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70.84% God succession system / Chapter 412: Coronation

Capítulo 412: Coronation

'Who is Hestia?'

That was the question going through almost everyone's minds as they watched her and Alex greet each other, with only a select few gods and beings known for knowledge even having heard her name before. The only thing they were able to tell, based on that particular faction's reactions, was that she was Greek.

The older Greek gods, namely Hera, Poseidon, and Demeter, all paled when they saw her, while all of the younger generation gods, namely Zeus's children, looked at Hestia with undisguised disgust and scorn. Zeus himself had the most drastic reaction though, as he turned ashen pale and looked as if he was going to be sick.

He was the primary reason that almost no one knew who Hestia was, or what she could do, as after their war with the Titans he had personally destroyed any records of her to keep Hestia's existence secret. The reason he did that was so that none who might conspire against him could try to use her for their own gains, and so that Hestia could remain as Olympus' secret weapon. This however had the unfortunate side effect of generating a negative opinion of her on Olympus, as the majority of the younger gods saw her as nothing more than a worthless shut-in.

Of course, he also knew firsthand that if he ever actually crossed his 'big' sister then he would pay for it, just like the last time. As Zeus recalled that terrible and day and the humiliation he suffered, he suppressed a shudder as Alex and Hestia continued talking.

"So why do you want to join my harem?" Alex asked bluntly, as he was aware that Hestia was the third of the 'Three Virgin Goddesses', and was confused on why she would suddenly want to become his wife after only talking once. Her answer surprised him though as she replied,

"After our previous discussion I arrived at the conclusion that our fates must be connected. Why else would I have been able to see you and your family in my hearth, even as you were in a different universe?" Though he wanted to bring up her rather flimsy reason of 'fate', Alex then glanced at so not-so-discretely panicking Zeus before asking,

"What about your brother's opinion on this?" If the surrounding gods weren't already surprised enough to learn that Hestia was Zeus's sister, they were even more shocked to hear her snort before saying,

"What about it? If Zeus has a problem with it then I'll spank his bottom until it's black and blue again." Alex cocked a brow at that before he uttered,

"'Again'?" Hestia nodded as a small smile appeared on her lips, and she recounted to Zeus's increasing horror,

"Back during the formation of Olympus he tried to make me his wife and Queen, and didn't take my refusal well until I showed him the 'error' of his ways." The hall filled with muted laughter at the thunder god's expense, as they all imagined the petite woman bending him over her knee, and spanking him. The ones who were most impacted though we're the younger generation Olympians, who had no idea that Hestia was so much stronger than their father due to his efforts to hide her existence.

Zeus of course wanted to rage and rampage at the laughter due to his hurt ego, but his butt suddenly felt a surge of pain as he recalled the last time she spanked him, making him suppress his growing agitation.

Alex himself issued a small chuckle before returning to his serious demeanor as he glanced back to the other two Maiden Goddesses besides Hestia.

"And what about them? Why do you think I should accept them as well after hearing all of my concerns?" Hestia looked to her two nieces for a second, recalling all of the interactions they had over the millennia, and replied,

"They are troublesome, that is true, but I believe that is the very reason you should accept them. Give them the chance to see more of this world and beyond to allow them to grow as both women, and goddesses." Alex didn't say anything as he continued to scrutinize the two goddesses, as if considering if it would be worth it to do as Hestia suggested.

Seeing him hesitate, Hestia then repeated as she had said earlier,

"I would also be more than willing to keep an eye on them, and personally 'discipline' them should they act out." As she spoke Hestia began to emit a 'little' bit of her pressure to show how serious she was taking her promise, making the vast majority of those within the throne room sweat due to how powerful she was as the entire throne room began to rumble.

Alex however appeared to be completely unfazed as he nodded in affirmation and said,

"Very well, I'll take your word for it. I welcome the three of you into my family." Hestia simply responded to Alex with a warm smile as she moved over to the same place where Freya and Brigid had gone to stand, while Artemis and Athena both looked at each other awkwardly before slowly going to join her.

With all of the pledges and 'tributes' out of the way, it was finally time for Alex's coronation.

As a hushed silence descended upon the throne room, everyone within began to move towards the edges as they awaited what came next. They didn't have to wait long though, before the doors at the end of the throne room opened to reveal two petite figures.

The first one was Myuu, dressed in a sparkly emerald green dress befitting the princess she technically was, and with a small pillow in her hands that was covered with a regal purple cloth. The one that surprised everyone though was the person who walked in after her, none other than the dragon god them-self, Ophis.

There was a sharp intake of breath when everyone saw Ophis enter the throne room, many having long believed that Alex was hiding the infamous dragon God, but none being able to confirm it until now. No one was willing to comment on this, both because of Alex, and because of Ophis itself.

Instead they silently watched as Ophis and Myuu slowly made their way to the dual thrones, and climbed the steps until they were directly in front of Anne. Ophis then removed the cloth from the pillow in Myuu's arms, revealing what lay underneath.

"As Asora's guardian deity, I, Ophis, name you Dragon Empress of Asora, Anne Morningstar." As she spoke Ophis lifted up a golden crown from the pillow, which looked perfectly like a series of branches woven together with golden leaves and flowers mixed in.

Ophis gingerly held the crown in her fingers before she then placed it on Anne's lowered head, completing her look as the thing Anne used to decorate herself with the most was gold, due to her upbringing and status as a 'goddess' in the world she came from. When she raised it once more, cheers greeted her as the people of Asora specifically celebrated the crowning of their empress.

They quickly became muted though as Ophis and Myuu moved towards Alex, who lowered his head similarly to Anne before him. Ophis then lifted the second item on the pillow for everyone to see, a circlet instead of a crown due to Alex's untamable hair preventing a crown from resting atop it, before saying,

"I, Ophis, name you the Dragon Emperor of Asora and all the lands beyond that are joined with it, Alexander Morningstar!" As she spoke Ophis slid Alex's circlet onto his forehead so that it nestled snugly on his ears, and rested right at his hairline.

The cheers this time were practically deafening when compared to the ones Anne got, though more out of obligation than anything, as the two then rose to stand from their thrones to look out over the gathered gods and rulers. As if on cue, everyone then ceased applauding as they lowered themselves to kneel before Alex and Anne, including his own wives at the side, showing their loyalty once more to the Dragon Emperor and his Empress.

Raising his hand to single that they could rise, Alex then began,

"I am honored to serve you all as Emperor, even if there was next to no choice otherwise." At this several of the gods started to shuffle awkwardly as they recalled Alex stating that the battle had only been a formality for him to 'officially' defeat them, as he then continued,

"Now at this point usually one would give a long drawn out speech of some kind, maybe regarding the changes they'll make, or how great they'll be." When they heard this many people looked at Alex questioningly, while many of his wives shot him incredulous looks due to him going off script of the speech they had prepared beforehand, before Alex concluded,

"I however am tired of these formal this and that's, so let's just get to the part where we stuff our faces already!" As he declared so, Alex simultaneously clapped his hands to conjure several long tables that groaned under the platters of delicious and mouthwatering food, making the bellies of numerous attendees roar in anticipation.

Having already received permission from their emperor, they all then began to dig into the prepared food with relish, leaving Alex to face his wives as Sona said bluntly,

"We prepared a speech for you..." Alex sighed and responded,

"That boring thing? I was getting tired of all this formality and just wanted to get to the part where we simply get to eat and have fun." Though his remark earned him several snickers from the less 'noble' of his wives, those brought up amongst nobility and royalty gave him reactions ranging from simple head shaking, to twitching eyes that promised him paying for his actions later.

Instead of worrying about that though, Alex quickly made his way over to the food as well, where he began to intermingle with his guests as they sampled the Asoran cuisine.

One of the first people he approached though wasn't any of the guests, but a certain thuggish looking young man with a purple Mohawk swept to the side, matching eyes, and black leather clothes. What stood out about him, aside from appearing like a thug in a royal throne room, was that he had an incredibly beautiful woman with long silky blue hair on his arm, who appeared to be the very image of elegance to contrast her partner.

While no one seemed to have an idea of who the thug was, they knew who the woman was and kept a wide berth until Alex approached and said,

"Bova! What's with appearance? I never thought I'd see the day you'd adopt a human form as well!" The thug then betrayed his rough look as he quickly stood up straight and awkwardly bowed to Alex before saying,

"My apologies my liege! But someone insisted I take human form for occasions such as this..." As he trailed off Bova ignored the numerous looks he received when people realized it was him, as the woman at his side, obviously Tiamat, declared while tightening her hold on his arm,

"Of course you'd have to start taking a human form for all these official occasions 'darling', they're so much more convenient for them than the wings, scales, and tail are, even if you're in mini form." By this point Alex cocked a brow at Tiamat referring to Bova as 'darling', making the thuggish looking dragon mutter,

"She's been like this ever since I beat her at a duel. If I'd known she'd be like this beforehand I'd have just let her win..." Tiamat appeared dismissive of Bova's remark as she stated as if it were obvious,

"Of course I'd want to be with the dragon who managed to best me in combat! Hell, I was beginning to think I'd have to settle for any one that would even have the balls to accept my challenge, let alone beat me!" Alex chuckled lightly when he heard that, as Ddraig cringed within him as if he thought Tiamat's remark was directed at him personally.

He then congratulated the couple despite Bova's pleading gaze, and continued to wander around to visit with his guests. He wasn't the only one mingling though, as numerous gods and visiting VIPs tried to discuss various things with any one of Alex's wives or other important figures in Asora, if Alex himself was too busy with someone else at the moment.

The conversations ranged from topics like what kind of resources were available in Asora, technology and magics from other worlds, what the academy was like before they sent their young there, and if anyone was able to use Asoran tech and magic to become stronger.

On and on the afternoon continued as Alex and his wives entertained their guests while the occasional incident occurred to amuse everybody, such as when Thor tried to challenge Shia to an arm wrestling match only to have her smash his hand through the floor below. She then went on to invite anyone who dared to challenge her, leading to queue of visiting gods and warriors eager to test their might against the infamous Berserker Bunny.

As the hours dragged on and night began to fall, Alex had to excuse himself for a few minutes too cool off and get some fresh air. Instead of heading to the gardens that were open to their guests though, he went to one of the many unoccupied rooms around them to lean out an open window as the cool spring night air blew against his face.

After a moment of this Alex then closed his eyes and, like he tended to do whenever he had a moment of rest, and sent out his intent out to explore Asora and see how his citizens were doing.

Naturally his intent first went to the Misty Manor, where he found those who weren't attending the party preparing his children for bed for the night. After checking on them though, Alex then sent his intent throughout the streets below his manor, where he found the people of Asora going about their business like usual.

Couples were out on dates, venders were trying to sell their goods, and some stores began bringing their stuff in for the night as they prepared to close. Like Alex though, several citizens seemed to be enjoying the nice spring night as they leisurely strolled around without a care in the world.

He then turned his attention to the Academy, where he found the few hundred students currently attending it similarly enjoying their night in various ways. Some were simply hanging out with friends and discussing things like the veritable horde of new students they were about to get, one boy was anxiously trying to confess to a girl he liked(prompting Alex to use Spirit magic to calm his nerves and help him out). He even came upon the scene of one Dagon youth who was using his Ki to float a few feet off the ground, only to freak out and celebrate with his friends after he landed since it was apparently his first time doing so.

Alex then turned his intent to the village of the Yuuki-Onna, where they were in the middle of closing down their winter fun activities for the day, and instead Alex got an eyeful of numerous men, and even women, enjoying the snow women's 'hospitality' in their exclusive hot springs. Chuckling to himself, Alex quickly moved his intent away to give them at least a little bit of privacy, and he instead turned his attention towards the Dagon settlement of New Raisen.

There he saw various fish vendors also closing up for the night, while numerous Dagons began to gather on the beaches around bonfires to visit and have their own party. Several even climbed up onto the stage Ingvild often performed on and began to sing and dance themselves, making the casual atmosphere even more lively as the night progressively got darker.

Of course everything Alex 'saw' wasn't entirely tame, thanks to his 'Lucky Pervert' skill. Naturally he had ended up coming across numerous couples going at it either within the safety of their own homes, or even in some more 'risqué' locations as well. At the Academy he had also noticed several of the students getting a little too frisky, something he intended to report to Sona later, while of course he saw what he saw at Yukiguni. Meanwhile several Dagons at the beach even found a secluded area where they eagerly stripped off their clothing, and went skinny dipping in the ocean.

Alex's intent was then brought right back to his body as something was wrapped around his eyes and a sultry voice whispered in his ears,

"Guess who."

The first thing Alex noticed aside from his eyes being covered was a slight fragrance tickling his nose, the second though was a pair of incredibly soft pillows being pressed into the middle of his back, with rock hard points pressing into him at their centers.

"No idea." Alex lied as he grabbed the thing covering his eyes, which ended up being a pair of black lace panties with a small pink bow on the front. He then turned around to see a completely naked Nyx, that was pouting cutely that he didn't guess it was her.

"Well this is a nice surprise." Alex remarked, cheering Nyx up slightly as she pressed her arms together to emphasize her already impressive bust.

"I just thought that after a long and tiring day of dealing with pointless politics that great Dragon Emperor might want to 'unwind' a little." She said provocatively, leaving no room for misinterpretation for what she meant by 'unwinding', as if her already being naked wasn't hint enough.

Alex simply smirked at her as he grabbed Nyx by the butt and pulled her into his embrace, smooshing her overly large breasts into his chest as she snaked her hands down the front of his pants. The short statured goddess then lifted herself up on her tip toes to press her lips against his own, beginning a passionate kiss as she slowly stroked his hardening shaft, and Alex kneaded her butt while also using the grip to lift her higher.

He then pressed Nyx against the nearby wall as the goddess tried to wrap her legs around his waist, and began to run her fingers through Alex's divine blue fur, a habit that all of his wives and lovers enjoyed quite a bit. While her fingers entangled themselves within his fur, Alex's ran down Nyx's thighs from her butt, before making their way back up and roughly gripping her upper thighs.

Alex then shifted his hips until the head of his penis was met with the hot and wet surface of Nyx's hairless slit, which was more than ready and eager to have a large piece of meat thrust inside of it.

The head then forced her hot and wet lower lips to part as it prepared to enter Nyx's honeypot, only to 'slip' at the last second as Alex thrusted upwards. Instead the underside of his shaft ran up the length of her slit, making it significantly wetter as he did so.

Nyx's response to this was to bite Alex's lower lip hard enough she drew blood, though her slave crest didn't respond to this since there was no ill intent behind it, before she practically growled at him,

"Don't tease me, put it in now!" Alex smirked at her desperation as he once again used the head of his penis to spread her lower lips, preparing it to penetrate her once more. This time however he didn't prolong Nyx's suffering as he thrusted upwards and filled her completely all in one go, making her scream in ecstasy as the first orgasm of many surged through her body.

For a moment Nyx was able to ride the high of her orgasm with the tip of Alex's penis passing up again the entrance to her womb, before he quickly pulled out of her vice-like vagina and slammed his entire length back in.

As Alex roughly thrusted in and out Nyx experienced orgasm after orgasm, making him wonder about her apparent increase in sensitivity until Nyx suddenly conjured something in her hand.

"G-guess what this is!" She said as she held something up for Alex to see, which made him pause when he realized what it was. Of course at that moment Nyx locked her legs around Alex's waist while also utilizing her divine power to try and keep them there.

In her hand was one of the vials that Anne used for the serum she developed to help induce pregnancy, which was already empty. Alex cocked a brow at her questioningly as Nyx stated,

"I am your first goddess." Alex only arched his brow higher as he waited for her to continue, prompting her to go on despite her increasing arousal,

"Every one of those new goddesses will prioritize having your children... I was here first, and I'm not letting any of THEM get the jump on me!" Alex only stared at her for a moment before a smile spread on his face, and he thrusted once more to press up against, and open her womb.

"Then I better not disappoint." He muttered unto Nyx's ear, filling her with relief before she once again began to cry out in ecstasy.

For several minutes there was only animalistic grunting and moaning as Alex fucked the goddess' extremely tight and sensitive hole, making her cum over and over again due to her enhanced sensitivity. As a result her vaginal walls constricted and squeezed around him with an increasing intensity, as if desperately trying to milk his seed from the phallus within.

With such an intense stimulation on his own lower half, it was only a matter of time until Alex's own climax rushed over him as he looked Nyx in the eye, and filled her womb with his thick seed.

Having finally received what it was she was after, Nyx leaned in to gently kiss Alex as he gave a few last slow thrusts, making sure every drop of his cum entered her. When they separated Nyx was taking deep breaths as the realization that she was pregnant sunk in, of course she didn't count Hypnos, Thanatos, and Oneiroi since they were just beings she created through combining her power with her brother, Erebus.

After a moment she tried to find something to say in response to the gift Alex gave her, when the door to the room they were in opened and a certain trio barged in.

"See, I told you he was-" Athena began haughtily to Artemis and Hestia, before she noticed the position Alex and Nyx were in and promptly cut herself off.

Not bothered by their presence in the slightest, other than the fact that they ruined a perfectly good moment, Alex and Nyx both seemed to sigh as he gently let her down. Nyx then began to collect her discarded clothes, finding it made the situation more arousing when she actually stripped compared to just magicing her clothes away, and put them back on before promptly leaving Alex with the trio of goddesses.

Alex however didn't bother covering himself as he took a seat on a nearby chair, his towering erection staring back at them intimidatingly, before he asked,

"So, what did you need?"

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

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