The ride to on the transport ship was quiet, everyone was tired. The battle had drain everyone of any energy some had little to no sleep do to the constant harassing by the bugs. Many had fallen to asleep unable to keep going.
Matthew was in deep thought ' god this space ship sure is slow, i wonder if i will be made in a squad captain after all my work i hope it will.I wonder how Claire is doing man she would be weird out by the giant bugs she'll be like first zombies now giant bugs whats next worms,' Clearly he was only having stupid thoughts.
Meanwhile on the main super starship of the fleet people on it where getting ready to welcome the new hero of the federation knowing what he had done. All of the wounded had been taken care of quickly and all of the dead where put into the morgue.
Soon the transport caring Matthew, reached the its destination. The bay doors open and from it he could hear cheering people on the ship where happy that they had return Matthew did not know he was on live tv he though it was going to air after the camera man turn in his film.
Everyone was yelling " death to the bugs" over and over. Matthew was surrounded by many people everyone trying to see the new hero of the Federation. Soon Matthew was taken away by a a guard squad that came to pick him up.
Matthew met the admiral in charge of the space fleet who quickly thank him for his hard work during the invasion. He was told he would become a commander of two thousand man unit, and saying that they hoped to see him grow his troops.
Matthew was then taken away to met his troops most of them where the ones he fought with down in klendatuh. They all saw him and quickly saluted him, he quickly found his own room and got ready for some R&R.
Sometime past by and Matthew asked to be drop on a nearby planet he needed to train with his soldier in order for them to get used to following his lead. He was given the cleared and all of his troops where dropped on a nearby colony.
Soon Every single one of his men had become used to combat with each other. They all got ready for the next fight knowing that their leader would be send out any minute trying to keep on making the federation look strong and powerful.
Almost a month went by and due to constant bombing runs most of the klendatuh had been 'cleared'. Matthews Regiment was task with going around killing any left other bugs.
All around the drop site you could see dead bodies of bugs burning. The Federation had carpet bomb most surface around the past invasion site trying to make Matthews come back to the 'outpost' he had tried to create during the failed invasion.
The new outpost was created before Matthew was dropped by hundreds of engineers working fast trying to create a stronger base then normal. stronger reinforce steal was used on the walls the floor was also cover in a tick layer of solid titanium metal. The Federation had gone far to make this new outpost the new main outpost of klendatuh.
The bugs had retreated for now not a single one could be seen for miles around the base. Matthews regiment had been given the name of Guardians. They had saved so many and had been instrumental in killing thousands of bugs something that was extremely hard to do without suffering heavy loses.
The Goal of Matthew was clear he need to go to planet P he could not stay in Klendatuh, he knew the lore of the world. So when he, heard a call for help from Planet P he knew it was time for him and his men to go to war one more time.
This time however they would not leave the battlefield until they had killed every single bug. Now they had mobile artillery, it would come in handy. Soon transport ship came for Matthews regiment taking them to a nearby star ship. While on the ship Matthew look at the wounded list of infantry man seeing that like in the movie Rico had been taken back alive and was getting healed from his leg wound.
He would soon be let go and moved to the Roughnecks company. They both would perhaps see each other back on plane P. The starship flew threw space quickly, it was the only one that had taken on the mission of assisting planet P.
The ride was in a word boring all Matthew could do was to wait till they reach their destination. It took sometime for the ride to end. Moving to the bay area all ready for deployment he could see it planet P the place where the bugs where supposedly wiped of the planet.
Knowing that the planet was heavily infested he had all his man carry double ammo. He also ask the starship to keep radio contact with his man every minutes in order to see if things got hairy.
Soon enough all his man where locked and ready to be dropped into the planet.
alaal im back