They returned to the hall together, where most of the Riders sat.
As he entered the hall the Lieutenant immediately addressed them.
We ride!! His voice boomed.
I stood behind him, watching as the men all rose together.
Within minutes we were riding, I had found myself on a horse too.
Riding with Gustav, another burly rider in the front ranks close behind
Fast we rode, I directed them towards the camp that I had passed the previous night.
The riders had weapons ready.
Now the riders had the advantage, not to be ambushed in the descent, falling into a camouflaged pit of stakes, but on horseback moving fast across flat land towards an unsuspecting enemy.
The riders appeared to hardened soldiers, except for a few, perhaps on their first jaunts.
Soon we saw the camp, they did not seem to be a determined fighting force, as quite a few had broken already, turning and running from the camp in various directions.
We swept into the camp swords flashing down from horses.. I joined the fray myself – swinging into the bandits.
Gustav hurriedly turned his mount to see if I had fallen.
But I was busy on my feet and had dispatched two bandits, with my knife flashing fast and accurate.
Gustav nodded to me as I wiped my blade clean emotionless, his eyes appeared to be questioning, wondering who was this lad. Who led them straight to a pocket of bandits.
Then we were fighting again... I left it to the riders to chase down the bandits who had run off in various directions when we entered their encampment. And started searching the few tents that they had.
The lieutenant appeared to have captured someone - probably the leader.
I searched through the tents but found nothing.
The riders returned from their chase to the encampment, their swords bloodied further.
(editing to follow)