O! My Dear Master,
Please tell Me about the Lord.
For You are closer to Him
as a new born is closer to His Mother.
He delights in You
Dear Master Lead Me to God .
As a new born is closer to His Mother.
O! My Child,
All I know of the Lord
Is not of My own knowledge but by His grace.
He made known to Me
The path of Life by His abundant grace.
What is this life You speak of?
Where is it?
I desire it!
How do I reach it?
How do I reach it!
O! My Master.
O! My Child,
The life I speak of is already within You.
dwelling in Your Heart.
The life I speak of is Christ living in You.
O Master!
You speak with so much wisdom.
Such humility and conviction .
Please teach Me how to come to the Lord!
Master Lead Me to the Lord .
O! My Child,
I shall lead You to the Lord.
To come to the Lord,
You must be humble.
You must die to Yourself and seek
Him, Above all things make Sacrifices.
It's too hard, Master,
To make Sacrifices and endure
Sufferings .
But You O! My Master was filled
with the Grace To suffer Happily .
O! My Child,
Just as the Hormones in the body
are triggered by the Glands
so is Sacrifice and sufferings
triggered by True Love .
Love Christ and You will do
what He tells You.
I have read that You were always
walking on barefoot,
Preached the gospel And fed the poor.
Born with a Silver spoon,
You, O! Master,
became Poor for the Poor.
How could this be?
My child,
treasures of this life fades away
But the treasure which the Lord
gives Last forever.
It doesn't run out, It doesn't die .
O My Beloved Master,
Rose of Patience,
Doctor of truth,
Trumpet of the Gospel,
light of the Church,
Destroyer of Heresy,
Lily of Chastity,
Purest Virgin,
Special Son of the Queen Mother .
Please Lead Me to The lord.
My Child,
Take heart,
Our lord shall satisfy
Your hunger for Him .
Dear Master,
How were You able To win the
heart of the Queen Mother.
My Child,
Learn to be Humble,
The Queen Mother Loves souls
who are humble and calm.
She is humility Herself .
You thought Your followers
How to love the Lord and
how to Preach?
Teach Me Oh My Dearest Master
how to Praise, To preach, and to Bless.
My child the best and vocal way
Of preaching that can convert
souls is by preaching with
Your life style, Let Your life
reflect the Gospel of Our
Praise the Lord And contemplate
Him in all that You do.
Bless all those around You with
Your presence.
How can I bless those around Me?
with My mere presence.
My Child,
Bless the earth with Your
presence By being extremely
happy especially when
You suffer. Love and Cherish
suffering .Let those around You
perceive The fragrance of God's
grace in You .
My dearest Master You taught
Your followers how to pray,
Please teach Me How to Pray .
Prayer means conversation with
God. When You pray, open up
Your heart to God and tell Him
how much You love Him.
Pray and make sacrifices for sinners
My Dearest Master Words cannot
express how much I love You
You have helped me so much.
You have always been there for Me
Thank You very much dearest Master.
I will always be with You
My Child
Whenever You feel Lonely
Remember that I will always be
here for You. Seek Me Always
through Prayers
Farewell My Beloved Master.
Send My Love to all of My Brothers
and Sisters Across.
Say Thank You to Brother Jordan and
Sister Diana. For All Their Love.
No My Dearest Child,
We will never say goodbye
For I am Always with You
I love You and Our Family Loves You.
Hello Dearest,
Saint Dominic is one of My Inspirational Saints hence I dedicated this poem to Him.
God bless You as You read and meditate.
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