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22.22% Guardian: The Awakening / Chapter 6: A Firefly Blessing

Capítulo 6: A Firefly Blessing


They walked for five more hours, avoiding big forests and as much spiders as they could. Those few they could not evade, they fight it and keep moving until they finally saw the serpentine river, only a short distance away. It was already dark by the time they reached the river shore and Yunlan call off their day and prepare to camp by the river.

Close to a big body of water, Zhao Yunlan was powerful enough to fight hundreds of spiders for hours and don't even sweat. So staying in the river bank was the safest place for them to spend the night, even if they were still in the spiders lands. It was going to take them a few more days to actually move into the next territory anyways, that place was as good as any.

After Shen summon an undying fire and Da Qing hardened a part of the sand, so they could put their blankets over solid ground, Yunlan went inside the river after having a deserved meal and a bit of rest. He keep walking until the water reached his hips and after cleaning his face, he begin to manipulate the water in a hypnotic dance, or so Shen thought as he watched the Water Prince move around the river, with several ribbons of clear water following his every steps, surrounding him protectively.

It was a beautiful sight that took his breath away. The water seems to reflect Shen's magical fire in the shore, because there was hints or orange inside the ribbons that Yunlan turned under his control. It was obvious, Zhao was testing his power over the dark lands waters and perhaps find out how safe they were. At some point, while Yunlan concentrate to feel everything close to the water from miles away, the ribbons tuned into water dragons, flying around Zhao.

Soon, the river begin to take a brighter color, a shining green surrounding him first, then it spread out, up and down as far as they could see. The dancing dragons also turned a glowing green and they open their little mouths and sprayed water all over Yunlan. Shen could see that Zhao's scratches were healed instantly and the lost energy replenish.

Then Yunlan turned their way and urge them to come and join him in. He was probably wanting for the rest of the group to have their energy restored, but as the Water Prince gaze was fixed in Shen Wei, the others simply stay in their places watching the display of absolute control over water. However, the Fire Prince feet moved on their own accord, as he barely notice when he reached Yunlan, who took his right hand and pull him closer.

"Close your eyes, my Prince and let me take care of you... the rest of the group will join us if I show them we can trust each other in more than times of dangers." Zhao whisper to him and Shen sighed.

"You are using me to show trust or that's an excuse to get me closer?" Zhao smiled at his Prince. The handsome man in front of him has failed to notice he came to meet him out of impulse, because he never call out his name, he just extended his hand and Shen was attract it to it, like a moth to a flame.

"Why not doing both? Do you trust me, my Prince?" Zhao asked back.

"Yes, I don't have a single reason for not to trust you." Shen reply instantly, without a hint of hesitation, which pleased Yunlan even more.

"Then close your eyes and entrust yourself to me..." The last thing Shen saw before closing his eyes was Yunlan's deep gaze over him. He was looking at him so lovingly that it make his heart skip a few beats, making him slightly blush, but he still allow the mischievous leader to do as he pleased.

The first thing Shen Wei felt was a warm water wrapping him in a gentle wave that moved from under his feet, to be a bit above his hips and the Fire Prince relaxed, allowing the water do wonders on his tired legs, taking away all his soreness and exhaustion.

Then, Yunlan carefully guide him further in, were it was a bit deeper and Shen could not resist the impulse to dive in, so his body could feel the wonders in full, at the same time he got clean. His long hair pasted over his face once out, but Yunlan removed it, to have a better look at him.

"Feeling better?" Zhao asked.

"Yes... these are definitely healing waters." Shen said.

"Not only healing, my Prince..." Zhao corrected him.

The rest of the group saw as the water commanded by Yunlan shined not greenish, but a crystal orange, like if resembling the other Prince inner fire or even the sun. Then, Shen felt the impulse to summon a small flame over his hand and to his surprise, one of the water dragons enclose his flame, without extinguish it, curling around, like if trying to cuddle it or protect it.

Curiously, Shen raised his flame up and away from his hand and the tiny blaze, took the form of a phoenix and the others watched in awe as the two elements played in the air, circling each other in a beautiful dance. Both of them grew in size a bit after and chase one another around Yunlan and Shen.

Zhu Hong clapped at the magic display and so did Wang, while Zhao laughed at the playing elements, then he stared at the Fire Prince, repressing the desire to kiss him right there.

"This is a sign that water and fire can mix in balance. A sign that we can be together, if you so desire it..." Zhao said softly, so only Shen could hear him, as the dragons entertained the others.

"It's too soon Yunlan..." Shen whisper, mesmerized by the other man gaze. It was the kind of look you expect from an Oracle, a penetrating one that almost reached his soul, but then Zhao smiled.

"My Prince, are you aware you didn't say no? Just too soon... I have such high hopes now." Shen blushed hard, which make Yunlan laugh.

"It's not funny Yunlan... Seriously, we are at the beginning of this quest, it's yet to be seen if we survive it." Shen said, still Yunlan only smiled.

"We will, Shen Wei... I will make sure of that." Shen sighed, but said nothing to refute him.

"Did you felt something dangerous in the river?" Shen asked changing the topic and slowly headed back to the shore.

"There are a few things in the deeper parts of this river, about a day away from here, but I think none will try to defy my control over water, but even if they did, I will have no problems dealing with them, until we reach the caves. I estimate it will take us four days at the very least to get there, if we follow the river bank..." Zhao said, but as he talked about the new route and the others listen, Guo looked up. He could feel another kind of energy coming closer from above.

"So we walk all the way to the caves as well? I was hoping you have a magic trick to make us travel over the water." Lin said, as Yunlan and Shen Wei came back, to discuss the new way toward their next destination.

"You idiot, he may control water, but he can't summon boats out of nowhere. None of us can." Zhu said.

"I certainly wish we have a boat to travel the river... it will be faster and safer." Sang whisper to Wang, who smiled at him.

"Don't worry Sang, I will deal with any spider that comes close and in case they try to ambush us, this is our best option. This close to the water I can both attack and protect at the same time." Zhao said.

"And we can always built a rift or something, we certainly were given enough ropes." Da Qing suggested.

"Looking for wood will be dangerous, you idiot. The forest is infested with spiders." Chu said.

"Well, it was a suggestion, do you have one better then? If so, then said it." Da Qing refuted and so a heated fight began between those two, making Zhao sigh and Shen try to appease them.

Guo, however, ignored the silly argument between his companions and closed his eyes in concentration, his white hair glowing in the deep darkness. The energy he felt before was almost reaching their resting place and it was unmistakably inhuman, so he open his eyes, stood up and walked past the other to go join Yunlan and Shen Wei at the border of the shore.

"What's wrong Guo?" Zhao asked as the young man stop by his side.

"There is no need to fight over silly things. We have been granted of a way, so do not worry about walking toward the caves or building rifts... once again, we had the goddess blessing." Guo answer and soon enough, what looked like hundreds of fireflies came into view in all directions, in a massive cloud of tiny lights, like a river of small stars.

The others stood up as well, a bit alarmed, but Guo assure them the fireflies were harmless and they had been sent to safeguard them as well as to deliver something the goddess want them to have. The fireflies fly around them in a beautiful spectacle that caught Shen Wei in a daze as he watched them. Zhao looked at him, smiling, amused that the Fire Prince looked like a little kid, all excited to see the tiny insects flying around.

He saw Shen Wei extending his hand, in which several fireflies stood, giving him a tickling sensation that make him smile, then, more fireflies gather in his hands and create a small ball that shined even brighter for a moment before transforming into a solid golden stone. Shen looked at Yunlan for guidance, as the stone in his hand pulsate over his open palm.

"Throw it inside the water, my Prince and we will see what the goddess gift us with." Yunlan instructed him and so Wei did as Zhao suggested, throwing it inside the river, a short distance away and what came after, shock them all.

The place in which the golden stone fall, became a huge whirlpool and right in the middle, they watched the water part and the stone crack, with some kinds of roots coming out from it, growing fast, then changing into tree branches to finally became a huge tree that twisted and reformed several times, until they could see the shape of a magnificent wooden boat gold and green almost as wide as the river.

"I'll be damn..." Lin whisper, with his mouth wide open.

"This is indeed the gift of the goddess." Zhu said.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's board!" Da Qing shouted as he ran and dive in the water. Zhao laughed as the others follow his example and a few minutes later, they were all secured inside. The boat, moved on his own, as the fireflies keep it surround it from all sides.

Shen stood at the front of the ship, admiring the view when Yunlan approach him. The others had decided to rest, as Guo had assure them that as long as the fireflies were there, the boat was invisible to all dark creatures and they just needed to be quiet.

"Shen Wei... Are you too excited to fall asleep?" Zhao whisper a few steps behind him.

"When I was younger, I wanted to have a bottle filled with fireflies. They chinned so beautifully... but I could never catch one. Ye Zun always manage to scare them away, when I was close to one." Shen smiled. He missed his brother, so he close his eyes and try to feel him, but in the instant he was linked to his brother he knew there was something wrong. Wei open his eyes, startle and back off, colliding with Yunlan, who held him to prevent him from falling.

"Shen Wei, what happen?" Zhao asked softly and Shen turned to face the Water Prince with a worry face.

"It's my twin brother Ye Zun. Because we are twins, we share a special link since birth that allow us to feel and see some things from the other. I thought of my brother just now and I think there is something wrong with him..." Shen whisper.

"Calm down Shen Wei, you are quite far from the Fire Lands. Maybe the link weakens with distance." Zhao try to calm him down.

"It had never matter before... I... what if..." Yunlan pull him close and hug him tightly.

"Don't think about it, I'm sure he is fine."

"The Oracle said that trouble times will come to the clans too... Yunlan... I know you are not a proper Oracle, but you have it in your blood. Please... can you sense what's happening in the seven lands?"

"My Wei, I can't force the sight. It will come to me when it needs to, I don't have the training to focus in the future as Lord Shi does..." Feeling the Fire Prince tense in his arms, he sighed and added. "But I can try sharing the link you already have with him."

"Can you?" Shen asked looking at him.

"Anything for you." Zhao whisper as he guide him to one side of the ship, as far away from the others as he could.

"Sit here." Zhao instructed and after Shen was sit, he sat right behind, lotus style. Then he put one hand in Shen's back, a chakra point in which he would have access to his energy.

"Yunlan, I am a fire user, using that chakra can harm you."

"I can wistand a bit of heat, I need to link myself to you, so you will link me to your brother naturally."

"Are you sure?" Shen looked back at him, but Yunlan only smiled.

"I am surrounded by water, did you forgot? In here I am at my strongest." Shen accented.

"What do I do?"

"Just link yourself to your brother as you did before, I will tag along, just don't fight my intrusion. Although I will try to be very subtle, you will still feel me there, in a corner of your mind."

"Will Ye Zun feel you too? He might be scare of an external presence and fight you. The last thing I want is for you to get hurt..." Zhao smiled.

"My link is with you, he will not notice. Now, close your eyes and reconnect with your brother, I will follow you." Shen Wei close his eyes and breathed in and out for a few seconds, allowing his body to relax, but Yunlan's soft touch on his back, cooler than the rest of his body did distract him for a few seconds. Even when Yunlan didn't said a word, he could almost see him sneaker behind him, making him blush, rising his inner fire.

"Wei... focus." Zhao said as he try to cool down his raised fire.

Shen try a second time, barely ignoring Yunlan's touch in both, his body and mind and focus back in his brother. Renewed worry make it happen, shortly after, as he try his hardest to picture his brother, to access his mind. At first, just like before, there was nothing, then he felt Yunlan's infusing a little of his energy and winced in a bit of pain right after.

So he try further to breach that darkness that keep him from reaching back his brother. He then felt Ye Zun consciousness. Apparently his Didi was worry, very worry about something he care or perhaps about a someone. Still, it felt too far away, then Yunlan moan a second time and he try harder to spread his senses even further until he got an image.

His brother was sat in a chair beside a bed, in which a beautiful woman with long dark hair and brunette skin was resting, obviously with a fever.

"Shin..." Shen Wei whisper to himself, recognizing the woman instantly. She was Ye Zun's best friend and possible fiancé, if things turns out alright in both ends. Was she sick? Was the sickness already reaching the palace?

"Ye Zun..." Shen whisper again, but this time his brother turned as if he could see him.

"I'm fine Ge, keep up and stay safe." Ye Zun said, then their link was cut. Shen sighed and let go of his hold on his brother, then turned to look at Yunlan who was actually sweating.

"Yunlan, are you okay? Did I hurt you?" Shen asked as Zhao open his eyes and lay down on his back, quite exhausted.

"No. I'm just not use to transfer star magic... but you got what you wanted and so did I." He whisper and Shen lie down by him, as he usually did at night.

"What's happening in the seven lands?" Shen asked, looking at the fireflies flying above their ship, although he already knew the answer.

"The shadows chose well in infesting the royals close to the leaders instead of the common people. The man with the red stone is aware of our presence here and so he is taking further actions to bring us down from the head first. Luckily, the Oracle saw thought it and prepare accordingly, so all the royals will be fine in about two more days... but we need to hurry as much as we can."

"And you said you couldn't force it..."

"It wasn't forced, when you spread your senses, so did I and the images flow into me." Shen smiled.

"I guess the Oracle would had been proud of such a disciple, he must be now, I'm sure of it."

"Hum... maybe... not sure..." Zhao said vaguely.

"You are quite exhausted... star magic should be something else..."

"Yeah... far stronger than my water one. I need to rest..." Zhao whisper, already half asleep, too tired to resist the pull of the healing energy coming up from bellow the ship.

"Go ahead, I will watch over you..." Zhao smiled before falling asleep. Then Shen stood and brought a pair of blackest for both of them. He gently cover Yunlan with one and sat by his side, staring at him for half a minute. Seen him so vulnerable for the first time since he knew him and for his sake no less, he bowed down and gave Yunlan a soft kiss on his forehead and then his lips.

"Thank you... I may strugle, but you had my deepest admiration and I have no doubts, my heart as well sooner that you will believe." Wei whisper. Just before he lay down by his side and cuddle him in his arms, keeping him warm against the cold night in the river.

AN: A my Wei, you are more trapped than you believe. 😂😂 Sorry, it's not an exiting chapter, I just wanted a special moment for them to share. In future chapters, Ye Zun will also have his parts.

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