The Elders, saw Calvis disappear and were relieved believing that they survived this bout with a Parthian that was more powerful than any they recorded in their history books.
Calvis disarmed the warships that still orbited their planet before his departure. Before the Xuhan elders still psychically projected into space could relax, they saw the strange matter that had swallowed Calvis had a strange contracting and expanding motion. Suddenly a dark shadow loomed over them. Calvis appeared once again, but this time his aura was different, and his demeanor that was once brash and impatient was now quiet and grim.
This sudden change scared the elders but especially one in particular. The Elder that had insulted Calvis before and felt the extent of his power fell into a cold sweat. A bad feeling emerged within all the Elder's hearts.
Calvis's wings that retracted in the pocket dimension once again expanded to encompass the entire planet in its shadow. The Elders' expression turned to disbelief as it seemed that Calvis would truely destroy their Technoworld. Calvis' veins glowed with intent causing all three elders that had stood before Calvis to screamed in agony.
Calvis had given them a chance, and they had scorned him. They had belittled his power how could he let such disrespectful people live and continue being his follower. As the Xuhan elders' pain intensified, they began to beg and plead with Calvis to let them live. Desperate to survive, two elders admitted that they had made a mistake while the Elder who feared Calvis the most turned despondent and accepted of his fate. Calvis only watched as his aura's pressure slowly killed them. Only after Calvis was satisfied that they knew their mistake did he kill them simultaneously. The Elder's Psychic link dissipated in space as their real-life bodies exploded, and the people monitoring the different Elders' vitals flew into a panic.
This mistake was the beginning of the fall of the Xuhan Technoworld and the point where Calvis's actual conquest began. Calvis had seen in a vision the Children of Chaos. He knew that he was not yet on par with them who could instantly destroy galaxies on a whim Calvis himself could only blow up a world or two.
As Calvis floated in space above the techno world, he realized that there was still so much to learn about the universe. He had a desire to create new materials. to find hidden materials only found in particular isolated Galaxies and creating things never seen before. His ultimate goal was always to manufacturing created energy without having to rely on fickle things like the universe.
Calvis broke through the shields of the Techno world and landed on its surface, waiting for the Xuhans to come to him to apologize. He created a barrier surrounding him. Calvis then sat in a meditative posture he was still pondering the profundities that he had been taught in the strange matter chaos space he had escaped.