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76.47% Villain.Deku / Chapter 13: To Teach and Learn

Capítulo 13: To Teach and Learn

The room is deadly silent, except for the ticking of a wall clock and the scratches of my pen on paper. The monotony of checking answers right and wrong is slowly getting to me as all the little black circles begin to blend together. The tediousness of it mixes with the ache in my side and I'm tempted to just call it in for the night. Still, tomorrow is the hard deadline for grades and I would hate to be the only teacher that didn't make it. It may prove to be a long night but I won't fail my students. With renewed vigor, I attack the seemingly endless stack of answer sheets when the silence is shattered.

Two quick but powerful knocks reverberate through the air. I almost respond before realizing the state that I'm in. Hastily, I activate my typical transformation. Once again, I feel that familiar sensation of my skin stretching and my organs being displaced as my muscles swell. It takes me a moment to adjust before answering.

"Yes, come in!" I bellow in the most confident voice I can muster. The door creaks open to reveal a shabby looking man with unkempt black hair and a scraggly half-beard. Thank god it's just Aizawa.

With the fear of someone discovering my true form dissipated, I wait for him to close the door behind him before relaxing. The strain of pulling every inch of my body tight slowly fades, although the ache in my side has now evolved into a stabbing pain.

"You're still way too afraid of letting people see you like that All Might," Aizawa starts in an exasperated tone. "School's been out for hours now so there's almost no chance of a student seeing you."

"Heh heh," I chuckle sheepishly in response. "That may be true but the it's still unusual for me to be in this form in public at all. Up until this year, I never used it except at home so I'm still a bit afraid of being so open."

Aizawa glances at the remaining forms on my desk and glances at a few of the names. "Class 1-A, huh?"

I nod back. "They're the only ones that I've got left. It wouldn't be that hard except for their essays." I grab the closest one and show it to Aizawa.

"Look at this, Uraraka wrote six pages on 'The Importance of Self-Defense in Hero Work' and that's only the average length. I don't even want to get started on Iida and Yaoyarozu's." I motion to two stacks of paper, each numbering about thirty pages.

"I suppose that's the side effect of experiencing a real villain attack," Aizawa sighs aloud as he glances through Mineta's 'An Analysis on the Cultural Value of Sex Appeal in Modern Hero Society'.

"I think that it's a sign of how hard they've been working," I respond. "I'm excited to see what kind of heroes they'll become. It makes me feel even worse for needing to skip the summer training camp."

"It can't be helped," Aizawa replies dryly. "It's a bad idea to send the 'Number One Hero' out of the city for a simple camp." He briefly surveys the remaining tests before responding. "Look, you seem to have a lot of work left. If you want, I can take care of the rest."

"Absolutely not, Aizawa," I answer, mustering a tone of stubborness. "It would be shameful for me to fall behind in my work as a teacher."

"Well, it's not like I'm doing it as a favor," he says. "In exchange, I'll need you to do me a favor." For a brief moment, I wonder what Aizawa would ever want my help with.

"A certain you-know-who is practicing in the gym after hours again." My curiosity is quickly replaced by a sense of frustration as I hold my forehead.

"Didn't you say that you were going to take care of the young man?" I ask.

"I did and I tried but something tells me that even if I do start punishing him, he'll just keep going anyways. And I figure that you've got a better chance of convincing him than I do."

I ponder Aizawa's words for a moments before dragging myself to my feet. I address him as I walk to the door. "The boy just needs to realize that there's a better way to go about it. His crude attitude won't carry him for much longer." I continue as I step outside. "I just have to help him realize that."

Aizawa doesn't respond but I get the feeling that he agrees as I close the door behind me.

I've barely entered the athletics hall when I hear the muffled sounds of explosions reverberate through the walls. As soon I've traced the chaotic sound to the right gymnasium, I stop in front of the door. Once again, I breathe deeply and allow the power of One for All to surge through me. And just like before, I feel my body expand as the familiar strain sets in.

I burst through the gym doors as confidently as I can. As expected, Bakugo standing hunched in the middle of the room, surrounded by scorch marks and a line of unused practice dummies with his gym bag nearby. Behind him is a large smoking pile of foam and leather that I recognize as the smoldering remains of the dummies that have already been… used.

"Bakugo, my boy," I proclaim with a booming voice, "you know that it's been three hours since school ended, don't you? Wanting to practice is admirable but you have to respect the rules of U.A."

"I'm not sure what the hell you're talking about, All Might," he replies, still with his back towards me. "Now that it's summer break, the U.A. facilities are open to student use so I'm not doing a damn thing wrong."

"Yes, well," I struggle to answer back, "that only applies if there are teachers present to oversee the student's exercises and escort them as they roam the school grounds."

"Well, you're here now, right?" he retorts.

"Er, yes but that's besides the point because of the, uh… um… training camp!" I exclaim, having found my winning argument. "One of the main focus points of the summer training camp is to aid in the development of students' quirks in the physical sense. If you work too hard now then you'll be all spent for the real workout. So it's best for you to home and relax a little before the camp starts."

Bakugo continues to ignore me as he sets up another dummy. He puts a few feet between him and the dummy before setting himself in a fighting stance with his right hand drawn back.

pop pop pop pop

A series of small explosions no bigger than firecrackers bounce around Bakugo's palm. He breathes in deeply as the popping stops for a single moment.

Suddenly, Bakugo lunges towards the dummy with his hand outstretched. Reaching forwards, he appears to be in the verge of launching a powerful blast. The straightforwardness of his attack is typical of him. However, just as it seems he's about to attack, Bakugo uses his left hand to change his trajectory. Instead of using his typical powerful dashes, Bakugo uses another series of small explosions to smoothly glide behind the dummy. He calmly places his right palm directly on the dummy's back.


Fire and ash erupts from the boy's palm as the blast as I'm forced to cover my face to block the smoke. The dust slowly dissipates, revealing a deep black mark that stretches halfway across the gym. Everything north of the dummy's torso has been scattered across the floor, leaving only a burnt stand lying in front of Bakugo. Without emoting, he grabs the remains and tosses it into the already formed pile.

I had hoped that the boy would be more easily persuaded to give it a rest but a part of me probably knew that he'd be this stubborn. As he moves to retrieve another dummy, I match behind him and start "Well, my boy, it seems you've already improved by great strides. You're movement are far more fluid than before and if That is any indication," I point at the smoldering pyre of school equipment, " you're endurance is far greater as well."

The Bakugo from the beginning of the year would have eagerly bit at the chance to praise himself but, as expected, he's completely ignoring me now. We reach the remaining dummies and he begins to pick one up. As he raises it, I place my palm on the dummies head and force it back down as I continue.

"So, Bakugo, what is it all for? Why are you working so hard?"

He pauses for only a moment before responding, "Isn't it obvious? I'm gonna be the Number One Hero which means that I have to be stronger." His words are laced with venom, as if he's offended that I would ask. I feel more resistance beneath my hand as Bakugo tries harder to lift the dummy from under my grip.

I pursue the issue further. "You're not properly understanding me, young man. That may be your goal but there must be some reason for you to pursue it. Everyone has a reason for what they do."

Bakugo seems to process what I say as his grip on the dummy begins to loosen. "Is that really true?" he asks in a more serious tone. "Aren't there just some people who do whatever they want for no reason?"

His quick change in mood seems to indicate that there's something on his mind. Part of me can't help but feel like I shouldn't pry but I won't be able to help him if I don't know what's wrong. Meddling is part of being s hero after all. "There certainly are," I answer, "but sometimes the nonsensical randomness of their actions is part of their motivation. A lot of villains are like that, doing what they want because they can." I stop to observe Bakugo's reaction. His expression has barely changed, as if this was just the kind of talk he was expecting. His unimpressed face makes me want to be more honest.

"However, not every villain is so simple minded. There are plenty of criminals that have ideologies that they believe justifies their actions. Most rookie heroes are unprepared for situations where they find themselves sympathizing with criminals. What's important to remember is the fact that the end never justifies the means. No matter how noble somebody's goal is, hurting innocent people cannot be allowed. That's something that you need to learn, my boy."

As I expected, Bakugo is momentarily staggered before violently reacting. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?! I'm nowhere near similar to that trash!" He gestures furiously at empty space.

"You're far too hasty, young man. You have more in common than you'd like to admit. Your standoffish nature, your quick temper, your violent tendencies. The brutal way that you fight, like in your match against Ms. Uraraka. All qualities that aren't very hero-like if you ask me. You forget that being a hero does not mean fighting villains. It means helping people first and foremost."

"But that's the same goddamn thing!" Bakugo roars back at me. "If you wipe out all the trash before they can even get near someone, then it's the exact same! It's a waste of time to focus on anything other than being stronger."

"That is the problem," I retort, pointing directly at him. Only now do I notice how stern my voice has gotten, completely different from the casual tone that I was using when I entered. Part of me considers that I might be getting a little too heated but it's a warning that's easy to ignore. My drive to help Bakugo as much as I can drives me as I continue.

"Your opinion of others is far too low, my boy. I saw it during the Sports Festival where you considered everyone to be beneath you. You were so busy feeling superior to your classmates that you didn't bother to learn anything from them. At this point, you can no longer coast on the power of your quirk and your talent in battle. You need to improve your weak points, your image and your charisma. All the aspects of hero work that you still think you're better than."

Bakugo doesn't respond. He simply stands there, seething with anger but unable to properly respond. This seems to dissipate quickly though as his expression of anger fades into one of frustration. I consciously remind myself to rein in my enthusiasm. A lecture won't do any good, not with him. I need to quickly think of a way to

"How the hell am I supposed to do that?" Bakugo blurts out. His abruptness catches me off guard and I'm unable to answer before he continues. "You're just telling me the same crap that everyone else has! I know that I scare people and that I'm violent but why does that matter? I'm strong and I can fight. Why isn't that enough? Why can't I just beat the shit out of him and make him give up?!" he yells, echoing throughout the empty room. "I can't do crap like inspiring people or making them feel safe… but does that mean that I just can't do anything?" he asks in a defeated tone.

He moves to walk away but I place my hand on his shoulder and speak to him plainly. "You're still wrong, Bakugo. All that means is that you still have a lot to learn. That's why you're in school after all, to learn how to become a better hero. All of the teachers at U.A. are here to help teach how you need to change, which includes me. If you feel like you don't know what you're doing wrong or you want to know how to reach your next goal, I'm here to help you. You just have to be willing to ask"

He doesn't initially respond, choosing instead to absorb all of my words. He walks past me to grab his gym bag before stepping towards the gym's exit.

"Hold on now, my boy. Students aren't allowed to wander around the school this time of year without a teacher, remember?"

With his back facing me, I can't see Bakugo's expression as he fails to react to my comment. Even so, I follow close behind while still giving him some distance.

The two of us navigated the school halls without so much as a word between us. Bakugo has been seemingly resolved to completely ignore me. Even as we step outside and approach the school's front gate, he doesn't seem to have any intention of stopping to talk to me. Instead, I address him as he steps beyond the gate.

"Bakugo, it sounded like you were referring to someone earlier. Somebody that wouldn't give up." He immediately tenses up. I'm surprised too as I didn't think that he'd be triggered by the mere mention of it.

"I would never want to pry but I think that you're probably thinking about it wrong. Try not to be so stubborn and listen to his perspective. I'm sure that the two of you can reach a compromise."

Bakugo fidgets for a moment before responding "Probably not."

I sigh aloud and continue, "Well, I hope that you'll try anyways. And don't forget, no matter what people may try to tell you, you can become a hero. I believe that wholeheartedly. Now, go have a plus ultra summer!" I exclaim as I wave him off.

As expected, he doesn't answer. However, as he walks away, he doesn't carry the same dour energy that he did before. I can't help but feel a bit of pride in the young man. I didn't expect it but acting as a teacher has given me a new appreciation for children. Their burning determination doesn't always mix well with their immaturity but they all have good souls.

All these thoughts quickly drag my attention to One for All. Once I'm thinking about it, i can immediately notice the power of it pulse through my body, as if my blood was being pumped at top speeds. This quirk is my responsibility, the power that I need to pass on to the next generation one day. Ever since my battle with All for One, the question has been circulating my mind. Who will be the one to inherit it?

It's a difficult question to answer. How exactly am I supposed to judge who is worthy of One for All? They should have the perseverance to master the quirk as well as a pure desire to use it only for the sake of others. Even after months of teaching, I haven't met a student that can live up to the ideal image of a ninth user that I have in my mind. I'd already decided that Bakugo wasn't a candidate a while ago. Firstly, I'm not sure that he would ever accept it, wanting to become the greatest hero only through his own power. More importantly, his heart isn't in the right place. I believe without a doubt that he can become an outstanding hero but I don't foresee his personality undergoing a complete turnaround. I expect that he'll always be a bit rough around the edges but he'll learn to suppress that when necessary.

Still, I'm sure there's an aspiring hero somewhere that could carry on the torch of One for All. However, until I can find them, I'll have to focus on developing the students that are in my care now. And the best way to do that would be to finish grading their tests. I make my way back to the main building with my resolve as a teacher freshly renewed.

As I open the door, Midnight bursts through. "Oh, hiya All Might," she exclaims jubilantly. Normally, Midnight is reserved and careful in her movements but right now she's rocking back and forth on her feet with her eyes darting across the sky.

"Good evening, Ms. Midnight. Taking a few tests home, eh?" I gesture at the papers clutched in her hands.

"Wha? I mean, yep. Just doing teacher stuff. Bye now!" she exclaims as she hustles down the stairs.

That was… abnormal. Still, maybe she was just excited for summer break. I feel the same way, excited to prepare new lesson plans for my students. I'm looking forward to it.

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