without me. I don't want to ruin this peaceful time by revealing my presence."

"So do you intend on keeping the others in the dark?" Luo Ziyi asked him.

"I don't know if I will be able to keep this to myself, especially when I am in front of the other sisters. We may be living a peaceful life right now, but we're all silently grieving inside— we have been ever since your 'death'."

"Of course, many of us believe that you are still alive since our Family Seal is still on our body. The other sisters are definitely waiting for you to come back."

"Speaking of the Family Seal… Can I see it?" Su Yang suddenly asked her.

Luo Ziyi nodded and proceeded to loosen her clothes, revealing her perfect body alongside the Family Seal that was located on the right side of her waist. However, the Family Seal was deactivated, lacking the golden color.

"Can you try activating it again?" Luo Ziyi asked him a moment later.

He nodded and smeared some of his blood onto the Family Seal.

Luo Ziyi could immediately feel her body heating up.

A moment later, the deactivated Family Seal began turning golden.

"Alas… After two thousand years, the Family Seal has finally activated again…" Luo Ziyi looked at the golden symbol with a loving gaze.

Once the Family Seal on Luo Ziyi activated, Su Yang could feel his connection with her return.

"Su Yang."

Hearing Luo Ziyi's sweet voice, he turned to look at her.

The moment he turned his head, Luo Ziyi grabbed his head before pulling it toward her face.


Luo Ziyi began kissing him passionately.

Su Yang closed his eyes and fully indulged himself in it.

The two of them continued to kiss each other passionately for almost an entire hour straight.

Once they stopped, Luo Ziyi took a moment to breathe before loosening her clothes fully, and she stared at him with a passionate gaze, her intentions clear.

"Su Yang… I want to feel your love even more…"

Su Yang didn't hesitate and immediately removed his clothes, ignoring the cold temperature there.

"Even though you reincarnated, your body appears to be the same…" Luo Ziyi chuckled when she saw the massive dragon between his legs. "But will it feel the same?"

"Let's find out." Su Yang did not immediately insert his rod into her cave and took a moment to caress her beautiful pink slit with his rod instead.

Once it was soaking wet, Su Yang inserted his rod into Luo Ziyi's tight and warm immortal cave that hasn't been touched for at least two thousand years.

The moment his rod reached the end of her cave, Su Yang could feel her inner walls tightening around his rod.

This sensation provided an indescribable feeling of pleasure that Su Yang hasn't experienced ever since he reincarnated.

It was a heavenly feeling that made him lose his mind for a brief moment.

"Mmm~!" Luo Ziyi moaned in a soft voice.

"This is it— this is the feeling I have been longing for!"

Su Yang then grabbed her slim waist and began pounding her body intensively, thrusting his rod like a starved man that was experiencing dual cultivation for his first time.

Chapter 917 Does This Make Me the First?



The Frozen Azure Cave echoed with Luo Ziyi's blissful voice and the sound of Su Yang's rod pounding her meat.

"I-Is it just me, or did you get even better?" Luo Ziyi asked him while he continued drilling her body.

"Really? I don't know." Su Yang said with a smile.

Luo Ziyi then held out her arms in front of her and said, "Hold me, Su Yang."

He nodded and released her waist before grabbing her hand.

Once their fingers were locked, Su Yang moved his hips even faster.


Luo Ziyi's immortal cave gushed with Yin Qi, but Su Yang didn't dare to absorb these Yin Qi, as his cultivation base was far too lacking. Therefore, he could only treat this as casual sex instead of dual cultivation.

The two of them continued to cultivate with each other for an entire week while Xiao Rong watched them with a somewhat envious gaze.

Su Yang has only ever used his sword to pierce her rear end, and she wondered how it would feel in the front.

This curious and envious feeling only got stronger as she watched Luo Ziyi display extreme bliss and satisfaction.

After a week of straight sex and without releasing his Yang Qi once, Su Yang asked her, "Ziyi… I know you have asked me before… to impregnate you. Do you still want my children? If so, I will impregnate you right now."

"Eh?" Luo Ziyi stopped moaning to stare at him with a shocked expression on her face.

"W-What did you just say? I don't think I heard you properly…" Luo Ziyi said, doubting her ears.

"I said… Do you still want my children? You asked me before, remember?"

"O-Of course, I remember…" she nodded.

And she continued, "I also remember how you'd adamantly refuse my request— as well as the others."

Su Yang smiled and said, "Well, I have changed. I am willing to impregnate you— all of you now."

"R-Really? You're not messing with me?"

"Yes," he nodded to confirm.

"Do you want to bear my child, Ziyi?" Su Yang asked her again.

"I do!" She responded immediately this time.

"Then here it comes!" Su Yang then released his Yang Qi, and an entire week's worth of Yang Qi gushed into Luo Ziyi's immortal cave.

The Yang Qi quickly overflowed her cave.

Su Yang unplugged his rod from her body a moment later.

"Let me clean it for you." Luo Ziyi then licked his rod clean with her mouth.

Despite cultivating with Su Yang for an entire week straight, Luo Ziyi clearly had plenty of energy left.

As much as she wanted to continue cultivating with him, they will have to continue this another day when their environment is more suitable for dual cultivation. Furthermore, there were still a lot of things they needed to talk about."

"Su Yang, does this make me the first person to bear your child?" Luo Ziyi asked him sometime after they wore their clothes again.

"Well…" Su Yang showed her a smile with a deep meaning behind it.

"What? Don't tell me I'm not? Then who's the first one? How come I haven't heard about it?"

"Probably because it happened when I was in another world," he said.

Luo Ziyi's eyes widened with shock, and her jaw dropped, leaving her mouth wide open.

"Y-You impregnated one of the new sisters?"

Su Yang nodded and said, "It's not just one, either. I have 5 children right now with four different women."

"Heavens…" Luo Ziyi was left speechless by this revelation.

"Do you want to meet them? It should be safe now with the concealment formation around us." Su Yang then said to her.

"Yes!" she quickly responded.


Su Yang then retrieved the spatial device and opened the Immortal's Treasure.

Sometime later, he went inside with Luo Ziyi and Xiao Rong.

Upon entering the Immortal's Treasury, Su Yang teleported them directly to the second floor where the others were living.

Of course, Su Yang had notified them before they entered the spatial device, so everybody living inside the Immortal's Treasury was already gathered and waiting for their arrival.

"Su Yang!"

The ladies there immediately smiled when they saw Su Yang's handsome face again.

Although they hear his voice pretty often, this was their first time seeing him in person since they arrived at the Four Divine Heavens three months ago.

"Wow, what a beautiful lady…" Sun Jingjing subconsciously mumbled when she saw Luo Ziyi.

The others were also surprised when they saw her.

While they knew Su Yang wanted to introduce them to someone, they didn't know who exactly, but when they saw Luo Ziyi, they immediately knew her relationship with Su Yang, especially when they felt the Family Seal's on their body reacting to her.

"It's been a while, ladies. Let me introduce you to Luo Ziyi. If you can't tell by now, she's a member of the Su Family from the Four Divine Heavens." Su Yang said to them.

"Hello..." Luo Ziyi said to them with a calm expression on her face, yet she was greatly shocked inwardly when she saw four beautiful women carrying babies in their arms.

'Are they all… Su Yang's children?' Luo Ziyi felt an indescribable feeling in her heart when she saw these babies.

"Hi! My name is Sun Jingjing, and I used to be a fellow disciple of Su Yang!" Sun Jingjing was the first to introduce herself.

Once Sun Jingjing finished her introduction, the next person went, and they would continue this until everyone there had introduced themselves.

However, Luo Ziyi was barely paying attention to their introductions, as she was completely focused on the babies.

When Xie Xingfang noticed Luo Ziyi staring at the babies, she spoke with a smile on her face, "Senior sister, would you like to carry one of them?"

"Eh?" Luo Ziyi snapped out of her daze and looked at her face for the first time.

"I noticed you were staring at them, so I thought you might've wanted to take a closer look. If I'm wrong, I apologize—"

"No, you're right. I'd like to hold them for a moment if you don't mind." Luo Ziyi quickly interrupted with a somewhat bashful look on her face.

The smile on Su Yang's face grew wider when he saw this, and he laughed inwardly at Luo Ziyi's unusual reaction to the babies.

Chapter 918 Su Yang's Plans

After Xie Xingfang handed Su Tianying over to Luo Ziyi, Luo Ziyi proceeded to carry the baby in her arms with an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

Su Tianying, Su Yang's son, stared at Luo Ziyi in silence as she carried him.

Sometime later, Su Yang said, "Ziyi, I need you to do me a favor."

"What is it?"

"Can you take care of them while I am away?"

Luo Ziyi turned to look at him and said, "What do you mean?"

"I want you to let them stay at your sect for now. I will be traversing the Four Divine Heavens to improve my cultivation, and it would be inappropriate for me to carry them around with me everywhere, especially with my plans."

"If I die… I don't want them to die with me."

Everybody there looked at him in silence.

"Don't say such obnoxious things. I won't forgive you if you 'die' again." Luo Ziyi said with a frown on her face.

"I know, but I will be able to travel with reassurance knowing that they're in your care."

After a moment of silence, Luo Ziyi turned to look at the ladies and asked them, "Are you girls okay with his decision?"

The ladies exchanged glances with each other.

Lian Li then said, "Just make sure to visit us once in a while, okay?"

"That's right! At least once a year!" Su Yin said.

Su Yang showed a bitter smile on his face, and he said, "Unfortunately, I may not be able to visit any of you for at least a few years."

"What? Why not?" Su Liqing quickly asked.

"Because the place you ladies will be going to is called the Sacred Lands— it's a special place in the Celestial Heaven where men are barred from entering unless they receive permission from the Sacred Empress."

"Although I have permission to enter the Sacred Land, that permission is for 'Su Yang', and I cannot reveal my identity for now, as that would only bring trouble for everyone."

The ladies were clearly not happy to learn that they'll have to separate from him and most likely not see him again for a few years, but they understood that Su Yang had many important things to do, and they were warned even before they arrived at the Four Divine Heavens that things will change.

"Stay safe, Su Yang." They said to him afterward.

Su Yang nodded and said, "Of course. I won't die so easily."

And he continued while looking at Wang Shuren and Bai Lihua, "I will try my best to meet with the God of Alchemy, and when I do, I will let her know about you two. Until then, just stay with the others."

"Okay." They nodded.

"And since it might be a while until we will meet again, allow me to spend the rest of the month with you all. Do you mind, Ziyi?" Su Yang asked her.

She shook her head and said, "I was supposed to have a meeting with the Sacred Empress, but I skipped it, so I have plenty of time now."

Thus, Su Yang proceeded to spend the rest of the month cultivating with everyone inside the Immortal's Treasury without any breaks— at least with those who are able to cultivate.

A month later, Su Yang said his goodbyes with the ladies inside the Immortal's Treasury before leaving the place and returning to the surface in the Frozen Azure Cave with Xiao Rong and Luo Ziyi.

Of course, before they left, Su Yang handed the spatial device's authority to Luo Ziyi so that she could carry it with her back to the Sacred Lands.

"You have some really lovely girls in there, Su Yang. I'm sure the others will also welcome their new sisters." Luo Ziyi said to him once outside, as she had plenty of opportunities to speak with the new family members during their month of entertainment.

After taking the spatial device with her, Luo Ziyi asked him, "Well, what are your plans now?"

Su Yang smiled and said, "I am going to Martial Heaven to join the Boundless Yin Yang Sect so that I can improve my cultivation."

"The Boundless Yin Yang Sect?" Luo Ziyi raised her eyebrows.

Although it wasn't shocking and quite reasonable considering his situation, it was definitely surprising, as she never expected to see Su Yang become a disciple again.

"Are you going to go in your other appearance? The Boundless Yin Yang Sect will chase you away before you can even enter their sect gates." Luo Ziyi said to him.

Su Yang laughed out loud and said, "Ziyi, you dare underestimate me? But you're right. As much as I want to challenge myself by cultivating in the Boundless Yin Yang Sect in that appearance, I don't have the luxury to play around. I will go with a new appearance— one that isn't as obnoxious."

"However, before I go to the Martial Heavens…"

He paused to clear this throat before continuing, "I will need some more help from you."

Luo Ziyi smiled and said, "How much do you need?"

"In fact, let me take you to Martial Heaven."

Su Yang raised his eyebrows and said, "That won't do. You will attract too much attention, the opposite of what I want."

"You think you're the only one who can use disguises? I can do that as well, and I have even better pills than what you were using. Although it's not easily noticeable, if someone really focuses on you, they will see right through your disguise."

"So you knew since the beginning but still decided to question me?" Su Yang chuckled.

"Not only that, but I have even been secretly watching you ever since you entered the mountain valley." Luo Ziyi said with a big smile on her face, revealing to him that she'd actually been watching him this entire time.

"What?! Is that why you were late?! And you didn't even bother to help me? I even used one of my precious Sword Talisman!" Su Yang was shocked to learn that Luo Ziyi had been following him for the last two weeks.

"Because it was very entertaining watching you struggle in such a manner, Su Yang. You don't get to see such scenes very often, after all." Luo Ziyi laughed in a graceful manner, leaving Su Yang speechless.

Chapter 919 Leaving the Frozen Azure Cave

"Unbelievable. To think you'd let your husband suffer for your own entertainment… What if I died?" Su Yang said to her in a joking manner.

Luo Ziyi continued to smile and said, "You think I'd let you die in my presence?"

"No, but hypothetically speaking, I could've died."

"And I am telling you that's not possible."

Su Yang shook his head with a defeated smile, and he said, "Anyways, jokes aside. Since you're going to be coming with me, I will alter my plans a little. Let's go visit the God of Alchemy first. This will be much easier with you by my side."

"The God of Alchemy?" Luo Ziyi raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, is there something wrong? I heard that she'd stopped concocting pills for some reason, but I need her to make me some pills."

"Well… She left her sect about a thousand years ago and hasn't returned. Nobody knows where she went, either."

Su Yang frowned upon hearing this, but he didn't panic.

After pondering for a moment, he said, "I think I have an idea of her location."


He nodded and explained, "Yes, she took me to this isolated place when she first started teaching me alchemy. That's the only place I can think of."

"Where is this place?" Luo Ziyi then asked.

"To be completely honest with you, I also have no idea where this place is— but that is not to say I don't know how to get there. It's just that I don't know where the place is located exactly. I have tried looking for it before, but I couldn't find anything. It's probably her own little dimension or something along that line."

"Okay. But before we go, I will need to return to the sect to retrieve some money since I didn't expect to be traveling with you when I left." Luo Ziyi said a moment later.

"Okay. I will wait for you at the Frozen Palace. You know where it is, right?"


"Also, if you're going to drop the others off, you can leave everyone but Bai Lihua and Wang Shuren behind, since they'll be coming with us to meet the God of Alchemy."

"Do you plan on making them her disciple?" she asked him.

He nodded.

"I understand."

"By the way, one more thing… Should I tell the others about you…? You never gave me an answer," she suddenly asked.

Su Yang silently stared at her as he pondered in silence.

A moment later, he nodded, "You can tell them, but make sure to do it within a concealment formation. Even though I am certain that nobody will leak this information, you never know when someone else is listening."

"I know, Su Yang. Who do you think you're talking to?" Luo Ziyi said with a smile.

"Then I will see you at the Frozen Palace in a few days."

Sometime later, Su Yang consumed the Supreme Appearance Altering Pill and returned to being a fatty.

"I thought you were going to change appearances?" Luo Ziyi raised her eyebrows when she saw this.

"I will change it when I go to the Boundless Yin Yang Sect. I will remain in this appearance for now since I kind of got used to it," he said.

"Are you ready to leave?" Su Yang asked her.

"Wait a moment." Luo Ziyi turned around and walked to the pond there.

Su Yang followed her and stood beside her.

"Do you remember when we worked together to acquire the Azure Lotus?" Luo Ziyi asked him after a minute of silence.

"Of course. How could I forget? The Azure Lotus that lives at the bottom of this pond and fifty thousand other cultivators trying to obtain it. However, with you by my side, it wasn't too much work."

"More like with you by my side. I was the one who needed the Azure Lotus. You were there just to help me." Luo Ziyi said with a smile.

After another moment of silence, she spoke, "Hey, Su Yang."

"What is it?"

"Let's come here again in four thousand years— just me and you. That's when the next Azure Lotus is born."

"Sure." Su Yang nodded.

After spending a few more minutes staring at the pond, Luo Ziyi removed the concealment formation around the Frozen Azure Cave.

She then left the cave with Su Yang and Xiao Rong following right behind her.

Once they were outside, they proceeded to fly over the mountain valley without a care in the world.

Of course, the magical beasts in the air immediately noticed their presence and decided to attack them.

However, before they could even get close, Luo Ziyi only needed to release some of her cultivation base to flatten the magical beasts instantly.

Eventually, the other magical beasts stopped trying to attack them, and they managed to leave the mountain valley in just a few hours.

Xiao Rong was speechless when she saw how effortlessly Luo Ziyi was killing the magical beasts that they had to avoid and run away from for the past two weeks, and they even crossed the mountain valley in such a short time.

Once they arrived at the mountain pass that had the unknown entity at the bottom, Luo Ziyi said to them, "Stay close to me."

She then retrieved a treasure that completely erased their presence, allowing them to fly over the mountain pass without alerting the entity at the bottom.

Though Xiao Rong was quite nervous and hesitant when she realized they were going to fly in this area.

"Master, will it be okay?" she asked him.

He nodded, "Yes. You don't have to worry about it. The entity at the bottom won't notice us if we stay close to Ziyi, who has a treasure that will conceal our presence perfectly. Furthermore, even if it does spot us, she can defend it just fine."

Xiao Rong felt relieved after hearing his words, but when they actually started flying over the mountain pass, she still felt some nervousness from it.

Chapter 920 Leaving Frozen Asgard

A few hours after leaving the mountain valley, Su Yang and the others also managed to leave the mountain pass safely.

And since they had Luo Ziyi protecting them, there wasn't any need for them to use the hidden passages, allowing them to just fly straight through the Frozen Asgard effortlessly, almost like the Frozen Asgard had turned into a park for them.

"I have been wondering for a while now, but who is this little girl? I can tell that she's also disguised, but she doesn't have a Family Seal on her." Luo Ziyi as they made their way out of the Frozen Asgard.

Su Yang smiled and said, "Take a guess."

When he told her about his experience in the other world, he purposefully left out details about Xiao Rong to surprise her.

Luo Ziyi looked at Xiao Rong with a pondering look on her face.

After a moment of silence, she spoke, "She's not human, so she's likely a magical beast. I find her aura a little familiar, but I cannot recall where I have sensed it before or what kind of magical beast she is."

"Here's a few hints. She is small, has incredible spiritual strength, and can even find treasures with ease. Ah, she's also extremely fast."

"She can find treasures?" Luo Ziyi raised her eyebrows.

There were only a handful of magical beasts with such a unique ability in the Four Divine Heavens, and most of them are small. However, there is only one that is both fast and has strong spiritual strength."

"Don't tell me she's a Ghost Cat?" Luo Ziyi made an educated guess.

Su Yang chuckled and said, "Close, but not quite."

"What? What else besides Ghost Cats are fast, can find treasures, and even have strong spiritual strength, which is their specialty?"

"What about a Phantom Cat?"

Luo Ziyi stopped her movements when she heard that, and she stared at Xiao Rong with her eyes as wide as saucers.

"Phantom Cat?! The ancestor of Ghost Cats?! How did you come across such a ridiculously rare ancient beast?!" she exclaimed.

"Do you remember the spatial device I gave you? I found her inside," he said.

"What? You found a Phantom Cat inside a spatial device? How is that even remotely possible? I don't believe you!"

"Let me tell you about it first. I kept it out on purpose to surprise you."

Su Yang proceeded to tell her about his experience inside the spatial device and how he found Xiao Rong.

"Unbelievable… To think someone from the Heavenly Order ended up in that world after their war with the Asura God Clan. But that doesn't explain why there's a Phantom Cat inside that person's spatial device." Luo Ziyi said after hearing the story.

"I can only think of one possibility. Xiao Rong somehow entered the spatial device and got stuck inside. Although Phantom Cats and Ghost Cats can be born from nothing, it is highly unlikely that there was enough spiritual energy inside the spatial device to give birth to a Ghost Cat, much less a Phantom Cat."

"Why don't you ask her?"

"I have, but she doesn't remember anything."

"Is that so… Then maybe you can take her to you-know-who and have her check out Xiao Rong." Luo Ziyi suggested.

Su Yang smiled and said, "I already have plans to take Xiao Rong to her."

"Who?" Xiao Rong asked out of curiosity.

"Let's just say that she's an expert with Ghost Cats and the likes," he said.

"You'll know when you see her."

Xiao Rong nodded.

A week later, they left the Frozen Asgard and arrived at the nearest city.

"I will see you later, Su— Xiao Yang." Luo Ziyi said to him.

"Yes. See you in a few days."

Su Yang then went to the Frozen Palace with Xiao Rong while Luo Ziyi went to the teleport formation.

The people working on the teleport formation were shocked when they saw Luo Ziyi.

"G-Greetings, Immortal Fairy Luo!"

Everybody greeted her.

The people waiting in line also greeted her before they made a path for her, allowing her to go first.

"Take me to the Sacred City," she said.

"Right away!"

The workers immediately started working on the teleport formation.

A few minutes later, they were finished.

Luo Ziyi then paid the fees before entering the teleport formation.

Upon exiting the teleport formation on the other side, Luo Ziyi retrieved her flying treasure and started making her way to the other teleport formation— the one that will take her to the Sacred Lands.

Once she arrived at the teleport, the people working there lowered their heads and bowed to her.

"Welcome back, Immortal Fairy Luo." They said to her.

Luo Ziyi didn't say anything and entered the portal sometime later, arriving at the Sacred Lands.

At the Sacred Lands, Luo Ziyi used her flying treasure again and quickly returned to her sect.

"Welcome back, Sect Master." The disciples there greeted her.

"I'm back."

Luo Ziyi then returned to her own living quarters before taking out her communication jade slip and summoning everyone from the Su Family within the sect— even those that were not at the sect.

The first to show up was Wang Yunxuan.

"Sister Ziyi, welcome back." Wang Yunxuan said to her.

"I'm back," she responded with a smile.

Despite trying to keep a poker face to not reveal anything to her until everyone gathered, Luo Ziyi couldn't help but smile when she saw Wang Yunxuan, as she could only imagine her reaction once she reveals the news to her and everyone else.

"You seem to be in a good mood. Are you willing to tell me what the message was all about now?" Wang Yunxuan asked her.

"Just be patient, Sister Yunxuan. This is something that all of you should experience together."

"Everyone? You summoned the other sisters as well? This must be fairly important."

Luo Ziyi nodded.

"Now I am really curious…" Wang Yunxuan smiled.

Three days later, 12 women— 12 extremely beautiful goddesses gathered in Luo Ziyi's living quarters.

Chapter 921 12 Goddesses

"What's going on, Sister Ziyi? Did something happen?" One of the 12 goddesses asked her once they gathered in her living quarters.

"This must be fairly urgent if you had to summon all twelve of us at once. Are we under attack again?" said another goddess.

Luo Ziyi shook her head and said, "No, we're not under attack, but this is definitely important— more important than anything that has happened for the last 2 thousand years."

Luo Ziyi then used her spiritual sense to make sure there was nobody spying on them, and then she used a concealment formation, covering not just the entire living quarters but also the entire sect as well.

This dumbfounded the goddesses. They have never seen her acting so secretive.

Once she was prepared, Luo Ziyi took a deep breath and spoke, "Fellow sisters, I only have one question for all of you…"

She looked at them with a solemn expression on her face.

"Do you believe in Su Yang?"


The goddesses' eyes widened with surprise after hearing her question.

"What do you mean by that, Sister Ziyi? We need more context…" One of them said to her after a moment of silence.

"When Su Yang died two thousand years ago, some of us believed that he was still alive while others hoped he's still alive. Do you all still believe— or hope that he's alive?"

Everyone there had a complicated and pained expression on their faces when Luo Ziyi reminded them of Su Yang's death.

After a minute of silence, one of them said, "I believed that Su Yang was still alive at first, but two thousand years have passed. If he was alive, he'd have returned to our side by now. As much as I want to keep on believing in him… I have to face reality. He's no longer with us."

"What's two thousand years? I had to wait 5,000 years for him at one point," said another goddess there.

The goddesses there began to give their thoughts on the subject.

Wang Yunxuan then asked afterward, "What's the matter, Sister Ziyi? Why are you asking us this? You usually hate it whenever we mention Su Yang."

"Right? You would even scold us for it. Now you're the one bringing it up? Something happened, right?"

Luo Ziyi nodded, and to the others' surprise, she stood up and began loosening her clothes.

"What are you doing?" They asked her.

Once she loosened her robes enough, Luo Ziyi allowed them to fall onto the ground, revealing her beautiful figure.

"What are you trying to tell us—"

The place suddenly turned dead silent.

After a moment of silence, Wang Yunxuan pointed at the right side of her waist with a trembling hand.

"S-S-Sister Ziyi… T-That… H-H-How…?!?!" she spoke in a shaky voice.

"Your Family Seal is active?! Impossible!" Another one exclaimed.

The goddess began approaching Luo Ziyi to look at her Family Seal more closely.

"I-It's really active! How?!"

Luo Ziyi showed a smile on her face as she wore her clothes again.

Then she said, "Why don't you take a guess? There's only one way someone can activate their Family Seal."

"Y-You're telling me that Su Yang activated it— that he's alive?" Wang Yunxuang asked her with a look of disbelief on her face.

The smile on Luo Ziyi's face grew wider, and she nodded.


The entire room turned dead silent with everyone trying to process whatever was going on.

Once they realized the situation, tears began flowing from their eyes.

"W-Where is he right now?! I want to see him!" One of them suddenly said.

"How?! What happened to him?!" Another one asked.

The goddesses began bombarding Luo Ziyi with questions regarding Su Yang.

"Calm down. I will explain everything to you in just a moment. But first, I want you all to look at this, since I'm sure that some of you are still doubting it."

Luo Ziyi proceeded to take out an item and showed it to the goddesses.

When they saw the items, their eyes widened with shock, and all of their doubt vanished.

The item in Luo Ziyi was a sword— an ordinary and somewhat worn-out sword that had two names engraved onto it.

"Su Yang."

"Su Meiqi."

"Su Yang actually gave you his sword? Normally, he wouldn't let it even leave his hands!" Wang Yunxuan was shocked.

"Yes, I was also surprised when he handed it to me before we separated."

"So you really met him? Where?"

"Allow me to explain," said Luo Ziyi.

And she proceeded to explain everything that happened, starting from when she received the message from Mu Yuechan.

"I will see you at the Frozen Azure Cave in three months when the Azure Lotus blooms. That was the message Su Yang told Mu Yuechan to convey to me. This sentence is significant because it was the exact same sentence he said to me when we worked together to acquire the Azure Lotus."

"Thus, I immediately went to the Frozen Asgard after hearing this message."

"Fast forward two months, I noticed a fatty and a young lady traversing the mountain valley. I watched them in secrecy, and to my surprise, the fatty was using Sword Will and the Nine Astral Steps, something Su Yang knew. Then I saw him use a Sword Talisman that released Su Yang's Sword Will. It was at this moment that I was almost certain that he was Su Yang, but I wasn't 100 percent certain— until we finally met up in the Frozen Azure Cave."

"Inside the Frozen Azure Cave, the fatty removed his disguise, turning into Su Yang… at least a younger version of him. After that, he explained everything to me. What had happened in the Eternal Retribution Cliff. Where he has been for the past 2,000 years among other things."

"After listening to his story, I finally understood why our Family Seal didn't entirely disappear, only deactivated, and I also understood why he hasn't returned until now."

"Don't skip the important details, Sister Ziyi! Tell us what happened to him!" One of the goddesses urged, acting like an anxious child during storytime when the story was reaching the climax.

Chapter 922 Learning the Truth

"I'm getting there…" Luo Ziyi said with a smile.

And she continued, "Anyways, the reason Su Yang 'died' was because he'd been forced to reincarnate when he met some mysterious old man inside the Eternal Retribution Cliff, and he reincarnated 2,000 years in the future in some unknown world outside the Four Divine Heavens."

"What? He reincarnated?"

The goddesses were speechless after hearing this.

Luo Ziyi nodded and proceeded to recall to the goddesses everything Su Yang told her— all of his experience within the unknown world until the moment he returned to the Four Divine Heavens.

"Unbelievable… To think something like this could happen…"

They all held an expression of disbelief on their beautiful faces.

Sometime later, Wang Yunxuan said, "Sister Ziyi, I feel like you're still hiding something from us."

Luo Ziyi chuckled and asked her, "What makes you say that?"

"It's just a feeling."

"You're right, there's still one— actually, two things I haven't revealed yet."

"One, Su Yang brought with him from the other world more sisters."

The goddesses raised their eyebrows. They have more sisters in the family now? That wasn't too surprising, though.

"And it's just more than one or two. There were like a dozen of them, and all in just a few years."

"What?! There's a dozen of them?!"

The goddesses were shocked now.

While they were used to Su Yang bringing back a new woman every time he would return, he would usually only return with one every few hundred years— two at times.

However, bringing back a dozen new women in just a few years was incredibly shocking and unprecedented.

Of course, it has been over 2,000 years for them, but for Su Yang, only a couple of years have passed since he reincarnated.

"What are they like?" One of them asked Luo Ziyi.

"They're all really young. Less than a hundred years old, which isn't surprising considering the world he was in. They are mostly mortals in that world and the Sovereign Spirit Realm is considered the peak."

"Heavens… I don't even know what to make of that… How long has it been since we have mortals joining our family?"

"A bunch of new junior sisters, huh? At last, I will no longer be the youngest here…"

Luo Ziyi nodded and said, "I will introduce them later."

"As for the second thing… Su Yang has agreed to impregnate me," she said with a blissful smile on her face.


The goddesses exclaimed simultaneously.

"In fact, he's already filled my body with his Yang Qi. I will be pregnant soon."

"P-Pregnant?! Impossible! He has always been against that!" One of them then said.

"I know it's shocking. Trust me, I was also shocked when he asked me to have his child even though I have always wanted it. However, I am not lying. In fact, he already has 5 children with the new sisters. They're all really cute babies. I even held one of them in my arms— his son. "

"What?! Su Yang has babies now?!"

Out of all the shocking news they have heard today, this was definitely at the top.

"Quickly! Let me see the new junior sisters! I cannot wait any longer!" One of them suddenly urged.

"Do you want to see the sisters or the babies?" Luo Ziyi chuckled.

"Follow me. We'll have to go somewhere with more room."

"Also, we are not to talk about this subject unless you are absolutely sure that there's nobody around and that you're within a concealment formation."

Luo Ziyi reminded them before she removed the concealment formation and led them to another place— one that was much more spacious.

Sometime later, Luo Ziyi created another concealment formation before retrieving the spatial device and opening the Immortal's Treasury.

Minutes later, they arrived at the 2nd floor where the others were living.

"Wow… There's way more than a dozen people here…" The goddesses were speechless when they saw how many people were living in this place.

"Hello, fellow sisters. Allow me to introduce you to the Su Family of the Lonely Fairies' Refined Palace." Luo Ziyi said to the Su Family from the mortal world.

The goddesses then proceeded to introduce themselves.

After that, Su Liqing and the others introduced themselves.

"A-Are those really Su Yang's children?" Wang Yunxuan asked them in a trembling voice after their introduction.

"Yes. Do you want to hold onto her?" Lian Li nodded.


Lian Li then handed Su Li'er to Wang Yunxuan.

When the other mothers saw this, they also handed their children to the other goddesses.

"You know, when we asked Su Yang to impregnate us before, he would always refuse. It's quite shocking that I have his children in my arms right now." One of them said.

"Yes, he told us about it before. He said it was mostly because he had too many enemies, and he didn't want unnecessary trouble." Sun Jingjing said.

"Indeed, he does have a lot of enemies…" The goddesses agreed.

The ladies proceeded to talk to each other about Su Yang.

A few hours later, Luo Ziyi said to them, "As you already know, all of you will be staying at the Lonely Fairies' Refined Palace for now. If you wish to continue living in this place, that is completely fine, but I suggest you live outside with us, where the quality of spiritual energy is countless times better."

"Su Yang also told me to assist in your cultivation. Although you may have been experts in your previous world, in the Four Divine Heavens, your cultivation bases are incredibly weak, almost nonexistent. Therefore, the Lonely Fairies' Refined Palace will train you into powerful cultivators."

"Most of you are in the Heavenly Spirit Realm and below for now, but I promise you that within ten years, you will all reach at least Divine Realm."

"Until you're powerful enough, you will have to stay inside the sect, meaning you cannot leave the sect for whatever reason, as this is for your own safety."

Luo Ziyi then turned to look at Wang Shuren and Bai Lihua and continued, "As for you two, who intend on learning alchemy from the God of Alchemy, you will be coming with me. Su Yang has decided to change his plans and visit the God of Alchemy first."

"I understand." They both nodded.

Chapter 923 Above the Seven Mortal Spirit Realms

"Are there any questions?" Luo Ziyi asked them afterward.

Xie Xingfang raised her hand and said, "Senior Sister Luo, you said that we'll be able to achieve Divine Realm within 10 years, but how far ahead is that compared to the Heavenly Spirit Realm?"

"Ah, right. You're only familiar with the Sovereign Spirit Realm since that is the peak in your world."

"Well, as you already know, above the Heavenly Spirit Realm is the Sovereign Spirit Realm, and above that is the Divine Spirit Realm."

"The Divine Spirit Realm is the end of the first major realm, the Seven Mortal Spirit Realms. As long as you're within one of these stages, you're still considered as a mortal."

"The next major realm is the Five Divine Realms. Starting with Divine Origin Realm, then Divine Lord Realm, Divine Sovereign Realm, Divine Saint Realm, and lastly, Divine Emperor Realm. The Five Divine Realms is often considered as the most important since that is when you start to truly experience what it's like to be a cultivator."

"Above the Five Divine Realms is the Four Ancient Realms. Ancient Sovereign, Ancient Saint, Ancient Emperor, and lastly, Ancient Immortal. Here, you'll be considered an Immortal if you reach Ancient Emperor."

"After breaking through Ancient Immortal, you'll enter the Immortal Ascension Realm. The Immortal Ascension Realm consists of nine levels, such as First Level Immortal Ascension and Second Level Immortal Ascension."

"After attaining all nine levels, you will be able to attempt to enter the Three Celestial Realms— Celestial King, Celestial Emperor, and Celestial God. However, the Three Celestial Realms are special in the way that only those who have Celestial Qi in their Dantian can achieve. Without it, no matter how powerful or talented, you will not be able to reach this realm, so Immortal Ascension is considered as the peak for most people in the Four Divine Heavens."

"Do you understand the power balance in the Four Divine Heavens a little better now?"

"Wow… There are so many cultivation levels… To think Su Yang wasn't exaggerating when he called us mere mortals…"

The ladies from the mortal world were left speechless by the overwhelming amount of cultivation levels above the Sovereign Spirit Realm. Many of them believed that the Heavenly Spirit Realm was the peak of cultivation at one point. To think they were not even considered as true cultivators in this vast world; it was simply too shocking.

"Anyways, we will teach you more about the cultivation levels and our world later. First, you should prioritize getting used to the sect. Also, we won't force you to become disciples if you don't want to, but you will all be disciples in name in order to protect you. If you decide to join us, just let one of us know and we'll make it happen. Although the Lonely Fairies' Refined Palace is a sect to most people, it's really just a home for the family."

"One more thing. Once you leave this space, don't talk about Su Yang or even mention him, as there could always be someone listening and you won't even know it. The fact that he's still alive has to remain a secret for now to keep all of you— and even us safe. If you want to talk about him, I will keep this spatial device open in a secluded area so that you ladies can enter whenever."

The ladies nodded.

Luo Ziyi then turned to look at the mothers and said, "I know it will be difficult for you to focus on cultivation with a baby in your hand, so one of us will take them off your hands when you need to cultivate. Do you mind?"

The mothers shook their heads.

"Great." Luo Ziyi then looked at the 12 goddesses and smiled, "As for whoever gets to take care of the babies… We can take turns."

They nodded with excitement in their eyes.

"Then I will give you some time to prepare. I will also take this time to prepare your new living quarters in the sect alongside other things. Tomorrow, we will figure out who will be teaching who."

After talking for a little longer, Luo Ziyi and the others left the Immortal's Treasury.

"This is very exciting. I wonder what it's like outside. I cannot wait." Sun Jingjing said afterward.

"It sucks that we won't be able to see Su Yang for a while, but if we focus on our cultivation, I'm sure we'll meet him before we even realize how much time has passed." Zhu Mengyi said.

Meanwhile, after leaving the Immortal's Treasury, Luo Ziyi returned to her living quarters with the others.

"It's been a very long time since I have felt this kind of excitement. Not only do we now have new sisters but we also get to live with Su Yang's descendants," said one of the goddesses there.

"Sister Ziyi, where's Su Yang right now? You never told us. I want to meet him."

"Me, too!"

"Calm down, sisters. As much as I want to let you all see Su Yang, it'll attract unnecessary attention if you all visit him at once."

"That's fine. We can disguise ourselves, and we won't all go at once."

"It isn't fair that you're the only one who gets to see Su Yang, Sister Ziyi.

The goddesses began complaining to her.

"Fine, fine, but let me speak with Su Yang first. I will let you all know his answer when I come back," said Luo Ziyi.

"When will you be back?" One of them asked.

"I don't know. But it shouldn't take too long. A few weeks at most, probably," she said.

"In the meantime, I will leave the junior sisters to you. Of course, if you're busy with other things, I completely understand, as this was quite sudden."

"Nonsense! There is nothing more important than taking care of Su Yang's descendants!" One of them said.

"Although we can take turns taking care of the babies, who will go first? And how long do we get to spend with the babies before we have to switch?" Another one asked.

Luo Ziyi smiled and said, "You ladies can figure that out by yourselves. I have to return to Su Yang's side now."

"You're leaving already?"

"Well, not immediately. I still need to prepare for our trip, but tomorrow should be my last day at the sect."

"Okay. Stay safe. And make sure you speak with Su Yang regarding letting us meet him!"

"I know." She nodded.

Chapter 924 Sparring Each Other

Sometime later, Luo Ziyi went to prepare for her journey with Su Yang while the other goddesses began debating on who should be the first person to take care of the babies and how long they get to take care of the babies.

"As the most senior one here, I should be first in line to take care of the babies!"

"That's not fair, Senior Sister Zou! The one with the most experience with children should go first!"

"How do we know who has more experience? One can even lie about their experience! We need something more definitive!"

"Then let's settle this the traditional way."

The goddesses looked at each other before nodding in silence.

They proceeded to make their way to a certain area in the sect— a massive arena with multiple stages available there, and many disciples could be seen fighting on these stages.

"Greetings, Senior Sisters!"

The disciples there stopped whatever they were doing to greet them, and even the ones fighting on the stages stopped fighting to greet them.

They were then greatly shocked when they saw all twelve Sect Elders gathered at the same time, as that only normally happens during important events and celebrations within the sect.

This is the first time they have seen so many sect elders in the arena at once.

"Don't mind us. You girls can act like we're not here." Wang Yunxuan said to them.

Despite nodding their heads, the disciples knew that it was going to be an impossible task to ignore their presence, especially when there's so many of them.

The twelve of them proceeded to stand there in silence, patiently waiting for an available stage.

About half an hour later, there was finally an open stage.

When the goddesses saw this, they immediately jumped onto the stage, attracting the disciples' attention again.

"The rules are simple. We will limit our cultivation base to the Divine Origin Realm. If your strength exceeds the Divine Origin Realm, it will be an automatic loss. If you get kicked off the stage, it will also result in a loss." Wang Yunxuan said to the others.

"We will decide the matches through the lottery, and we will treat this as a tournament." Wang Yunxuan then retrieved a box with a hole on the top.

"Pick your numbers. Those with the same numbers will be fighting each other."

The goddesses proceeded to pick their number.

Once they all had their number, those that picked number one remained on the stage while the others left the stage and stood by the stage as spectators.

"A-Are the Senior Sisters going to spar with each other? Why? I have never seen them fight before…"

"I don't know, but this is very exciting. I wonder what it looks like when the sect elders fight…"

The disciples also gathered around the stage and became spectators.

Sometime later, once they were ready, the two goddesses on the stage started to fight.


The ground immediately started shaking when they began exchanging techniques and attacks with each other.


The disciples were both shocked and terrified when they started fighting in a manner that looked as though they were really trying to kill each other.

Although there was a formation around the entire arena that prevented one from dying even if their head explodes as long as they remained inside the formation, it was still shocking to see the sect elders going at each other's throats in such a vicious manner.

"S-Senior sisters… If you don't mind me asking, why are you all fighting with each other? Is this some sort of practice?" One of the disciples there decided to ask them.

"No, this is not for practice. We're trying to decide on something, but we couldn't come to an agreement, so we decided to use this method to come to a conclusion, as this is the most straightforward method we can think of— the strongest will get to decide."

"I-I see…"

Although the disciples understood why they were doing this, none of them dared to ask what they were fighting for.

"Take this!"

"That won't be enough to defeat me, Senior Sister!"

After clashing for half an hour, one of them emerged victorious when she literally made the other's body explode into a bloody mess, splattering her blood and organs all over the stage.

The disciples sucked in cold air when they saw this.

However, a moment later, the goddess that had been killed returned back to life as though nothing had happened, and the bloody mess on the stage also cleaned up itself.

"Not bad, Junior Sister… You have improved tremendously since our last spar."

Sometime later, the ones who got number 2 went onto the stage.

Once the winner was decided, the winner from the first fight and the winner from the second fight began fighting on another stage while the losers also fought each other, almost like a real tournament.

The disciples remained in the arena to watch them fight, refusing to leave, as it was incredibly rare to witness the sect elders display their skills, and they were even able to learn from watching the fight.

Eventually, other disciples in the sect also began appearing in the arena when they heard about the situation.

The goddesses fought each other for the entire day until the following morning when they had to return to the Immortal's Treasury to assist the junior sisters.

"We'll finish this later." Wang Yunxuan said to them.

Sometime later, they gathered at the Immortal's Treasury.

"Good morning, Senior Sisters."

"Morning, Junior Sisters."

After their greetings, Luo Ziyi brought them outside the Immortal's Treasury, leaving only Wang Shuren and Bai Lihua behind.

"I will be leaving the sect now. Take care of the junior sisters while I am away," Luo Ziyi said to them.

"Do you even need to tell us that? We'll take care of them even without your reminder."

"Have fun with Su Yang, Sister Ziyi."

"Don't forget to ask him about letting us meet him!"

Luo Ziyi nodded.

She then swallowed a pill that transformed her appearance before leaving the sect with the Immortal's Treasury.

Chapter 925 Their Mentors

Once Luo Ziyi left the sect, the goddesses said, "Before we show you your new living quarters, we should figure out who will be taking care of who."

"That should be easy." One of them said, and then she continued, "Which of you here mainly uses the sword?"

Lian Li then raised her hand and said, "I mainly use the sword."

"Me too." Wu Jingjing also said.

"Good. Then I will be your mentor starting today. Once again, my name is Qian Yun'er. Nice to meet you."

"We will be in your care, Sister Qian."

A moment later, another goddess stepped forward and said, "My name is Mei Lingling, and I am an expert with medicine and pills. Junior Sister Liqing, Junior Sister Mengyi, I can smell the aroma of medicine on you two. Want to follow me?"

Zhu Mengyi and Su Liqing nodded their heads.

"By the way, I'm curious, why aren't you following the other two to meet the God of Alchemy? She's definitely much better when it comes to medicine." Mei Lingling asked them.

"Well… I study medicine, but it's not really my main path. I am actually a dual cultivator… And I don't know how to concoct pills." Su Liqing said.

"I see… That's fine. Even if you aren't an alchemy master, I can still teach you. And to tell you the truth, none of us are actually dual cultivators. We only started dual cultivation because of Su Yang. However, we can still teach you about dual cultivation with our experience."

Zhu Mengyi then said, "I wanted to study under the God of Alchemy at one point, but after giving birth to Zhu Jiayi, I decided to give up and focus on taking care of her."

"Maybe in the future, once Zhu Jiayi is all grown up and more dependent, I will seek the God of Alchemy for tutelage."

"That's a respectable choice as well. I may not be as good as the God of Alchemy when it comes to medicine, but I am still one of the top Alchemy Masters in the Four Divine Heavens. I will prepare you for the day you decide to study under the God of Alchemy."

"Okay. Thank you, Senior Sister Mei."

A moment later, another goddess stepped forward.

"Any normal cultivators amongst your group? I'm Yu Ning. I don't really specialize in anything besides cultivation."

Hearing her words, Su Yin, Zhang Xiu Ying, Fang Xiaoru, and Xie Xingfang stepped forward.

"Great. Then you'll be in my care. I will do my best to help you all become powerful cultivators."

"Please take care of us, Senior Sister Yu." They bowed to her.

"My name is Xing Aiying, and I am a master of formations and illusions. Does anyone here want to learn formations?"

Li Xiao Mo quickly stepped forward and bowed to her, "I would like to study under you, Senior Sister Xing."


"I have the most experience when it comes to dual cultivation among us sisters. Who are dual cultivators here? My name is Ji Xiaofan."

Sun Jingjing, Fang Zhelan, and Qi Yue stepped forward.

"You're also a dual cultivator?" Ji Xiaofan looked at Qi Yue with raised eyebrows, as she looked too young to be one.

"I haven't experienced dual cultivation yet, but I have been studying it ever since I was young. I also intend on becoming a dual cultivator," Qi Yue said.

"Alright. I will teach you every dual cultivation technique that a woman must know, especially if you wish to satisfy Su Yang. He's not easily satisfied, after all." Ji Xiaofan smiled.

"Of course, if the others want to learn them as well, you're free to study with us as well."

By now, only four people were left that didn't have anyone assigned to them.

Yan Yan, Hong Yu'er, Qiuyue, and Qin Liangyu.

A moment later, someone stepped forward and looked at Qin Liangyu and asked her, "Are you interested in Body Refining? I can tell from your physique that you have trained your body before."

Qin Liangyu nodded and said, "I used to train my body when I was still in my tribe since we're required to hunt spiritual beasts to survive, and we didn't really have any proper cultivation techniques."

"Then would you like to study under me? I can make your body reflect to even powerful treasures but also keep its softness and slender figure, but it won't be easy."

"I will be in your care, Senior Sister." Qin Liangyu nodded.

"Jia Jinghua is my name," she said afterward.

Now it was just Hong Yu'er, Qiuyue, and Yan Yan left.

"I am planning to serve under Sister Tang in the future," Hong Yu'er suddenly said to them.

"Sister Lingxi? You want to serve her?" The goddesses were surprised to hear this.

They thought she was one of Su Yang's women this entire time.

Hong Yu'er nodded.

"Oh, you must be the one that occupied Sister Lingxi's soul." Wang Yunxuan said.

"Want to study under me in the meantime? I'm the most familiar with Sister Lingxi out of everyone here, so I can teach you everything I know about her."

Hong Yu'er quickly nodded her head.

"I'm Wang Yunxuan."

"Hong Yu'er."

Sometime later—

"I have been wondering this for a while now, but isn't the spiritual energy around her weird?" Someone there suddenly said while pointing at Yan Yan.

"Yes, I have also been thinking about that for a while now," said another person.

Su Liqing then said, "She has a special talent that allows her to communicate with the Profound Qi around her— at least in our previous world. I think Su Yang called her 'Heaven's Favorite' before."

"What?! Heaven's Favorite?!" The goddesses were shocked when they heard this term, and they all stared at Yan Yan with great interest.

"Young lady, can you communicate with the Profound Qi in this world?" Wang Yunxuan asked her a moment later in a somewhat nervous voice.

Yan Yan looked around for a moment before nodding her head, "Yes, they have been trying to communicate with me ever since I came outside."

"Heavens…" Wang Yunxuan and the others mumbled in a low voice after hearing her words, seemingly speechless.

Chapter 926 A New Home

"Heaven's Favorite… How do we train someone like that?" One of the goddesses asked after a moment of silence.

"No clue. As much as I want to teach her normally, it could potentially hinder her progress instead. It would be ideal to have another Heaven's Favorite teaching her… but we don't have anyone like that in the sect."

"Wait… Sister Yue is also Heaven's Favorite, right? Why don't we ask her for help?" Someone suddenly suggested.

"Sister Yue? But we don't even know where she is."

"I mean we can try looking for her. I think I heard rumors of her appearing in Martial Heaven 100 years ago."

"Who should go looking for her?"

"I will go if you let me take care of the babies first…" One of them volunteered for something in return.


The others looked at her.

"Okay. I don't mind." Wang Yunxuan said, and she continued, "But let's not make the little girl wait too long. One year— you get one year with the babies. Does anyone have problems with this?"

The goddess shook their heads.

"Then it's decided. Sister Biyu will be the first to take care of the babies regardless of the tournament results, but she will have to look for SIster Yue afterward."


The second Su Family raised their eyebrows upon hearing this. What's this about a tournament?

"Little girl, I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait a little longer for a mentor. We'd like to teach you, but your talents are too great, and we don't want to hinder your limitless future, so we will get another sister that has the same talents as you to mentor you. However, we don't know her location right now, so we will have to look for her first. But if you need help or advice for anything, you can speak with any of us." Wang Yunxuan said to Yan Yan, who nodded calmly.

Sometime later, Wang Yunxuan turned to look at Qiuyue and said, "You're from the Sacred Moon Palace, right? I heard from Sister Ziyi who heard from Su Yang. Your situation is a little special, and you're running away from the Sacred Moon Palace, so we're not sure what we should do with you. What do you want to do?"

After thinking for a moment, Qiuyue said, "I'd like to improve my cultivation as quickly as possible. Although Su Yang said that he'd take care of the Sacred Moon Palace and the Moon God for me, I don't want to push all of my responsibilities to him. Furthermore, my cultivation has halted in the previous world due to a lack of cultivation resources and Profound Qi, so I am not sure where I should start now..."

"We may not know anything about the Sacred Moon Palace's cultivation technique, but if you need cultivation resources, we have plenty of that. Even if your cultivation halted for a few thousand years, you're still fairly young, so it won't have any permanent effect on your future— as long as you cultivate diligently going forward." One of the goddesses said to her.

"Thank you, Seniors." Qiuyue nodded her head.

"As for your presence within the sect, we will keep it a secret and give you a new identity."

Sometime later, Wang Yunxuan said, "Now that everyone has a mentor, let's go see your new living quarters. After that, we will give you your uniforms."

"Wait a second." Sister Biyu suddenly stepped forward and said, "The Sacred Lands forbid males from entering without permission, right? What about babies? We have a male with us, don't we?"

She then pointed at Su Tianying.

"Now that you mention it… What should we do? Babies should be fine, right? After all, they're just babies."

"Sister Yunxuan, maybe you can speak with the Sacred Empress and ask her for permission. He's just a baby."

Wang Yunxuan frowned slightly and said, "Even if they are babies, I don't think the Sacred Empress cares if they are adults or babies— men are not allowed, especially if we cannot tell her that they're Su Yang's babies…"

If she told the Sacred Empress that Su Tianying was Su Yang's descendant, then there was a good chance that she'd allow it, perhaps even take care of the baby herself, but they are not allowed to reveal the fact that Su Yang is still alive.

"I mean… We can always not tell her and keep this a secret… We just need to make sure to keep the baby out of others' view." Someone suddenly suggested.

"While we can certainly do that, I do not like the idea of lying to the Sacred Empress, especially since she's the reason we have been able to live in relative peace for the past two thousand years." Wang Yunxuan said.

After the Su Family scattered, they came to the Sacred Lands in hopes to start their new sect, and after speaking with the Sacred Empress who welcomed them with wide arms, Luo Ziyi and the others began living a peaceful life in the Sacred Lands without needing to worry about intruders or attackers, as the entire Sacred Lands was protected by the Sacred Empress.

"If you make it sound like that, I guess so… Then what should we tell her? We obviously can't tell her that he's Su Yang's child."

"We don't have to tell her anything. Just ask her for permission without giving any details. This way, we won't be lying to her, but she also won't know anything."

"I will think of something. For now, let's deal with their living quarters." Wang Yunxuan said.

Sometime later, the original Su Family led the new Su Family to their living quarters in the inner areas of the sect where Luo Ziyi and the other Su Family lived, making it also the most secure location within the entire sect.

Once the new Su Family settled in their new homes, they were handed their new uniform, giving them new identities.

Meanwhile, Luo Ziyi exited the Sacred Lands and made her way to the Frozen Palace in her new appearance.

Chapter 927 Celestial City

"Hello, which room is 'Xiao Yang' currently staying in? I am his fiancee." Luo Ziyi approached the front desk at the Frozen Palace and asked the worker behind the desk.

The lady working at the desk looked at the ordinary-looking young lady standing before her and said, "Xiao Yang? Please give me a moment to look through the guests…"

A few moments later, the worker gave her Su Yang's room number, not doubting her identity even for a second.

Luo Ziyi then went upstairs and knocked on his room.

The door opened a moment later, and a round figure appeared before her.

"Enter," he said to her.

Luo Ziyi nodded and entered the room.

Once she was inside, she created a concealment formation around the room before speaking, "Are you ready?"

"Yes. How are the others?" Su Yang nodded and asked.

"They're doing fine. The others should be taking care of them right now." Luo Ziyi said.

"I see… So did they say anything?" Su Yang then asked.

"What do you think? They all want to meet you," she said.

"As much as I want to meet them, they'll attract too much attention…" Su Yang showed a bittersweet smile on his face.

"I know, that's why they have a suggestion. They will meet you one at a time, and they will be disguised just like I am currently," she said.

"This way, they won't attract any attention, and they get to meet you. What do you think?"

"Well… I can't really say no to them when I've made them suffer for two thousand years. But how will they visit me? I will be a disciple of the Boundless Yin Yang Sect after meeting with the God of Alchemy, and they're really strict when it comes to guests. If they disguise themselves, there's no chance that they'll get to meet me." Su Yang said.

"I'm sure they'll think of something. I doubt anything will prevent them from meeting you again."

Su Yang nodded.

Sometime later, Luo Ziyi retrieved two pills from her storage ring and handed them to Su Yang and Xiao Rong.

"Eat this. They're Flawless Transformation Pills; it'll hide your disguise much better than whatever you are using now."

"Thank you."

Su Yang accepted one of the pills and immediately consumed it. Although his appearance didn't change afterward, there were some slight changes to his aura.

"Much better." Luo Ziyi nodded in approval.

Now even she cannot tell that he was in a disguise.

"Where do we go now?" Luo Ziyi asked him a moment later.

"To Jade Heaven, the God of Alchemy's birthplace," he said.

Sometime later, Luo Ziyi removed the concealment formation and left the Frozen Palace with Su Yang, and they made their way to the nearest teleport formation.

"Xiao Rong, you can enter my Dantian to save Ziyi some money," he said to her as they got closer to the teleport formation.

Xiao Rong nodded and entered his Dantian the next moment.

Once they were at the teleport formation and it was their turn, Su Yang said to the old man working the formation, "Ruan Province, Celestial City."

"The capital city of the Ruan Province will cost you 60 high-grade spirit stones per person, so it'll cost you 120 high-grade spirit stones in total."

"Here you go." Luo Ziyi handed 120 high-grade spirit stones to the old man without batting an eye.

"Thank you. Please give us a minute to prepare the teleport formation."

A couple of minutes later, Su Yang and Luo Ziyi entered the teleport formation.

After entering the teleport formation, they exited in Celestial City, the capital city of the Ruan Province and also one of the largest cities within the Celestial Heaven.

The reason Su Yang decided to come to this place instead of heading straight to Jade Heaven was simple— the teleport formation at that city wasn't powerful enough to teleport them directly to the Jade Heaven.

Out of thousands of teleport formations within the Celestial Heaven, there was only a handful of them that were powerful enough to teleport people to other Divine Heavens, and one of them was within the Celestial City.

Though there was another reason why Su Yang needed to go to the Celestial City.

"I will need to buy some ingredients." Su Yang said to Luo Ziyi after they arrived at the city.

"Ingredients? For what?" She asked with her eyebrows raised.

"In order to go to that place, we will need a certain pill— a pill that isn't sold anywhere in the Four Divine Heavens because nobody besides the God of Alchemy and myself knows it exists, much less the ingredients."

He then looked at her and said with a smile, "I hope you brought enough money with you since these ingredients aren't exactly cheap."

Luo Ziyi responded with a smile, "Have you already forgotten about my background?"

"Just making sure," he laughed.

And he continued, "Follow me. We're going to head to the Grand Celestial Plaza now. They should have most if not all of the ingredients we need."

A few hours of traveling later, they arrived before a massive marketplace that took up a fourth of the entire city.

There were restaurants, jewelry stores, weapon stores, medicine stores, auction houses— almost every kind of store in existence available in the Grand Celestial Plaza.

Once they were at the Grand Celestial Plaza, Su Yang and Luo Ziyi began entering every medicine store available in the place.

"Do you have any of these ingredients?" Su Yang showed the worker a list of ingredients.

"We have the 100,000-year-old Thunder God Vine," said the worker.

"How much do you want for it?"

"100,000 high-grade spirit stones." The man said without hesitation.

Su Yang didn't immediately give a response and turned to look at Luo Ziyi. After all, she was the one paying for everything.

"We'll take it," she said in a calm voice a moment later.

"Thank you for your business esteemed guests. Allow me a couple of minutes to bring the Thunder God Vine here." The worker then disappeared to the back of the store, returning a few minutes later with a large box that was as long as an adult's arm.

Chapter 928 Burning Spirit Wood

"Here's the Thunder God Vine. Please check it to see if there are any problems." The store worker opened the box, revealing a single strand of purple vine that has what appears to be lightning lines going through it.

Su Yang looked at the Thunder God Vine for a moment before nodding his head, "It looks right."

"Then that will be 100,000 high-grade spirit stones."

Luo Ziyi then placed 10 flawless-quality spirit stones that were worth 100,000 high-grade spirit stones on the desk.

The worker accepted the money before wrapping the box in front of them and handing it over.

"Thank you for your business," he said to them.

Su Yang immediately tossed the treasure inside his storage ring before leaving the place.

"How many more do we need?" Luo Ziyi asked him afterward.

"8 more ingredients," he said.

After their first successful trip, the two of them proceeded to visit every single medicine store within the Grand Celestial Plaza.

Unfortunately, despite their early success, they were unable to buy another ingredient until 20 stores later.

A few days later, they entered the last available medicine store within the Grand Celestial Plaza.

"Do you have any ingredients on this list?" Su Yang showed the middle-aged woman working at the store his list that had half of its ingredients crossed out.

"We have the 50,000-year-old Burning Spirit Wood. It'll cost 150,000 high-grade spirit stones."

"Okay. We'll take it." Luo Ziyi said.

"I will be right back."

After spending a few minutes in the back of the store, the middle-aged woman returned with a rectangular box wrapped with a special cloth.

She then unwrapped the cloth and opened the box, revealing to them a piece of charred wood that emitted an ancient and profound aura.

Su Yang raised his eyebrows when he saw this charred wood.

The middle-aged woman then quickly closed the box and wrapped it back up with the cloth again.

"That would be 150,000 high-grade spirit stones," said the middle-aged woman.

However, Luo Ziyi didn't retrieve the money and stood there in silence.

She then turned to look at Su Yang and asked him, "What do you think?"

Su Yang looked at the middle-aged woman and asked her in a calm voice, "Are you doing this because we look inexperienced or easy to fool in your eyes?"

"What do you mean by such words?" The middle-aged woman immediately frowned.

"Oh, you're acting like you have no idea what you did now? Then allow me to enlighten you."

Su Yang pointed at the box and said, "That's not a 50,000-year-old Burning Spirit Wood. It's a 50,000-year-old Burning Wood that's almost identical to the Burning Spirit Wood. Unless one is a somewhat experienced alchemist, they wouldn't be able to tell the difference. As for its worth… it's worth only a tenth of what the Burning Spirit Wood is worth."

The middle-aged woman began sweating inward when she heard Su Yang's words.

"I-Is that so? I deeply apologize. I must have made a mistake and brought out the wrong one. Please give me a moment. I will return with the proper one." The middle-aged woman retrieved the wooden box.

However, before she could go anywhere, Luo Ziyi spoke in a calm voice, "That won't be necessary anymore."

She then turned around and said, "Let's go, darling. Looks like we'll be bothering Senior Qin today."

The middle-aged woman immediately froze her movements when she heard Luo Ziyi's words, and she quickly turned around and exclaimed, "Wait! I didn't intentionally scam you! I swear it was just an honest mistake!"

Senior Qin was a prominent name within the Grand Celestial Plaza, mostly because he controlled the entire place.

The Grand Celestial Plaza also has a zero dishonest business policy, and those who are caught doing shady business will have their business taken down and permanently banned from doing business in the Grand Celestial Plaza again, which is a major loss for the business since the Grand Celestial Plaza is one of if not the most profitable places in the Celestial Heaven.

"Just an honest mistake, huh? For some reason, I cannot convince myself to believe such words." Luo Ziyi said.

"H-How about this? I will give you a discount for my mistake. 100,000 high-grade spirit stones instead of 150,000." The middle-aged woman showed them a stiff smile on her face.

"Only 50,000 high-grade spirit stones? Is your store really only worth that little?" Luo Ziyi asked her with a nonchalant look on her face.

The middle-aged woman's body trembled in anger after hearing such words, and she screamed, "Are you really going to try and take down my business because of a single mistake?! You also have no proof that I'd tried to scam you! You know what? Go ahead! Go complain to Senior Qin! I doubt he'll even listen to some unknown brats!"

A mysterious smile with a hint of coldness appeared on Luo Ziyi's face, and she retrieved a jade medallion with the name 'Qin Kai' engraved onto it.

"Maybe he'll listen to me if I have this," Luo Ziyi said afterward.

"T-That's the Grand Celestial Plaza's Jade Medallion! W-Why do you have something like that?! It must be fake!" The middle-aged woman gasped when she saw the beautiful medallion in Luo Ziyi's grasp.

The Grand Celestial Plaza's Jade Medallion is a special object that is only given to the most valued and trusted customers. As long as one has this medallion, their status within the Grand Celestial Plaza would only be below Senior Qin himself.

"Whether it is real or not will be apparent once I give Senior Qin a visit. I hope it was worth it— trying to take advantage of seemingly ignorant people."

The middle-aged woman gritted her teeth in anger.

Once Luo Ziyi and Su Yang reached the door of the store, she shouted in a regretful voice, "Fine! I will give the 50,000-year-old Burning Spirit Wood to you for free as an apology for my mistake! In return, please forgive this one for her mistakes. It will never happen again! I swear!"

Luo Ziyi stopped walking and turned to look at the woman, and after a moment of silence, she nodded, "Okay."

Chapter 929 Golden Treasure Auction House

"Here's the real 50,000-year-old Burning Spirit Wood." The middle-aged woman returned with the real treasure a few minutes later.

Su Yang glanced at the charred wood in the box that looked the exact same as the previous treasure besides its shape and being slightly smaller in size and nodded his head in silence.

He then tossed the treasure into his storage ring.

A few moments later, they left the store.

"It's been a while since I experienced being scammed. If I wasn't disguised, such a thing would have never happened." Luo Ziyi sighed after they left the store.

"You'll get used to it," said Su Yang with a smile on his face.

"Anyways, now what? That was the last medicine store, and we still need four more ingredients." Luo Ziyi asked him a moment later.

"There are still auction houses. Let's get a list of everything being sold from an information broker."

"Couldn't we have done that in the beginning? We could've saved so much time." Luo Ziyi said with her eyebrows raised.

Su Yang chuckled and said, "Of course, but that would mean we get to spend less time with each other."

"Darling…" Luo Ziyi looked at him with widened eyes and a warm smile on her face.

They proceeded to look for an information broker within the Grand Celestial Plaza.

"How may I help you?"

An old man sitting by a large fountain spoke when a fatty and an ordinary-looking girl approached him.

"We'd like to buy some information," said Su Yang.

"What kind of information?"

"I want to know every single ingredient being sold in the auction houses here for the next week," he said.

"10 medium-grade spirit stones for that information and I will have it ready by the end of the day. Make it 20 and I will have the information within half the day," said the old man.

"Here's 50 medium-grade spirit stones. I want the information within the next two hours. Or are you not able to move that fast?" Su Yang said to him.

The old man smiled and said, "I will see you at this exact spot in two hours."

Su Yang nodded and handed the spirit stones to him, not worried that the old man might not return.

"What do you want to do in the meantime? Want to get something to eat?" Su Yang asked Luo Ziyi afterward.


Once they arrived at a restaurant, Su Yang said, "Xiao Rong, you can come out of there now if you'd like."

Xiao Rong, who had been resting inside his Dantian this entire time appeared outside.

They then entered the restaurant together and proceeded to spend the next two hours satisfying their taste buds.

Two hours later, they returned to the water fountain.

After looking around for a second, they found the old man sitting at the same location and approached him.

"Welcome back."

The old man then handed him a pamphlet that had every single auction house within the Grand Celestial Plaza listed alongside all of the treasures they were selling.

"Thank you. Here's another 50 spirit stones for your hard work." Su Yang then tipped the old man another 50 medium-grade spirit stones.

"Thank you for your business and graciousness, Young Master." The old man bowed to him.

After leaving the area, Su Yang opened the pamphlet and began looking through the list.

"Perfect. The rest of the ingredients are being sold in these auction houses, but we'll have to spend two more weeks in this place to acquire all of them." Su Yang said.

And continued, "The Golden Treasure Auction House will be selling the Nightmare Dust in three days, which is the earliest ingredient we can obtain."

"In the meantime, let's have some fun." Luo Ziyi said with an enchanting smile on her face.

Sometime later, they rented out a room in one of the countless hotels within the Grand Celestial Plaza.

Once they entered the room, Luo Ziyi created a concealment formation around the room and removed her disguise.

Su Yang also removed his disguise before entering the bed.

"You know, it's a weird feeling cultivating with a younger you," she said to him.

"Would you prefer my older appearance then?" He asked her.

"I never said it was a bad feeling. I like it. It makes me feel younger as well." Luo Ziyi smiled.

After chatting for a few minutes, they started embracing each other on the bed, and they would continue this for the next three days until the Golden Treasure Auction House was auctioning the Nightmare Dust.

Before leaving the hotel, Su Yang and Luo Ziyi consumed another pill to disguise themselves again.

Once they were outside, they started making their way towards the auction house.

An hour later, they arrived at a large circular building that was made mostly out of gold and had the golden sign 'Golden Treasure Auction House' hung directly above the golden gates at the entrance.

The interior of the building was also decorated with gold antiques, not to mention the gold walls.

The place was also incredibly spacious with tens of thousands of available seats, and this didn't include the VIP area that was located above the public area.

Su Yang and Luo Ziyi picked a random seat in the front and began waiting for the auction to start since they arrived early.

While they waited, Su Yang retrieved the pamphlet he got from the information broker and looked at what else the auction house was selling today.

Although there were many valuable treasures being sold, none of them really caught his eyes besides the Nightmare Dust.

About two hours later when the auction house was 90 percent full of people, the lights in the building suddenly dimmed while the platform in the front brightened with light.

Then, a beautiful young lady walked onto the stage and spoke with a bright expression on her face, "Welcome to the Golden Treasure Auction House, guests, and esteemed guests. We will begin the auction shortly, but first, allow us to quickly go over the rules."

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