Why do you look so sad?
As soon as I heard these words, I lifted my head and saw Shri Maharaj Ji sitting right in front of me. Where I saw Maharaj li, and what Maharaj Ji explained me, hereitis.. One day I saw in a divine experience that I along with other sister disciples were attending a motivational session taken by a Preacher sister. The work which Preacher sister asked us to do in the last session, most of us didn't do it. Truly speaking, even I didn't do that work. I was little sad seeing Preacher sister upset with us for not completing the assigned work. This sadness gradually grew when I started thinking aboutit more. Anyhow, the very next moment, Preacher sister cheered us all and was notupset anymore. She was again talking to us lovingly. She went to each one of the sister disciple sitting there. But she didn't come to me. I bent my head in sadness and reprimanded myself for not doing the task. Suddenly, I heard somebody's voice Why do you look so sad. As I looked up, guess who was standing there? Shri Maharaj Ji wasstanding right in front of me. He again asked-Why do you look so sad?On hearing this, I started crying. Maharaj Ji pacified me saying Whatever is being done in the Ashram, it's only for the wel being of all of you- whether it's a motivational class or some meeting. I do all this only for your goodwill. I want you to learn and understand important lessons through these. But when you get lazy and miss this opportunity to learn, this makes me sad. Therefore, don't lose heart, but learn with full focus and enthusiasm My preachers are justa medium, I guide you through them. Saying so, MaharajJi disappeared.
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