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94.23% The Golem Adventurer / Chapter 48: A Violent End

Capítulo 48: A Violent End

Barely twenty feet away from me was the largest wolf I've ever seen. It was the sight of something out of a taxonomy book of ice age animals. Whatever it was, it was staring daggers right into me. I swear I could feel its rage radiating outwards and penetrating into my core. I could barely move an inch of my body and I wasn't sure why. There was a sense of dread rising in my thoughts and it felt, in the best way to describe it, unnatural. Not like the other times in my previous life or in this one. It was as if something is forcing me to feel this way, like i had no other choice in the matter.

[Warning! Hostile target's [Intimidation] skill is affecting this unit. Caution is advised.]

Now there was something terrifying. I knew magic could be used to affect the world physically but I didn't know it could extend to affecting a person psychologically as well. When it comes to the inner workings of my new home, I still didn't know squat. If I survive this, I'll have to consider Hina's offer on teaching me more than my layman's understanding of magic.

"You..." the wolf suddenly spoke as he began his slow approach closer to me, "You're no mere Human, are you...?" his voice was a low growl, tinted with just a splash of curiosity.

Doing my best to struggle through the oppressive atmosphere the Wolf Lord was generating, I yell, "My name is Arlan and I'm a golem adventurer working with Wolf's Rest. We've killed the bandits that attacked you and kidnapped your child. I'm working for the authority of the town who worships you, to return your child home."

I wasn't sure if my plea reached his ears. His aggression dropped only slightly but my mobility didn't return. He began to pace slowly in front of me; those yellow eyes of his examining my person from head to toe.

"Interesting..," his voice rumbled softly, "This one belongs to the Righteous Dead but not tied to a place of power. What irony the Gods have to bound this one to a corpse!" He let out raunchous laughter, turning up his head as if he were letting out a howl.

Whatever he was going on about, his [Intimidation] stopped. My hands went back down to my sides as I let out a relieved sigh out of habit. "Thank you for hearing me out first, Lord Hoektan." I said, giving him a small bow. I should try to be respectful to the most extreme Forest Park Ranger I've ever met.

He bared his sharp teeth in what I can only assume would be a grin, "Forgive me for my contentious introduction. As you can see from my ravaged body, I've had annoying pests in my forest as of late."

"Well, that's one thing you don't have to worry about anymore." I reply

"Of course, I had other reasons as well. Though we share patronage with the Maiden of Light, one must still be cautious of the Consecrated Ones. Death does nothing to waiver their zealotry and many are quick to act in their duty. You are the first I've seen who willingly roams the earth."

"Really? I haven't met another Consecrated Spirit yet. I've only been alive again for only a few months." I remarked.

His eyes began to look deep into me once more, "Indeed. I could say the same for one such as you. I had caught the scent of a familiar human, one that has been long dead. Imagine my surprise to see you wielding his spear in his stead." His gaze turned towards the wolf pup and with a softened voice, "Little one..."

The wolf pup who was looking at us behind my leg walked forward and barked.

The Wolf Lord hung his head low, "In your hour of need, my own primal instincts overcame me and left you abandoned into their villainous hands. I've failed you as a father. With a heart filled heavy with shame, I've come to beg you for clemency. Will you forgive this foolish and cowardly old wolf?"

The pup whimpered profusely as she ran towards her father. Their heads locked together, nuzzling each other affectionately. All she really wanted was to be together with him again. I have to admit, seeing this kind of affection between parent and child was heartwarming. It feels good to know that I helped make this possible.

"My child... my little Tsume has come back to me." He lifted his head and turned his attention back to me, "Thank you for reuniting us, Human. It is good to know that valor and nobility has not yet departed from mortal hearts. You do well in honor that spear you wield."

So the pup's name is Tsume, huh? I'm glad I don't have to keep referring to her as pup then, "So you know the knight who used to own this, Lord Hoektan?"

He looked visibly confused at my question, "...Knight?" He scoffed, "I'd hardly call Bordin Hawthorne a knight. He would laugh too if he heard those words come from you. Hmm... that is a name I haven't spoken in some time... " His eyes began to mist up with nostalgia.

"A Knight-Captain who wasn't the shining example of authority but still knew how to lead, then? I've known a few people like that when I was alive." There's always people like that. NCOs and Officers who weren't all serious business but when that light switch turned on and it was go time, they knew how to take charge.

The Wolf Lord shook his head, "No. I meant that he wasn't a knight. He was an explorer. I helped him settle in what his descendants now call Wolf's Rest."

I was more than a little shocked at this sudden revelation, "Huh? I was told that this was a spear forged for a Knight-Captain. If what you're saying is true then..." In my head I'm trying to do the math but the numbers aren't matching what I've been told...

His gaze now turned towards the sky, his voice calm in fond remembrance, "Though I had just barely achieved a single century's worth of life, my blessing granted me newly acquired sentience and renewed youthful vigor. I found Bordin and his pack wandering the mountains just a few years after I've been given my duty to protect this forest and the mountain pass. In him, I had found a kindred spirit. A companion. We stalked prey in these mountains with fang and spear in hand. That very spear, bequeathed to him by his grandfather Haldin Hawthorne from what I remember him telling me so long ago. I was wondering what became of it after he passed on. His descendants held on to it no longer."

I was literally speechless. This spear was the very symbol of Haldin. Hell, it's emblazoned on the cloak I'm wearing. It's a goddamn national treasure. And I was spearfishing with it. I mean, yeah, before I was still treating it like it was special. Even just looking at it, you could tell it wasn't any ordinary weapon you'd find at a blacksmith. But knowing what it is now, I can't help but feel guilty about using it the way I've been using it so far. Why the hell did Lord Selvin Hawthorne even give this to me in the first place!?

The old wolf began to laugh, "The confusion on your face tells me you did not know. Even I am not sure why you have this spear. My only guess is that they have seen what I see in you. A noble spirit, just like Bordin's. The fact you rescued my daughter proves that." The wolf pup, I mean Tsume, walked back towards me, seemingly barking in agreement.

"You can tell what I'm thinking? I know I'm a spirit, but I'm a golem now. I don't exactly have a face anymore. Unless you can read the lights pinging on my head?" I've been confused for a while now and I'm not sure how he's able to ascertain that. I know dogs can sense emotions but my mechanical body has no way of giving out that kind of information.

"Hah! Your body may be that of a machine of eld but your spiritual form is as clear as day to me. To my eyes, you might as well be here in the flesh! Though I hate to speak of it, your visage is quite ghastly. You wear such strange armor, colored like the sand dunes that lie far to the east. It is no wonder the right side of your body is mostly gone with protection like that. Limbs and skin ripped away as if you had fought some fearsome monster." His voice lowered into a hushed tone, "...You must have met a violent end, didn't you?"

I don't remember much about my death. That IED explosion sent me reeling. I knew I lost my arm but I didn't even know the whole right half of my body pretty much disintegrated. It's been so long since then. My heart sank a little knowing my life ended and I left nothing but a half burnt shell.

But there had been a strange feeling inside me. For the first time here, since we started this conversation, he's been looking at me. Not the golem. The real me. The man inside of it. The sense of dejection that's been growing in mind had been rooted out, leaving only cathartic delight. The few weeks on the road gave me more time to think about life right now and the newness and wonder of being a golem had left me. I suddenly started feeling trapped, like I was unnatural. The need to be flesh again, the need to feel, to taste food, to actually breathe and not just pretend and mimic living was gnawing at me but Hoektan's validation of my human soul, my own face, was a breath of fresh air.

Tsume came close and began to nuzzle my leg. She must have the same abilities as her father. The pup always seem to know how I was feeling. As I knelt down to give her a reassuring pat, I noticed the Wolf Lord had a strange look about him.

"Sorry. I can't help but treat her like a puppy." I explain. Pretty sure it would be rude to say she was like a dog to me.

Lord Hoektan... coughed? He seemed conflicted for some reason, "It's nothing." he muttered out loud, "More importantly, it seems your companions have returned."

A few seconds later, I could hear the bushes nearby rustling as Mateo gingerly stepped out into view, "Arlan, you still there? Looked all over and no sign of- Light Maiden's Mercy! What the hell is that thing!?"

I guess Mateo wasn't expecting to see something as large as Hoektan, "Oh good, you're back." I greeted, "Found the Wolf Lord, by the way."

From the other side of the clearing, Aaric meticulously emerged from behind the trees. Unlike Mateo, I can assume he looked before deciding to run in and noticed Hoektan's being. He was half-rigid, like someone stepping into a job interview.

He muttered something under his breath about his grandparent's lessons before starting in a loud bellowing voice, "Mighty Hoektan! As you can see, we have come to return your daughter and bring you news that your assailants-"

"He already knows, Aaric. You can quit with the formalities." I said, cutting him off. Did I sound that ridiculous when I tried the same thing?

"Ah, good. Now that you are all here, I have one more favor to implore." spoke the Wolf Lord, "The last of us is still in the hands of vile mortals."

Aaric's eyes lit up, "Do you mean the fox, my Lord?"

Hoektan nodded, "Indeed. She is still held captive and I have not yet the strength to fight them."

"You'll have to forgive me, uh, Lord Hoektan but I can't imagine some group of bandits giving you trouble" Even Mateo rough demeanor had been cowed by this giant wolf.

The Wolf Lord turned his head down in shame, "When these mortals first arrived here in the middle of spring, I payed no heed to them. I had decided to leave the matter in mortal hands. In my complacency, they ambushed me here; filling the air with some kind of noxious poison that could sap the mana from me. My strength waned and I was at their mercy."

I jolted up straight, suddenly remembering my earlier discover, "You must have experience these things." Walking back to where I found the small orb, I picked it up from the dirt and displayed it for everyone to see, "This little grenade releases a chaff that absorbs mana at a rapid pace, kinda like a sponge."

"Spirit Beasts are more mana than flesh." Aaric explained, "If they used something like this against Lord Hoektan, even a disorganized pack of bandits would have no problem challenging him. But how could they get something like this?"

"The Glav Empire." I replied, "One of their Privateer groups attacked me and my group a while back and they used these things to stop our spell casting. Which means the buyers..."

"Are them," Mateo finished, "I'm starting to regret accepting this request if they're involved."

"They certain would have the money. But why would they want Spirit Beasts?" Aaric asked.

I shrugged. I couldn't even begin to guess why they would. Lord Hoektan ignored the elf's inquiry and continued, "After my shameful escape, I searched for my companion to request aid but found her taken captive; imprisoned in some strange sarcophagus. They made camp half a days away from here and have not yet moved. If we leave now, we should reach it by dusk. It hurts my pride to admit it but I will have to rely on your martial prowess. I cannot fight in my state." That last part seem directed towards me.

"Well, I could try to remove the weapons still stuck to your body." I offered, "Though healing someone with as many wounds as you have is going to be taxing on me."

He shook his head, "I used whatever energy I had for [Intimidation] to take hold of you. I was taken aback on how... demanding it was to maintain it. Your willpower is as strong as stone. A weeks worth of mana wasted for heedless caution but I had judged you a greater potential threat than those vagabonds."

"We can't just leave them here in the forest. Having them stay here could endanger the town and the valley. I'll stay and fight, Lord Hoektan." Aaric spoke with such righteous vigor coming from within his breast.

I nodded, "Agreed. And what about you Mateo?"

Mateo looked at all of us consideringly before uttering, "Fine. It's just more bandits right? At least it's simple."

"These are no mere bandits I'm afraid." spoke Hoektan, "They may well dress the part but their discipline betrays their visage as soldiers. Still, I have no doubt you are more than a match for them."

Gathering our gear, Hoektan points us to hidden path he made that lead directly to their encampment. Mateo volunteered to be our scout up ahead to warn of any patrols along the way while Aaric guarded our rear. With Hoektan following along, hiding would be an issue. Not that it mattered. We were asked once more to remove a hostile force from this area by lethal means if necessary.

As I set Tsume to be carried on her father's nape, he bid me to come closer. Whispering, he asked, "Do they know the truth about you?"

I shook my head, "No. And I'd prefer to keep it that way, if you don't mind."

"I will comply with your request. You have done much and more for me, my friend and I will not forsake it." He suddenly tilts his head back with a roar, surprising even Tsume who's trying her hardest not to fall off, "Come then, my saviors! Dusk shall soon fall and there is prey to hunt!"

Serphio Serphio

Probably my longest chapter and the one with the most revisions. I can't tell you how many times I changed my mind on the first half of the chapter. I've been writing it out for the past few days and finally settled on what I had wrote. I guess I just have to accept I may never be happy with anything I write because it always feels like I could add or change more.

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