If the issue was just collapsing on the floor of a club, Yagi knew that Forest would not have emphasized the magnitude of the problem. After all, countless drunks fell after having too much. There had to be some more trouble brewing.
"Naturally, the people at the scene were scared, but everyone thought it was best if she was sent to a hospital. However, a man and a woman appeared and claimed to be willing to take her to the hospital since they were friends." Forest said.
"They supported and carried her out of the club, but they were found unconscious in the parking lot later. They had been beaten up, and that party girl was nowhere to be seen. They did not see their attacker, but the theory is someone wanted the overdosed girl." Forest finished.
Yagi frowned deeply. "There is a high possibility the man and woman were colluding with the supplier of the drug. If not, they would not have insisted on taking her, instead of waiting for the ambulance."
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