A few days passed, but no phone call came, and he continued on his regular life until the 5th day after she had been at his house. He woke up the next morning and yawned, checking his phone, no calls, "I wonder what she got herself into, well, whatever," He turned on the TV and saw news, news about a kidnapped girl, "For fuck sake," He got out of bed as the news continued talking about how the girl was kidnapped in the middle of the wealth side of the city and they showed pictures of her and her name, "Mary Gold, interesting name, well, I gotta do something," He dialed onto his phone, "Good morning, Boss, it is me, Victor Gale."
"Good morning, Victor, what is it?"
"I need a few days off, can I take them?"
"Right now, yeah, you can, how many days?"
"A week or so."
"Are you sick or something?"
"No, but I have to do something important, that will require all my time."
"Okay, sure thing, hope you get to do what you wanted to do," He hung up the phone and a timer set off in Victor's head, he had 7 days to find her. He pulled on his pants and grabbed a jacket and another can of beer as the power turned off and shut off his TV, he rolled his eyes and left his apartment. He knew where to start, he had met an officer before, a high ranked officer that was specialized in organized crime and had saved the city on numerous occasions. He check his wallet and found a few thousand zepals, enough to get a ticket to the main city and then he knew where to go to find him.
He hopped onto the first bus and handed 3 bills to the driver who handed him a ticket. He stood near the front of the empty-ish bus and had fun making sparks jump from his index finger to his thumb. The ride was of about an hour to get the Regent Square, but he didn't care, he had promised to help Mary, and wasn't there to help her. He sighed as a thug entered the bus and didn't pay, "Hey, sir, you need to pay," The driver seemed new, not used to the Outer Ring. The thug stopped and drew a switch blade and moved back towards the driver.
"What did you say?" The thug grabbed the bus driver's collar and held the blade to stab him, "You should learn to shut your mouth."
"Let go of him," Victor finally spoke as sparks jumped from his fingers to his other hand, "Pay and move on."
"Who the fuck are you?" He lunged with the blade and Victor caught his wrist and slammed his metal knee into the man's gut and then disarmed him and twisted him to slam him to the floor and held him down by the arm and the throat, "What the hell?" Victor let electricity into his neck and knocked him out and then lifted him and tossed him out of the bus.
"Just drive, and try to get used to the Out, people here are different than in the city," Victor said, holding a handle near the driver's seat.
"Thank you for your help."
"No problem," He said normally, "Brutes like that are common, how long until Regent's Square?"
"45 minutes, Sir."
"Okay, thanks."
"Just doing my job."
"And I am just doing mine," He chuckled and sat down at the seat at the front of the bus, looking out the front. The bus soon found its way into the main city, leaving the slums of the Outer Rings. He stepped out of the bus and looked around at Regent square, a rich part of the city, "So, I need to go there."
A bot opened the door, "Oh, hello Victor, did Will invite you?"
"No, I came to ask for his help," Alex let him in.
"Honey, Victor is here, he needs to talk to you for some reason."
"Okay, let him in, I have time," Victor walked into the living room of the apartment and saw William Regent, a very enhanced man like himself, "Victor, how are you? Sit, sit, tell me, what do you need?"
"I need your help, I believe you have something that can help me."
"Really? What would you need from me?"
"I need a name, a place, an address, anything, anything you can get me."
"The DR3."
"What is telling you that you need to do this? What reason do you have for doing this?" Will said, drinking from a glass, "What happened with the DR3?"
"Do you watch the news?"
"The girl."
"Yes, the girl."
"What about her?"
"Well, a few days ago, I sheltered her to save her from the DR3, and I told her to call me if she needed my help, it seems she never was able to call me," Victor sighed, "I want to live up to my word."
"I know you are strong, but the DR3 has an army."
"I know, but I have a few tricks for that, just tell me if you have the things I want."
"I am not allowed to."
"But you will as this girl had her family killed and got captured without anyone to help her and will probably be abused until she ultimately dies, with the blood on your hands."
"That sounds like a threat."
"It isn't but I can leave and let you live with her death on your mind."
"13th, 24th, this is a warehouse the DR3 uses to create their products, the boss you will be able to find there is nicknamed Steel Executioner."
"Thank you, William, I am in debt to you."
"No, you are not, you owe me nothing."
"If that is what you want," Victor got up, "I have a lot of work to do now, have a good day, William, have a good day, Alex."
"Bye, Victor!"
He burst through the door with electricity jumping around him. The warehouse quickly emptied of workers that wore masks over their mouths and noses, leaving only the guards. The guards turned to look at him realizing what was happening and opened fire at him, wildly shooting, but none of the rounds hit him as a field of electricity stopping the bullets as he walked in. The gun fire stopped as they needed to reload, Victor noticed a heavily tattooed man with a steel arm and shoulder and torso. He glared at him as the gun fire started again. Victor spun and hurled a ball of electricity at the men and it hit them, jumping from gun to gun and shocking them, knocking them unconscious. The electricity hit the steel man but nothing seemed to visibly affect him. He hopped down from the walkway and landed on the floor, cracking it. He must have weighed twice as much as Victor and been two heads taller, "Who the hell are you?"
"The Steel Sultan."
"Really? I imagined you taller."
"Funny," He said as small bolts flickered around him, "And you are the Steel Executioner."
"I am, Henry the Steel Executioner," He laughed as the plate of his arm moved and a glowing red motor let out steam, "Are you ready to fight?"
"Do I look like I am not?"
"Well said," The massive man ran at him and his whole arm seemed to gather energy, "Die!" His fist slammed into something a few centimeters from Victor as electricity flowed into the arm and stopped it, "What the hell is this?" He pulled his arm away and glared at Victor, "Fight me like a man, you like wimp!" Victor bent his knees and before pushing off at the Executioner. The sole of his foot landed square in the Executioner's face as Victor reached him, too fast for him to react to block it with his deadly arm. Victor's kick threw Henry back and sent him crashing through tables and then into the wall, cracking it. Henry used his metal arm to push himself to his feet and began laughing at Victor, "All you got?"
"No, I have more."
"Then bring it," He said gesturing for Victor to launch at him. Victor swung his arms down and the tables were projected away, creating a sort of arena. Henry looked around and then his arm slammed into the floor, lifting tiles and projecting some into the air. Victor smiled as electricity gathered around his right forearm. Henry launched forwards and Victor did the same and they collided fists and then were both projected back. Victor was protected by his electricity but Henry fell weak to the floor. Victor dragged him from the wall and placed him in the middle of the room and stood above him, "Just kill me," He coughed blood, "I lost."
"Where is your boss?"
"Boss? My boss? Or DR3?"
"I don't know," Victor placed his foot on his knee and pushed down, shattering his knee, "I don't know, you fuck! But I can tell you where mine is!"
"Tell me."
"He lives in 72nd, 14th! Just stop! You already won!" Victor lifted his foot and then a blot jumped from his finger to the man's neck, knocking him out. He turned to the door and left, as if nothing had happened. He pulled out his phone and dialed 911.
"991, what is your emergency?"
"Hello, yes, I am calling because on 13th, 24th, there was a large amount of gunfire and noise coming from the warehouse, I think there was some sort of gang attack."
"Thank you, sir, handing your information to the police at this very instant, are you safe?"
"I am, I am, but I don't want it to degenerate."
"Perfect, just try to stay out of crossfire, stay indoors, the police are on their way, they should be there in 5 minutes, hang tight."
"Thank you," He hung up his phone and slid it back into his pocket, before beginning to walk away from the building, "Why would someone want to be killed? I am no killer."
He arrived in front of a large house on a weird looking street, "A rich street in the Outer Ring? This is interesting," It wasn't a rich street, but it had large houses that were often shared by several families, instead of changing the buildings. He walked up to the front door expecting resistance instantly. He knocked on the door and heard footsteps walking towards the door. He saw the door open slightly and someone looking at him, "Wrong house."
"I am looking for your boss."
"Who are you?"
"Victor Gale, your boss will know me."
"Wait a minute."
"Sure thing," The man came back a minute later, "So?"
"My boss has no idea who you are," Victor touched the doorknob and the man fell unconscious the floor behind the door.
"Good night," Victor reached through the small crack and unhooked the front door and opened it all the way before dragging the unconscious body out behind the trash containers next to the house. He returned to the door and pushed it open slowly. He created a small ball of electricity at the tip of his index finger. He walked in the first floor of the house, looking for someone. Something was off, there was no one on the first floor of the house, yet things seemed to have been put down in a hurry. He let the electricity form the field once more as he moved back to the entrance and then to the base of the stairs, "This smells fishy," He put his foot down on the first step and it creaked, so did the second as he pressed down on it. He pushed down on the fifth step, it didn't creak. He let a bolt hit it and a metal blade shot out as if to take out the legs of the person going up the stairs, "Nice fucking try," He shocked the stairs but nothing came of it and he walked upstairs and was met by four thugs wielding assault rifles and shotguns.
"Hands up, fucker, our boss will deal with you, no sudden movements or we'll blow your brains out."
"Paint the walls red," They lead him right to their boss, in a room with more thugs and a man that seemed natural, puffing on a cigar and turning around as Victor walked in with the four thugs and he chuckled and they sat Victor in a wooden chair in the middle of the room, "Got'em boss."
"I have eyes," He walked towards Victor, "Who in the hell are you?"
"I am Victor Gale."
"I don't give a shit about your name, what are you doing here?"
"I got information that I would find you here."
"From who?"
"Henry, the Steel Executioner."
"What did you do to him?"
"Nothing much."
"What are you here for?"
"I am looking for a certain girl, a girl the DR3 kidnapped, I am going to save her."
"My ass you are, you'll die here."
"I don't think so."
"Being enhanced won't save you, punk."
"Really?" He felt a gun's barrel push against his head, "Of course, you would."
"Oie, did I say something?" The gun moved away from his head and he laughed, "Why are you laughing? Huh? Answer me!" Electricity burst out from around his body and the men around him and the DR3 boss fell to the floor unconscious, leaving the boss undefended, "What, the fuck."
"Take a seat," Victor said, getting up, "I have my own questions to ask," The man did as electricity shimmered around Victor, "So, first, tell me your name."
"Perfect, Steven, now, I need to find a girl, you know of that girl?"
"Her name."
"Mary Gold."
"Good answer, where is she?"
"I have no clue," A small ball of electricity formed on Victor's finger, "I swear, I wouldn't be messing with you, man, I am not crazy!"
"Okay, then who would know?"
"I am only a two, I don't know, maybe a three would know?"
"What does that mean?"
"We have ranks, the boss is five, I am only a two."
"So where is a three?"
"I can tell you, just don't kill me."
"I don't kill, so tell me."
"34th, 75th, he runs a whore house, which is also a strip club, you should find it easily."
"Talyhato Corner?"
"Why do you know its name?"
"I am the reason the DR3 has that club, kicked out the Oprios."
"Oh, well, what are you going to do to m-ahh," His limp body fell to the floor as a small discharge hit his neck. Victor pulled out his phone and dialed 911 a he began walking down the stairs of the house.
"911, what is your emergency?"
"I wanted to give the police a little clue for a big hit," He said as he made the furniture fall, "DR3 strong house on 72nd, 14th, they are smuggling drugs and also arms through that location, act quickly or the opportunity might fizzle."
"Who is this?"
"Steel who?"
"Steel Sultan."
"Oh, very well, the police are on their way."
"Thank you," He held his phone in his hand and it shut off, "Now, to head to 34th, 75th, well," He looked at the sky, "Time to go home maybe."
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