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90.68% A Cheap, OP Brawler / Chapter 185: Chapter 181: The Vixen Brawler and the Hot Pink Dragoness Bonded, but …

Capítulo 185: Chapter 181: The Vixen Brawler and the Hot Pink Dragoness Bonded, but …


Hey, everyone. Komi here. Last time, me and my party were shopping for gear in preparation for my first self-assigned hit as a former hitman in Raiza. Admittedly boring, at first, as my party members had no sense or interest for fashion, that is until we met someone new. Under normal circumstances, I'd be having a blast finding a new best girl friend who shares a passion for fashion like myself.

It's too bad that that same girl could wipe out the whole continent of Padimon if I piss her off. This new girl, a Dragon passing off as a Lizardman named Mailigon, was someone I suddenly found who was almost ambushed by a few perverts before I intervened. I had no idea what her purpose was for being here. I doubted it's really because of her growing interest in clothes and fashion, but I needed to make sure she wasn't going to cause any long-term problems for me, as well as Jin-chan when he comes to Raiza. I also needed to know what her motives are for being in the Human-Kin's Territory of all places.

Thus, my day of preparation for my mission turned into 'Operation: Snazzy Shopping Spree for Serenity'. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a little bit of fun with this, but every advice I gave to my new fashionista comrade, every move I made, and every arrangement of clothes I organized, I was careful in how I handled them to avoid having this continent fall into destruction out of a Dragon's fury. I should be thankful that Mailigon was so into it that she'd absorb everything I said like a sponge.

What I didn't anticipate is Mailigon's eagerness for clothes. She looked like she was having fun trying on new clothes that complemented her body, fascinated by how different she looked with them on, as well as the variety of pieces she can wear. This Dragon was especially interested in underwear, of all things, as well as their use and implications—and damn, did she look sexy in them, too! Mailigon was so into clothes that she practically bought one of everything—and I do mean everything—in every store we visited that she put away in her [Storage] Null Spell. Money seemed to be no object to her, too, with how much she was able to afford it all. We even managed to get some cosmetics for her to try for the first time, of which I helped show her how to use. It was really more out of Mailigon's interest that we got some, but to be frank, her face was so unbelievably clean and smooth that I didn't think she really needed it. If she wanted to play with what she could do with her face, though, who was I to not lend her a hand?

Other than my Familiar, Sei, my recently redeemed slaves/party members, Lola and Momo, were quite flabbergasted with how much Mailigon was buying. Even I thought it was getting too out of hand, but since this is a Dragon we're dealing with, maybe there's some truth to how much they hoard valuables like I had heard in fiction. {I can expect Sei to get on the same page quickly and easily, but I wonder how I'll be able to explain this to Lola and Momo, though?}

Before any of us realized it, the day was nearing its end, and though we haven't gone through a quarter of clothing and accessory shops Alluga has to offer, it was made up with how much Mailigon cleaned out their stock after trying on so many sets. She seemed to have forgotten to eat lunch with how loud her stomach growled in protest, of which it intimidated Lola and Momo. Since it was near that time for me to meet with Nao-chin, too, and that I needed to inform Mama of what's going on, I felt it was best to have our meal at our go-to pub, the Black Cat.


"I see, it sounds like you girls had quite an eventful day," Nao-chin said after I explained what happened today over dinner. The six of us were gathered around a table with a large spread of food that looked to serve twice as much, but the majority of it was being consumed by Lola and Mailigon, the latter of which having no issue making a mess of food on her pink dress with spaghetti straps. She's able to cast [Clean], though, so messes weren't an issue with her, but she used it to wipe the makeup she had on beforehand since she was going to make a mess of that, too. It seems she has a grasp on table manners, though, which kept what food was left on her face to a minimum.

"Komi has been especially helpful in teaching me so many things about fashion today," Mailigon said before turning to me with a big smile, "And you're even treating me to such delicious food. Today has been so fun, I don't know how to properly thank you for it all."

I waved a hand, "Don't mention it, Ms. Mailigon, we had a lot of fun, too. Right, girls?"

"Yeah! Lady Mailigon was surprisingly quick to warm up to! Though, how much she spent on everything was also as big of a surprise," Lola admitted while scratching her head nervously.

"Speaking of surprise, I just noticed that the pub is totally empty now," Momo said as she looked around, "Did the Black Cat usually close this early?"

Definitely not. Knowing Nao-chin and Mama are experienced Brawlers, though I can't see their statuses for some reason, I'm sure they also have the [Size Up] skill and identified Mailigon as a Dragon as I introduced her. After I gave them some subtle signs of my intentions in bringing her here, they and the rest of the staff worked to slowly clear out the pub to where our group and Mama were the only ones left in the building. Mama let the rest of the pub staff off early and cast [Soundproof] around the area so we can keep our talk discreet.

"Oh yeah, I wondered why it seemed quiet," Mailigon said as she looked around, "Are we being a hindrance like this?"

"Oh, no, not at all. Nao-chin and I work here and have certain privileges that go with it, including the food here, so you can continue eating at your own pace," I said.

"Hmm … I don't get it, but okay!"

"More importantly, Ms. Mailigon, I've been meaning to ask for some time, but what brings you to the Human-Kin's Territory?" I asked, finally getting the heart of the matter.

"Oh, I'm actually looking for …" Mailigon trailed off before slowly widening her eyes, as if coming to a realization. It seemed shocking enough that she would drop her silverware.

"Ms. Mailigon?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"No, no, this isn't good, this is not good at all, and after how much fun I was having, too, I can't believe I forgot for some time …" Mailigon muttered while clinging her sakura hair with her reptilian claws, looking down in panic, "After all that, I can't let it happen here, I just can't …"

For a Dragon of all things to look so scared right now, this may be a more serious matter than I thought.

"... Hey, Ms. Mailigon," I said with a considerate tone while placing a hand on her shoulder, "If we distracted you from something important, I apologize. I'd like to help you to make it up, if it's possible, but I need to know what's wrong, okay? Are you comfortable with explaining something to me?"

"Komi …" Mailigon uttered before her look of fear and hopelessness turned to determination before gently grabbing my shoulders, "I'm looking for someone. She's very important to me and our home. She could be a Lizardman like me with sapphire blue scales and cerulean hair. Have you seen anyone like that?"

I shook my head solemnly, "I'm afraid that doesn't ring any bells. When did she go missing? Did she leave notes or anything?"

"It's only been a couple days since she's been gone, but her disappearance was so sudden, I got worried," Mailigon said as she looked down and recalled the events, "So when I checked her home, I found a note stating how she may have besmirched our kind's pride and image for reasons I don't know of, and that she decided to exile herself as punishment. I'm the only one who has found the note and took it with me without telling anyone, but I don't know how long her disappearance will continue before her brother and father start to question something. If I don't find her soon … Padimon could be in trouble."

"Padimon … in trouble?" Lola asked in confusion.

"Something you said earlier didn't sit right with me," Momo said while furrowing her brow, "What were the words, 'she could be a Lizardman with sapphire scales and cerulean hair'? The keyword in that sentence is 'could', as in, the person you're looking for may not be a Lizardman? That's kind of an odd thing to say about someone so important, right?"

Mailigon realized the error she made and covered her mouth in fright, shifting her gaze in various directions, "U-Um, I-I mean …"

"Your friend is able to change her appearance through magic, right?" I asked, "I recall some spells where something like that may be the case, so for your friend, she could make herself out to be a Human as well as a Lizardman?"

I felt it might be bad if Mailigon was under pressure of an interrogation. We don't want her causing problems out of stress, so I tried giving her a way out. Based on the knowledge I gained from him, though, I wasn't lying that there is some magic out there where one can appear as something else.

"Y-Yes! That's right! It's like that!" Mailigon exclaimed, "She's a gifted magic user, one of the best at home, and her father reigns at the top in that area, too! It's because of their gifts that they can be very dangerous, too, especially her father if he finds his daughter has gone missing! That's why I have to find my friend and bring her home as soon as possible, before many innocent lives like yours are gone!

"How much she can transform through magic is limited, but she can appear Human while keeping her cerulean hair, as well as a Draco from the Demi-Kin with that same hair, tail, and scales mentioned earlier. If you know anyone like that within the last couple days, anything at all, I have to know where she is at all costs!" Mailigon exclaimed, sounding desperate.

I looked over to my slaves, "Lola, Momo, I redeemed you two very recently. Does any of that ring bells to either of you while you were still under Todoka's ownership?"

"Me don't think so …" Lola trailed off while her bull ears drooped.

"None from me, either," Momo added.

"I haven't heard of anyone like that among the patrons here, though I usually work in the kitchen most of the time, anyway," Nao-chin said.

"... I think I know something."

"Mama?" Nao-chin and I asked in sync as we turned to the source.

Joining our table was a woman who looked to be in her mid to late twenties with long, flowing hair that's platinum white. She wears a simple gray t-shirt with arms toned enough to fill out the sleeves, with hints of a necklace hidden underneath the collar with sizable tits below that. On her lower half are a pair of black bell-bottom pants with ease of movement in mind of the design, with matching slippers worn over stockings. This is the owner of the Black Cat pub who everyone in the building refers to as Mama, and may perhaps be one of the strongest fighters in Alluga, let alone the top Brawler around.

"You know where my friend is?!" Mailigon exclaimed while standing up and slamming her reptilian hands on the table.

"Calm yourself, I said I think I know something," Mama corrected with a finger up, "I'll need to get in touch with one of my sources to confirm it, but there has been some crazy stuff going on as of late. The last thing I want is to provide the wrong info to send you on a wild goose chase. If you're willing to wait, Mailigon, I can get you your friend's whereabouts as soon as I can."

"Please! Whatever you have to—"

"However!" Mama interrupted, "I have a few conditions you must fulfill in order to get anything out of me. My first condition is that you come out with who you and your friend really are."

Mailigon widened her eyes.

"If this is so big that the entirety of Padimon may be in trouble, we need to know what we're dealing with. I made sure everyone but us is out of this building and I cast [Soundproof] to keep any word of this from leaking out, so there's no need to hold back. If you refuse to cooperate, then I must ask that you leave this city now, and that you never speak to any of us here again."

"What?! But Mama—"

"Quiet, Nao," Mama interrupted, shaking Nao-chin to her core, "This deal is non-negotiable, and I won't speak my second condition until she agrees to the first. No matter what her circumstances are, she can take it or leave it."

"... Can I not really not change your condition, Mama?" Mailigon asked coldly as she stood from her seat, staring Mama down as she flexed her reptilian claws, "You may need my help for the disaster that will come. It would be wiser that you cooperate and not ask anything of me at all. I'd rather not hurt anyone, but if you don't change your terms, I'm not above resorting to force."

"Whatever disaster that may come, we'll handle it, with or without you, and it won't do you good to take us so lightly, especially me," Mama countered as she met Mailigon's glare with her own.

The place went silent, the air grew heavy to the point of suffocating as two of the strongest beings in Alluga are gauging each other's resolve. To be honest, despite all my years of life-or-death situations, and with how strong I've become now, even I was breaking into cold sweat, and it looks like my party wasn't much better.

Out of everyone I know in my life, I only knew two people I would never risk messing with: Jin-chi's mother, Mikan Kotori, and the Black Cat pub owner, Mama. That's because doing so would be a death sentence.

"Your strength, your mana … they're quiet, but I didn't think my battle instincts would ever react to anyone other than those of my own kind. It seems you aren't bluffing like I'd expect Humans do," Mailigon said before exasperating a sigh, "Anymore time wasted here, and Padimon's demise draws ever closer. I'd rather avoid that from happening with all the shops I haven't visited yet, and I don't know if my friend will retaliate in kind when that time comes."

"If you understand that much, then you better spill it. You and your friend, who and what are you two, really?" Mama asked.

Mailigon lowered her gaze, her expression unreadable due to her sakura hair covering her face, "First of all, Komiwa Karuga, Sei, Momo, and Lola, allow me to apologize to you all for deceiving you of my identity, but know that our time together today, the joy and fun I experienced with you all was genuine. I hope that you all understand that much … and that you don't be too frightened of what you're about to see."

Then, Mailigon's form glowed until it became pure white and changed in appearance. A pair of wings grew out from where her back was exposed. Her reptilian tail grew larger in size, yet still maintained a slim-looking shape, if that makes sense. Finally, a pair of horns grew from her head, flowing back at a 45 degree angle like they were being blown back.

When the transformation was complete, Nao, Momo, and Lola sat in the table aghast, Sei furrowed her brow and muttered, "Ah, now I understand," and Mama's expression didn't twitch a millimeter. As for me, well, speaking as a former hitman, even though I knew what I was dealing with, I had my limits of keeping a straight face without letting it crack. Color returned to Mailigon's form, which helped us distinguish the faded yellow membrane that made up her wings and her bright yellow horns. I didn't notice until after the transformation, but even the reptilian claws and hind legs became more beastly and intimidating as they were totally ripped of pure muscle and hot pink scales. Despite the additional muscles, though, the new pink dress she bought today gave her just enough femininity to show that she could be as beautiful as she is strong.

Mailigon finally looked back up with her slitted, sakura-colored eyes as she rested a hand on her bosom, "Allow me to properly introduce myself and my circumstances. I am Mailigon, daughter of the Court Martial Dragon, Malovos. I am searching for my dear friend, Umeiyon, who for reasons unknown has exiled herself from our home.

"And if we don't find her soon, Umeiyon's father, the Court Magic Dragon, Deiromu, and her little brother Damokus, could end all life on Padimon as we know it."

Orange_Rain Orange_Rain

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