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5.07% She transmigrated and started different life / Chapter 33: 33. Some people will be punished...soon

Capítulo 33: 33. Some people will be punished...soon

The hands that held her seemed to have lots of energy. It stopped her but the anger that welled in her just couldn't be controlled. She tried to get him off and got even angrier. Something wanted to get out of her. She wanted to destroy the man's visage that still held a smile in front of her.

''Yes, you hold him and I will beat him up. This boy should learn his lesson.''he started rambling while slowly approaching the child that lost all its reason.

''Kendra wake up. Stop it, please. You have to think of Isaa. She needs you.''said familiar voice near her ears.''Stop it, quickly and breatheee!!!''

Kendra then realized that she stopped breathing. She slowly released the breath and she started thinking again normally. She turned around and saw that man from the main office.

He patted her head and saw that her eyes were full of tears. He knew it was not tears of sadness, it was tears of anger. He sighed in relief. At least she wasn't angry anymore. He was afraid that the child would choke as she didn't breathe and her head started getting red and blue. She was seriously angry. He felt the energy in her welling and got really scared. First time since the war he felt dread. Deeply instilled fear of unknown. It was luck that he came on time, who knows what would have happened if he didn't.

He slowly turned around and looked at the bakery owner. The brain of that man seemed to be seriously damaged. If Kendra really got angry, who knows what kind of disaster would have happened.

''Are you stupid?''he asked while looking at teh man with interest.''Did you recently hit your head? In this town, there is no one who can make such a thing as an enslaving child and taking his things for his own interests. The Lord wouldn't allow it. There is a law that protects children of this town.''

The sleazy baker looked at him and laughed.''So what. It is not like you can just go report me. Even if you do so what. My sister is married to a noble. He wouldn't do anything to me anyway. He has no real power in this town anyway. The nobles held the real power. The Lord is just small scholar and can't do anything.''

The man rose his eyebrows.''Is that so. Then let's call the nobles you know here and I will call the Lord. Let's see who has more power .''he said with a smile. Let's see if he can handle few rats on this ship. This will be interesting.

The nasty baker looked at Kendra with greed in his eyes and scoffed. There are many of the nobles that owe him a favor. He helped many of them in times of need. He will need them now. This child, he needs it.

Kendra shook her head. Looking at the slight smile on that man's face from the main office, it seems that he waited for such a chance. She sighed. If she knew this would happen she would just make her own bread. This is a way to complicated.

''Sir. Can you handle everything alone? I need to go home and check on my little sister. I will come back here after that.''she said while looking how to escape from this dirty place.

''Sure, go. They will anyway come a bit later. Those nobles usually sleep till almost lunch so you can take your time. ''He said while smiling.

The ugly baker just realized one thing, he forgot that nobles hated to be woken up. But that didn't mean he would give up.

''You. Go with child and catch his sister. I need them both here.''he ordered one of the older workers.

The man looked at him with disgust, took his apron off and threw it in front of his feet.

''I need this job indeed, but I still prefer to stay hungry than sell small children. I resign!''he turned to the child with apologetic face and went out.

Kendra looked at the scrunched back of that man, she will definitely remember him. Her face turned back at the bakery owner and looked at him with contempt. Then she looked at the rest of his crew and smiled icily.''If any o you get the idea to follow me or touch my little sister, the river outside might swallow a few more bodies.

They stepped back. How can a child have such momentum? One of the workers came to him angrily. She looked at him with cold eyes. He rose his hand and wanted to slap her.''Oh, please do that. Then I will use this opportunity to just kill all your family and friends.I am now angry enough. "

They looked at her face and felt chills in their bones. How can such a small child have such ice cold feeling?

The man patted Kendra's hair to calm her down, but it just caused that she turns her head to him looking at him with anger.

"Next time you see me angry do...not... touch... me! This is one and only warning." she hated being touched.

Nothing bad has really happened in either the life, but she just really don't like it.

It is worse when she is angry. This time he had luck. But if she snaps and he does it again, who knows what could happen.

But now she needs to go fast back to the house. Isaa is alone there. She doesn't feel comfortable in this situation leaving her alone.

She looked at the people icily and got out of the house. No one dared to follow her.

She runs out and saw a bunch of people waiting in front of the bakery. She saw officer Luar as well with his horse.

"Can you take me back home. Please fast," she asked pleadingly. Luar nodded and helped her onto the horse. They arrived at her house quite fast with the horse.

Isaa came out after Kendra called her.

"Was the seamstress already here?" she asked while looking around. Isaa nodded. She showed the package on the garden table.

Kendra went to open it and saw that the shamrocks were done.

Officer Luar looked at the strange thing with curiosity."What is that? "

"I call it hanging bed. Will you please help me hang it between the trees?" she explained what she wanted and he put up two in her yard.

" These hanging beds are quite strong. Even you can lay down on them. Try it out. "

As he was stronger than her he tied it up good enough. He looked at the strange thing. Kendra turned around and sat on it, then put her feet's up and laid on it. She let Isaa do the same. She let him tie the other hammock and then meaningfully looked at him.

"Can you do me a favor, please. Take Isaa to the ice house and explain Fintan what happened. Let him protect her till I don't come back. There are the main office and the Lord behind me, but I need her to be safe. It seems that the situation seems to be strange."

He taught about it and it really seems that the situation is quite strange. She turned to Isaa.

"Go with officer Luar to Cian and play with him till I come back. I really have too much to do."

She said and hugged her. In the same time, she looked at him. "She didn't have food this morning. Just tell them to make something for her."

He nodded. He put both kids on the horse and then as he passed the bakery he let Kendra off and went to the ice house.

Kendra went in and saw that some people were already inside. The crowd outside could hear everything that happened inside through open doors.

There is no TV, internet, shows, theater, or anything fun, so being able to witness some open argument seemed to be quite fun.

She shook her head and went in.

The young man from the main office sat on one char with his feet's crossed totally relaxed while some soldiers standing with armors behind him.

On the other side was the sleazy bakery's owner and few people that looked quite rich. It seems the nobles came.

Kendra just came in and all of them turned their head around to look at her. She calmly walked to the young man and nodded at him.

He understood, she let Isaa go on a safe place. She then turned around to look at those people.

"Did you all wait for me? I don't understand what you want to do. If you all have something to say, you should go to the main office and let City Lord handle our case." she then turned around and left.

The young man got her hint and stood up and went right behind her. They walked right to the Lord's castle through the nobles circle.

Most people had to stay outside the inner city but the nobles and that sleazy guy went there full of confidence.

On their way, she asked about the Lord's situation. How comes that the nobles have no respect for the city Lord. But after hearing that he just took over his father's place a few months ago it seems they taught he is quite young and inexperienced.

But it seems he cleaned the city of everyone who could make trouble just before she came to this world. That action made nobles nervous as they had their fingers in all kind of dirty bisnis.

It seems he was in that big war and the King let him take over the City. He first denied it then he let the King promise him full control over the city without any interference. The King promised and he came, cleaned the city and made new laws.

But the nobles seemed not to put his action in their eyes. So they ignored it so far. He already sent a letter to the King and got permission to take legal steps against them.

Actually, he got King's answer this morning so he was happy.

As he spoke Kendra realized on the thing she ignored for too long. She knew that this man was from the main office but the way he acted... She sighed. The city Lord acts...

"You are the city Lord."

He nodded while looking at Kendra. She was calm. That got him interested. This kid never gets nervous. But while ago...

"Why did you stop breathing?" he asked curiously.

'I had the feeling that something in me will burst out if I don't calm down. I was worried that I might kill him" she looked at the group of people that followed them from far while talking about something.

They pointed their fingers at her and the City Lord and made her get angry.

"No respect whatsoever.!" she huffed.

"You can't blame them much. I went to war when I was just a young youth. When I came back I had to work hard to clean up the mess that happened after my father's passing. They used his death as a pretext to take over the city and do so many evil deed's." he smiled icily.

"Today I will start cleaning up. The King gave me permission."

It seems that today some nobles will get into big trouble. Kendra sighed. She just wants to live comfortably and enjoy her days.

She is just a child. Why do they have to drag her into such complicated problems?

"They heard that the two of you are under my protection so they just wanted to start from you." it seems he knew what she was thinking.

"Hm. If it's so, put them in jail, get their gold, give me some and rest put into the protection of the city and make granary."

He sighed and taught about the gold he still owes to this kid. But the idea is not bad. He will use that money to fill the city's treasury. He nodded and smiled evilly.

His father was sick a long time before his death. At that time he had no strength to handle rampant nobles. After his death, they turned the city into a hell hole.

When the King found out about the situation he let him come here and clean up the mess.

But he did not only that. He cleaned the whole city of all the bad influence. Those that made trouble disappeared overnight. He had his own army in the city and cleaned the whole city in few days after coming.

But he had no permission to harm the center of his problems, the nobles. But now...he smiled icily. They should all come and show their tails.

The situation with nobles is not simple. It seems they had a connection with the enemies of the kingdom. Now he needs to learn how many of them turned their back to this nation and his King.

He then looked at the child that had thoughts about something. He should not have problems. He never wanted this kid to be included in this mess.

"You know I have powers?" she asked while feeling that he had quite strong power himself. She looked at the soldiers walking behind them and felt that all of them had some powers.

He nodded. "I can feel the power in you only when I am really close to you. It seems your power is quite strong. Don't worry, no one knows about it. " he saw her face changing into the worried face.

"What's wrong? I am sorry about this situation. Soon I will clean up the place so don't worry too much."

Kendra shook her head. "I'm not worried about your stuff. The thing in me. The power that almost burst out of me when I got angry. The energy in that power seemed to be quite strong. I am worried that I will lose control and hurt people that are nearby." Her brain was full of all kind of images at that moment how she wanted to torture that man.

The Lord looked at her with a serious face. This is a really big problem.

Kendra looked at him and nodded. It's better if he thinks she is dangerous. Less trouble for her. The power in her seemed to be dangerous. But she knew somehow that she can control it. In the bakery, she already knew it.

"Next time, just let me calm down. Don't do such unnecessary stuff.'she implied on that hug. She for goosebumps when she taught about it.

The Lord saw her face turning into disgust. He can't understand why. He was young, strong and powerful. Then he realized, he is a boy. Not a girl. After hearing all kind of dirty stories about nobles it seems that he is disgusted with all of them, including him.

" I am not like nobles. I mean no harm." he tried to explain himself.

"You are grown up man. Even if you were not like nobles it's still not normal to grab a child's body like that. I'm not your family you know..." she said with a straight face. She didn't like people touching her. Excluded were Isaa and the old lady.

"I feel hurt with your words. I thought we are already friends. We shared a meal..." he said with a wronged face.

Kendra looked at him with risen eyebrows. If she accepts everyone she eats with a friend she would die of exhaustion.

"Nope. Not enough to become my friend. But I will honor you as the Lord."

He looked at her sadly. Then he remembered that the kid likes gold.

"I have enough gold to give you. Will that makes us friends."

She looked at him speechlessly. "The gild is what I earned. By the way, real friendship and love you can't buy with gold."

She looked at his lowered head, she imagined him like a dog with ears down. She started snickering. If he knew, will she get punished? She looked at him again and really he looked like a wet sad dog that was wronged.

She stopped and smiled at him evilly. He looked at her with suspicion.

Kendra remembered the situation they are in and gave up her idea. She wanted to pat his head. But it's not good to do it now.

She turned around and walked again. The evil smile still lingered on her face. His whole body got goosebumps. It seems he overdid it this time.

Finally, they arrived at the Lord's Castle in mid of the city. Kendra was curious but now was not the time for sightseeing.

What she could see was an amazing amount of soldiers. They gave a feeling of pressure and security.

"They seem to be strong and powerful indeed. It's good. It will give better safety to you and the people in this town. But you still need to rip them of their gold. The guards need better weapons. The walls need repair, granary needs to be built... so many things need money. I am sure they gathered quite a lot."

The Lord admitted that the idea is quite all right. They committed crimes against him, the people and the King. He will take their lives and fortune in the name of the city.

"You could make an inspection in the name of the King. They should show you their accounting books. Close the nobles circle gates and use the soldiers to go from home to home and write their belongings. I am sure you will find in books pieces of information on everything they own. If they can't prove the origin of gold, confiscate it in the name of the city and use to fill the city's treasury."

The guards behind them heard the whole conversation and sucked in cold air that emanated out the two peoples bodies.

They are now set to clean up. The two blackhearted people continued making plans with evil smiles on their faces. Even soldiers felt cold when they heard what they planned to do.

They couldn't believe the ideas of the child that barely passed their waits. They felt afraid. Truly afraid. This child is like this now, what will happen in the future.

But what they didn't know is that Kendra has no plan for world domination. She just wanted a safe world for herself and Isaa.

There are two ways. She helps the city Lord or she runs. If she were alone it wouldn't be a problem. But Isaa is still too small and weak.

They need a safe haven until she feels strong enough for them to leave. So she chooses to help him. How bothersome...

JennyS JennyS

Soon some face slapping and finally vacation for Kendra and Isaa...New adventures are coming :)

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