I opened my eyes and looked around in annoyance. The absence of my consciousness for a small period of time has allowed Ra and Horus to get a headstart.
That didn't matter much, though, and it did not bother me. What really nags me is that little damned Orion could have spoken with Ra, and they may have formulated a plan together!
I stood on the bow of Ra's Sun-ship and thought about what to do, 'I need to somehow get Ra's attention. Killing mortals alone won't do the trick... Yes, perhaps I should kill gods too. He would know that it is a bait, but this plan might draw him out...'
"There is no point in chasing after him anyway," I said to myself. He may be old, but Ra is somehow very fast, he might even be as fast as me. I would be wasting time if I actually went after him myself. My best bet now is to hope that he will get emotional and get out of his hiding.
And hey! That's more killing and destroying for me! The mere imagination of my victims' screams is enough to make my blood boil.
"I'm going to have so much fun!" I said excitedly, "I can't wait!"
After some thought, I decided to start small first, then big; mortals, then gods. I planned to leave some mortals alive, of course, to be my play-things. Killing all of them would be a waste and would actually bore me later on.
I took a deep breath, and then teleported.
In a mortal city, humans did their daily tasks of studying, working, worshipping, and tending to their families and their needs. I could never understand their boring ideology of living such simple and dull lives.
In one of the alleys, I saw a woman dressed in a fancy robe, sitting in a loader that is held by several men of darker skins in tattered clothes. These men were definitely slaves, working for barely any income, and treated badly.
An idea sparked in my mind, a very devious idea. Why should I be the one to destroy them? Watching them kill each other would be more fun, right?
I sent a small part of my flame and burned a part of the loader, breaking the balance of the slaves, causing them to fall off.
The noble woman stood up from her fall, dusted her clothes and started shouting angrily at the slaves, producing a whip and started lashing at them.
With a simple technique, I sent a whisper to the slaves' ears, while being invisible to them, obviously, "How long are you going to stand her tyranny when she controls your life and death? Why would you accept being treated this way? What makes her batter than any of you? Her clothes? Rip them apart! Her status? Torture her in front of everyone and make an example out of her! Don't be so weak, weakness disgusts people, so strike like men of your stature and show them who rules!"
Oh how mortals are easily swayed into a way of thinking. The slaves listened to their 'subconsciousness' and did as I told them. Everyone that day heard the screams of the noble woman as every act of violence capable to humans was inflicted on her.
Other slaves watched, and without my small push, they were inspired and started doing the same to their masters.
But slaves killing their masters isn't the only way of fun. The masters had to join the battles too!
Of course, I whispered some sentences into the minds of the masters; and soon enough, within the same day, war erupted between slaves and masters. Bloods filled the streets, houses were on fire, corpses of both children and adults were scattered everywhere.
No one was spared.
It was a complete rampage.
It didn't end there, however, as word spreads very fast, causing the same phenomenon to happen in several cities.
After three days, ten cities were destroyed. All that from a simple whisper in the ear.
Complete and utter chaos, my favorite scene!
Author Note:
As already announced, the main character's name was changed into "Orion Fistore". Sorry again for the sudden change.
Website: awada141.netlify.app
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