Changing my habit of running on the treadmill inside the mansion and started running the perimeter with the rest of the guards to show that I am with them in this. They seem to enjoy it as they joke around and see who can outrun the boss. It seems to do them more good knowing I'm willing to do the training with them before school and after. Jacobi and I speak while at school but that is the extent of it. I have been distancing myself from people for the most part.
Mom has asked me to start accepting this life as she sees that there is not really much of a chance for us to leave this for the time being. I feel like if I give in wholeheartedly then I will lose myself completely. I have begun to encrypt my laptop and keep it with me at all times. If it's not in my possession I have cut a hole in the floorboards under my desk where it is placed. I have secured a small arsenal in my room with weapons hidden in many different spots where no matter where I am I can reach one.
Nightly meetings about funding and business deals have taken up the majority of my time lately but I've also secured myself a new assistant whom is not from the family but was willing to join me. She is quite a person, she was the taekwondo world champion Misha Kwan. So she doubles as my guard and she goes literally everywhere I go. She keeps thing's uncomplicated.
"Young Master, we must head to school in twenty minutes or you will be late." Misha announced.
I nodded and broke off from the rest of the group before running to get showered and changed. Misha was half a step behind me and grabbed my clothes for me to change into after my shower and helped me out of my binder and set them in the small washer machine I had in the room. It would be washed and dried in the evening for my use the next day. We left quickly by her motorcycle though it had less protection it was more maneuverable in the streets and a lot easier to lose people then a bulky car.
We arrived 5 minutes before the bell rang and she joined me in the seat behind me in class. She was my age after all she had to get an education too. Jacobi glanced at us both and shook his head with a grin on his face.
"How is it that you were able to get Misha to be your assistant and when I tried she refused?" Jacobi whispered.
"Perhaps I have better skills in areas you do not. " I said with a wink.
"So it seems." He chuckled.
I glanced behind me and Misha's ears were red as a tomato. Facing her embarrassed face I gave her a wink and my charming smile before facing forward to pay attention to class. I am going to probably pay for embarrassing her later but hopefully she will be gentle.
As that thought crossed my mind I shook my head knowing better. She will scold me for sure especially since she knows my secret just like I know hers. The classes went by quickly and when the final bell rang Misha was by my side. She reached out and gave my hip a strong pinch. I winced in pain and smiled before walking out with her. Jacobi stood to the side and watched this all go down chuckling to himself.
"Misha, let's go to a pet store." I suggested calmly.
"Young Master you have an hour before the afternoon training begins so we may go if you wish." Misha stated calmly.
I nodded my head as we got on the motorcycle together. I made sure to wrap my arms around her tightly and I could hear her heart beating against my chest. Little rabbit is scared of me even though I have no interest in relationships at the moment. We drove to the closest pet shop and I looked at the animals they had and there stood a shiba inu puppy. I gestured to the puppy and Misha knew what to do she bought the dog and all supplies for him before handing him over to me. I looked into his eyes and seen his keen look. I nestled him in my arms and rubbed his head softly.
"You will be named Uzu. " I whispered to him.
His ears pricked up and his tail wagged happily. We walked out and climbed back onto the motorcycle with all of our gear and drove back towards the house. Uzu perked his head up and looked around as the motorcycle sped through traffic with his tongue lolled out to the side. He will be a good companion. I ruffled his fur and adjusted my grip on him and Misha.
We walked into the house and say everyone there in the main hall looking concerned before they spotted Misha and I following behind her. They looked at our bags and then what I had in my arms before an elder frowned. He walked up to me and Uzu while giving us a look over.
"You had us concerned Young master your habits are so precise we have it down to a system. When you didn't show up on time we thought something had happened. Please inform us the next time you vary from habit." He huffed before turning around.
"As the Family head my routine should not be predictable and you saying that shows that everyone here is too comfortable with my schedule. As a family head my schedule should be unpredictable for the most part." I stared flatly.
I walked past the Elder whom had stopped in shock. Directly heading to my room Misha and I set up the dogs area in my room before I changed for training. I glanced at Uzu debating on whether I should leave him here or to bring him with. After a few moments of thought I brought him along as he should learn who his master is sooner rather than later.
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