Of course, Tai-Yang can only feel sorry for Jong Kun for a few minutes until the moment he picked up the Cross Sword Manual.
It must be said that studies of cultivation have been improving more and more, sword techniques are increasingly formidable and adaptable to most swords.
Unlike what a few fools proclaim about Ancient Times, cultivators today are getting smarter and their studies are getting more advanced. After all, advanced studies were required to be given the scarcity of resources for martial cultivation and the gradual decrease in of the Qi of heaven and earth in the environment.
Of course, if combined with cultivation studies, there were a higher number of resources, a cultivator reaching the level of Emperor Realms would not be a dream or a miracle.
Hello readers! How long?!
Well, it's the end of the hiatus! *banzai*
At least in the next five days, there will be one chapter.
Thank you for your support for all this time!
Now a little theater of return!
Author: What are everyone's goals here?
Zemin Yan: Become as strong as possible to find my parents!
Yi Yuga: Strengthen me to help my brother Yan!
Shou Zuo: Stay strong to find out what happened in the past!
Wen Jie: Make me strong to eat Shou Zuo's tofu! * saying with great pride *
Shou Zuo: '-' * momentarily frozen by embarrassment *
Zemin Yan: I didn't know that older brother Shou cooked that well ...
Yi Yuga: Me neither.
Tai-Yang: (...) You don't mess with children's minds! * pointing at Wen Jie who didn't seem to care about anything else just looked worriedly at the frozen Shou Zuo *
Author: Cough! Cough! Well, let's keep asking. So Zhong Liang what is your goal?
Zhong Liang: Dedicating my life to make little Yan happy ... But I don't know how to make good tofu ... * thinks sadly *
Author: (...)
Tai-Yang: (...)
Zemin Yan: Okay big brother Zhong, I'm going to learn how to make tofu, and then we can eat together!
Author: !!!!!
Tai-Yang: Don't say a word, let them be pure for as long as possible.