Frisk walked on a qooden bridge and find something that looks a bot like golf, but with a snowball and no golf cub. "Do I just kick the snowball in the hole over there?" Frisk wondered. <I think... Try that.> "Okay I will just try to kick the snowball into that hole, hopefully I'll get a prize for it." <Don't count on that, not like you'll get gold or anything like that.> "I might will tho. You don't know that." Frisk kicked the snowball and missed a couple of times, but Frisk finally... Never mind still missed, Frisk is so bad, Finally, Frisk now have kicked it in. "Hah... *tired out* M-my fir-st shot... *fell down on the floor with exhaust*" <You are bad at this.> "Hey look a purple flag, and guess what I got too?" <What?> "Gold." <You've got to be kidding me.> "Nope. 😊"
Sorry for a making you all wait so long, thank you all for support, complement, and waiting tjis long for a new chapter, I have been doing stuff, so... I will get another chapter out soon. Stay tune till then. ?