The main volcano...
This is the most mysterious place in the molten world. Even after conquering the noble family, Xue Ren couldn't really get any information about it and its insides. Only the fact that the royal family was the one pulling others here.
Every legendary race had the royal representative.
However, at this point, Xue Ren could tell that the royalties outside are the 'weakest' one from this royal lineage. Since the main volcano is so mysterious, it's bound to be good and highly resourceful place.
But they were ordered to look over the molten world and its jungle law.
Sitting in his own 'the best' volcano, Xue Ren was preparing up the blood. He was in his vampire form. Not too long ago, there was a beautiful fluff, the victorious wife, whose looks could already bother even him.
She had helped him and a lot of split up blood has been created.
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