I had the most peaceful sleep of all the days I have been here, infact I even forgot about chris and his father. I woke up and my entire body was sore yet it felt rejuvenated, I could feel my right better then yesterday until now I didn't even realize that my senses weren't properly recovered. The window was open and the afternoon sun made the snow sparkle on the far away valley, it was a scene I always dreamt as a child of waking up to beside my prince as he held me in his warm embrace while the cold winds sent shivers down my spine; but now I hate the snow I barely think any prince would even fall for me, and I barely have faith in any of my dreams anymore.
I suddenly heard the door click and samara came in, "oh dear you are awake I was just about to wake you up! how are you feeling?". I looked at her for some time 'her timing is way too perfect! cameras? maybe who knows'. She pushed the food trolley beside my bed, I could smell her herbal soup as she lifted the lid up. "Here take your feet down and sit while you drink the soup dear" She removed the blanket and took my feet and kept them on the ground. I was a bit depressed by all the situation I was in and the fact that a person as pure as samara was on their side of the story.
She blew on the soup that was in the spoon and fed it to me just like she did last night. I felt warm and cozy, more than all it felt like maa. "Can I call you maa?" The words slipped my mouth without a second thought, I immediately realized it and corrected, "I am sorry I got too caught up in the moment samara, you can give me the soup I will have it on my own" I extended my arm asking for the bowl.
Samara looked at me with the most compassionate expression in her eyes and asked, "Do you miss your mother?". I looked at her and thought 'the only motherly presence I remember of is you and someone with the same name' I avoided the question by looking away.
"I know mothers love can be missed when in such times of captivity, your mother must have loved you a lot afterall you are missing her so much." samara said those words with nothing but pure love, for me they sting every cell in my body 'How can I miss a mother who doesn't know what love is, who throws away her child on an altogether different continent, how could I miss that devil that burned my life to hell' I got up from my place and looked at samara "What do you know? why do you care?" I went up close to her face in the most threatening way "know your place or I will make one for you in hell"
Samara wasn't actually scared of the fact that I could at this point beat the shit out of her but she realized her own mistake way too well, the guilt of her own words was washing in on her. There was huge apology waiting at the back of her throat but those words were going fail the weight of this guilt that flooded her. Before she could react anything, before she could say anything I hit the bowl of soup from her hand, the room echoed with the shattering of the porcelain and splashing of the liquid on the floor, my rage consumed me the sorry in her eyes felt frustrating, like my mother coming to say sorry after so many years just so she could laugh at my misery.
"Now get up and clean it because your words will be as worthless as that bowl of soup" I said it with no hesitation, I knew I would regret it later but right now I just couldn't stop. I watched her clean the entire thing and put the dirty cloth and the pieces in the lower compartment of the food trolley.
She looked at me but I wasn't in the mindset to listen to her or her sorry anymore. She was very good on picking up the vibes and choose to say nothing. As she left tears welled up in my eyes but I drank them away 'my mother don't deserve these tears, she doesn't deserve this pain that her absence can cause me' I went to the window and opened it completely, there was a very light snow fall and I let it hit my face. It was such a lovely feeling yet it brought back all the times I regretted making that one wish to my mother.
That one wish to touch the snow flakes, feel the chilly winds and colour white as it flooded the greenery, TO SEE A SNOWFALL. She showed me one hell of a snow fall!