This long-running comedy focuses on the eponymous family in the town of Springfield in an unnamed U.S. state. The head of the Simpson family, Homer, is not a typical family man. A nuclear-plant employee, he does his best to lead his family but often finds that they are leading him. The family includes loving, blue-haired matriarch Marge, troublemaking son Bart, overachieving daughter Lisa and baby Maggie. Other Springfield residents include the family's religious neighbour, Ned Flanders, family physician Dr Hibbert, Moe the bartender and police chief Clancy Wiggum.
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Escreva uma avaliaçãoHand dow this is the best webnovel I have ever read in the history of ever I'm not just saying that because I know the author on a personal scale its just great
Just hurt my head to read. Just hurt my head to read Just hurt my head to read Just hurt my head to read Just hurt my head to read Just hurt my head to read Sorry.
Autor AikoSaito
Homer gets taken by Satan and fucks Bart and Lisa without there will and then he kills Marge leaving Maggie to kill and let the Devil eat.