After waiting patiently for the other events to finish, it was finally time for the Javelin Toss to begin. In preparation for this, Fenrir used her [REquip] system to change into an outfit resembling a sports bra and knee-length yoga pants. She didn't particularly care about showing off, but, for the sake of the Sage Dragon's Hearth, she was willing to do her part.
"You're going to pay for silencing me like that. I don't care if the Leader of-"
Without waiting for the long-armed woman to finish, Fenrir used Shundo to effectively teleport from the waiting room. This caused Edema to resemble a woman who had just swallowed a bug, but, before she could do anything they would all regret, the monochromatic Smokie opened her mouth to exhale a plume of smoke that briefly formed the words, 'We didn't come here to fight.'
Clicking her tongue, Edema used her inordinately large hand to create a rather sizeable indentation in the waiting room's wall. She had actually intended to punch through it, but, due to the durability of the material, she barely managed to send a crack from floor to ceiling as Smokie observed her silently from the side...
Similar to the traditional Javelin Toss, the first round of the event measured the maximum distance a contestant was able to throw without the benefit of Gifts. For most, this was well under a hundred meters, but, as could be expected from the highest realm in existence, there were quite a number of outliers.
Though she wasn't the first to blow the competition out of the water, Fenrir earned a considerable amount of fanfare when she appeared in her skin-tight uniform and an ice-covered javelin in hand. Her appearance might not be able to compare with the various Goddesses of Beauty that inhabited the Divine Realm but she could still turn heads with her curvaceous yet athletic figure, shimmering blue hair, inordinately large ears, and fluffy tail.
Feeling the gazes of countless people crawling across her frame, a slightly nauseous feeling began to build in Fenrir's stomach. Fortunately, this wasn't the first time she had appeared in front of a large crowd, so, after a few deep breaths, she cast her gaze to the projection showing the current leader before taking her place at the foot of a 50m track.
While most people would adopt a stance with the javelin above their shoulders, Fenrir surprised the crowd by spreading her legs parallel with the track before arching her limber body in a manner that suggested she was going to toss her javelin without a running start. To some, her form resembled a trebuchet, but, instead of a counterweight, she relied on the stability of her stance and the flexibility of her waist to generate leverage.
In truth, these people weren't too far off. It's just that, instead of standing still, Fenrir took one last breath before raising her left foot, ever so slightly, off the ground. In the very next moment, she was already at the opposite end of the track, her foot less than a centimeter away from the disqualifying line as her body rotated with such force that her foot sank into the ground as if it were soft clay. At the same time, the javelin was released from her paw with such force that it would have melted into slag if not for the nigh-indestructible icy membrane protecting it.
Since it was against the rules to face the throwing direction after releasing your javelin, Fenrir just stood with her arms crossed as she stared up at the projection in the sky. The top three scores at the present moment were 1793m, 104.8m, and 99.7m respectively. She intended to surpass these scores by a landslide, so, even after a full minute had passed, her javelin had still hurling through the sky like a shimmering blue meteor.
To appease the crowd and prevent them from making accusations of foul play, Black Rabbit took it upon herself to explain, "While many of you rely on various Gifts to use magic, the members of the Sage Dragon's Hearth are taught how to convert spiritual energy into mana. In other words, while it might seem a little unfair, Lady Fenrir's use of magic to empower herself does not violate any rules."
Though there were quite a number of people dissatisfied with Black Rabbit's explanation, especially among the other competitors, there was no denying that Fenrir's actions were within the rules. As a result, they had no choice but to wait patiently until, three and a half minutes later, the scoreboard updated to show a ridiculous value of 2,487,080,003.9m.
As she had been looking forward to crushing Fenrir in the competition, Edema couldn't help giving voice to the thought that had crossed everyone else's mind. She wouldn't have been that upset if it was just a few hundred kilometers, but, based on the value shown on the screen, Fenrir would have had to have thrown the javelin at around 3% the speed of light to achieve such a feat.
Snorting through her nose, Fenrir just walked off the field with her head raised and a subtle yet confident sway in her hips. This was merely the result of her using Vis Maxima and a variation of Shundo to transfer her forward momentum into the javelin. It was far from her maximum output, so, if this was enough to shake the competition, she no longer had an interest in competing...
"Holy crap! Does every member of your Community possess such ludicrous strength!?"
Keeping in tune with his previous responses, Vahn just chuckled in response to Typh's outburst before musing, "Who knows~?"
Though she wasn't particularly surprised by Vahn's response, Typh still clicked her tongue before turning away from him with a pout. At the same time, however, she cradled the bag of cookies he had given her as if they were a treasure, eagerly stuffing her cheeks like a chipmunk as she sat less than an arm's length away on the same sofa.
Amused by the Plague Demon's behavior, a silent chuckle escaped Vahn's throat before he rose to his feet and said, "So long as you don't come looking for trouble, you are free to stop by the Sage Dragon's Hearth in the future. My Community has taken a neutral stance, so, unless you give me a reason, I'm not going to go out of my way to wipe you out. Just keep in mind that my services aren't free."
On that note, Vahn surprised Typh by trying to leave the room. He knew Fenrir would be looking for him now that she had effectively forfeited the competition, so, before she could reach his other self, Usalia, and Sarina, he was intending to intercept her so they could enjoy some alone time.
"Hey! Where the hell do you think you're going!? Aren't you supposed to be keeping me captive!?"
Raising his brows at the peculiar question, Vahn resisted the urge to manifest Loi-chan as he asked, "What are you talking about? I just invited you here to have a chat and issue a warning. You're free to go whenever you want. You just won't be able to use your power with malicious intent."
Blinking in surprise, Typh held up her hand to produce a gaseous orange flame. This caused the fire in her eyes to become more prominent, but, the moment her usual urge to cause destruction came forth, the fire in her palm promptly vanished.
"That flame of yours is pretty dangerous. Not only does it cause people to become sick, but it also affects your mind with delirium. If you'd like me to do something about it, feel free to stop by the Sage Dragon's Hearth. I should be able to create a seal that allows you to use your flames without affecting your mind. I can also help out your friends so don't be a stranger."
On that note, Vahn waved in a casual gesture of farewell before promptly vanishing from the room. Fenrir had already reached their waiting room, and, while he had effectively stopped time, he didn't want to keep her waiting.
Seeing Vahn disappear, the words that had been forming in Typh's throat ended up getting caught. This caused her to feel annoyed and frustrated, not because he had spontaneously left, but because she had been looking forward to being held captive by a tyrannical dragon. Vahn had basically been teasing her from the moment she was warped to his side, so, while she had no experience with the opposite sex, Typh couldn't help feeling like she had just been clam jammed.
"That mother-fucker...!"
After failing to get her scoop the previous day, Katana was skulking around the restricted areas of the Colosseum with a camera in hand, audio equipment strapped to her waist, and multiple layers of infiltration gear covering her body. This included a special beret that possessed an effect similar to the Helm of Hades, a Cloak of Invisibly inspired by the mantle of King Arthur, and a special black garter-belt manufactured by Water Nymphs. The first two provided the effects of imperceptibility and invisibility while the latter helped to regulate her body temperature so she didn't pass out and die of heatstroke.
One thing that most people didn't consider when they were using items that granted invisibility was the fact that they prevented your body heat from escaping. High-quality Gifts got around this using various enchantments, but, with her meager salary, there was no way Katana could afford the good stuff. This was the reason she had been pantsless when Vahn arrived, as, even if she left gaps for air to flow, being under a Cloak of Invisibility was similar to covering yourself in a heated blanket.
Fortunately, while he had taken her footage, Vahn had left her equipment intact. This caused Katana to wonder if he had an ulterior motive, so, after biting the bullet and spending all of her savings on a Helm of Hades, she decided to put her theory to the test.
Though her penultimate goal was to get a scoop on the Sage Dragon's Hearth, Katana's dream was to become a Poet. In this regard, Vahn was effectively a Golden Goose. He was powerful, handsome, and, most importantly, completely unknown. She had even scoured the 108,000-page compendium that was constantly updating to reflect the birth of new dragons, yet, even after fingering through it front to back, there was no mention of any dragons named Vahn Aldrnari Mason.
As a member of the Strongest Species, it was only a matter of time before Vahn and his Community rose to prominence. It had only been seven-and-a-half months since he registered his name at the outer gates and he was already promoting the Sage Dragon's Hearth to a 5-Digit Community. Thus, even if she had to spread her legs or perform acrobatics atop Vahn's cock, Katana was willing to do whatever it took to realize her dream.
With this in mind, the false redhead skulked her way through the halls of the Colosseum with every intention of getting caught. Thus, with the exception of her garter belt and the equipment covering her body, she was practically naked. She didn't believe Vahn would be able to simply ignore her if he disrobed her to find she was completely naked, so, after sneaking past a number of physical and magical barriers, Katana took slow and deliberate steps towards his Community's waiting room...
"You really don't give up, do you...?"
Pausing mid-step, Katana's head swiveled like a rusty turret as she looked over her shoulder to find Vahn standing less than three meters away from her. The fact he was peering into her eyes made it pretty obvious her beret and cloak had no effect, so, after a momentary pause, Katana allowed the latter to fall away from her as she heatedly replied, "Not even if it kills me..."
Though he already knew she was naked beneath the cloak, Vahn still raised his brows when he saw Katana reveal her sweaty, noticeably flushed body. She looked like someone who had just finished running a marathon, beads of sweat cascading down her voluptuous body as her chest heaved in response to her panting...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Fenrir has become the bully (U w U)...','Jebaited...','What's next? She shows up wearing dog ears and a butt plug...?') <-(p.atreon link)
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With a disgruntled yet adorable expression on her face, Katana cradled the cup of coffee Vahn had given her while the latter sat across from her with an amused smile on his face.
Vahn would be lying if he said he didn't admire the woman's gumption. However, even if he wanted to give Katana the benefit of the doubt, her nature made it impossible to trust her. If she was given the chance, she would reveal all of his secrets, so, in a way, she was no different from Pweamma. He could tolerate her presence and even enjoy their time together, but, in the end, she was only aiming at him for selfish reasons.
Not that this was inherently bad.
"Listen, you're a beautiful woman. It's just, it takes a lot more than beauty and persistence to sway my favor. The thing I find most attractive is sincerity. I'm not saying you're insincere, but there is a difference between sincerity towards oneself and others. Besides, there is something you need to know about me..."
Squinting her silvery-grey eyes, Katana looked like she was a few seconds away from emptying her coffee onto Vahn's face as she flatly replied, "Enlighten me..."
Maintaining his amused smile, Vahn manipulated Katana's camera to start recording. This caused the look on the journalist's face to turn grim. While it might sound like an exaggeration to others, she valued her equipment more than her life. Without it, performing her job was impossible, and, even if she sold her body for the next ten years, it wouldn't be enough to repay her debts, much less replace her equipment.
"Relax...I'm not going to break it..."
Snorting through her nose, Katana crossed her arms under her now-concealed breasts. Vahn had given her a t-shirt, a strange pair of form-fitting spats, and black pantyhose. When she asked why he didn't give her a skirt or a pair of pants to go along with them, he just smiled, winked, and said, "Who knows~?" before having her sit across from him on an admittedly comfortable sofa.
After recording a good minute or so of the two of them just sitting there, Vahn manipulated the camera to settle in front of Katana before saying, "Play it back. Seeing it for yourself will help you to understand what I'm about to explain."
Furrowing her brows, Katana picked up her camera, and, after confirming it wasn't broken or faulty, played back the recording Vahn had made. When she saw herself sitting alone with a bored look on her face, a sense of incongruency, unlike anything she had ever experienced, washed over her.
If the recording had simply shown her seated across from Vahn with a pout, Katana would have just assumed he used some kind of trick to make himself imperceptible to cameras. Instead, she saw the version of herself in the recording lazing about with her feet kicked up on the table, almost as if she were back in her private room and bored out of her mind.
" this me...?"
Though she was about to accuse Vahn of modifying the footage, the thing Katana found most disconcerting was the fact she had memories of lounging about, alone, in the waiting room. This caused a cold sweat to break out across Katana's body, as, despite knowing she had encountered Vahn numerous times in the past, she couldn't actually recall the exact sequence of events. Like, she knew what he had done, but, the more she tried to remember the exact details, the more she found herself questioning if he had ever been there in the first place...
"Drink your hot cocoa. It will help..."
Blinking in confusion, Katana asked, "Cocoa...?" before staring down at her mug to find the contents were now a much creamier shade of brown than she 'remembered'. She could have sworn she was drinking coffee, but, now that she thought about it more clearly, why would Vahn hand her a cup of coffee to help calm her nerves?
Noticing the fear and confusion expanding in Katana's eyes, Vahn's expression relaxed as he softly muttered, "You're not losing your mind. I just interfered with the flow of fate a bit to make it so that the contents of your cup were never coffee. As for the anomalies in the recording...well, the simplest explanation is that I'm a singularity. I only exist at points in time where my consciousness is present. There are no past or future versions of me, and, even if you were to record my story in painstaking detail, the only beings that can be derived from my Fragments of Origin are those I have created. In other words, I am not the proverbial goose you thought I was. I am simultaneously much more and absolutely nothing at all."
Staring at Vahn as if he had lost his mind, Katana found herself at a loss for words. A minute or so later, an incredulous and slightly nervous chuckle emanated from her throat as she asked, "Are you serious? The way you talk makes it sound like you already possess a Fragment of Origin. Besides, if what you said is true, why are there recordings of you in the Central Network's Archives?"
Since there wasn't really anything she could do with the information, Vahn manifested one of his Fragments of Origin before sliding it over and explaining, "There are a number of reasons for that. First and foremost, the events I have written into history cannot be altered through normal means. Even if you were to go back and find old recordings of my exploits, you would see the effect I have on my surroundings. I take advantage of this by creating a projection of what others believe to be my true form. As for why...well, that's a story for another time..."
In her attempts to rationalize everything Vahn was saying, Katana fell into a long and contemplative silence. It was a lot to take in, but, realizing she couldn't even recall the specifics of their preliminary interview, a depressive atmosphere slowly descended upon the dichromatic journalist.
Much to Katana's chagrin, Vahn found her current state rather amusing. As a result, a light chuckle emanated from his throat. This caused the false redhead to glare at him, asking, "What the fuck are you laughing at...?" in a slightly threatening tone.
Without losing his smile, Vahn just shook his head before explaining, "I just find it a little ironic. The abilities of a Poet basically allow them to influence fate and influence a person's very existence. You are, quite literally, trying to obtain the power to influence reality itself. Don't tell me you genuinely believe it's okay for a Poet to have greater control over a person's existence than the person they're writing about..."
Surprised by Vahn's accusatory tone, Katana's mouth opened and closed a few times as she tried to come up with an excuse to justify the existence of Poets. The truth was, she had never actually put all that much thought into it. She was just infatuated by the prospect of documenting a person's journey and presenting it in a format that people would enjoy. Sure, she might embellish a few facts for entertainment purposes but that was par for the course in her industry. Who would want to read a story without action and drama? Wasn't it better for things to be exciting...?
Amused by Katana's floundering, another light chuckle emanated from Vahn's throat as he adopted a smile and said, "Relax. I never said becoming a Poet was a bad thing. In fact, so long as you agree to never spread falsehoods regarding my family or loved ones, I am willing to support you. It's just, instead of writing my story, you'll be writing the stories of those around me."
With the most sincere look of incredulity Vahn had seen in quite some time, Katana stared at him with her mouth open to the point he could have tossed a lozenge into the back of her throat. She stayed like this for the better part of twenty seconds before blinking several times and asking, "Are you serious...?" in an audibly trepidatious tone.
Rather than immediately answering Katana's question, Vahn allowed his mind to wander to the version of himself that was currently making love to her in a timeline that would cease to exist the moment he vanished from it. He would be lying if he said he didn't find her captivating, so, while she clawing his back in a divergent timeline, the corners of his smile turned up as he softly mused, "I am..."
Though she wanted to ask why he was willing to support her, Katana didn't want to risk changing Vahn's mind. Instead, she pulled out her pen and writing pad, silvery eyes glistening as she began to ask as many questions as she could think of. She wanted to know who he wanted her to keep tabs on, and, more importantly, whether or not he was willing to sponsor her with the necessary equipment...
While his other self was taking care of business in the past, the 'divergent' version of Vahn had a far more lascivious smile on his face as he stared down at the half-conscious beauty writhing beneath him. The spats he had given her were torn at the crotch, and, after a fair amount of foreplay, he had convinced her to let him bestow her with a fluffy black tail and dog ears.
"Tell this the sort of scoop you had in mind when you tracked me down~?"
Feeling Vahn's fingers invade her insides, a sonorous moan escaped Katana's throat as she tightly gripped the sheets beneath her. He was using his fingers to scrape out some of the semen that had filled her insides to the point of making her stomach swell. This would have been impossible with a normal woman, but, after seeing the metal piercings on her nipples, navel, and clit, Vahn correctly intuited that Katana was into some pretty intense plays.
Unfortunately, nothing Katana had experienced could prepare her for a night with Vahn. This was the reason his original had refused her rather obvious advances. Most of the women he slept with simply couldn't live without him, so, as appreciative as he was of Katana's beauty, Vahn didn't want to derail her future by making her dependent on his affection. There was also the fact that she used her looks to loosen the lips of prospective targets, but, as someone who slept with a multitude of women, he couldn't really blame her for weaponizing her sexuality. Instead, he focused on drawing it out to its limits...
"You would make an excellent bunny girl..."
After a brief recess following the morning's events, it was finally time for Sarina to participate in the Horse Race.
Though it was one of the tamer events, the crowd still got a kick out of seeing a swarm of attractive women riding around a track and navigating obstacles atop winged steeds. The people controlling the perspective really knew what they were doing, so, every time one of the contestants performed a hairpin turn or navigated an obstacle that resulted in their stallion slamming its hooves into the ground, the scene would slow down so that everyone could see how the rider's breasts morphed and jiggled in ultra-high definition.
If he were being perfectly honest, Vahn found the setup to be a little shameless, but, considering many of the riders had elected to wear bikini tops, they clearly understood what they were doing when they signed up for the Horse Race. Thus, instead of complaining, he enjoyed the show along with everyone else. The only difference was that he kept most of his attention focused on Sarina so he could console her when she saw that the replay focused on every other contestant...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn is fucking this girl's mind and body at the same time xD...','This is some advanced stuff...','RIP Sarina...') <-(p.atreon link)
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