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55.43% My teenage high school romance comedy can't be this perverted! / Chapter 51: Chapter 51: Sports festival

Capítulo 51: Chapter 51: Sports festival

Beta read by n1ch, Shigiya, Solitary heart and 8kagi

It's a loooooong chapter.

More edits will be added later on.

Edit 1: more than +200 different edits changes done by Shigiya, so round of applause for him, he worked hard for this one.





After I had temporarily paralyzed Kiba, I brought him with me to Azazel and then recounted everything that happened.

"And so, that's the gist of it."

The man in question, Kiba, was already free from his status and was sitting beside me. I could tell that he was grumpy, but at least he was no longer acting like the prince of Kuoh and just had a serious frown with sharp eyes staring at nothing.

Azazel was looking at the picture on Kiba's phone while scratching his goatee in contemplation.

"Well, what do you know, this is indeed an Excalibur." 

"I believe that we've already established that," Kiba muttered, getting annoyed by the stalling.

This caused the Governor to chuckle. "Not in a great mood I see. Don't become another version of Vali, please. He's already a pain in the ass to deal with his constant rebel phase." As if I'll let it happen, the bastards still annoys me.

"Anyways, a bit of a surprise that Hyoudou Issei had come in contact with one of the shards in the past, or at least someone in possession of it. Taking their age into account, I do believe this adds up to the events of the past." 

"What happened?" 

Azazel turned silent for a few seconds before scratching his head. "This is kind of a touchy subject concerning both the Devil faction and the Angel faction. I don't even think the Gremory brat is fully aware of the details of this town's past. Even I had to go through sketchy channels to acquire this information. Tell me, do you know who happened to be the former overseer of Kuoh?"

I leaned forward and pondered on his question. I remembered Rias informing me of the information years ago, but it's been so long that I barely remember it. "All I know is that someone died and they happened to be one of the major clans back in the Underworld."

"Cleria Belial, cousin to Diehauser Belial and Buchou's aunt," Kiba added the missing information. Oh, I recognized her cousin's name, he was the king of Rating Games with his broken power of negating devil powers; Power of Worthless. The perfect counter to people like Riser or even Rias, basically people who rely too much on their clan powers to win. 

"Right you are kid, that lass came here years ago, about the time Issei was about the same age as seen in the picture. Trust me when I tell you that the scandal that happened back then could have shaken the entire world." 




"A devil fell in love with an exorcist and vice versa."



Both me and Kiba reacted in shock at the revelation. After dealing with exorcists and knowing how fanatic they can be; like Freed for example. I would have been in disbelief at one of them becoming friends with a devil, let alone in love with one! A Belial clan member no less!

Relationship of two people from different species being in love and being forbidden to see each other since they belong to different factions that were enemies.

I could already imagine the fallout this news would have created with the two factions. 

"As you may expect, the Vatican wasn't pleased with this piece of news. A heresy of the highest order, a sacrilege to Father's name. So they had no other option but to send a kill unit to assassinate those two, for this union to never happen. You see where I'm going with this?"

Kiba answered instead, "The man to whom the sword belongs to in the picture, and the probable parent of the kid playing with Issei is most likely one of the people who killed Cleria Belial and her lover."

"Exactly, but unfortunately, that is all I know of this topic. You may get more information from Sirzechs or from Michael; if you can get in touch with him that is. With your reputation and affiliation, that's gonna be a challenge trying to get through the church. But don't worry, I can work something out if you want to meet with him?"

"So this is just another dead end," Kiba said, a tinge of anger in his voice.

"Not really," Azazel added. "You see, you both have impeccable timing which if I didn't know better, I would find it extremely suspicious." He grabbed some files from his desk and dropped them in front of us.

"What is this?" I asked, picking up one of the papers.

"Read it yourself." His tone sounded more serious than before.

I wondered at his weird behaviour and opened the folder. It was a report of a recent incident in Italy. The more I read through the paragraphs, the more my eyes widened in surprise. Kiba had a similar reaction as he read alongside me.

"What the…Azazel, are you serious!? Someone stole the Excaliburs!?" What was worse was the detail about the rumours of the Church planning to send two exorcists to Kuoh! Which only meant one thing, they suspected the devils to have been behind the incident or they tracked the culprit here. Both options were terrible news all around.

"Shocking right? This is like indirectly declaring war with the Church and worst of all, the three factions might get involved if it continues to escalate."

"Do you have any suspects?" Since he bothered to show me this then he must have done his research. Azazel would never let such a conflict come to be, he would never endanger his already dwindling race. 




And just like that, the entire room had gone silent.

"We can't get in contact with him, he disappeared a few weeks ago and we know him; he's probably the one responsible for this entire situation." 

Well, things couldn't get any worse now.

…And I just jinxed it.


-Kuoh Academy-


The dull clanging of metal reverberated through the azure sky.

"All right. I've got this one."

Issei said as he promptly caught the soaring baseball with his gloved hand.

"Uuuu! Nice catch, Hyoudou!"

"I'm the best!"

Saji smiled and gave him a thumbs up. The Student Council was practising baseball in the backyard of the old school building where the grass has been removed.

'Next week is Kuoh Academy's 'Ball Tournament'. It's a battle between clubs and Rias wants to win no matter what. Her competitive spirit is growing by the day.'

"We will crush the Occult Research Club, so none of you will laze around!"

So said Sona with a firm voice. Yeah, one of the school's biggest events, the 'Ball Tournament', was closing in. Overall, one could describe it as an event where we play ball-related sports, such as baseball, soccer, basketball, and tennis. These matches include contests between classes and genders, and obviously, there are also some between clubs. Whether or not you belong to a sports club, it's mandatory; naturally, that includes the Student Council. 

What the clubs actually play is announced on the day of the event, we don't know what it will be in the end. When club member numbers differ, the set-up is for fair play, at least number-wise. According to the rules, some sports may require more players, so we need to make sure we have reserves. And in conclusion, everyone was practising sports, likely to arise even more competition. Even the kendo club was practising basketball on the other side of the school.

Today, Rias organised some light exercises for the club. But since we still had some to spare, I came to spectate Sona and her group.

That accursed Gurren Lagann opening song began playing on my phone. Guess it was time I joined the others.

"Wait… aren't I the president of the Service Club? Doesn't that mean…" How could I forget something so important!?

"Aika! Asia! Club meeting!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, startling Sona and the others, but I ignored them as I ran back to my clubroom while sending a message to my clubmates.

"What's wrong with the guy?" Tomoe asked, as she and the rest of her club mates watched Hachiman run to the school.

"He finally remembered that he had a club," Sona answered with a monotone voice. Even if she had to face Hachiman, she wouldn't hold back, no matter her feelings.


-Service Club- 

As it was evening, the sky was beginning to darken. Typically, we spend our time chatting away in the club room or helping people with their problems. Fortunately, both Asia and Aika heeded my message and joined me as soon as possible.

"Welcome back, boss!" Aika screamed in my face while going for a hug which I dodged perfectly.

"Ah come on! You've been gone for nearly two weeks! The least I can have is a hug." She certainly trained her puppy dog eyes, she must have learned it from Asia, because it was starting to work on me.

"I would, only if you don't make it sexual and make things awkward for me." Also because I didn't like when people invade my personal space so suddenly.

"Deal!" Aika once again leaped towards me with her arms open wide, and I didn't move this time. The girl was right, she did deserve a hug for all the work I've put on her. It wasn't fair, she alone was pulling the club and making it float. It was time for me to become active for once.

"Oof!" For her small size, she certainly packed a lot of strength in her grip. But I didn't mind, even when she started to nuzzle my chest.



"Welcome back… Asia and I missed you." She muttered quietly with her face on my chest as her hug became tighter.

I reluctantly returned the hug, the girl had no idea how much I was thankful for her effort in keeping the club running.


I felt another pair of arms behind me, it was Asia pouting at me cutely, looking jealous that I didn't give her enough attention as well.

"You didn't call me or Kalawarna-san when you came back… We were worried." 

I patted her head, "Sorry about that, there was so much going on back then, that I forgot. Can you forgive me?"

She gave me a stern look before changing it into a bright and innocent beaming smile. Maybe it was the sun playing tricks on my eyes but I could see the halo of light behind her smile.

'Huugh! The light! She's too pure for my heart!'

"A-Alright, I forgive you, Hachiman-san." She said, no longer seeming angry with me. She seemed to remember something and came close to my ear and whispered. "Ano… I need your help with Viser-san, I think we can help her now."





"Oooh, that one!" I remembered the day I introduced Asia to the group and we were about to eliminate a stray who shot acid from her boobs. Asia begged Rias to not kill her and we ended up restraining her in our house's basement. I had completely forgotten about her.

I gave the girl a nod, finally freeing myself from the two girls. I was curious about the progress Asia made with the stray. 

"Okay you two, with the emotional reunion is done, we need to make preparations for our club to participate in the school sports event." We needed a plan of attack and some light training on some sports so that Asia can be familiar with them.

"Ummm, what about Akeno-san?"

"Well, she is first and foremost, a member of the Occult Research Club. So, she will most likely end up as our competitor." I didn't want to win this sports event. I wasn't as competitive as Rias and Sona and just wished to get by.

"Tch, oh course she is sleeping with the enemy. Aren't we enough for her?!"

I'm going to ignore that dangerous thought.

My only objective is to avoid last place.


After doing a quick meeting with Aika and Asia, and using the spray bottle on Aika a couple of times. The latter who now kept following me and refused to part ways. We soon reached the gymnasium where Rias and her group were located.

They had already changed into their PE uniforms and practised sports. Training in the morning, lectures at school, practising sports, and Devil's jobs at night… Devils sure did have an endless amount of stamina. Even if I were to become one, I don't think I would put nearly as much work as the people here.

They hadn't noticed our arrival yet. Asia and I sat on the benches, quietly watching them practice.

And what do you know, they were playing baseball just like Sona's team.

"Batting practice is fine now. If it's baseball, then Koneko will be the fourth batter."


Gasper was chosen as a batter.

I'm honestly surprised that Rias was able to get him out of his box. He might as well have been Solid Snake's son, with how much he loved hiding in that box.

"Now! We'll practice a 'knock'! Everyone! Put your gloves on and spread out!"

Rias was certainly in high spirits. She was so energetic and lively that she was basically on fire. She rarely if ever looked like that before the Rating Game with Riser.

"Ufufufu. Buchou likes these kinds of things." Said Akeno while giggling, seeing the fire in her king's eyes.

"I think I understand. "Onee-sama" hates to lose."

As Devils who are fundamentally stronger than humans, on the sports day, they will have to hold back. Unfair? Not really, they couldn't change their nature and even decided to play fair by holding back.

"Even if your brain knows, your body has to as well." Said Rias, trying to sound wise in her words. 

Theory and practicality may be one of Rias' favourite subjects, but it didn't mean she was good at it. Still, she did well enough.

"Here, Gasper! Here I go!"

"Waaaaaa! The ball is too fast!" Despite what the dhampir shouted, Rias gently threw the ball at an arc.


"Haaan! Aaau-aaau-aaau… Aah!" He missed… terribly. It was honestly embarrassing to see.

The ball went through Gasper's legs. Needless to say, his sports senses were below exceptional. 

"Gasper! If you fail to catch it, go fetch it!"

"Too m-much wo-work!" He complained, clutching the bat close to him. Honestly, if I didn't know any better, I would've believed that he was a cute girl. It's Totsuka all over again.

I hope I don't go down the Gasper route, I'm not ready to take that step. 

"I won't return your PFP if you don't participate."


Again, since the Raiser incident, Rias started to show a lot of concern about matches. She seemed to really regret her loss of composure with Raiser; even if she won in the end. It was a Devil pride thing for her, if I wasn't there… then she would have let everyone down. That was something she could never let happen ever again.

"Next is Yuuto! Here!"


Rias threw the ball to Kiba. 


Unlike yesterday, Kiba didn't look like he was about to kill someone. We had an understanding, Kiba wasn't a fool to ignore the signs of something big happening in Kuoh. So we agreed that he'll get his thoughts together and actually ask Rias for help. Even if she refuses, I'll be there for him as a backup.


As expected, he hit a home run.

"Nice going, Yuuto!" Rias and Akeno cheered to the now flustered Knight.

"Auuuuu, can… we… get a break, Buchou? I'm dying here!" Gasper cried out with comical tears. He wanted to go back to his hikikomori hole and play some RPGs.

"Alright, one hour break everyone!"

Oh, she picked up a baseball manual. Rias tends to read when things come up. Quite a bookworm she is. At home, she reads some complicated and unnecessary texts. It wouldn't hurt her to just look up the rules online. For someone obsessed with Japanese culture, she certainly was not that attuned to modern technology. I don't even think she used her phone outside her devil work.

She didn't even have any games inside it!

Yes, I've checked. It wasn't hard to guess her password.

"Ara ara. I see we have guests~" They finally noticed our presence.

"Yo." I gave them a lazy salute.

"G-G-Good morning!" 

"Hachi-kun!?" Rias stumbled and nearly dropped her book on baseball plays. "Where have you been yesterday!?"

"Azazel. Had some stuff to work on, sorry about that." Even with my explanation, she was giving me the stink eye. Guess she really wanted that bath, huh…

Akeno didn't seem to mind my absence as came over and kissed me, much to the dismay of those present in the room. I could feel several glares at me.

"Akeno, can we talk for a bit later on? It's a bit important." The kiss thing was bugging me a bit, I just wanted to put it out of my head for good.

"Sure, you know what?"


"Recently, Buchou started reading a manual on love." She said while snickering, moving to sit next to me and burying my arm between her breasts. I felt Asia sit closer to me after that, I didn't mind it but did she have to wrap herself around my arm. 


"…A love manual?" I gave Rias a 'Are you for reals?' look. She just avoided eye contact with a heavy blush on her cheeks.

"We can teach her the basics together, fufufufu~" Knowing her, she was definitely not joking around.

"Should I be worried about sleeping around you two now?"

Akeno began to laugh, while Asia was blushing like a tomato at my comment before passing out from her intense imagination.

"Ufufufu. Hachi-kun, you don't have to worry about it. It'll be alright. You'll enjoy it as much as we do."

That's not what I meant, woman.

"Okay, break time is over! Akeno, come back here!" Rias called her back hurriedly, not wanting her Queen to say anything else.



The 'Ball Tournament' was approaching. Aika, Asia, and I both trained slightly earlier this morning. Asia wasn't a sports person at all, while Aika was a good runner but that's it for her. Though I wished that she didn't keep posing in weird ways, or had Asia follow her lead, it was too much for me. Other than that mishap, this would indeed be a challenge.

"Club-room today as well?" Katase asked, munching on a squid sausage. She and Murayama both joined me for lunch. I honestly can't remember when was the last time we ate together. I once again realised how little time I spent with my peers at school. If I want to make any progress towards a normal life in the future, I need to get along with some people aside from my friends.

"Don't talk with your mouth full and yeah , training for the tournament. My club is… not the most gifted in sports."

"True, I can't imagine little Asia playing an intense sport. Though she would look very cute in gym clothes if she did."

"Yeah." Murayama agreed with her friend.

I didn't want to accidentally confirm that she does look cute in the gym uniform, otherwise they might start asking to many questions




"Hachiman, are you in the Yakuza?" 


Cough! Cough! Cough!

I sprayed my drink on the table and nearly choked from it. I gave these two girls an incredulous look asking them where they got such an outlandish idea!

"Wh…what are you talking about?"

Murayama looked uncomfortable and Katase talked in her place instead.

"Well, this was a long time ago. Murayama here said she once saw you walking down the streets covered in blood and injuries. I believe it was during the entrance ceremony." 

That long-ago!?

Wasn't that the day I fought Bawler?

'Vritra, help me out here!' I needed a believable explanation.

'Tell them you fell down some stairs.'

'What? That's a terrible lie! Can't you come up with anything better!?'

'Oi, I am a dragon who values honesty and integrity above all else… except in battle of course. I never lied nor have I tried to. A waste of time that only invites more trouble in the future. Just tell them the truth, but with less detail.'

Come on!

I quickly came up with an idea.

"You misunderstood. I was walking in pitch-black darkness that night and fell down a flight of stairs. Me working for the Yakuza? Psht, don't get such stupid ideas, I'm just a regular kid. The last thing I want is to get entangled with rumours about the Yakuza. Well would you look at the time, I need to go back, we have a lot to prepare in the club." I freaking used the stair excuse, this was my worst attempt at lying!

If I had looked back, I would have seen Katase giving me a suspicious look while Murayama looked worried about me.


"Hey, you two. Finished lunch?" I approached my two club members to call them back for training.

"Asia, our boyfriend is calling us."

The glasses-wearing succubus said so with a perverted face.

"B-b-b-boyfriend!!? Our!?!?"

Flustered. I've never seen her like this before. Well, any girl would get flustered by such a statement.


"Ah, come on boss. Give us some loving~ Haven't we been working hard~? Don't we deserve some sugar~?"


Asia covered Kiryuu's mouth with both hands to stop her from saying anything more embarrassing.

"Aaaah! Please stop, Kiryuu-san! Let's go to the club right now!" She dragged the pervert forcefully out of the cafeteria, a blush still present on her face.

Good work Asia, you are indeed growing to handle Aika on your own. Now if we could stop her from making lewd hand gestures in front of everyone.


After another… lacking performance from my club mates, I decided to catch a break on the rooftop. I remembered calling Akeno up there for a talk about the kiss.

"You seem tired." She said once I've reached the place.

"Yeah well, trying to prepare for the sports event ain't easy. I didn't have time to prepare before, so I'm doing everything as fast as I can." 

I felt her hand ruffle my hair lovingly, even after all these years, she still knew how to calm my nerves down.

"It'll be alright, Hachi-kun. I know it's not easy to be a president of a club, but I see Rias work hard every day. All you need to do is have fun while managing the Service Club. And don't worry about the sports tournament, even if you place last, would that really matter? I'm sure neither Aika nor Asia-chan cares about that. They just want to enjoy playing along with their friends and you."


Sigh, she was right… I was putting way too much thought into this. Rushing would only cause more problems than solutions.

"Hey, Akeno… can I ask why did you kiss Rias?" I whispered gently, trying not to look as if I was mad at her. Cause, in the end, I really wasn't.

I knew her personality better than anyone in this world. Not even Baraquiel, her father, knew her as well as I did. There was always something going on between those two. Ever since we were kids, she would tease Rias the same way she did to me. If I was told that she had kissed someone else like say, Sona. Then I would have been truly shocked and confused by her actions, while trying to hold the Sitri heir back from attacking Akeno.

"Because you were taking too long and it was hurting Rias."


"We both know that girl was infatuated with you for a while, she worked very hard to earn your approval. I love you Hachiman, I really do, but you can be extremely slow at times; despite your sharp mind. Before  the Rating Game, I thought you would never take the first step… so decided to take the lead instead."

"So…, where does this leave us?" I asked, my throat starting to feel dry.

"The same place we have always been, together. I understand that you may be angered by my actions, but it was something I found to be necessary. And just I said to Rias if you aren't willing to form your harem; then I will form my own. You two are mine and no one else's. But if you wish to have some space for yourself… then as much as I hate to say it… I'll agree to it. I'll wait for you to forgive me one day."

Love is a crazy thing, it takes different forms and meanings in both the worlds I've been to. For the longest time, I adhered to my previous beliefs, of there being only that special someone for me and no one else. I wished for something genuine, to have an open and honest relationship and Akeno filled that criteria long ago. 

After experiencing so many near-death experiences, I was done hesitating and holding back. I trust Akeno with my life, and my newest wish… is for her to be happy. And who am I kidding, I also had budding feelings for Rias and it was bound that something would happen between us. That girl was the definition of stubborn, she would have never given up on me.

"Wait." I grabbed her hand. "Who do you take me for? A fragile vase whose heart breaks at the smallest inconvenience? Do I look that naïve to you? Need more space from you? Stop messing with me, I have already suffered enough back in my last mission, the last thing I want is some alone time from the people I love." I brought her closer to me while glaring at her, which only made her smile.

"Your harem? I refuse that notion, and I am taking a page out of Issei's book. I'm taking you both." Wow, did I just say that? Guess the moment was getting to me…

But I won't take the words back.

"Mmph" I felt a pair of lips close on my own. It was a gentle one, not filled with lust or desire. But with passion and joy.

"Too late, if you want to make this your harem… then, you'll have forcefully claim it from me. For now, I'm the one wearing the pants in this relationship." That mischievous smirk, that smug tone, this girl was asking for it and she knew that.

"Then it's on."

"Fufufu, you will lose, Hachi-kun. I am a Fallen, after all. We never lose when it comes to love."

Then I'll prove her wrong.

"There's a first time for everything."

Back in the club, Rias dropped her pen and felt an intense shiver go up to her spine. As if two dangerous beasts looming over her head.


-Occult Research Club-

"Can't you two ever settle things in a civil manner"

When we entered the room, the other members were already there and some didn't belong to the club here as well.

It was Sona, having some kind of standoff with Rias.

These two never learn.

"Yes, let's get along."

Rias replied, looks like they came upon some sort of agreement. I wonder what it was.

"Rias, I will be looking forward to the 'Ball Tournament'."

Sona said with a smile before she left the room. Not before smiling at me and giving me good luck.

"Yo, Hikigaya! Can't talk much, but I promise to defeat you to prove my strength to Kaichou!" Issei said that right into my face, giving me a challenging look.


"Uhhh… good luck?" Apparently, my response was taken negatively by the guy.

"Acting so smug already!? I'll show you, bastard! I trained for this moment for my entire life! I won't lose a sporting match to you!"

I see…

"Good luck again," I said before closing the door on him. He was motivated to defeat me, wasn't he?

"You two certainly get along well, Hachi-kun," Rias said, watching the interactions between Issei and me.

"You think so? I don't know about that…" Maybe it was because we were hosts of dragons which were known to be an extremely competitive species.

"Are you prepared for the sports tournament?"

"No, we'll just cheer you on from the side."

That earned a smile from everyone in the room, even Kiba looked better than last time.

"Then we'll have to win if you do so." He said.



The sound of the start of the ball tournament echoed in the sky. From today's weather broadcast, it's going to rain in the evening. Please don't rain until the tournament finishes. Or we can go home earlier if that's the case.

As if the weather god will listen to my plight.

[Matsuda-kun of the "Photography club", Hoshimachi-sensei is calling you. Can you please come to the teacher's room immediately and please bring your camera along as well.]

Someone was in trouble and to no one's surprise, it was one of the perverted duo.

The PA which is placed throughout the school ground was making announcements endlessly. All of us had to get changed into our PE uniform and gathered at one place and were resting up till the start of the match. 

But the club matches were at the end. First of all, there were the class matches. I think my class is going to compete in the baseball event. I, Aika and Asia also have to participate in it. The practice we did after school wasn't in vain. 

After that, there was a match between the genders. 

Then after lunch, there was a match between clubs. I did some light exercises as a warm-up. Asia was stretching with the help of Aika, who was surprisingly limber. 

Bad thoughts were coming this way…

Retreating from my thoughts, I focused on the other side of the field, Rias was helping Akeno stretch and attracting a lot of attention. Koneko-chan was sitting on the plastic mattress on the ground reading the rule book for ball games. Kiba was trying to survive the horde of fangirls surrounding him and sending me distress signals for a help and rescue mission; which I completely ignored of course.

I would've been swarmed as well if I intervened.

I saw Rias smirk at something Akeno said. I couldn't hear it from so far away and my spell would just get drowned by the sea of people speaking around me.

"Tennis!" The announcement came.

I only had a bad feeling about this.


-Tennis court-

"Gremory-senpai!! You can do it!" Aika screamed out loud.

My group was cheering for Rias from the tennis court fence. Issei and Sanji were crying tears of joy looking at the girl's tennis outfits. The thigh you could see from the mini-skirt was lewd as expected from this world! Rias was representing the girls of her class and was competing against other senior girls.

"Kaichou-samaaaaa! Kyaaaa!"

The girls around me were shouting in shrill voices. Yes, Rias's opponent was none other than the student president, Sona.

Rias wasn't the only one to look good in the outfit.

"Ufufufu. It's wonderful that we can see a match between High-class Devils in a place like this."

Akeno, who at some point joined me, was also enjoying watching it beside me. 

"This is going to end badly, you know that, right?" I warned her.

"Yes, I can't wait for it to happen!" I should have known.

The match started.

"Here I come, Sona!"

"Yes, you may, Rias!"

Both of them were exchanging words like that, and they were both really into this match. It looked like a situation in a sports-comedy manga! Even I was getting fired up just looking at them!

"Kaichouuuuu! Please winnnnnnn!"

Ah, Saji was also cheering on the fence opposite of me. He was even swinging a flag that had the writing 'Student Council' on it. Issei was holding an equally big flag with a headband with her face engraved on it. 

"I believe in you!!!"

Sona didn't listen to those two and focused on her oldest rival.

"Take this! Shitori-style spin-ball!"

'What kind of cringy ass name is that!? This isn't an actual anime fight!' 

'Don't we also call out our attacks whenever we use our Sacred Gear?' Vritra commented.

'That's different!'

The ball Sona had just hit went rushing towards Rias.

"You are too naïve! Take this Gremory-style counter!"

Ugh, not you too you redhead weeb! At least choose a better name!

"Fufufu, you're making a funny face~" Akeno meanwhile was having the time of her life from her friends' cringy antics.

Rias tried to hit it back with her racket, but the ball changed its direction and went down! 

'Wait, are they using magic in public!?'


"Noooooo, it's Kaichou's point!" Shut up Issei! I'm freaking out here with the blatant use of magic in such a crowded area!

'Vritra, mind wipe everyone here!'



"You are doing well, Sona. To be expected from my rival."

"Ufufu. Rias, you haven't forgotten the promise where the loser has to pay for a full course meal at Saizeriya, have you?"

Can I join if that's the case?

"Yes, I haven't. It will be my shame if you taste that before me. That's why I will definitely win! Did you know that I have 108 styles of magic ball?" Did she copy that from me?

"I will accept that challenge. I will hit back all the balls that come into my 'Shitori-Zone'."

I wouldn't be surprised if one of them shouted Bankai at this point.

I don't know why but both of their eyes were burning with determination. 


…Oh god I hate my life.

It's Zaimokuza all over again.

"Fufufufufu Hahahaha!" Akeno was already on the floor rolling around and laughing like a madwoman.

In the end, they both lost.



"This is heaven!" I heard Issei and Saji shout in the back.

I was a bit shocked after seeing what Asia was wearing. It was not the school's PE uniform shorts but a bloomer… Before the start of the club matches, Asia suddenly disappeared, and when I thought she came back she was wearing a bloomer. 

I already knew who the culprit was.


"Yes… Kiryuu-san told me that it would make you happy." She said meekly. "You don't like it?"

"Do YOU like it?" I asked.

She looked a bit embarrassed but nodded nonetheless. "Yes… it looks cute and is easier to move in."

I felt something burst inside me from the cuteness overload!

"Then I don't mind it." I tried to keep my composure and look as cool as possible.

I felt someone hug me from behind, where their hands started to rome over my chest. 


"I knew that you would like it! I was aware that you couldn't keep your eyes off me when I was wearing the bloomers."

"I don't know what you are talking about" I didn't notice how those bloomers made her legs look amazing. Even if I push myself to give her a simple compliment, she'll never let it go.

I'm truly a gentleman.

"Hachi-kun! I will reward you if you work hard!" Akeno said out loud, blowing me a kiss, with Katase and Murayama cheering along with her. And with the way Aika was hugging me, I might as well be dead six times over with all of the death glares the males were giving me.

At this point, I didn't care about them and returned the gesture with a smirk and a big fat middle finger.

Fuck all of you!

She's my girlfriend, so suck it up!

"I definitely can't lose! Kaichou's breasts are mine!"

"Oi, shut it Hyoudou! They're mine, not yours!" Both Issei and Saji were back at it again.

"They belong to none of you perverts!" Oh, looks like Sona snapped at the idiots.


I looked down and saw Asia hold my hand. "We'll win!" She said cutely huffing from her nose. "A-And I have a reward as well!"

Awww, just being in your presence was good enough for me.

"Me too~!"

Away with you, you succubus! You're ruining Asia's innocence!

"I'm counting on you! Let's put this as a team!"

What I got out was a headband, which had an embroidery 'Service club' imprinted on it. It was handmade by Issei. 

The guy gave me a sheepish look when he handed it to me, "Uhhh, I had some remaining materials left and decided to do one for your club as well… and also as a thanks for helping me out." 

I was touched by his gesture. Despite being a pervert he certainly had his good points. "Thanks, man, but we're still going to win."

"Bring it on!" He screamed while being tagged with Saji.

"Ara, you got one as well?" Akeno said.

"Yes, Issei is more skillful than I thought. It's well made."

"Hehehe. I was secretly practising."

"Students, please get into position for the three-legged race!" The referee announced.

"Are you ready, Asia?"


The referee came near the track. "On your marks. Get set. Go!"


"Let's start by walking," I said as we started slower than the rest. It was important to start steadily and slowly increase our pace.

Our pan seemed to work as we slowly started to pass the other contestants.

Many of those who started fast fell due to their uncoordinated movements.

That included Issei and Saji, who weren't comfortable being so close to each other. Tomoe and Momo were taking a lot of pictures of those two.

"We're doing it!" Asia was extremely excited as she saw us taking the lead.

"Heh, Service Club for the win."

And just like that, we won the race.

I really enjoyed these last few days. It gave the feeling of being normal once again. No enemies trying to kill me, no crazy goddess, and no crazy lunatic running around with a sword in hand ready to stab me.

Kiba himself had a genuine smile on his face. He had temporarily put aside his vengeance for the day and focused on his club members exclusively and had some fun. 

Even Vritra had some comments on his behaviour. 

'The boy is on the brink of unlocking his full potential… he is nearly there.'

True, let's hope nothing too crazy happens these next few days… or at least I don't end up nearly dying again.

'One can always wish for the impossible, partner.'

Did I mention how I hated his newly formed snarky attitude lately?



In the middle of the night, heavy rain fell on the remote corner of Kuoh.

On a street where a puddle of blood was forming, stood a single person overlooking the corpse of a giant chimaera lizard stray.

"N…no, I can't...die here"

"Repent for your sins, devil. You are a scourge that will bring humanity to its downfall. Let my swords bring divine punishment upon you!"

"…Hurgh… I beg you… Please don't… I can't anymore..." The monster helplessly tried to crawl away.


Faster than the eye could track, a sword stabbed right through the monster's skull, releasing a high amount of holy energy destroying the beast from the inside out.

If Hachiman or Kiba were to see the sword, they would recognize it as being none other than Excalibur rapidly; one of the seven shards of the original Excalibur.

The figure turned out to be a young blonde woman with golden armour holding two swords while wearing a cloak to block out the rain. One being the Excalibur she just used and another other one being…

… A rapier.

"I wonder how Tobi is doing?"


The next 5 chapters of Snafu and my 2 Fate fics are already available on my P@treon. With 4 more Broly chapters at /NimtheWriter.

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