The appearance of the world's core shocked the two older ladies.
Muir and Mio took the defensive positions, protecting their young miss with everything they got! However, if Xue Ren was here, then he would be rather calm as the 'blood lady' had quite similar appearance to The Mother Nature.
It means that the clone of this mother had gone mutated ever since the vampires grew stronger to the point of influencing the whole world.
And since Mother Nature is gentle, her clone can not be really that bad, right?
"Who are you?"
The curious demoness asked as she allowed her longer teeth shine brightly! Looking at the blood lady, Little Julia also didn't feel any negative emotions. The blood lady was someone close to her, that's what she felt.
"I am one of the clones that form the world's core... I got the clear consciousness which ended up forming other clones into the pure energies."
"I don't really understand!"
First case of the coronavirus confirmed in Poland. Yikes, how is it going on your side, gentlemen?