Though he was somewhat surprised by Vahn's words, the Jade Emperor just issued an amused chuckle before extracting his hand from the former's grasp. Then, with a relaxed smile on his face, he remarked, "It's unfortunate. I was sincerely hoping you would become an affiliate of the Jade Palace in the future. Now, it seems our positions have been reversed..."
While other gods of his level might have been upset to discover someone was more powerful than them, the Jade Emperor wasn't known as the God of Benevolence without reason. He was also one of the few gods that carried the fate of being replaced at some point in the distant future, so, while others did everything in their power to remain relevant, he preferred to enjoy the time he had left.
Unfortunately, even if he proposed the idea of an alliance with the Sage Dragon's Hearth, the Jade Emperor knew his court would never agree. Many within the Jade Palace shared the same mentality as gods in other pantheons. They genuinely believed they should rule over all other pantheons, so, while things were relatively peaceful in the present, there were always people pushing to take over and dominate the Little Garden.
Understanding the futility of pursuing an actual alliance, the Jade Emperor adopted a faint smile as he removed a jade ring from his right ring finger. This caused a concerned expression to develop across the face of his wife as she was the only one, sans the Jade Emperor himself, that understood the ring's significance.
"Please, accept this gift as a gesture of fellowship. Circumstances make it difficult for me to openly address you as my equal so I hope this might serve as a physical representation of my desire for the Jade Palace and Sage Dragon's Hearth to remain on good terms..."
As an Emperor himself, Vahn understood the Jade Emperor's circumstances better than most. The god's benevolence was actually his weakness, as, much like Ouranos, he was more of an arbitrator than a true ruler. His Empress, Xiwangmu, literally had more sway in the Imperial Court than he did as he left most decisions to his Ministers, Courtiers, and children.
Accepting the ring, Vahn returned a smile as he placed it on his right index finger. The ring fingers of both of his hands were already occupied, and, while it was possible to wear more than one ring on a single finger, he preferred not to.
Seeing Vahn don the ring without even questioning its function, the Jade Emperor's smile became notably more affectionate. Most Deities, especially those near the pinnacle of their pantheon, were extremely paranoid. It said a lot about Vahn's character that he was willing to both accept a don a gift without question. This was especially true in the East, as, compared to the other three Cardinal Districts, their mastery over seals was second to none...
As they didn't actually have anything to discuss, Vahn only spent a few minutes within the Jade Emperor's throne room before emerging to find Fenrir curled up in her wolf form while Mikoto used her inordinately fluffy fur as a pillow. They immediately noticed his presence and jumped to their feet while Vahn passed an amused gaze over the Jade Girl and Golden Boy. The peculiar duo had been eyeing his companions with a similar intensity to children in a pet store.
Surprising the duo, Vahn summoned two Companions from the preserve located beneath the Sage Dragon's Hearth. The first looked like a pink rabbit with a white underbelly, sapphire-like eyes, and accents of pale green on the interior of its ears. The second resembled a relatively normal fox, but, similar to the pink rabbit, it was small enough to easily sit in the palm of one's hand.
Proferring forth the two Companions, Vahn adopted a fatherly tone as he said, "I may not be able to give you my companions but I can provide you the opportunity to rear your own. So long as you treat these two well, they will become your most reliable allies in the future."
Without explaining the powers and abilities of the pocket-sized partners, Vahn gifted the rabbit to Yunu while offering the fox to Jintong. The former, quite literally, squealed in glee while the latter, despite putting on a stoic front, couldn't help smiling when the diminutive fox pounced up to his shoulder and nuzzled against him like an affectionate kitten. This continued for the better part of a minute before the duo finally recalled they were supposed to show Vahn and the girls to one of the Jade Palace's many guest pavilions. There, they idled about for several hours until one of the Palace Stewards, an elderly man with white hair, bushy brows, a full beard, and jade-green clothing came by to respectfully inform them that the banquet would be commencing on the hour...
Though Zao Shin's Immortal Banquet was an annual event intended to determine the ranks of Gods in the Jade Palace, only the top 100, their guests, and people who had received an invitation from the Jade Emperor were allowed to attend.
After being guided to a stadium-sized banquet hall, complete with an elevated platform that served as an arena, Vahn was shown to one of the tables nearest the steps separating the dining area from two magnificent thrones fashioned from jade and gold. This was noticed by nearly every God in the hall, and, as could be expected, they immediately began to talk amongst themselves when they saw him occupy one of the most coveted positions within the hall.
Unlike the banquets Vahn was familiar with, every guest was given their own low-lying table to sit at. This was purely for hierarchal purposes, and, the closer you were to the Jade Emperor's throne, the higher your status in the eyes of others. As for why there were separate tables for every single guest, it was due to the fact that most Gods affiliated with the Jade Palace were extremely prideful and individualistic. They could not lower themselves to sharing a table with people they believed to be beneath them, so, with the exception of close family and friends, most Gods elected to sit alone.
Noticing the gazes of nearly everyone in the hall focusing on him, Fenrir, and Mikoto, a relaxed yet 'hungry' smile developed across Vahn's face. The two girls had transformed into their human forms, and, as could be expected, their appearances garnered a substantial amount of attention. Fenrir, in particular, was receiving a number of greedy and possessive looks as every single person in the hall could sense her remarkable affinity with Yin Elemental Energy.
One of the things Vahn had always disdained about cultivation novels and related media was the concept of a 'cultivation furnace'. Yin Elemental Energy was one of the most powerful supplements for a male cultivator's body, so, more often than not, the women in cultivation novels were reduced to little more than convenient tools by those seeking to increase their strength. There were very few stories with female main characters, as, unless they were born with tremendous power, it was simply impossible for them to ascend to the peak without the protection of a powerful sect.
With Fenrir's recent breakthrough, the quality and quantity of her aura had increased by several orders of magnitude. Before, it would have taken someone with an inordinately high Yin affinity to sense the energy contained within her body. Now, due to her inexperience with controlling Divine Energy, she was basically a beacon that screamed 'my body was made for dual cultivation'.
Fortunately, it was considered extremely rude and improper to leave your assigned table and pester the people at another. Thus, while Vahn, Fenrir, and Mikoto were garnering a considerable amount of attention, no one attempted to approach them. Instead, they remained at their seats, calculating and licentious looks on their faces as they bided their time until the second stage of the banquet...
Suppressing the urge to unleash the Lightning of Tribulation on everyone gawking at her, Mikoto's ahoge twitched as she grumbled, "Why are men in power almost always perverts...?"
As a man in power, Vahn couldn't help smiling wryly in response to Mikoto's remark. He had never even considered forcing himself on an unwilling partner, a stark contrast to nearly every other God present, but he would be lying if he said he wasn't a pervert. It was hard not to be when his harem was filled with remarkably beautiful women who could turn the heads of everyone in the Heavenly Domain...
"Look on the bright side. It won't be long before you're able to teach them a very harsh lesson..."
Hearing Vahn's assurance, the scowl on Mikoto's face gradually eased into an expectant smile. She would never admit it but everyone around her knew she was a battle junky. Vahn had brought her to the banquet for this exact purpose, as, in accordance with the regulations of the Imperial Court, challengers would need to prove themselves against a person's entourage before they could hope to challenge the person directly.
As a Tier 5 entity, Mikoto was more than a match for nearly every God in the Heavenly Domain. The Jade Emperor could probably give her a run for her money, but, as a non-combatant, the odds they would face each other were astronomically small. After all, Mikoto would need to defeat every other God present just to gain the right to challenge him. She had more than enough power to do so, at least on paper, but there was no way of knowing what kind of tricks her opponents would pull out.
Immortal cultivators, especially those that had ascended to Godhood, were extremely crafty.
As that thought crossed his mind, Vahn's attention was drawn to the entrance along with nearly every other person in the hall. This included Fenrir and Mikoto, who, upon seeing the person that had just arrived, became extremely alert.
With a height of 185cm and a body that emphasized her secondary sexual characteristics to the extreme, the newest arrival to the banquet hall was able to silence everyone in the room with her beauty. This included the females present, who, much like Fenrir and Mikoto, immediately shifted their attention to the woman's sizeable bust, long legs, and toned thighs. This was made easier by the fact that the woman was wearing a skintight bodysuit that left very little to the imagination...
While everyone was gawking at her, the woman, possessing ashen hair and amber eyes was passing her gaze over each of every person present within the hall. When her gaze met Vahn's, a very subtle smile developed across her face before promptly disappearing a moment later. Then, at the behest of the Palace Steward escorting her, her inordinately long legs, accented by 10cm heels, carried her to one of the tables located on the opposite side of the path dividing the hall.
Voicing the thought that had just crossed Vahn's mind, Fenrir muttered, "That woman came here to hunt you..."
Nodding his head in confirmation, Vahn maintained a nonchalant smile as he commented, "She's quite powerful as well. If either of you ends up fighting her, make sure to go all out from the start. The aura she gives off is remarkably similar to Scathach. Don't underestimate her."
Though Fenrir nodded her head in understanding, Mikoto nearly caused Vahn to do a spit take as she remarked, "That woman's body is absurd. Even without seeing it directly, I can tell she has an even bigger butt than Asuna. You better not go easy on her just because she has a big ass..."
After sensing the power contained within the woman's body, Mikoto wasn't too opportunistic about her chances of emerging victoriously. In other words, it was only a matter of time before she and Vahn encountered each other in the arena. Mikoto didn't know why she was searching for him, but, seeing the woman's extraordinary physique, it wasn't difficult to imagine how things might turn out. After all, Vahn might be an amazing person, but he was still a pervert...
Understanding Mikoto's thoughts, Vahn's smile gradually faded into a deadpan. The saddest thing about the situation was that he couldn't even refute her. The only person that knew him better than himself was Sis, and, as she could attest, there was no way he would be able to refuse the advances of such a remarkable beauty. With the exception of her hair color, the woman checked off each and every one of the preferences he had built over the past three hundred years. He may not add her to his harem, but, if she provided him the opportunity, he would readily sample what lays beneath her skintight bodysuit. His Sex Divinity hadn't exactly manifested out of thin air...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'The Jade Emperor is a pretty chill fella...','Swines coveting swan meat...','At least he's being honest with himself xD...') <-(p.atreon link)
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Shortly after the arrival of the ashen-haired woman, several other notable figures began appearing one after another. This included an effeminate youth, who, contrasting nearly everyone else in the hall, appeared in relatively modern clothes that consisted of a black and white windbreaker, a white undershirt, green shorts, black leggings, and tennis shoes that had flames embossed on their sides. Their hair was done up in strange, almost horn-like twin-tails, and, were it not for the fact they had an open shirt, most people would readily mistake the youth as female.
Though he wasn't sure what he had expected, Vahn was moderately surprised when he heard one of the youth's companions, another effeminate youth with snowy-blue hair and diminutive dragon horns, refer to them as Nezha. They were trying to tell Nezha not to cause any trouble, but, almost as soon as these words left their mouth, the androgynous teen's crimson eyes settled on the ashen-haired woman seated at a higher position than he was.
"Who the hell are you?"
As everyone in the hall had been wondering the same thing, none of the Gods that would normally rein in Nezha bothered to say anything. In response, the ashen-haired woman gazed at him with an impassive, clearly false smile as she answered, "My name is Vor Valkyria. It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Nezha."
Hearing the woman refer to Nezha as 'Lady', Vahn, for the first time in centuries, had to question his eyesight. He became even more confused when Nezha adopted a scowl before kicking the table in front of the woman and exclaiming, "I'm the Third Lotus Prince! How dare you refer to me as Lady!" with a visible flush on their cheeks. This caused the pale-haired youth standing behind him to palm his forehead while everyone else watched on with visible amusement in their eyes.
Despite having a table kicked into her face, completely ruining the neatly organized spread of tea and entrees, Vor hardly reacted to Nezha's provocative actions. She didn't even blink when a bit of oyster sauce got in her eye. Instead, she just stared impassively at Nezha as she stated, "I apologize if my words have offended you. However, I must ask that you cease your hostility. There is no glory awaiting you at the end of this path."
Rather than staring into Vor's eyes, Nezha's crimson gems were focused on the noodles and liquid pooling in the ashen-haired woman's rather ample cleavage. Her white bodysuit only covered the lower half of her chest. As a result, there was a rather deep line dividing the two sizeable mounds on her chest. A line that was now garnished with egg noodles and pork broth.
With his/her left brow twitching, Nezha appeared as if they were moments away from trashing the entire venue. Before s/he could, a fiery pagoda manifested above them before slamming down and pinning Nezha to the floor. At the same time, a paradoxically heroic yet diabolical-looking man in obsidian-black armor reminiscent of a Chinese warlord appeared within the banquet hall, saying, "I take my eyes off you for ten minutes and you're already trying to start a fight..."
As there were very few people that used a pagoda as their primary weapon, Vahn wasn't surprised when one of the servants cried out, "It's the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King, Lord Li Jing...!"
While numerous stories dedicated Li Jing as a mortal man who had cultivated his way to godhood, others depicted him as one of the Four Heavenly Kings, specifically Vaisravana. Said God shared an origin with Bishamonten, so, while he had later learned all about Chinese Folklore, Vahn had been aware of the existence of Li Jing since before his encounter with Kenshin...
With flames appearing from their feet, Nezha thrashed about beneath the fiery pagoda, shouting, "You damned geezer! If you don't let me go this instant, I'll...I'll...I'll tell Sister Wu to beat you up...!"
Hearing Nezha's threat, Li Jing could be seen visibly paling beneath their horned, multi-tiered war helmet. Despite this, his expression remained stern as he increased the sealing effect of the pagoda and said, "You are mistaken if you think you can threaten me in such a manner. Even if I must suffer a beating, I will do what I must to ensure you behave properly..."
Though Nezha was legendary for their speed and power, the pagoda wielded by his father was one of the greatest sealing artifacts in the Heavenly Domain. It could capture any spirit, demon, or god within its walls, and, so long as the wielder possessed no ill will towards the imprisoned, it was nigh-impossible to escape without achieving enlightenment or vowing to change your ways.
Having spent hundreds of years within the aforementioned pagoda, Nezha's expression darkened as they gradually ceased their struggling. They were far from calm, but, understanding they had no choice but to capitulate, they glared at the ashen-haired Vor and growled, "We'll settle this during the ranking competition..."
Hearing Nezha's words, Vor ceased staring at the pale-haired youth who was standing a few meters away. She didn't really understand why the youthful-looking god/dess was antagonistic toward her, but, as a Valkyrie, she never shied away from a battle. Thus, with a hint of a smile, she stated, "Very well." in an indifferent-sounding yet audibly expectant tone.
Snorting through their nose, Nezha waited until the fiery pagoda weighing them down disappeared before rising to their feet and dusting off their clothes. The pagoda was wholly incapable of causing harm, so, despite feeling as though it weighed more than a planet while active, it hadn't even left an indentation on the carpet.
After flaring the collar of their windbreaker, Nezha turned towards their horned companion before pausing when they noticed how pale the latter had become.
"What's your problem? Need to take a shit...?"
With a rather fierce blush, the blue-haired youth shouted, "Nezha!" with a fretful and remarkably embarrassed expression on their face. This caused a toothy grin to spread across Nezha's face, and, though they were missing one of their canines, they managed to appear friendly and approachable as they teased, "What? It's nothing to be ashamed of~"
Balling their hand into a fist, the blue-haired youth, who Vahn assumed to be Ao Bing, appeared as though they were about to knock Nezha upside the head. Instead, they briefly cast their cerulean eyes towards Vor before promptly turning away and saying, "I'm going..." in a markedly cold tone.
Realizing they may have gone too far, Nezha immediately barred Ao Bing's passage, saying, "Oh, come on, Bing-Bing! You know I was just playing around! Please don't pout...!"
Huffing in response to Nezha's words, Ao Bing attempted to walk around them but Nezha kept blocking the way. Fortunately, just as the temperature around them began to decrease, yet another notable figure appeared in the hall. Ao Bing was among the first to notice their presence, but, soon after, nearly every person in the hall had shifted their attention to the ethereal beauty that had just entered alongside a veritable horde of fair-skinned maidens with hairstyles reminiscent of rabbits...
With luminescent skin reminiscent of moonlight, golden eyes that seemed to draw in everything, and silvery-white hair fashioned into a hybrid style between an Empress cut and rabbit ears, even people unfamiliar with her would be able to identify this particular Goddess. She was considered to be the most beautiful woman in the Heavenly Domain, and, according to many, a candidate for the most beautiful in the entire Little Garden.
"Wow, she really is quite something, isn't she...?"
Hearing Vahn's words, Mikoto was liberated from the momentary reverie she, and nearly everyone in the hall had fallen into. Then, despite knowing exactly who the Goddess was, she asked, "Is that supposed to be Chang'e? What's she doing here...?"
Nodding his head in response to her first question, a smile spread across Vahn's face as he lightly mused, "I would think that's pretty obvious considering the people in her escort..."
As if she had only just noticed the presence of others, Mikoto stared at the group surrounding Chang'e before palming her head and muttering, "Of course..."
While most people in the hall were focused exclusively on Chang'e, one of the young girls standing next to her was searching around the hall. When she noticed Vahn, her face practically lit up as she tugged on Chang'e's sleeve before whispering something into the silvery-haired Goddess's ear. In response, Chang'e immediately looked over, a faint smile developing across her face as she and her entourage made a slow and graceful beeline towards the wryly smiling Vahn.
Seeing the Goddess of their hearts approaching the man they were already envious of, nearly every male God in the hall radiated a not-so-subtle bloodlust. They seemed to have completely forgotten about Nezha, so, as could be expected, the boyish yet apparently female God immediately blocked Chang'e's path, asking, "What are you doing here, Chang'e? You aren't even ranked. This is no place for pacifists and children."
As if only just noticing Nezha's presence, Chang'e briefly shifted her attention from Vahn to look down at the slightly shorter tomboy and answer, "Though I have never used it, the Most Revered and August Matriarch has given me the option to attend Lord Zao's banquet at my leisure. If Lord Nezha would be so kind as to step aside, this little one would greatly appreciate it..."
Though they glared at Chang'e with an expression that resembled someone who had swallowed a bug, Nezha was well aware of the fact their father was currently glaring dagger at them. Thus, after a moment of hesitation, they muttered, "Whatever." before placing their hands in their pocket and walking past the group of rabbit-like girls. Ao Bing quickly followed suit, but, before stepping past the group of Goddesses, they politely cupped their hands and mouthed an apology.
Returning a smile, Chang'e performed a simple curtsy that was emulated by each of the girls in her group before promptly continuing on her way. This caused the hatred of everyone God the room to immediately shift back to Vahn, who, in response to the approaching group, rose to his feet before casually cupping his hands and saying, "This is quite the pleasant surprise. It's a pleasure to see you again, Xiao Yue. And, if I'm not mistaken, I believe you are Chang'e? You are even more elegant and beautiful than the legends dictate."
Having heard similar praises countless times, Chang'e offered a faint smile in response to Vahn's compliment while Xiao Yue, happy to be acknowledged before her mother, adopted a delighted smile as she politely cupped her hands and said, "I am pleased to see you again, Senior. I pray the fates have been kind to you since our last encounter."
Resisting the urge to point out she was likely much older than him, Vahn offered a curt nod and a polite smile in response to Xiao Yue's words. This earned him an inquisitive look from Chang'e, who, even prior to her ascension as a Goddess, had been the center of everyone's attention. She found it odd that he was able to focus on other people when she was less than two meters away from him...
Noticing the subtle change in Chang'e's countenance, Vahn's smile became noticeably wry as he asked, "To what do I owe the pleasure of this meeting...?"
Raising her brows ever so slightly, the curiosity in Chang'e's eyes increased as she remarked, "How peculiar...your words make it seem as though you're in a hurry to be through with this conversation. Does my presence...inconvenience you...?"
Shifting her attention to Fenrir and Mikoto, a hint of surprise manifested within Chang'e's golden, moon-like eyes. She had already sensed Fenrir's Yin constitution, but, now that they were standing less than two meters apart, she could also sense the terrifyingly powerful aura hidden deep within Mikoto's body. It was so potent that, for a brief moment, she felt as though a bolt of lightning had struck her body...
Noticing the shudder that ran through Chang'e's body the moment she made eye contact with Mikoto, Vahn's wry smile eased into one of amusement as he answered, "I would never say your presence is an inconvenience. It's just, this isn't exactly the best venue for a polite conversation..."
Coming back to her senses in response to Vahn's words, Chang'e offered an appreciative smile, stating, "Perhaps not..." before soldering her hands over the center of her chest. A luminescent golden light immediately emerged from her bosom, and, moments later, a pristine white rabbit emitting a similar glow appeared in her embrace as she explained, "This is my beloved pet, Xiao Yu...please take her with you. Once you are available, you need not send anyone to inform us. We will come to you."
As if it wasn't up for discussion, Chang'e handed over the little white rabbit whose name, despite sounding similar to Yue's, meant Jade. Then, without a single additional word, she smiled toward Fenrir and Mikoto before promptly departing the banquet hall with her entourage of rabbit-like girls following close behind...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Nezha is that sporty girl at an all-girls high school that everyone refers to as Prince xD...','Vor is going to fuck you up...','Now that I think about it, Vahn has a remarkable affinity with moon goddesses and rabbits...') <-(p.atreon link)
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