As Eisen turned around and looked at the group of Omega Players in front of him, standing in the center of the street.
With a light smile, the old man fixed his tie and stepped forward while scratching his beard. "Hello there, what may be the problem?" He asked, possibly with light provocation in mind. And as such, Merc could barely hold back his anger.
"What's the fucking problem? You not only killed nearly all of my products, but even fucking stole two of them!" The Combat Merchant yelled out as he was glaring at Kiron and Sky, the latter simply hiding behind Eisen to avoid the stares.
But Eisen looked back at him and moved his hand through the Fey-Kin boy's hair before pointing him to stand beside his sister. After all, Sky was only level 15. Eisen then turned to Kiron. "Just curious, but do you know swordsmanship?"
I know there've been a lot of these fear-based moments like these lately, but this is one of the last scenes where it's like that for a while.
Hope you enjoyed it, anyway ;D