The Dog Emperor's men had reached General Han and his men. For a still moment, the two general stared at each other, Their gaze unwavering. Then, General Han and his men let out a loud battle cry and rode towards their inevitable deaths.
Their swords were covered in blood, and each of them had killed at least one hundred men. Every single soldier had fought to their last breaths, and there was only one man left in General Han's army, which was General Han himself. His white stallion was covered with blood, and he was covered with blood from head to toe.
The Dog Emperor's men had surrounded Han Lu Shi.
"Very well, you have all bested me and my army. Allow me the honor of beheading myself," He said grandly.
"Alright. Before you die, General Han, I want to tell you something," The leader said, "Your little sister hopes that you don't lose the battle."
"Tell her that I loved her, alright?"
General Han had closed his eyes. "I will finally join you, brothers," He whispered and beheaded himself.
Two releases in one day... There's more to come though!!!