|| L U N O X ||
Lunox. That was her name. The very girl whose main purpose to live is to maintain the balance of Chaos and Order.
All her life, she was trapped in the Twilight Orb, stuck in endless sleep. She was called "the Enlightened One". A person who has achieved Nirvana. A person who shall receive good Karma.
But one--supposedly-- normal day for the young, sleeping maiden has turned into a nightmare when she was woken from her slumber, a mysterious fellow whose face was blurry but he had a red left eye.
"Wake up, sleeping princess," the mysterious man whispered to her half-awake self. His voice was deep and husky. Not comforting but it soothed her senses for some reason.
She couldn't speak. How did this... this ordinary man... wake her? What did he do? She wasn't supposed to be awake as she was destined to sleep forever to forevermore, keep the balance between good and evil.
"The land above needs you. The balance between good and evil has been set off. Evil is winning. You have to restore peace once again."
'Ah, this is why I am awake,' She thought to herself.
She nods, but even before she could fully open her eyes, the man has gone off. No trace of him. Nothing. Just his voice in her head playing like a broken melody and his bright red eye that reminded her of the bright childhood she once had before she was put into a deep sleep.
The maiden, now fully awake, walked away from her sleeping spot. Right in the middle of the Twilight Orb.
Roaming her gaze across the seemingly familiar chamber, she stopped when indeed, Chaos was winning. As it was said by the Twilight Orb.
'So he was speaking the truth,' she thought.
"Lunox. The Enlightened One. The only living creature who is innocent enough to restore the balance between evil and good," a deep voice reverberated throughout the golden walls of the room.
"You have done great work but I'm afraid, we have to wake you."
"Why? Why has evil won again?" she asks softly.
"As everyone should know, our destinies have already been written a long, long time ago. You, I'm afraid, have already been destined to wake once again. Evil will always get in the way of Good. Nothing can ever be balanced, no matter how hard you try."
She nods, sadness enveloping her whole body.
"What must I do?" she asks the voice.
"What you have to do."
And then she was teleported to the Land of Dawn. Only to be greeted by a kingdom on fire. Children and women wailing their hearts out. Soldiers dying just to keep their once proud kingdom from falling.
Lunox was overwhelmed with the emotions that surged throughout her body as she stared at the scenario before her. Anger, but it was mostly sadness.
She could see a once peaceful, beautiful kingdom. She could hear the joyful cheers and laughter from all the people residing in it. But this was cut short when she heard a scream, not far from where she was standing.
Lunox ran and ran until she spots a bloody soldier standing before a group of villagers with a bloody sword in hand.
"Oh how lovely would it be for me to kill you!" he exclaimed before swinging his sword.
"No!" Lunox screamed before she waved her hand and the soldier fell on the ground, light enveloping his body.
She hit him with Starlight Pulse. The spell that could replenish all evil thoughts. A spell that could clean ones body, mind, and soul.
"Oh dear Lord, thank you!" the group of villagers went near her with smiles on their faces. She could feel sincere gratefulness in their hearts.
She smiled. This was her mission. She already knew what to do.
'I will bring back all the happiness you all deserve. The smiles you have, will only be beginning of many. I promise you that.'
Leomord. That was his name. The loyal knight of the Fortress of Despair. He lived to serve loyally to his king, queen, and his beloved kingdom.
He was gifted with such great sword skills. He was great in everything in battle. His sword, the Oath Keeper, was his trusted friend and his horse, Barbiel, was his companion.
All was well until the kingdom he once loved, fell into chaos and ruin. The king was seduced by a witch and the queen turned into a deadly creature possessing dark magic.
The crestfallen Leomord, unable to protect his beloved kingdom, killed himself with his own sword. The sword he used in so many battles. The sword where he swore that only his enemies would be impaled by it.
Unfulfilled promises and broken dreams dread the once glorious kingdom.
Vexana, their queen, was saddened by this outcome until she threatened to seek revenge. She casted spells upon her once Royal Knights and people, turning them into the one thing everyone was horrified of, the undead.
Leomord's spirit was still too determined that even she, could not control it. He was still determined to protect her and the kingdom.
"I have read about the maiden stuck in a deep sleep. The only maiden who could restore Order in everything, my queen," he said.
"The Enlightened One, you mean?" Vexana answered him.
"Yes, your Majesty. I believe that she will be able to help us in this matter."
"Nonsense! Her story is a myth. She does not exist!"
"But it is not a crime to at least try, my Queen."
Vexana sighed before walking close to the knight kneeling in front of her and touched his shoulder.
She called for the kingdom's mage, hoping that he would know the spell to communicate with the maiden in the Twilight Orb.
"You only have a few moments to talk to her for my magic isn't as strong."
Vexana watched as Leomord talk to sleeping maiden of the Twilight Orb.
"This is hopeless! The Enlightened One is only a story. She does not exist!" she exclaimed when she heard no response. Yes, she wanted to regain the pride of her kingdom. But this is unacceptable. Lunox's story was only a myth. And it will always remain that way.
With a hopeless face, the mage and Leomord left the room.
Leomord went out of the kingdom with Barbiel, his horse, to clear out his mind.
The Enlightened One. The title the maiden held is stuck in his head like a broken record.
Not far from where he was currently standing, he hears joyful cheers.
He sighs, remembering his happy memories from the old Fortress of Despair. He wished to feel them again. Even just for a tiny while.
Even if it's just temporary, he wanted to feel that feeling they all call happiness. But he knew, there is no way he'd be able to.
From afar, he sees a maiden with golden aura around her small body. Her skin was milky white and her hair was partly blonde and partly black.
'Could she be...?' he asked himself, hope sparked in his dark heart.
He sees her put up a wonderful, magical smile and in a beat, all the worries he had had washed away. Her smile was enlightening. So innocent. So beautiful.
Little did he know, he was also already smiling himself. Her smile was contagious. Her smile could wipe out every worry one has. Her smile could already bring peace to ones soul.
He walked towards her in small steps, bringing Barbiel with him. No matter how hard he tries to approach her quietly, his feet's armour seemed to not cooperate with him. For every step he took, they would always clang with each other. He somehow regretted not dressing up in his best armour for this sort of occassion.
She seemed to have heard the tiny noise he made for she turned slowly to his direction.
Finally, their eyes meet.
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