Frisk walking across on a bridge, then encountered Papyrus. "HUMAN! THIS IS YOUR FINAL AND MOST DANGERIOUS CHALLENGE! BEHOLD! THE GAUNTLET OF DEADLY TERROR!" Then, a spiked chained ball, a spear, a annoying dog goes down from the above and a big torch?, a spear, and a cannon goes up from under... and the spears is simultaneous from both sides... "WHEN I SAY THE WORD, IT WILL ACTIVATE!!!" "CANNONS WILL FIRE! SPIKES WILL SWING! BLADES WILL SLICE! EACH PART WILL SWING VIOLENTLY UP AND DOWN!" "ONLY THE TINIEST CHANCE OF VICTORY WILL REMAIN!!! ARE YOU READY!?" "BECAUSE! I! AM! ABOUT! TO DO IT!" "Wait, don't..." Frisk interrupted Papyrus. "Well? what's the holdup?" Sans questioned Papyrus. "HOLDUP!? WHAT HOLDUP!? I'M... I'M ABOUT TO ACTIVATE IT NOW!" Nothing happened... "That, uh, doesn't look very activated..." "WELL!!! THEY'RE PROBABLY GOING TO WALK THROUGH IT. AND IT WON'T BE ANY FUN AT ALL." "Hmmm... So this human thing was a bust, huh?" "WELL. I MEAN. I'M EXCITED TO CAPTURE THEM. SO I'LL BECOME A FAMOUS ROYALE GUARDSMEN!!! BUT ALL THE TIME I PUT INTO THESE PUZZLES... IT'S KIND OF LIKE THROWING A BIRTHDAY PARTY..." "Without traps and fire?" Sans said while winking. "EXACTLY!! IT'S POINTLESS!!! MAYBE YOU WERE RIGHT TO BE LAZY ABOUT PUZZLES." "Me?" "Right about something?" Sans questioned with doubtful tune of voice... "... YEAH!! WHAT AN I SAYING! YOU'RE STILL COMPLETELY WRONG! I JUST HAVE THE WRONG AUDIENCE! THINK ABOUT HOW MUCH FUN UNDYNE WOULD HAVE HERE! FLAMES, VIOLENCE. IT'S RIGHT UP HER ALLEY! SO I WON'T WASTE THIS PUZZLE ON YOU. I JUST HAVE TO APPRECIATE... THE FRIEND I ALREADY HAVE!!!" The traps and fire were putted away. "PHEW! A VALUABLE LIFE LESSON!!! NYEH HEH HEH!!!" Papyrus said and laughed before walking off. Frisk goes across the bridge and talked to Sans. "Hmmm... Guess we didn't need your help to have a good time after all. ... Say, I've been thinking. seems like you're gonna fight my brother pretty soon. Here's a friendly advice... If you keep going the way you are now... ... You're gonna have a bad time" Sans said before teleport away.
I hope you like this chapter...