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9.9% DxDXD (Raw) / Chapter 31: Life.2 The gathering of the Young Devils!-1

Capítulo 31: Life.2 The gathering of the Young Devils!-1

Part 1

"In other words, for high-class devils, high society is—"

It's the day after I arrived at Buchou's home in the Underworld.

Since morning, I had been forced to listen to things about high-class devils, the upper echelons of society and nobility from a tutor devil. Yes, it was the aforementioned studying.

This was my exclusive tutor appointed for me by Buchou's parents. They said he was "one of them". Did that mean that there were others? I give up. This was just too strange, to think that I of all people would be studying about the aristocratic world.

Well, since I didn't know a lot about the Underworld in the first place, it worked out well. He also gladly answered my questions.

Since, this seemed to be something important. I wrote furiously with my pen in my notebook, so as to not fall behind. Hmm, was it possible that I also had homework over the summer holidays now?

Millicas-sama was also here in the seat next to me and was studying along with me. Despite being small, he was diligent. He seemed quite intelligent.

The other club members were sightseeing around the Gremory's land along with Buchou. How nice! How nice!

They seemed to be touring around Buchou's exclusive castle and the castle that Sirzechs-sama used when he returned to his birthplace! They were sightseeing around the Gremory castles! I wanted to go too!

"Young master, do you know the devil alphabet?"

"N-No, I really don't know it."

"Very well. Then, remember them one by one from now on."

In this way, the tutor devil carefully and patiently taught me, who didn't even know the basics.

However, what was with the "young master"? Since last night, I had been addressed that way by the Gremory's maids, butlers and even this tutor.

"It's because I have to teach you everything about the Gremory family, young master. Please prepare yourself."

"U-Umm, what's with the "young master" thing?"

"...Now then, let's speak about the history of the Gremory family next."

Ah, he dodged the question again. Why do I even have to know the history of Buchou's family as well as the structure of the nobility? Is it because I'm her servant? Did Kiba and the others have to do this kind of studying too? Ah, but then why aren't Asia and Xenovia, who are also new devils, getting this education too? Geez, I don't understand it at all!


The door opened, and Buchou's mother came in. As I thought, she really is beautiful.


I see, for Millicas-sama, she's the equivalent of his grandmother. Though no matter how I look at her, she looks like Buchou's older sister.

"Issei-san, Millicas. How is your studying progressing?"

She came between me and the tutor while giving a gentle smile. I tried not to show her my clumsy devil writing, but she smiled as she saw the notes I had written down.

"It's just as Sirzechs and Grayfia reported. You work hard at everything, no matter what it is. I can't say that your writing is very good, but I can grasp your attitude of trying hard to memorise it."

Buchou's mother admitted a maid into the room and served tea.

"Rias will be returning soon. Since, there is a customary function for the gathering of young devils in the Maou's territory today."

Now that she mentioned it, that had been included in the to-do schedule while in the Underworld.

The young devils of about Buchou's age seemed to be assembling in one place. They were all devils who had yet to debut in official Rating Games. I'd heard that the high-class devil heirs from old and noble families were gathered by the leaders to come to know one another as they greet each other.

Buchou and student council president, Sona Sitri also had to go. We servants would be accompanying her as well.

I've been busy ever since coming to the Underworld. Now then, what will happen next?

Part 2

Immediately after Buchou and the others returned from their sightseeing tour of the Gremory castles, we went by train to the territory where Maou-sama was. After passing through several magic circles that appeared in mid-air for long-distance jumps, the train continued onward.

Three hours of being jolted around in the train later. We arrived at the urban area!

Both the station and the homes were modern! There were even vending machines here! The design was a little different from the world I lived in, but the houses I'd seen so far looked very cutting-edge!

"This is the city of Luciferd within the Maou's territory. It's the old capital of the Underworld where the previous Lucifer-sama lived."

So Kiba explained. So this was the town where the old Lucifer-sama lived. Incidentally, we were dressed in our summer uniforms. It seemed to already be our family's uniform.

"We're going to change over to the subway from here. Since there'll be an uproar if we go from the surface."

Kiba said this. So there's also a subway here! This place really isn't that different from the human world!

Thinking about it, humans and devils are closely related. It could be said that, starting from the contract and the reincarnation of humans into [Evil Pieces] as servants, there was a relationship of coexistence between them. I wonder if this is the way their race lives, by taking in other cultures and sublimating it into their own.

"Kyaaah! Princess Rias-samaaaaaaa!"

Suddenly, I heard a high-pitched cheer. When I looked, a group of devils on the station platform were looking at Buchou and giving her longing gazes. Ooh, was Buchou a popular person here?

"Buchou is the Maou's younger sister. What's more, she's also beautiful, so she's a yearned-after target among low- and middle-class devils, you know?"

Akeno-san explained this. Seriously!? So Buchou is a super-celebrity in the Underworld?

Ah, she is the Maou's younger sister. What's more, she's the next head of the noble upper class Gremory family. Moreover, she was, in a word, an extremely beautiful young woman! You could say that it's inevitable that she became popular!

"Hiiiiiiiiii…So many devils…"

From behind my back, Gasper reacted to the voices of the many devils and panicked. The tough day continued for the hikikomori.

"How troublesome. Let's switch over to the underground train quickly, before it becomes an uproar. Has the private train been prepared?"

Buchou questioned one guy from the pairs of black-suited men. They seemed to be our bodyguards, and many of them had followed us from the Gremory castle. These people were said to be quite strong. Naturally, a certain amount of strength was necessary for protecting the Princess and us servants.

"Yes. Please follow me."

Thus, we followed behind the bodyguard and moved to the underground subway train.


She was very popular among men too. Buchou waved her hand at a group of men while giving a strained smile.

As I thought, my master is amazing!

After transferring from the subway, we were jolted around for another five minutes.

When we arrived—it was at a platform in the basement of the biggest building within the city.

The meeting place for the gathering of young devils, old families, and high-class big-shots was in this building. The bodyguards accompanied us until we reached the elevator, and then stood waiting on standby.

We boarded the elevator from the basement with Buchou in the lead. It was a spacious elevator.

"Everyone, I'll say it one more time. No matter what happens, stay in a calm state of mind. No matter what is said, don't start a fight. —The people above are our future rivals. We mustn't show an unsightly form."

Buchou's words had more fighting spirit than usual, and were very intense. That was the tone of voice of someone who is prepared for battle and doesn't intend to lose to anyone!

Me and Asia swallowed and calmed down our feelings. Alright! Even though I'm tense and nervous, there are other [Pawns] here besides me, so I can't show an unsightly form!

After traveling up to the top floor pretty quickly, the elevator then stopped at last and the door opened.

When we took a step outside, we found ourselves in a wide hall. When we got out from the elevator, a person who seemed to be an employee was there and bowed slightly to Buchou and us.

"Welcome, Gremory-sama. Please come this way."

We followed after the employee. After we went down a certain passage, the figures of several people were in a corner—


Buchou seemed to know one of those figures.

That person also noticed Buchou and approached us. It was a boy. Based on his appearance, he seemed to be about the same age as us.

He was a rough yet good-looking guy with short black hair. He had an energetic appearance, and had a very good physique with plenty of muscles. He looked like a pro-wrestler. Rather, was he a devil from a martial artist family? His eyes were strangely purple.

Somehow, I felt like his face was similar to Buchou's—no, to Sirzechs-sama.

"It's been a while, Rias."

He shook hands with Buchou while smiling. Ooh, was he one of the young devils? As I thought, was he a high-class devil? In any case, even a low-class devil like me could sense the intense surge of magic power coming from him.

The devils that seemed to be part of this person's group turned their gazes towards us…They were all strong-looking devils…

"Yeah, I missed you. It's good to see that you're doing well. There are also people here who haven't met you yet. This person is Sairaorg. He's my cousin on my mother's side."

Buchou introduced this devil to us—Wait, cousin!? Ah, that's why he somehow seems similar to Sirzechs-sama.

"I'm Sairaorg Bael, the next head of the Bael family."

Bael! Bael, as in the famous "Great King" just after the Maou!? Even the ignorant me knew that! Wait, doesn't that mean that Buchou's mother was originally from the Bael family?

The family of the "Great King"! The clan of the "Great King"! That's incredible, oi! The Gremory family has both the Maou and the Great King!

Ignoring the shocked me, Buchou resumed the conversation with the next head of the Bael family.

"So, what are you doing in a passage like this?"

"Ah, we came out here because it's so idiotic in there."

"…Idiotic? Have the other members also arrived then?"

"Agares and Astaroth have already arrived. Zephyrdol came last. Immediately after he arrived, Zephyrdol and Agares started arguing."

This good-looking guy Sairaorg-san had an expression of complete dislike?

Rather, what did they start arguing about?

I felt like asking, but—.


The building shook greatly and I heard a huge smashing sound! Eeh!? What!? I heard it from somewhere nearby!?

Worried by it, Buchou without hesitation went to the big door from which the noise had come from.

"Geez, this is why I advised not meeting before the meeting."

Sighing, Sairaorg-san followed after Buchou along with the people who seemed to be his servants.

What!? What was it? We had no choice but to follow behind our master Buchou, though we were plagued by questions and anxiousness.

Beyond the opened big door—was a banquet hall that was all smashed up! The tables, chairs and decorations were all destroyed!

All the devils were split into two camps who glared at each other at the centre of the room! Weapons had been taken out, and there was an explosive air to the whole situation!

One side was made of evil-looking goblin-like devils. The other side seemed to be made of relatively ordinary devils. However, both groups gave off an aura that was full of cold killing intent, to the point of being frightening.

Scary! Very scary! What a great quantity and quality of aura they have! It felt far greater than ours!

Within my field of vision, a table still safely remained in a corner of the hall and elegant-looking servant devils could be seen. In the centre of these gentle-looking male devils…was a person drinking tea.

"Zephyrdol, can you not help starting a fight at a place like this? Do you want to die? Do you really want to die? Even if I kill you, I won't be blamed by the people on top."

The two groups glared at each other. A female devil had said it coolly. Saying something fearful like "I'll kill you"…

Ooh, but what an incredibly beautiful woman she is! Was she about the same age as me? She wore glasses—and her cold and sharp gaze was scary. As I thought, she really is scary. The wave of magic power being emitted from her aura was incredibly chilling…

She wore a blue robe and exposed very little skin. That was slightly regrettable.

"Hah! I'll say it again, bitch! I said that I'd teach you in one shot in a private room with great trouble! The Agares' onee-san really doesn't like being without her guards, now does she? Heh, is that why you're still a virgin who hasn't let a man come near her till now!? Geez, all the women of families of the Maous stink of virgins and are unbearable! That's why I said that I'd do a formal opening ceremony for you!"

Uwah…What a vulgar-mouthed onii-chan. He had a black magic-like tattoo on his face, and his green hair was standing on its end. As expected, there were also black magic-like tattoos on his upper body which was bare and uncovered. The ornaments on his pants jingled and clanked.

A delinquent, no matter how you look at him, he's a delinquent! Heh, so there are delinquents in the other world as well. His face…seemed good-looking, but his features were just too dangerous-looking…

…So, what happened between these two? Was the glasses onee-chan sexually harassed by the delinquent onii-chan?

Sairaorg-san came up to me who didn't understand from behind and explained.

"This place is a waiting hall where we remain on standby until the time comes. To explain it better, the young people gather here and give each other small greetings. However, this is what happens when the young people greet each other. By gathering many hot-blooded people together, problems like this also come out. The old devils of the old families and high-class devils can't help assuming that this is a good thing. I don't want to have anything to do with such a useless thing, but it can't be helped."

After adjusting his neck with a snap, Sairaorg-san stepped forward to the two teams who were glaring at each other.

Wait, wait! It's dangerous over there! You shouldn't approach either camp when they're in such a dangerous mood!

I tried to restrain him, but Buchou stopped me.

"Ise, watch him—watch Sairaorg carefully."

"Eh? Y-Yes, but why? Because he's your cousin?"

"—He is the number 1 among the young devils."

—! Seriously!? Number 1!? As in the strongest!?

Sairaorg-san came between the two sides who looked like they were about to start brawling. The eyes of the glasses onee-chan and the delinquent turned to him.

"Seegvaira, princess of the Agares family, and Zephyrdol, rebel child of the Glaysa-Labolas family. If you go any further than this, I will be your opponent. Listen, I know this is sudden, but this is your last warning. Depending on your next words and actions, I will use my fists without mercy."

Sairaorg-san's words had such intensity in them! What an incredible threat! I also felt the tingling pressure of it on my body!

A vein started throbbing on the forehead of the delinquent devil at those words, and turned red with anger.

"For the incompetent Bael family to—"


An intense blow resounded! Before the delinquent could finish speaking, he was slammed into the wall of the hall by a blow from Sairaorg-san!


The delinquent fell off from the wall. —He seemed to have already lost consciousness and fell face-down on the floor!

—In one hit!

He took out the delinquent who had been releasing so much strong magic power in just one punch!?

"I told you. That was your last warning."

In reaction to the actions of the strong Sairaorg-san,

"You bastard!"

"Damn the Bael family!"

The delinquent's servants nearly rush forward from the momentum of losing their master, but—.

"Look after your master. That's the first thing you should do. Even if you turn your swords towards me, you will gain nothing. —The important function will be starting soon, so make sure your master recovers first."


The delinquent's family stopped moving at those words and then ran over to where their master had fallen down.

Next, Sairaorg-san turned to look at the glasses onee-chan. I could understand why her expression stiffened then.

"There's still time. Put your make-up on again. It wouldn't do to attend the function while wearing something so bad."

"—. I-I understand."

The glasses onee-chan turned back and then left the hall along with her family.

After confirming that, Sairaorg spoke to his own family.

"Call the staff. The hall is too messed up, and I won't be able to have tea with Rias like this."

I had been charmed by Sairaorg's behaviour and conduct.

This person is strong! And also cooooooool! This is the man who is number 1 among the young devils!

This may have been the first time in my life that I had such a cool guy so close to the same age as me.

"Ah, Hyoudou!"

Then, I heard a familiar voice from nearby. When I turned around, people who wore the familiar Kuou Academy uniform were there.

"So it's Saji. Ah, Kaichou too."

"Hello, Rias, Hyoudou-kun."

It seemed that Saji and Sona Kaichou had also arrived in the hall.

Part 3

"I am Seegvaira Agares. The next head of the Agares family, rank Archduke."

We of the Gremory group were given a greeting by the glasses onee-chan from before—the ojou-sama of the Agares family.

After that incident, the reception hall had been restored by the magic of the staff members who ran over and had mostly been returned to normal.

The young people had gathered amongst themselves again and were exchanging greetings. We were all sitting around a table, with the delinquent from before and his servants left out.

Buchou, of the Gremory family; Kaichou, of the Sitri family; Sairaorg-san, of the Bael family; and that delinquent from before seemed to be of the Glaysa-Labolas family.

However, this onee-chan was the next head of an Archduke family! The Archduke is Maou-sama's agent who passes judgment onto the lives of us devils!

According to what I've heard from Buchou, if the Maou-sama was the president of a company, the Great King would be the vice-president and the Archduke would be an executive director. It seems strange for there to be four presidents, but that's how devil society is.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Rias Gremory, the next head of the Gremory family."

"I'm Sona Sitri, the next head of the Sitri family."

Buchou and Kaichou continued the greetings.

The masters had sat down, and their servants were on standby behind their masters. It was the same everywhere.

"I'm Sairaorg Bael, I'm the next head of the Bael family, rank Great King."

Sairaorg-san introduced himself majestically. As I thought, he really has a majestic air. The number 1 among young people really is on a different level.

A boy with a gentle atmosphere who had gracefully been drinking tea all through the uproar earlier also spoke.

"I'm Diodora Astaroth, the next head of the Astaroth family. Please take care of me, everyone."

His voice was quite gentle. He seemed innocent enough, but he was a devil. This person may also be amazing underneath.

Astaroth…Umm, if I recall correctly, that's the family that the current Beelzebub comes from.

Since the delinquent from before was a Glaysa-Labolas, he should be from the same family as the current Asmodeus-sama.

Is it okay for the next head of the family to be someone like that? I heard from others that, with the influence of the overly free-spirited Maou-samas, their siblings were all serious and diligent.

"The Glaysa-Labolas family seemed to have had some family trouble the other day. The person who was supposed to be the next head of the family just had an unforeseen accidental death. Zephyrdol from just before is said to have become the new candidate for the next head."

So explained Sairaorg-san.

Seriously? The Glaysa-Labolas family is going through something terrible. But then, I think such a person being the next candidate is also terrible…Well, it may be better not to poke my nose into the affairs of other families.

And so, six young devils were present here in total. The servants of these devils also seemed to be strong…I seem to look the weakest here…I feel awkward.

There were the Gremory that has Lucifer, the Sitri that has Leviathan, the Astaroth that has Beelzebub, the Glaysa-Labolas that has Asmodeus, and also the Great King and Archduke as well. These were the six families.

What incredible faces! What dream members! I see, this is the reason why these young devils are so promising. Certainly, these members who will apparently take responsibility for the future could be called promising.

Perhaps because they were in the world of the high-class, they all had a different kind of behaviour and aura. So what did the old families and the high-class devil leaders want to see by gathering these members here?

"Hey, Issei. Don't show a stupid face."

Saji said this to me while sighing.

"But, isn't this a meeting of high-class devils? I can't help being tense. They all seem strong."

"What are you saying? You're the Sekiryuutei, right? Shouldn't you be a bit more dignified?"

"Even if you say that…Wait, why are you getting angry about it, Saji?"

"The servant devils have to behave with dignity in this place. Since the opponents are watching not only the masters, but their subordinates as well. So if you act like that, you're being rude to senpai as well. Be a bit more aware, you're the Sekiryuutei of the Gremory group, after all."

I was a bit astonished at getting such fierce comments from Saji.

"It's because you're senpai's prided servant. Even I would like to be the pride of Kaichou."

Saji gave a bitter smile, but…What is it? What had happened to him?

As I felt like asking, a door opened over there and an employee came in.

"Sorry for making you all wait for so long. —Everyone is waiting."

At last, the function was starting!

The room that we young devils were all led to had a strange atmosphere about it.

There were seats placed in very high places here, and there were distinguished-looking people sitting there. What's more, there were distinguished-looking devils on the level above that as well.

There was a face I recognised on the next level above that—Maou Sirzechs-sama. Beside him was Serafall-sama. She wasn't dressed as a Maou shoujo today.

Beside those two were…faces I didn't know, but could they be Beelzebub-sama and Asmodeus-sama? Since even I could feel their powerful magic power from here, my idea didn't seem to be incorrect. However, both of their appearances were very young.

We were in a situation where we were being looked down upon by the higher-ups from a position high above us. Honestly, it wasn't a very pleasant feeling. Because it was like the higher-ups were looking at us with condescending eyes. I hated this feeling.

We were standing by in line behind Buchou. Though, we're not really doing anything in particular. Even so, we were tense. Because it was so extremely silent…Since I couldn't stand it, I looked at girls from other families.

There seemed to be beast girls and former human girls as well. It'd be best if I could improve my relationship with them later.

As I was secretly going full throttle like that, the six young people, including Buchou, moved forward by one step. The delinquent had also recovered and stepped forward as well. The swelling of his cheek didn't seem to have gone away yet and a vivid mark still remained. Well, it was that strong of a punch. Unless Asia's healing Sacred Gear was used on it, it wouldn't disappear for a while.

Rather, I would never let Asia near that guy. Who knows what he might do.

"Good, you have gathered. In order to check the faces of you all, who will carry the burden of the next generation, you have been gathered here. This is also a meeting that is performed over a regular cycle, so that we can ascertain the young devils."

An elderly male devil spoke with a solemn voice while clasping his hands together.

"They seem to have fought right away, though…"

This time a full-moustached male devil spoke out sarcastically. He was referring to the matter from before. They really had fought right away. I was also surprised. Was this youthful indiscretion?

"You six are all devils of the next generation that have pedigree and true ability that no objection can be raised against. That's why, I want you to compete together before your debuts and increase your power in this way."

Sirzechs-sama said this from his seat on the topmost level.

So in other words, they'll be doing Rating Games with their servant devils here? Now that you mention it, Azazel-sensei talked about it, about them setting Rating Games during our training camp in the underworld. Could this be what he meant?

"Will we also eventually be sent out in the battle against the [Khaos Brigade]?"

Sairaorg-san suddenly asked that straight out. What an amazing thing to ask.

"I don't know. However, I don't want to send out young devils if possible."

Sirzechs-sama answered as such. Sairaorg-san raised his eyebrows in seeming incomprehension at that answer.

"Why? Even if we're young, we carry part of the responsibility of devils. If we just receive kindness from our predecessors even at this age and nothing further is done—"

"Sairaorg, I acknowledge your bravery. However, you're reckless. Above all, I'd like to avoid sending you all, who are still in the midst of growing, to the battlefield. Besides, it would be too great a loss if we lost the devils of the next generation. I want you to understand. You are all more of a treasure to us than you think. That's why I want you to experience important things step by step and grow."

Sairaorg-san said "I understand" to Sirzechs-sama's words, and seemed to consent to his words. But, his expression seemed dissatisfied.

After that, the difficult talk continued about difficult words from the higher-ups and about the upcoming games from the Maou-sama. It was all incomprehensible to me and my head felt like it would burst.

So it wouldn't be ending soon. Wait, I'll have no time to rest even when it ends, as the training will start for the training camp. But I'd like to face the training after I've had a short sleep in bed.

"Now then, I apologise for keeping you with this long talk. Well, we all see our dreams and hopes in you young ones. I want you to understand at least that. You are the treasures of the underworld."

Everyone hung on Sirzechs-sama's words. I understood that there were no lies in the Maou-sama's words as I listened. As expected of Buchou's onii-san. He was a fundamentally kind person.

He was a candid and interesting person by nature.

"To finish things, will you now let us hear your respective future goals?"

The first to respond to Sirzechs-sama's request was Sairaorg-san.

"My dream is to become Maou."

—! He declared that kind of thing suddenly! Amazing!


The higher-ups also let out breaths of wonder at Sairaorg's goal, which he had declared upfront without hesitation.

"It's unprecedented for a devil from the Great King family to leave it."

A male devil higher-up said this.

"When the people of the underworld feel that there's no choice but for me to become Maou, I will become one."

He declared even further! He really is amazing, this person!

With no time for me to be surprised, Buchou spoke next.

"My goal for the near future is to live as the next Gremory head, and to win in each Rating Game battle."

I see. So that's Buchou's dream and goal. I felt like I was hearing it for the first time. How reliable. So like Buchou. Alright! We servants will do our best for the sake of Buchou's dream!

After that the other young people also stated their dreams, their goals, until the last one remaining at the end was Sona-kaichou.

Then, Sona spoke.

"I wish to build a school for the Rating Games in the Underworld."

A school! Heh, so Kaichou wants to build a school.

But, while I felt admiration for her, the higher-ups scrunched up their eyebrows.

"If it's learning about Rating Games, isn't there already one for that?"

As if checking, a higher-up asked this to Kaichou.

Kaichou answered blandly.

"That is just a school where only high-class devils and devils of privileged rank are accepted. The school that I want to build is one where low-class devils and reincarnated devils can also attend without any distinction."

Ooh, so a school without discrimination. That's good. It would be a good place for the future Underworld. Saji was also proudly listening to Kaichou's dream.



The laughter of the higher-ups ruled over the assembly hall.

I didn't understand the meaning of it. The meaning of why the higher-ups were laughing. When I turned to look at Buchou, her eyes had narrowed and her face had become serious. Eh? Eh? What was going?

"That's impossible!"

"This is just brilliant!"

"I see! So you're a little girl who dreams!"

"It's good to be young! However, for the next head of the Sitri family to state such a dream, I have to say thank goodness that it was here at this place of introduction before your debut."

I don't get it. Why was Kaichou—being looked down on?

"…Even if the current Underworld has changed much from the past, discrimination between the high-class devils, low-class devils, and reincarnated devils still exists. There are also still a lot of people who believe that to be natural as well."

Kiba spoke blandly from beside me.

"What's with that? But weren't we welcomed normally by Buchou's family?"

"Ise-kun. The Gremorys are a family that has profound affection. They don't really discriminate against humans or low-class devils…But, please remember the House of Phoenix."


At Kiba's words, I remembered Raiser Phoenix in my mind. Certainly, that guy had looked down on me, both because I was low-class and a servant. He may have showed a discriminatory attitude towards me.

In the midst of all this, Kaichou spoke frankly.

"I'm serious."

Serafall also nodded strongly in agreement. She almost seemed to be saying "Well said!" With her position as Maou, she couldn't support her younger sister, but even so she seemed worried about her.

A higher-up spoke with cool-headed words.

"Sona Sitri-dono. Low-class devils and reincarnated devils merely work for their high-class devil masters and are only selected for their talent. Wouldn't building such a training institution make the old families, who value tradition and pride, lose face? No matter how much people say that the world of devils has entered a period of change, change can be both good and bad. Something like teaching mere low-class devils really is nothing of your concern…"

The one who couldn't remain silent anymore to these words was Saji.

"Why have you been looking down on Kaichou's—on Sona-sama's dream like that while I've been listening silently!? It's strange! Why should you decide that it won't come true!? We're serious here!"

"Be careful how you talk, young reincarnated devil. Sona-dono, your servant hasn't been properly trained."

One of the higher-up devils said this. What are you saying!? You're much stranger! Why do you say such a thing, even though you told them to say their dreams!?

If Buchou was treated in the same way, I would also be shouting complaints like Saji!

"…I apologise. I'll speak to him later."

Kaichou said this while not changing her expression at all. Saji didn't seem to be able to understand her reaction.

"Kaichou! Why!? These people, they mocked your, our dream! Why, do you remain silent!?"

"Saji, be silent. This isn't a place where you can display such an attitude. I simply told them my future goal. That's all."


Kaichou narrowed her eyes and scolded Saji. Saji also seemed to want to say something, but he held his tongue.

"In that case! If my Sona-chan wins magnificently in the games, you won't have any complaints, right? Since many things are granted by saving up good results in the games!"

Everyone was surprised by Leviathan-sama's sudden suggestion. The Leviathan-sama in question was in a surprisingly pissed off mood.

"Geez! You oji-samas are all joining forces to torment my Sona-chan! Even I have my limit of endurance! If you bully her that much, I'll torment you as well!"

Serafall-sama spoke to the devil higher-ups with watery eyes. The higher-ups in question blinked their eyes at the livid Maou Leviathan-sama, and had trouble reacting.

Kaichou—covered her face in seeming embarrassment. Ooh, this really is a situation in which nothing can be said.

However, I also felt a refreshing feeling from Serafall-sama's words. I think that no one has the right to look down on one's dream. In addition to that, the Underworld has to change, right?

In that case, Kaichou's dream is a good ambition. Shouldn't the higher-ups acknowledge that kind of dream? When you live too long, you really do become inflexible.

There are a lot of parts of the old customs of the old families and noble families that I'm not familiar with. Well, I do have to remember the customs of the Gremory family.

"Very well. Then, let's play the games, between these young people."

Everyone paid attention to Sirzechs-sama's words. Seriously!? We're going to play in the games?

"Rias, Sona, would you not like to fight each other?"

—! So it's come to that! Maou-sama! Me and the rest of the servants were also shocked by this unexpected thing!



Buchou and Kaichou also stared at each other, and blinked in surprise.

Without minding them, Sirzechs-sama continued.

"Originally, it was planned for Rias' game to take place in a few days. Azazel has gathered Rating Game fans from each of the powers, also under the pretext of watching the games of the young people before their debuts. That's why it's fine like this. Let's hold the game with Rias and Sona."

Based on Sirzechs-sama words, the completed training camp prepared for us by Azazel-sensei was meant to prepare us for the widely anticipated match among spectators!

—Our opponent is Kaichou! The student council president!

Seriously!? A sudden showdown between the two devil groups that attend Kuou Academy!?

Buchou let out a breath, and then showed a defiant smile to Kaichou. Ooh! She intends to do it!

Kaichou also started to show a scornful smile. She also intends to do it full-throttle!

"It may not be an official one, but it feels like fate to me that you would be my first Rating Game opponent, Rias."

"Now that we're competing with each other, I won't lose, Sona."

Sparks were flying right away! Hey, hey, hey, hey! It was Buchou vs. Kaichou, the Occult Research Club vs. the Student Council!

"A match between Rias-chan and Sona-chan! Yes☆ It may fire things up!"

Serafall-sama also looked happy!

"The date of the competition is August 20th in human world time. You may each divide up your time as you like until then. The details will be sent again later."

By Sirzechs-sama's decision, the Rating Game between Buchou and Kaichou was going to start in this way!

Part 4

"I see, so it'll be a showdown with the Sitri group."

We had returned to the Gremory family's main residence. The one who had welcomed us there was Azazel-sensei. We had gathered in the wide living room and given sensei an account of the meeting from a short while ago.

"Today is July 28th, in human world time. So we have about 20 days until the showdown day."

For some reason, sensei began to calculate.

"I-Is it for the training?"

When I asked, sensei nodded.

"Naturally. I plan for you to start from tomorrow onwards. I've already considered each of your training menus."

"But, is it okay for only us to receive advice from the Fallen Angel Governor? Isn't that foul play?"

I felt that it wouldn't have been strange if there were complaints from the other young people as well.

However, sensei just sighed.

"Not really. I intend to give data to the various members of the devil side, you know? Also, the angel side is said to also be doing a backing-up system. The rest depends on the pride of the young devils themselves. If they think from the bottom of their hearts that they want to get stronger and raise their original duration, they'll take the help wholeheartedly."

Ah, if you say it like that, I see.

"It's to the extent that even my Vice-Governor is also giving advice to each of the families. Hahaha! Shemhaza's advice may even be more helpful than mine!"

…No way, please don't say something that makes me uneasy like that. Geez, this Fallen Angel Governor is too cheerful. Though, it's thanks to that that it's easy to be around him.

"Well, it's fine. Gather in the garden tomorrow morning. I'll give each of you your training methods then. Be ready."


All the club members responded to sensei's words once more. Alright! In any case, the game has been decided! We have to prepare for it and train! And above all else, I have to get closer to Vali even if only a little!

—As I thought that, Grayfia-san appeared there.

"Everyone, the hot spring bath is ready."

—! That was the best report!

The Japanese-style hot spring existed in an isolated corner of the Gremory's garden.

I immediately immersed myself in it completely along with Kiba and Azazel-sensei. Ah, I'm healing. This is a good hot spring.

"When going on a trip~♪"

While submerging himself into the hot spring, Azazel-sensei hummed a tune. Ooh, he'd also let out his twelve black wings.

"Hahahaha, as expected, when speaking of the Underworld—of hell, it's the hot springs. Moreover, when it comes to the distinguished Gremory family's private hot spring, one of the best in the Underworld, a great spring is also a great spring."

Surprisingly, the Governor-sama seemed accustomed to hot springs. That's right, he was wearing a yukata when I met him for the first time. Could it be that he really likes Japanese culture?

Kiba and me had matching towels on our heads and had submerged ourselves in the hot water.

Since earlier, Kiba was being incredibly disgusting. Because he suddenly—.

"Ise-kun, shall I wash your back?"

What kind of thing are you saying while blushing? It's like my chastity is being stolen by you!

…Well, I suppose it's a precious thing, having some nude socialisation with a male—with a friend like him. Since we didn't get to open up to each other at the previous training camp, there was a restrained part between us.

…Now that I think about it, where is Gya-suke[1]? Even if he's a cross-dressing boy, is he really unable to do some nude socialisation?

Ah. As expected, he's loitering at the entrance. Rather, it was inevitable!

I rose out of the hot water and headed over to Gasper.

"Hey, hey, come on, you have to enter since it's a hot spring."

I caught Gasper at the entrance.


Gasper screamed out in a cute manner.

"Kyah"…You really…Wait, don't roll up your towel all the way up to your chest…You aren't a girl...Damn it! He looked like a girl! He had a thin body and a girlish face! Why are you a man when you're like this!?

Because I was staring and scrutinising Gasper, he blushed and spoke.

"…U-Umm, please don't look at me like that…"

"…Y-You! Don't put up your towel all the way to your chest if you're a guy! Because you always dress like a girl, it's confusing for me as well!"

"…N-No way, you were looking at me like that, Ise-senpai…? I feel like my body is in dangeeeeeeeer!"

"Shut up!"

I had felt that I could go to the Underworld if things were just as is! Yet, I snatched this guy in a princess carry, and immediately brought him over to the hot springs—.


I threw him in.

"Nooooooooo! It's hoooooot! I'm meltiiiiiiing! Ise-senpai is perverteeeeeeed!"

His screaming echoed throughout the male baths! Idiot! Buchou and the others have already entered the female baths next to us!

[Ise, you can't sexually harass Gasper, you know?]

Buchou's teasing voice! After that, I heard the girls' small giggling! Waaaaaaaaah! So embarrassing!

High school dxd v5 101.jpg

I couldn't take it and plunged into the hot spring! Even after my head sunk down, I rose up immediately!

Uu, even though I just put the hikikomori into the hot spring…

"By the way, Ise."

Coming next to the watery-eyed me, sensei had a lewd face.


"Have you rubbed Rias' breasts?"

Sensei asked that while squeezing the fingers of both of his hands in the air.

"Y-Yes! With my right hand!"

I also gestured with my right hand in the air! Buchou's breasts had the best sensation! I think it's something I won't ever forget in my life! I feel like I could live with just that!

"I see. Then, how about—"

Nodding, sensei thrust his index finger forward horizontally and spoke.

"Have you poked a woman's nipple with your finger?"

Sensei made sure to press the air with his finger.

"—! …N-No, not yet."

Seeing my reaction, sensei sighed.

"What's with you? You haven't poked nipples with your finger? You poke a nipple not with a "press", but with a "squish". Burying the finger into the breast is the best part, you know?" B-B-B-Burying the finger in the breast…? P-Pressing the nipple like a button…Not with a "press", but with a "squish"!?

In the case of huge breasts, I'm certainly interested in burying my finger deep within them! But!

"N-Nipples aren't front door buzzers!!"

That's right! Buchou's breasts aren't buzzers! Rather, the instant when Buchou's breasts emerge, my love towards Buchou is wholehearted!

However, sensei shook his head at my words and grinned.

"No, it is close to a buzzer. When you push it, it rings [Hyaaan]."


I imagined a Buchou buzzer letting out an [Hyaaan] inside my mind.

…What is this…T-There was such a world out there?

"Breasts and nipples have such a function…I thought breasts were only for rubbing, sucking, and holding between them. I see, so it can be poked and made to make noise…"

When I thought about it, I had never thought of poking nipples like that. Why didn't I ever realise this wisdom?

While I was absorbed in my rubbing and my sucking-impulse, I definitely forgot about poking!

—I'm so foolish!

Sensei patted my head.

"That's why you still have some way to go. A woman's breasts are infinite. Handled correctly, they are packed full of infinite possibilities more than the Uroboros Ophis, you know? Because I was fascinated with them, I plunged into the breasts of women and fell. I don't regret it."

—As I thought, this person is amazing. You understand too, Governor!

While tears flowed down my cheeks, I spoke to sensei with a trembling voice.

"Sensei— I want to poke breasts…"

Sensei gave me words of encouragement while gently patting my head.

"Yeah, don't give up, Ise. If it's you, you can do it. If you give up, that will be the end of breasts, right?"

"Yes. Yes!"

That's right. By not giving up, everything can also advance forward! By not giving up, Buchou's breasts can also be poked! And I'll make Buchou cry out! Buchou will cry out to my poke!

While I was like this, the voices of the girls reached my ears.

[Ara, Rias. Did your bust get bigger again? You like being groped by me don't you?]

[R-Really? Umm…Your way of touching is a little indecent. Rather, didn't your bra cup change more than mine, Akeno?]

[My old one was still fine even though it was a bit tight…However, recently, I've been thinking that it wouldn't be bad to show it off in a bigger way. A woman becomes bolder when she has a partner she'd like to show it to, Rias.]

[…T-That's true. However, please don't stimulate that child so much.]

[I'm envious of how big you two are…]

[Ara-ara, Asia-chan. Haven't yours also gotten bigger than before?]

[I-Is that so…? B-But, if they're only this big…I can't seem to be able to come to like it.]

[Asia, did you hear the talk of how they become bigger if you rub them? Like this—]

[Haan! D-Don't! Xenovia-san! Ah…Uuun…Ise-san still hasn't done this kind of thing to me…]

[Hmm, Asia is different from me and has a good touching sensation. I see. This maybe what delights men as well.]

[Ara-ara, it's good to be young, isn't it, Rias? By the way, based on this feeling, you really have been getting bigger every day, haven't you?]

[Aan…A-Akeno, cut it out, release your hands from my breasts. The movements of your hands are—Aaaun! Where did you learn such a thing…?]

[Rias' breasts…What a nice sensation…Ufufu. I'll do this here and…]

[No…Aaaun, even though I haven't made that child do this kind of thing yet…S-Stop it…I decided that that child would be my first…Aaann…]


Listening to the conversation of the girls in the women's bath next door, I—was becoming aroused. My nosebleed wouldn't stop! Ah, this is bad, this is bad. I hit the back of my head with a smack and somehow held down my nosebleed.

Rather, what a conversation for them all to be having…I was reacting in various places…

But, I want to peek! I want to peek! Over the wall that separates the men's and women's baths! I'd like to go over it and fly down to that world there! Damn it! Isn't there a peeking hole? I couldn't see it anywhere no matter where I looked since before…

Rather, should I try using my Sacred Gear to strengthen my finger and make a hole…?

"What's with you? You want to peek?"

Azazel-sensei asked me that with a dirty smile.

"That's not so bad. It's a thing between men. It's a rule to peek at the women's bath while in the hot spring. —However, that just makes you a second-rate pervert."

"Second-rate!? T-Then, what do you do if you're first-rate!?"

Sensei looked like he was considering for a moment.

"…That's right. Like this!"

Yank! Sensei grabbed my arm. And then—.

"It's feeling! If you're man, it has to be mixed bathing, Ise!"

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh! I was seized by a floating sensation and my field of vision moved dizzinglyyyyyyyyyy!

Owaaaaaaaaaah! I was blown off into the aaaaaaaaaaaair!

My field of vision moved from the men's bath to the bath next door and—. My eyes met Buchou's while in the air! And so then—.


...Oww. I hit the surface of the hot spring water hard, and floundered in the water!

Splash! When I jumped out from the hot water—paradise on Earth was there before me!

Buchou! Akeno-san! Asia! Xenovia! Koneko-chan! Everyone was naked!


A nosebleed gushed out! Naturally! When suddenly being transported from a place of just stupid men to a world of only women, it's only natural for the world to change!

The mixed bathing that I had always dreamed about! My tears wouldn't stoooooop!

Normally, in this kind of situation, things like buckets would be flying with screams of "Kyaah! Pervert!", and I would be torn apart, but—.

Buchou, Akeno, Asia, and Xenovia didn't even try to hide their naked bodies! C-Cover yourselves, everyone! You're girls, after all!

"Ara, Ise. Were you thrown over by Azazel? Was your body properly washed?"

"Ufufu, oh Ise-kun. You're so daring."

Rather, Buchou and Akeno-san were coming closer while smiling wryly! Their big white breasts were swaying up and down right in front of me! Hurray for breasts!

I was at my wit's end and transfixed by the breasts that were approaching me. Akeno-san caught me an instant before Buchou did!

"Ise-kun♪ I caught you."


She embraced me from the front, and Akeno-san's body became glued to my body! Let alone her breasts! Everything! All of Akeno's soft body was on meeeeeeeeee!

"A-Akeno-san! I-I-I-I-If you cling to me like that!"

My brain was affected by both the heat of the hot springs and the erotic heat, and my head was on the verge of boiling! Aaah, damn it! Akeno's body really is incredible! Why does her body feel so good!? Both its springiness and elasticity are amazing! Was this increased smooth feeling the effect of the hot spring!?


Although I had been satisfied with Akeno-san's whole body, I was once again hit by some first-rate softness!

Buchou's face popped out over my shoulder! B-Buchou! This time it was Buchou clinging to me from behiiiiiiiiiiind!?

The sensation of Buchou's breasts hit me from behind! Aah, the tips of those things were stimulating my back! I think Buchou's nipples were more effective at soothing than a poor massage machine!

"Akeno! Get away from my Ise!"

Buchou wrapped her arms around my neck and tried to snatch me away from Akeno-san! However, Akeno-san was firmly clinging to me from my front!

"No way. I've decided to enjoy the hot springs with Ise-kun. I'm already heating up our bodies by clinging like this…Ise-kun's body feels good just by touching it like this…"

Akeno-san clung to me even more firmly! Uwaaaaaah, Akeno-san's breasts are being pressed so much that it's like they'll fuse with my body! Amaziiiiiiiing! This deadly softness! I also wanted to embrace Akeno-san's body against my better judgment! But, if I did that, Buchou will get angry at her servant's betrayal and kill me!

"Stop it! Ise's body is mine! Who do you think trained and raised this child!? It's the fruits of my labor that made the sensation of embracing him like this the best! From this child's hair to his entire body, everything is mine! —Aah. Somehow, I'm feeling sensitive. Is this because of what Akeno-san did just before…or is it because I'm touching Ise…?"

Buchou's embrace also became stronger! Uwaaaaah! Onee-sama's breasts were being perfectly transmitted even from my back! The volume was like an extra-large all-you-can-eat buffet! Moreover, I could even hear her rough breathing! Buchou's sexy voice was destroying my brain!

I mean, I was raised by Buchou!? So the finishing condition on this body of mine was also for the sake of being used as Buchou's hugging pillow!? I'm happy! Please give me more sexual training and nurturing!

A-Akeno-san's breasts were touching my chest, and B-Buchou's breasts were touching my back!

I was caught between Buchou's breasts and Akeno-san's breasts from the front and baaaaaaaack!

Amaziiiiiiiiiiing! I was caught between breeeeeeeeeeeeasts!

[This is the legendary breast sandwich! A paradise exists in the unexplored regions of the Underworld!]

A voice like that from a survival program rushed through my mind!

With such stimulus from the breasts sandwich, I, in a pleasant dream space, couldn't help but discharge a stream of nosebleed…

…Sensei had talked about it. If it's now, when I'm caught between them, I can poke! If I poke like with a front-door buzzer, Buchou may let out an [Hyaaan]. Amazing! The female body is amazing!

My finger was being buried in the nipple! What on earth was happening!? Was my finger being eaten up by Buchou's breasts!?

"Auu, even though I want to enjoy the hot springs with Ise-san too…"

"As I thought, it'll be an almost impossible task to snatch Ise away from those two. I have no choice but to watch from afar for today."

Asia and Xenovia were talking about something from a little further away, but…the impact of the breast sandwich was too strong…

Hah! Suddenly, I came to my senses! Based on this situation, Koneko-chan would be muttering "…Disgusting. Pervert-senpai.", and would blow me away somewhere with an especially large punch!

I timidly turned my gaze to look at Koneko-chan, but—.

Koneko-chan had half-submerged her face in the hot springs while wearing a gloomy-looking expression, and was blowing bubbles in the water…Huh? Is Koneko-chan still not feeling good…?

—But, at that moment, my consciousness began to recede.

Yeah, I understand. With the blood streaming down from my nose, I was losing myself in the heat from both the hot springs and the breast sandwich…


…I got the sensation that my soul was escaping from my mouth. Even getting too happy makes my soul fall out…



Akeno-san and Buchou were making a panicked commotion. But, I was happy… just happy.

Matsuda, Motohama, there is definitely paradise in hell. Is this what it means for a Buddha to be in hell?

Next time, I'll tell you of the wonderfulness of the breast sandwich…

And so in this way, I lost consciousness.

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