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31.57% Swords and Magic The Myth / Chapter 6: Chapter 5:

Capítulo 6: Chapter 5:

Chapter 5:

Hi this is Yue Fei you know I have always want to go on a long relaxing camping trip or hike away from human civilizations and be one with nature.

To be free of that bothersome yet beautiful cage mind you not that I'm really complaining about it and all but everybody gets bored of seeing the same thing over and over again right? Waking up every day to seeing the same sight massive industrial building of steel, with not a single noticeable tree or greenery anywhere it just makes you want to go out and see natural green doesn't it. Being able to smell the natural fresh air of nature not the toxic fumes of industrial machines yeah except I don't recall any of my plans involving myself along with several other dudes that I don't even know, running for our lives in the middle of an unknown jungle from a massive a massive T-Rex like creature!


The creature in question truly resembles a Tyrannosaurus however compared to the common image spread in Hollywood movies its body wasn't scaly, it has black and grey feathers on its back which coupled with its flesh-toned scales, making it look similar to the archetypal image of a vulture. Its hide is primarily reddish-pink in color, while a dark pelt covers its back which ends in a ruff at the neck, leaving the head bald. Large fangs protrude from the monster's lower jaw, giving it the appearance of an under-bite along with its bulky tail. Like the common Tyrannosaurus the monster's forearms are extremely small as well.

Yue Fei and the exploration team was currently running away from it running at speeds even national athletes who have trained all their lives back home can't match, such was the speed that they were running in. A speed that cannot be consider normal for the average human but they were too busy trying to build up more distance away from the creature chasing after them to care about this detail.

"Oh shit!" someone from behind Yue Fei cried out though he could tell from the voice it was Lee Shin, the creature was tearing down the many trees behind the group in its path to chase after them.

"Down, down here under this fallen tree!" another boy's voice cry out as all eye fell on the one who cried out.

Next to a massive fallen tree trunk there was a young man with a fair face waving a metal bat in the air above him one handed trying to draw the others attention to him that man was Kim-Sing.

Everyone bolted over to where he was standing at once Yue Fei reached where Kim-Sing was standing he noticed the tree was hollow where everyone was packing in together within as tightly as they could with the heavy bags that they were carrying on their backs taking up a lot of room, once Yue Fei ran past Kim-Sing he too went through the hollow log once halfway through they stopped to catch their breath.

Breathing as softly and as lightly as they could despite them sprinting for over a kilometer of distance none stop not that any of the members were aware of this fact, trying their best to keep quiet to not give away their position to the beast outside which they could hear its heavy breathing outside of the bittern thin hollow log.

As the breathing was getting closer the group retreated back further down the hollow path the only protection they have against the massive beast was the hollow thin piece of wood that shielded them from the creature's sight. However that was the only advantage that they had for the time being for the creature can simply crush the tree where they are hiding in into piece and force them with absolute ease what is worse, from the way it was breathing they all knew what it meant it was smelling for their scent for which due to their sweat drenched bodies they knew it would be able to smell them but they were trapped there was nowhere for them to run to.

["Hey there is a slope on the other side through that opening we can get pass the creature there."]

Yue Fei as softy and quiet as he can be said to the other around him bring their attention to where he was pointing to which the other looked towards in that direction.

So with a path set out for them they began to processed on that path but somewhere along the way someone stepped on a broken portions of the log that they were currently in causing a slight snap to resonant in the air echoing through the hollow wood surface out into the wilderness outside to which caused everyone to freeze in their tracks.

At the same time the heavy breathing also ceased Yue Fei then felt a burning sensation on his back that felt like someone or something was staring intently at him slowly turning his head backwards slowly he came face to face or face to a massive eyeball at the other opening which they came from. Once they made eye contact the pupil shrunk like it was focusing its eyesight like a magnifying glass then the eyeball left the opening replaced with a massive jaw filled rows of kitchen knife length teeth as a ear piercing roar bellowed out of it causing the log around them to tremble and quake.

"Run~!" Yue Fei cried out as the creature began tearing away at the log ripping massive chunks of wood away making the opening wider closing in on the group.

At the sound of his voice along with the snapping of the wood they bolted towards the other side once outside the first few of the group came to a halt near the edge of the slope but was push forward by those behind them causing them to roll down the slope, piling up like a pile of corpses at the bottom of the slope struggling to get back on their feet with their bags and heavy loads holding them down and each other.

Yue Fei being one of the few people to get out last from the log didn't become part of this mess up pile of bodies overlapping on top of one another coming to a full stop when he ran down the slope. He like the others still standing helped those stuck in the pile up onto their feet as the creature's roars and earth shaking footsteps could be heard up the slop above them.

"Come on get up! Get up! We need to move that thing's getting closer~!"

Yue Fei helped up one boy onto his feet with one swift motion of grasping the hand and pulling them up then repeat others were doing the same.

"Yang~! Come on Yang get up!" the last person that Yue Fei was helping the only female member of the group Yang Yuhuan her hair was in a mess, her fair pearl-white skin was overlaid with trails of sweat running down along her skins visible in areas such as her neck and arms cause of her short sleeve t-shirt reflexing the sunlight giving her skin a type of glow.

However Yue Fei could not care for such things at the moment as another thundering roar sounded resounded in the air closer this time.

"Thank you Yue, sorry about this." Yang Yuhuan said with an apologetic expression on her face as she was helped up to her feet.

"You can thank me if you survive to the day when we get back to the school."

Roar~! Hearing the same dreadful sound but now overhead this time Yue Fei found himself looking up he can see the creature and its towering figure at the top of the slope up above them looking down at them its eyes filled with malice and hunger.

"Run~!" he cried out the group started to sprit with all their might however

Roar~! And then with a leap the creature was airborne hovering over the group covering them in its shadow for a brief moment before it landed in front of them a few meters ahead of them with a massive thump along with an earth shaking quake from its weight hitting the dirt underneath it.

It had its back towards them slowly turning its head back facing them while slowly turning its body around it eyes now filled with s hint of elasticity as if it was excited that it has finally cornered its prey.

The exploration team backed off slowly now they were cut off their only escape route in front of them behind the beast and at their backs against the slope from which they came down from, they knew that they could take that path up but the moment that they show their backs to it will pick them off one by one as the group will struggle to climb back up the slope.

Realizing the situation that they were in the team started to panic, they could rush over and try to go around the beast though of course some of them will get killed if they take that action but it was the only choice as fighting that thing was impossible, but then just at that moment when many members were contemplating on their choices one lone figure strode out from the group towards the beast.

"Yue Fei what are you doing~!?" Yang Yuhuan cried out seeing this foolish action that Yue Fei was taking she rushed out to him only to be held back by the other members of the group.

"No what are you doing? Do you want to get killed?!" one of the figures holding onto her spoke looking at the person to her right she saw a young man with slightly darker skin and is slightly above average height, with a muscular toned build with wet trails of sweat illuminating his dark skin tone in the sun she recognized him to be Yue Yang.

"But Yue Fei is - " she started but was quickly cut off by Yue Yang booming voice.

"Let him go he's doing this so we can escape do not waste his efforts once he has that things full attention we run!" he said the first half towards her the rest towards the others and they all seemingly nodded but she was not willing.

"No I made a promise HE promised me I will not leave him!" she wrestled with Yue Yang trying to break free but his iron grip on her arm was unmoving.

Yue Fei walked out calmly from the group facing the massive Tyrannosaurus-like creature on his face he held a clam expression but his heart was thumping wildly in his chest blood was circulating faster in his veins, he could feel adrenaline pumping throughout his body. To say that he wasn't scarred at the moment was like a fool denying reality but he knew he had to do it so that the others might survive.

They were corned like a rat by a cat with them being the rat and the beast in front being the cat he breathe in and out slowly feeling the cool air enter his nose and into his lungs cooling the burning sensations within his body time seemed to slow to a crawl around him.

Unknown to even Yue Fei himself his hands curled up into fist so tightly against his own flesh that it drew blood. His body was burning from the inside out, it was hot but it didn't feel like the burning sensation of the sun cooking his insides alive, it felt like it came from within. The feeling was slowly but surely was coursing through his veins but it was not the initial sense of fear and dread that he was feeling earlier. This feeling was different he felt excited? This didn't make sense even to himself why was he feeling this way when he was about to die? Wait die? He asked himself again.

Die? Me die? Why would I die why would I want to die? No I will not die not here, not now not anytime soon, the feeling soon turned to anger Yue Fei breathing became more rapid he was his excitement was paired together with feelings of rage and it was building up.

He slowly drew his sword the sword which Hou An crafted and given him about a week ago when they left the school grounds out from its sheath hooked to his belt he didn't bother getting into any form or stance he just stood there weapon in hand his mind still racing with his inner thoughts.

The creature visibly shocked by this turn of events by the look in its eyes if it could speak it would expressed the shock and the sheer audacity of the tiny life form in front of it to bravely stand before it. It was so small it was insignificant compared to its own majestic body that towered over it. It along with the rest of its pack was trapped they have nowhere to run and even if they run most of the pack will still die by it mighty jaws though some would get away it was still enough for a small snack. After all what can these small creatures do and truthfully it was right to think so, it had them right where it wants them corning them like a cat on a rat but however one can never know what something would do if faced with death no matter how small or weak something might be, cause a cornered rat will bite the cat.

The anger was building in Yue Fei's whole body now felt hot and heavy, his blood burned within like boiling oil as the same thought raged over and over again in his head, that's right I can't die, I refuse to die not like this not as some barbaric beast's lunch even if I am going to die I will at least give this damn thing a scar to forever remember by, I refuse to die without fighting back.

Then Yue Fei thumped a switch on his sword the blade sparked and came to life small specks of electricity sparked along the surface of the blade and the blade vibrated at a frequency that no normal eyes cam perceive giving the solid blade the impression that almost had more than one blade because it was vibrate so intensely. The weapon buzzed, sparked and then finally thrummed as the blade's edge glowed slightly ember-hot.

The creature gave out another ear-piercing bellowing roar the force of it caused a shockwave that shook the air in response Yue Fei raised his sword up high above his head and gave out the loudest roar he can muster with all that his vocal cords can give. And at that moment Yue Fei's roar eclipsed no outmatched that of the beast's own roar the air rippled brushing through the fur on its back as he rushed at the creature still keeping pitch never letting it die.

The beast too ran at him as the two foes near each other with one towering over the other like adult to an infant the creature let out a roar of complete agony. Yue Fei with such blinding speed vanished from the creature's sight when he lunged forward pushing all his strengthen to one leg that the ground rose dirt when he leaped at the beast's underside sliding his blade along the surface of the creatures hide craving through its scaly hide like knife cutting through butter.

This feat was only possibly because of his sword rather more due to the ultrasonic generator within the hand guard of the sword as the revolutionary compact device reinforced the blade with a powerful alternating current and resonating at extremely high vibration frequencies. This oscillation weakens the molecular bonds of anything it cuts, thereby increasing the high-frequency blade in his hands' cutting ability.

Even a blunt edge weapon reinforced with an ultrasonic generator used as a clubbing weapon is highly dangerous enough to enough break human bones.

Yue Fei skipped to a halt behind the creature's rear end the blade plunged into the ground digging into the dirt to help him come to a complete stop, once he rushed at it again.

While this was happening as Yue Fei was jumping around the beast using the boulders around him the others of the exploration team were sprinting towards the valley leaving behind the battle between a mere man and beast like that of a Hollywood movie as it was reaching its climax.

"Wait~! Wait! We can't just leave him!" amid the group only one among them was crying out.

That voice belonged to Yang Yuhuan who was still fighting to free herself from Yue Yang's grip.

"Don't be stupid I told you already you - "

"Let her go if she wants to die with her boyfriend back there let her go." Another voice cut in between the two.

"Mi Liu what the hell are you saying!?" Yue Yang snapped at Mi Liu as he stared at Mi Liu dead in the eye with fury Mi Liu returned the gaze with no fear in fact there was no trace of any emotion in his eyes at all.

"I said let her die if she wants to that should add another few seconds or so when the thing is done with Yue Fei nothing wrong with that she won't listen to you."

"You how can you say that we are all in this together we need to keep as much of our team alive as possible Yue Fei is sacrificing himself to give us such a chance! You would ignore the effort that he is trying to give us!"

"Say what you will I know I'm not wrong, having all of us go back together in one piece is a fool's dream sacrifices will be made on this quest you knew this don't lie to yourself." Mi Liu said with his next few words so coldly with no emotion it sent shivers down Yue Yang's spine.

"Mi Liu bro that's a bit - " Lee Shin came up behind him started before he could finished another voice cut him off.

"I'm going back we can't leave him not if we get him back." It was Nip Fung he was carrying his make shift spear made from a steel pipe with one end ending with a sharp kitchen knife he was beginning to jog back before Mi Liu grabbed him by the arm.

"Wait Nip Fung not you too - " Roar~! The beast gave out another roar of agony causing everyone to look back looking they saw the beast knocking Yue Fei away to the ground with its head one of its eyes was bleeding it was shaking its head side to side while howling in pain before turning back to Yue Fei with its jaws widening with Yue Fei's back towards the creature.

At the sight Yang Yuhuan finally managed to break free from Yue Yang's grasp as he was distracted she rushed back to the killing ground from which the group can see that Yue Fei was on the ground with the beast towering over his body.

"Hey Yang wait - "

Another figure rushed out from the group even passing Yang Yuhuan in a flash and headed towards the battle ground.

A few moments ago

Yue Fei felt light he was jumping around almost none stop since the fight started he knew he couldn't stop for he knew one snap of the things jaw was all that was need to end his life. Speed was the thing was keeping him alive now one mistake was all that the creature needed to finish him so he couldn't stop, he himself felt like he was Master Yoda from star wars, jumping around the beast just like in the fight with count dooku in Attack of The Clones Star Wars movie.

A feat that shouldn't be possible for a normal human as people usually are incapably of doing such feats, especially if he was also carrying a heavy backpack filled to the brim weighing nearly thirty-five pounds worth of stuff and yet Yue Fei was indeed jumping around in the air as light like a feather as if unhindered by the weight on his back defying the laws of gravity and physics.

The beast's body was now riddle with cuts it furiously snapped it jaws rapidly twirling it head around trying to get at Yue Fei but it snapped its jaws at a man that was already gone once it saw him. It grew furious if it can speak it would be exclaiming in frustration and anger that it couldn't finish off just a tiny creature that kept on disappearing from its sight one second Yue Fei would be there and before it can even blink he was gone.

Then suddenly Yue Fei appeared right before its left eye with his sword held with both hand held in a reverse grip overhead that was the last sight it saw before darkness and the pain that shot through its head as it howled in pain.

Yue Fei jammed his blade deep into the creatures eyeball but a bit too deep as he had trouble pulling it out when he finally did could he lost his balance on its head and fell hard onto the ground creating a tiny carter around himself where he landed. All the while the beast was still thrashing around swing its head side to side before he could move the creature's head swept towards him full force he couldn't hope to block such a blow as he took the full force of the blow finding himself in the air before landing and rolling along on the ground.

The pain shot through him with each roll before he landed face first onto the ground there he laid bearing the pain throughout his body he was honestly surprised that he didn't break anything, as he felt that should have broken some bone judging from the impact force.

Yue Fei struggled to get back up on his feet but the weight of his backpack kept him down on the ground he felt exhausted now, the adrenaline now leaving him, he couldn't muster anymore strength into his limbs one thing he noticed when his sights cleared up his sword was gone from his hand. Then he noticed it a few feet away from his position so he began crawling towards it but the hot air from the creature's breathing blew over him turning his head slightly he saw the massive jaws filled with razor sharp teeth coming inching closer.

This was the end of the road he fought with all he had and now he was going to die at least he made sure that his death was worth something during the fight he noticed that the others had taken the chance he gave them to get away. That was enough he thought to himself but he still wasn't satisfied just yet, he rolled onto his back the backpack arching his upper body slightly making it slightly uncomfortable for him but he didn't care. He raised his right hand slightly getting ready to throw one last punch hoping to knock out at least one tooth from the beasts jaw as it inched closer but then a figure appeared next to the beast's head.

The figure was Kim-sing he swung the metal bat in his hand with enough force comparable to a cannonball straight at the creature's snout its head flew backwards its feet seeming leaving the ground it looked like it hovered a bit in the air for a bit before falling onto its back a few meters away from them.

Then came Yang Yuhuan speeding down toward Yue Fei tossing the metal bat strapped to her backpack to Kim-sing along the way before grabbing onto Yue Fei's backpack straps to pull him up when she reached him.

"Take it down~!" then came the cries Yue Fei looked and saw the rest of the exploration team rushing towards the downed T-Rex Yue Yang at the lead wielding his hockey stick smashing it down on it heads causing it to break into two. In return he was knocked to the ground with swipe of the T-Rex's head as it slowly tried to get back up. Then came Nip Fung carrying his make shift spear he hurled it at the creature its knife head buried itself into the side of its neck, Mi Liu and Lee Shin came up behind him both wielding their own made shifted spears they charged at the beast as well as the rest swing their made shift spears.

"What are you all doing~!?" Yue Fei screamed with every fiber of his being at this. "You all were supposed to run away why did you come back what are you guys all retarded or something?!"

"Like you're one to talk eh hero." Kim-sing said without facing him wielding a metal bat in each hand as he stood over him and Yang Yuhuan.

"Don't do that ever again got it." Then he was gone in a flash he was swinging the two weapons in his hands at the creature's head.

The fight was heating up as the whole crew was keeping distance and was constantly on the move never staying in one spot darting everywhere around the creature its retaliation missing them by mere inches as it snapped its mouth at them or swiped its tail at them they just ducked or jumped over it with ease.

Yue Fei was about to join back in the fight when a bellowing roar came from the valley behind them time stopped everyone stop even the beast they were battling as something emerged from the tree lines of the valley.

It was another large Tyrannosaurus-like creature but this one has dark red scales covering its body. Two rows of bony plates run along its back, going from the eyes to the tail. Its underside is more of a cream color. The main key difference of this creature from the one before it was notable feature is its huge, bush-like tail. Its hind legs looked powerful and muscular, while its front legs or arms were much smaller in comparison and looked mostly useless. The face and jaws are covered in sturdy plating, particularly resembling a Carnotaurus' head, though the arms and proportions are modeled after Tyrannosaurus.

When it came out from the valley behind the first creature it gave it's own unique ground shaking roar, the creature that exploration team was fighting gave out its own roar facing the newcomer competently ignoring them allowing the group to regroup and stand further away from the two behemoths that were about to clash in front of them.

Then the newcomer did something which baffled the group.

The tail which originally had the same color as its back plates before it brought it to its mouth running its fangs along the edge shaving off the bush, no it was not bush but scales, thin scales or crystal shards that ran along the edge of its tail revealing the true form of its tail. A sharp blade's edge glowing with the sunlight reflecting off of it revealing that the creature's tail was a sword not some bushy tail that Yue Fei originally thought it to be.Although looking closely it seems to have a rusty color or a fiery red glow on the edge of its 'blade'.

Then it got into a stance hunched over leaning forward with its tail in front of its body facing off against the opposing reddish-pin color one eyed Tyrannosaurus, seeing the challenge the newcomer presented to it lunged hurling itself into the air with its muscular hind legs at its opposition.

It simply ducked to the side and swung its tail blade at the blooded T-Rex's neck intending to decapitate it in one strike but barely missed by the tip of its blade breaking Nip Fung's spear off. As the two broke off away a few meters away from each other.

Both sides stared intently at each other waiting for the other to make the first move before another roar sounded out driving every beings attention to the sound.


"What the hell is that~!?" as if on cue the truth revealed itself coming from form beyond the valley. The latest contestant to the party was yet another Tyrannosaurus-like creature, it is a very large much larger in size and mass than the other two bipedal creatures its skin tone resemble a dark green forest coloration along with a muscular upper body its back and shoulder muscles seem to swell considerably revealing scars with several areas of its skin having some sort of a bright red coloration. Its thick hide is littered with short, jagged spines that reach a maximum height along the back and tail. This creature has a narrow snout with a large lower jaw, covered in multiple rows of teeth spreading outwards from the mouth. It has massive, powerful hind legs, but one key feature difference was its two highly developed forelegs with four massive sharp claw on each finger.

"Oh come on not another!" Mi Liu cried out in frustration and annoyance upon seeing the newcomer "Quit complaining lets go, let's go!" Yue Yang pulled him out of the path trying to get him out of the creature's sights and was heading to where the others were gathering.

Once it saw the two opposing T-Rexes the third T-Rex roar and charged forwards clashing with the other two the earth shake under their feet as the titans traded blows chunks of red fluid and bits of flesh flew everywhere around them not minding the ants crawling beneath them.

"Oh shit!" Someone cried as the entire group was ducking down shuffling along the ground trying not to get stomped on by the three battling giants leveling the trees and boulders around them to bits and dust.

"There! Over there we can lose it in the caves over there!" Nip Fung voice cried out amidst the screams and howls that filled the air as his figure can be seen now running towards a cave opening near the sides of the valley they were in.

"Are you serious but we don't know whats in there!"

"Who the hell cares or you rather be out here with these things, now get going!"

Mi Liu pushed Lee Shin towards the direction as everyone started running Yue Fei helped by Yang Yuhuan lingered behind "Yang just - " Yue Fei started before he suddenly found himself on her shoulders as she started bolting to the cave in record breaking speeds despite the extra weight.

Along the way she grabbed Yue Fei's sword off the ground sheathing for him as the sheath was next to her face before continuing her run all of that done in one single motion.

Yue Yang was at the mouth of the cave each one member of the team that passed him he counted "eleven, twelve, thirteen - " when Yang Yuhuan passed by him carrying Yue Fei on her shoulders he paused a bit shocked by the scene in front of him seeing a scrawny thin girl barely weighting hundred and thirty pounds carrying a teenage guy weighting over two hundred pounds adding in the addition weight he was carrying.

Before he snapped out of his shocked state back to what he was doing "nineteen twenty alright we're up."

Then he bolted after the rest down the cave "Asta la vista bitches~!" he cried out further down the dark cave as the sounds of the beast howls and sound of their battle faded out further and further out behind him as he ran.

The group ran for untold amount of time running through the dark cave that seemed to run on for miles, those in the lead were the running guide for the rest behind them with flashlights shining the way for them, though there were others among the group who also took out theirs as well illuminating the dark blanket around them, the sounds of their heavy breathing and the stomping of their shoes hitting the rock surface echoed among the stone walls around them.

Till finally those in front cried out something that that was drowned out by the sound of thunder, wait thunder? That can't be possible Yue Fei thought still being carried by Yang Yuhuan near to the rear of the group. As they ran the sound of the thundering boom echoed ever louder until finally they came upon a mouth opening behind it was the source of the thundering boom.

As massive underground waterfall the sheer size of it ran for miles in either direction the source of the thunder pouring down into the infinite black roaring as it continued to fall from the cavern's roof high above.

The sight of it left the group in shock and awe they all stood still taking in the majesty of the sight in front of them they had seen many breathe taking sights since they left the comforts of their school ground home. But this can possibility be agree on right now in all of their hearts is the most amazing sight they had very witnessed.

Yue Fei found himself first smiling, and then laughing at the breathtaking sight, such was the scale and the deafening pressure of its crashing bellowing down to the endless abyss. It reminded him of the time when he visited the Niagara Falls in America the sight was just as magnificent but it also brought an aching feeling within his heart that he didn't expected but forced it back down hoping not to linger too much on it.

They admired the sight for a second more when someone cried out in an inaudible cry then those in front began to run again prompting the others to follow down a spiraling pathway across the space. Yue Fei being part of the rear and being carried by Yang Yuhuan had the distinct privilege of being able to glance upon the sight forever burning the sight in to his memory before it was blocked from his sights by the mouth opening that they were passing under and on they went each step they took the echoing thunder became more and more distant as steps becoming meters, meters becoming kilometers.

Finally after passing through another mouth opening they came across a open space clearing here they all collapsed, breathing heavy while on their knees sweat felling in countless droplets from their chins and onto the ground under them.

"Dude what were those things back there I mean just what were the supposed to be I mean the one with the sword tail wasn't that a Glavenus~!? And the other one that just came that was a Deviljho! A Deviljho~! A real life Deviljho!"

One of the male students in his tattered and dirtied uniform sprang up suddenly and exclaimed in a somewhat excited tone judging from his voice.

"Ok - ok Qin Xa calm down, calm down." His companion at his side tried to calm him down.

"How can I clam down Mou-ming (Nameless) you saw those creatures how can you stay calm!"

"Ah yeah we just saw and fought against a dinosaur and nearly got stomp by three of them ha-ha very exciting calm down." The boy called Mou-ming said before turning away ignoring his friend knowing he wasn't going to calm down any time soon.

"Ah Yang you can put me down now." Yue Fei said as he could feel his strength return to him during the time she was carrying him and the stares from everyone around them was putting him in an awkward situation.

"Oh ah okay." Yang Yuhuan who was kneeling on one knee while still carrying him seemed to have forgotten that he was on her shoulders until he spoke up tilting slightly to one side Yue Fei landed softly on his feet before processing to walk around the open space as if looking for something while leaving Yang Yuhuan alone to catch her breath.

Yue Fei was walking slowly around his fallen companions looking around the rocky surface walls around them with a flashlight that he got from his bag. Around him his companions were all wolfing down on the food and draining down their water bottles that they all had. Looking carefully their load seemed to have become lighter, he finally noticed while looking around him that their supplies were rapidly depleting the bags containing food were fewer in number now. After all they haven't been resupplying on anything since they left and have been very careful on their supplies but it seems like they're finally reaching their limit. Once he was out of the group circle he headed towards one direction shining his light around and kept on walking before disappearing behind the shroud of the darkness covering the walls.

"Yue Fei~!" Kim-sing saw this and immediately stood up flashing his light rushing to where Yue Fei disappeared to as Yang Yuhuan did the same.

"Hey there's a path here I think I see light on the other side it should lead somewhere should we take it?" Yue Fei's voice came echoing off the stone walls.

"Yes of course we take it!"

Slowly the rest of the group got back on their following Kim-sing and Yang Yuhuan's light once they turned a corner that they didn't see earlier there was Yue Fei flashing his light the moment he saw them he turned and walked on.

Just up ahead of the there was light shining through a opening it flared brightly at their eyes as their eyesight had adjusted to the darkness of the cave that they were slowly walking out from after blight repeatedly for a couple of seconds their finally eyes readjusted to the light.

What greeted them was an open grass field littered with trees and other plants that they were not familiar with but what lied beyond the field was what caught their attention.

"Hey is that what I think that is?" Yue Yang asked out loud walking up behind Yue Fei as he was going through his backpack looking for something. He then took out the item he was searching for, his binoculars he immediately brought the item to his eyes and peered through the eye lens.

"It is." Yue Fei responded a moment later to Yue Yang's question still looking through his binoculars. "It's a supermarket."

After a quick rest and sorting through the last of their food rations, after calculating the numbers the team ventured forth towards the familiar building in the open field yet partly concealed next to the sea of trees, as they approached its worn white concert block foundations and the broken yet still standing sigh showing the letters 'green leaf supermarket' nearly brought tears to their eyes seeing the familiar sight though it has only been a couple of weeks it felt like forever to the group seeing something that reminded them of home.

"Come on there has to be some food in there or something we're going to have a feast tonight!" Lee Shin cried out excitedly pushing past others at the front including Yue Fei and rush towards the building that shouldn't be here.

"Hey Lee Shin wait up I call first dibs!" Mi Liu ran after him as they two started to race towards the door fighting to get inside first.

This prompted everyone else to run to the building and so they ran along the way Yue Fei heard something not too far away from them but couldn't see anything when he looked in the direction where he thought he heard something but seeing nothing he ignored it and ran after the others inside. Once they were inside they went on ignoring all the stores within, everyone headed to the first restaurant that they saw once inside they found nothing.

There was nothing no food anywhere not on the shelves in the mall, the kitchen of the restaurants nothing but they didn't mind and rushed to the next store nothing and then the third still nothing. Now they were starting to get worried they were inside a massive store and could not find even one speck of food they were getting hungry they were going through their food rations way earlier than they had expected and were considering that they might have to hunt for their food but now they found this they were hoping they didn't have to consider that option as they physically don't have the means to do so. After all they have been running for who knows how long from a Dinosaur trying to eat them as well as tussling with said creature along with running through the dark cave net not too long ago, their bodies were burning their calories at alarming speeds some of the bigger members actually became much skinner than before they had come on this journey.

All of that activity was also beginning to wear at them they starting to feel and were getting tired beyond belief, they would have slumped down onto the cold marble floor of the building and slept right then and there the moment they went inside but the rumbling of their stomachs prevent that from happening but they wouldn't eat the last of their food rations they knew they couldn't.

Thankfully they have found water though not a lot for them to take a bath but enough for them to quench their thirst for the time being.

Yue Fei was inside one of the shopping malls restaurant kitchen drinking a glass of water when he heard the thumping sounds of footsteps.

"Zhongqing, Zheng Qing anything?" Yue Fei asked the two identical figures they were twins walking up to him and surly as he already guessed the answer they both shoke their heads.

"Nothing not even a scarp." Zhongqing said his head lowered hopelessness present in his eyes.

"All the other places were cleaned out too forget the food even the kitchen knives are missing something seems to have cleaned out this place long before we even came here."

Yue Fei passed them two cups of water "It may not be much but fill your stomach with this first to hold your hunger and take a break."

The two took the cups and downed them in a single gulp and thanked Yue Fei before walking away the situation was getting dire they needed more food and it was getting late into the afternoon now should they consider hunting for some small game and how? As he was contemplating what to do the sound of several footsteps that brought him back to reality, it was Yang Yuhuan Kim-sing Yue Yang and Nip Fung they had the look of urgency on their faces.

"What's gotten into all of -" "No time to explain come with us we found something quick."

Yang Yuhuan said pulling on Yue Fei's arm one hand as her other hand held her the Song Dao Blade that he gave her weeks ago as the group lead him through the corridor others were joining them along the way. They came upon the rear of the building the first thing that hit Yue Fei was the smell, the stench was terrible he almost gagged from it. The smell only got worse as they move further in until finally they were in sight of rusted steel basement door on the marble tiled floor the only thing was it was open.

Yue Fei and his group meet up with another group that was already there he saw Mi Liu at the front and went straight for him.

"Hey Mi Liu what's up any reason that everyone is just standing here?"

"Yeah that." Mi Liu gestured with his chin towards the basement door from which the smell was coming from. "We were searching the building for food but then we discover the smell which I'm pretty sure you already smelled it on the way here and followed it here I sent the others back to get everyone here while I stood guard here, well what do you think should we check it out."

"What do you think we will find in there it smells like death all the way out here I don't think I even want to know what's down there."

Yue Fei hesitated while trying to bear the smell filling his nostrils.

"Wait hold on you guys hears that?" Yue Yang said as he stepped forward closer to the door perking his ears up towards it.

"What?" Nip Fung asked him raising his guard up subconsciously with a butcher knife that he held in his hand. "You don't hear that, voices or something but it does sound like voices." Yue Yang said as he crept closer to the door.

Yue Fei slowly drew his sword the moment the tip left the throat of the sheath the blade thrummed to life and he took at step forward towards the door before Kim-sing extended his arm out in front of Yue Fei.

"I'll go first." He simply said as he drew the two metal bats from his backpack gripping them tightly in each hand and strode forth after a brief second of hesitation, Yue Fei sword in hand followed after him he turned order and said.

"Alright Yue Yang, Mi Liu and Nip Fung with me the rest of you hold here till we give the okay."

The rest nodded but one moved forwards from the group. "No Yang you stay here." Yue Fei said seeing her move to join them sword still in hand but now thrummed to life the surface of the blade buzzed and sparked and the blade's edge glowed slightly ember-hot as the solid blade itself was vibrating intensely. "But - "

"No buts there will be not discussion just stay here till we get back." Yue Fei said out flatly leaving no more room to talk as he and those he called out followed after Kim-sing down the steps into the dark.

The smell down bellow was everywhere it hung in the air so heavy it felt like weights leaning upon Yue Fei the moment he touched down onto the floor at the bottom of the steps, he could only wish that he had a mask to block out the smell of course he wasn't the only one who like that idea everyone began coughing and gag. It was dark so him turned on his flashlight with his free hand shining the room around them what meet their eyes was a mess of dirt and scarps of rotten meat and garbage littered the floor around them. The floor gave a weary squeak or squish with every step they took that sent shivers down their spines trying their best not to look down at what they were stepping on. What caught their eyes were the weird writings on the walls around them and a portion of the wall that caved in and had a massive hole that shouldn't be there.

Yue Fei flashed his light towards the hole revealing a tunnel behind it "The sounds coming from there." Kim-sing said point one of his bats towards the tunnel slowly walking up to it then snap~! A loud snap echoed from the room that they were all standing in and echoed down the tunnel everyone froze at the sound, looking down at his Kim-sing could see that he step on a rather large piece of bone from some large animal the bone marrow was still red and bits of flesh still hung around it.

Waiting for a couple of second everyone looked towards the tunnel but nothing happened everyone let out a sigh of relief at this.

"I guess we - " Screech~! Then a loud cry echoed from the tunnel in front of them the cry was horrid to the ears it sound like that of an infant's cry along with the scraping of nail on a chalkboard.

"What was that?" as if an answer to that question a figure of a creature came into the light of the flashlight it gave a ear wrenching scream before it crawled on all fours limps at a terrifying pace towards them, first one then another and another till the entire tunnel was filled with such horrors.

"Go! Go~! Run~!" Yue Fei cried out prompting everyone to run back the way they came the first of the creature sprang at Yue Fei he responded with a horizontal swing of his sword cleaving the creature in half at the waist. One quick glance of the creature the sight of it shock him to the core he knew this beast, the creature in question was pale white in skin color with red eyes relaxing the light form his flashlight its mouth was filled with rows of small razor sharp teethes it was nude it little brother hanged limply at its private region and they had razor sharp long claws on their hands.

It was the same creature that attacked their school on the day when they were brought to this world another one sprang at him he thursted his blade into its skull it froze for a split second in the air before its body went limp and fell to the floor.

"Yue Fei come on!" Yue Yang's came from the base of the stairs as he threw the knife he had in his hand the blade impaled itself into the skull of another creature that crawled out from the tunnel. Yue Fei ran back towards the stair as the swarm began pouring out from the tunnel as spear flew overhead impaling another as it let out a cry of pain.

Once he was up and out of the basement Yue Yang closed the door shut with Mi Liu helping him jamming the knife he had in his hands as a lock on the hand rails.

"What, what happen what was the scream just now?" Mou-ming came up to them then a loud bang came the doors to the basement shoke slightly as more banging can be heard soon after the first.

"Run~!" Kim-sing simply yell as he and the rest who went down with him ran to the entrance of the building just as the rusted door flew open revealing the horrors behind them the sight of them shocked many of the group as they braced themselves to fight as they too could recognize the creatures spilling out of the doorway but seeing the endless numbers of them pouring through they quickly changed their minds as they too soon ran.

Yang Yuhuan on the other had an ugly expression on her face one filled with rage and anger as she almost rushed at the endless tide of pale white flesh if it were not for Yue Fei and Yue Yang holding her back carrying her away each with one arm wrapped around her arms as they ran to the entrance with Yang Yuhuan dangling between the two looking back Yue Fei could see the every growing horde sprinting them in great strides.

He turned his head back around coming to a complete stop along with Yue Yang as they nearly crashed into the backs of the twins Zhongqing, Zheng Qing in front of them everyone else stood still like statues.

"What is wrong with you all-" the words died in Yue Yang's mouth as his eyes widened as his mouth fell open as did Yue Fei just outside the premises of the supermarket just beyond the tree lines were a dozen or so of the most largest bugs he had ever seen in his life.

They were nearly the size of a Smart EQ Fortwo they resembled the common Stag Beetle back on earth of course to a much larger degree their black carapace shell reflexed the falling sunlight over the horizon at their backs, they didn't move the humans didn't move when suddenly at the rear came the sound of breaking glass and the screeching of the first horror that they were originally running from but it too stop the moment they came outside of the building.

Now the humans were trapped to their front were massive insects, to their rear was the swarm of humanoid creatures they were pinned between two opposing sides nobody moved they all stood waiting. As if waiting for the first species to move before they were to strike the monstrous insects none moving they dark pupils fixated on the human prey before them, behind the white humanoids were softly snarling and growling but they too stood where they were standing not moving an inch all the while Yue Fei's eyes were darting around looking for something until something caught his attention.

"Hey there are more buildings back there." Yue Fei said out loud pointing with his sword to the groups right, there beyond the thin tree line they could make out several more building in a large field which seemed to resemble that of a air field runway further back see earlier due to the trees.

"We're not going to make that." Kim-sing said with absolute certainly "These things will run us down before we can even get to the clearing."

"Don't worry I have an idea trust me when I say go everyone run to the corner with the wall at our backs they have to take us on in front of us that should even the odds a bit." Yue Fei reassured Kim-sing as he let go of Yang Yuhuan moving slightly away from the group closer to the bugs in front.

"Even what odds we're still out numbered, mind sharing what this great plan of your is first?" Mi Liu said aggravated and impatiently.

"Just get ready to run!" he sprint forward towards the tree lines at that moment everything was set into motion the Stag Beetle like creature rushed forward so did the white humanoids, several of the beetles ran towards the humanoids as they too did two different tides of black and white met while the rest chased after the humans running the opposite direction of the two waves.

The humans reached the far end corner of the supermarket now with their backs against the wall they turned to face their foes those that still had their made shift spears hurled them at the first few pale creatures coming at them, they were speared through but more came now armed with only the few knives that they have they braced themselves for the incoming tide.

However they were swiftly cut down from behind as Yue Fei's figure appeared behind them in one hand he held his sword in the other was a thin branch from one of the nearby trees, as he stood with the rest of the group a the front rank several of the Beetles were heading towards them.

"That's your secret weapon a stick!" Mi Liu cried out baffled at the sight "What the hell is that going to do in this situation?"

Yue Fei paid no mind to his words hacking off the rest of the small branches once it was all cleared out leaving him only a clean long stick branch he raised it high above his head and then swung it around in the air in front of him several times.

Surprisingly the massive stag beetle-like creatures running after them stopped dead in their tracks one in particular turned its head towards Yue Fei as the others simply stood in place making clicking sounds in response to Yue Fei's swings.

The others all looked at him like unexplainable expressions on their faces as Yue Fei swing the stick in his hand in what seems like the crazed theatrics of a mad man.

"Yue Fei what are you - ?" Mou-ming started to ask before

"Just stay there and don't move hell don't even make a sound just stay there and shut up."

Yue Fei coldly responded cutting him off before him could finish what he was about to say.

To the eyes of the other it would just look like Yue Fei was just swing the branch he was holding like a mad man but if one were to look and listen carefully there was a certain type of rhythm to his swings as he continued to swing.

One beetle move away from its pack and towards him seemingly like in a trance as it slowing walked towards Yue Fei.

On the outside Yue Fei may seem calm but on this inside he was feeling relieved and a bit anxious because even he was not even all too sure that the idea to control the stag beetle insect like creature would work.

Throughout the world back on earth there was a popular 'sport' one could say and that was Bug Fight. But this particular 'sport' mostly flourishes in Asia countries like China, Thailand and Japan where they are used to be a children's game but now became highly completive and gambled upon greatly. In particular China's cricket fights Thailand's beetle sumo matches and the Japanese Bug War series. Though the Japanese Bug War series is not nearly as popular compare to the other two but this 'sport' greatly attracted many fans even to the modern days.

Though it was also said that originally bug fights were a way for fortune telling, but the method to controlling the bugs still remained the same either baiting them with food or thorough the use of a stick called mai vang to control the bugs in particular Stag-Beetles.

By swinging the stick in a certain rhythm like a song or a certain sound one knows and is familiar with to move a beetle and freely manipulate it.

Yue Fei personally had experienced the use of a 'mai vang' during his younger years during a science class where he got the chance experiment controlling an insect with the tool thus he may not have the correct tool, he was familiar with how to swing his 'tone' with an improvised tool.

"This stick is my 'mai vang'" Yue Fei continued to swing the stick calmly as the beetle crept closer to him before stopping in its tracks on Yue Fei's command.

Looking over the beetle Yue Fei noticed a great deal number of scars spread throughout its body.

"Since you are covered in scars that most prove you worth as a warrior that has proven his medal in combat I shall name you 'Scar' nice to meet you I suppose."

"But this won't be enough not just with you scar." Yue Fei swung again this time in a different rhythm two more Beetles came to him he named them respectfully 'Bull' and 'Tank' slowly but surely with each swing more of the Beetles went to him much to the surprise of others who all had the looks of shock on their faces.

Then with a single crack of his swing the Beetles froze so did Yue Fei still holding his stick high up into the air above his head as he slowly turned to face the white humanoid creatures, then with a quick flick of the stick towards them he cried out.

"Go~!" he commanded and the Beetles obeyed as the horde rushed towards the white humanoid swarm crashing into them knocking them into the air and crushing those caught underneath them, but the whiteies resisted with all their might they clawed at the hard shells of the Beetles to no avail but that didn't stop them as they brawled with them. Thought the Beetles were tough and durable the whiteies outnumbered them greatly as their number started to overwhelm them.

One Beetle was brutally torn apart from its underbelly by a swarm of whiteies the battle was intensifying as bodies fell to the ground different fluids of different color dyed the ground soaking the dirt beneath them. Yue Fei and the exploration team took that chance and ran through to the clearing onward to the closest building. With Yue Fei at the rear of the group still swinging the thin branch the Stag Beetles Scar Bull and Tank followed them as did several of the whiteies too splitting off from the rest of the horde running after them.

"Scar Bull Tank hold them off!" Yue Fei swung towards the whiteies as the three stopped in their track turned around and rushed at the pursuers.

The first few of the group reached a massive steel commercial doors or roll up doors and were reaching down to pull up the steel up with all their might as it slowly rose from the ground. Yue Fei still swung his branch commanding his new pets directing them as they valiantly held off their oppositions.

Kim-sing and Yang Yuhuan were at his side weapons at the ready then came the calls behind them looking back the others were rushing under the steel commercial doors that Yue Yang was holding up as he called out for them. Yue Fei signaled the two at his side to go first before he too ran after then just before he crawled under he looked back towards the three Beetles still fighting against the pale creatures he whispered a wordless thank you and went under holding up for Yue Yang to crawl under then let the door fall slamming down onto the floor with a loud bang.

The space was dark dimly lit through the high ceiling windows as the last bits of the sun still shone through the spaced around them was massive everyone fell to the floor gasping for air.

"Great now we're stuck in here we're low on food and water we have no weapons and no way out we're screwed." Mi Liu said as he slumped down onto a stool near him the other also had their heads down as what Mi Liu said was true, everyone was beginning to feel down as the first seeds of despair slowly began to crawl out of everyone their minds began to darken they didn't know what to do anymore.

Their eyes watered and silent whimpers began to gurgle out from their lips no matter how much they tried to hold it back. It was hopeless now they thought they were going to die here with no food they weren't going to last long in here and going back out would only lead to death both options were the same just the process of how they were going to die was different.

"Are you guys for real look around us." Then Yue Fei's voices came loud and clear his voice drawing everyone's attention to him but he didn't look at any of them his eyes were darting around everywhere, a look of elasticity and joy was plastered on his face as he slowly his arms spread wide open while twirling around in a circle.

Prompting the others to look around their surrounds getting a better visual of what's around them finding themselves inside a massive storehouse filled with crate boxes stakes low and high on multiple massive storage sleeves that goes on as far as the room goes and several table loaded with tools, the walls further back was filled with a bullet board loaded with tools of all kinds from wrenches to even sledge hammers there were even forklifts parked near the wall.

It then hit them all with realization of where they were currently inside of right now as massive garage workshop.

"This whole place IS a weapon."

SilverMoonlight96 SilverMoonlight96

TL Note:

Bug fights:

A real and very common ‘sport’ one could call it as stated in particular in Asia like China, Thailand and Japan, where the insect literary fight to the death

The stick called a ‘mai vang’ is also referenced in the manga known as Dai Kyochuu Rettou most commonly in China’s and Thailand’s bug fight they do commonly use a rod of sorts to control and guide the fight

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