"Give it to me yourself, or do you want me to search for it on your body?" Xin Bei asked staring straight at her.
Hearing that, Cao Wenxin couldn't believe her ears. However, she didn't feel offended at all, but flushed again.
Xin Bei waited for a few seconds. Seeing Cao Wenxin still standing there, he said, "You remain silent, so then I guess I'll search your body." Saying that, he stepped forward.
"I'll give it to you." Cao Wenxin gave up at once. She took out the porcelain bottle from her pocket and Xin Bei grabbed it at once, then applied the medicine to the cut on her finger.
Seeing Xin Bei being so cautious, Cao Wenxin's heart pounded fast and she enjoyed it very much.
Once the liquid medicine was applied to Cao Wenxin's injured finger, she felt the flow of coldness into it. Within seconds, the pain was reduced, the wound stopped bleeding and the cut healed too. There was only a light mark left on her finger, like a scar.
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