Realizing it might not be the smartest idea to stick around on a Floor that had just experienced a cataclysm, Vahn promptly abandoned the idea of securing the second Thorn fragment. He currently lacked the power to defeat a Floor Ruler, and, even if he was tempted to try, both the Jahad Empire and FUG were guaranteed to send powerhouses to investigate the area via a Warp Gate. FUG could not risk the Thorn falling into the hands of the Jahad Empire, so, at the very least, they would send a Slayer in to recover it before Jahad's Army could deploy.
Fortunately, by pure happenstance, the Jahad Army had recently been experiencing some turmoil due to their Commander-in-Chief, Adori Jahad, killing several high-ranking officials. There had been no official reason given, but, thanks to Yuri, Vahn knew it was entirely the result of Ureko paying the proud Princess a personal visit. This resulted in a rather destructive battle, one which ended in Adori being spanked in front of several High-Ranking Officers before Ureko fled with a rather ornate pair of panties in hand.
Due to the chaos caused by Ureko's recent actions, the response time of the Jahad Army had been greatly affected. The loss of several Commanders stalled deployments considerably, and, though she hadn't received any official orders, Adori had been pushing her forces into the 76th and 78th Floors in an obvious attempt to pressure and seek vengeance against Ureko. The only reason a war hadn't broken out between the two forces was that Adori didn't have an 'official' reason to send her forces into the 77th Floor. There was also the simple fact that, even if she did give the order to advance, it was far more likely that the forces of Wolhaiksong would emerge victoriously, shattering the long-standing belief that the Jahad Army was 'invincible'.
Even if Jahad personally showed up to deal with Ureko, there was a 'very' real chance that he might not be able to defeat her. This actually went both ways, but, as the uncontested King of the Tower, he couldn't risk exposing the fact that there were people beyond his ability to defeat. It was for this reason that Wolhaiksong had been allowed to grow into an organization that was openly compared to both the Empire and the Workshop without consequences. Had Ureko been even a little weaker, the organization would have been crushed or subsumed long before its rise to prominence.
In the end, FUG had a much easier time recovering the fragment of the Thorn than they otherwise would have. Ureko's recent actions were a contributing factor behind this, but the primary reasons for their success was the support of the Po Bidau Family and the excuse supplied by the Workshop.
Po Bidau Gustang was actually one of FUG's secret Elders, and, as could be expected from someone purported to possess an 'omniscient' intellect, he had developed numerous contingencies against having his memory altered or erased. He had never trusted Jahad, so, at several times throughout the day, he would create 'backups' of all his memories to be analyzed for any irregularities. Because of this, he was able to 'recover' from having his Ego shattered in a comparably short period of time, and, though he was technically just a copy of the original, the fact they shared the same thoughts, memories, and even personality made it impossible to tell the difference. Rather, since he still had the same soul, it wasn't incorrect to say he was the 'exact same', just with a fundamentally different, albeit nearly identical, Ego. (A/N: The easiest way to comprehend this is to imagine that the current Gustang is basically a reincarnation of himself with a copy of his former self's memories.)
With the Ruler of the 30th Floor belonging to the Po Bidau Family, Gustang was able to stonewall the Jahad Army thanks to his partnership with the Workshop. Since the military lacked the authority to investigate matters related to the Workshop without direct orders from Jahad, they had very little choice but to leave the matter in Gustang's hands while providing aid to the millions who had been affected by the gravitational anomaly. This provided the Workshop ample opportunity to come up with an excuse to explain what had happened, ultimately culminating in the 'admission' that one of their experimental Warp Drives had malfunctioned.
Though it wasn't particularly well-known to the vast majority of Tower residents, it was relatively common knowledge among the higher-ups of the Jahad Army that the Warp Drives of Flagships had a strong influence on the fabric of space-time. They allowed the city-sized ships to move at speeds significantly faster than light, effectively teleporting anywhere within, or between, Floors of the Tower. This was a technology developed exclusively by the Workshop, so, while it was difficult to believe such an accident could occur, it wasn't inconceivable.
Since the accident had occurred in a region outside the jurisdiction of the Empire, the Jahad Army ultimately withdrew after failing to uncover anything substantial related to the incident. Even their plants within the Workshop and the surrounding regions turned up nothing related to the massive explosion. The only noteworthy information they were able to obtain pertained to the destruction of one of FUG's secret bases, but, even after questioning the Guardian directly, they were ultimately unable to learn anything about who had attacked and their motives for doing so...
Though his reasons for doing so had changed slightly, Vahn drastically reduced his pace during the six-month period between the conclusion of the Workshop Battle and the start of the Hell Train. As a result, it took him nearly four months to pass from the 31st to the 35th Floor, the location of Train City, the First Station of the Hell Express. His primary reason for this was the lay low for a while, not because he was particularly concerned about the forces conspiring against him, but because Hinata and Kushina were expected to give birth within this period of time.
Vahn had always tried to put his family and loved ones above all else, so, in the months leading up to the birth of his newest son and daughter, he did his best to spend an increasing amount of time in the Emerald Grove. The reason for this was that the pregnancies of both Kushina and Hinata had been accelerated due to the influence of the Law of Progress. As a result, it was difficult to ascertain when, exactly, the two would be born. His children had always developed uniquely in comparison to other fetuses so there were always a number of variables he couldn't really account for during each pregnancy.
Fortunately, despite the uncertainties involved, Kushina ended up giving birth to a very healthy boy who, rather than resemble an infant version of Naruto, looked more like his counterpart known as Menma. He still had the same basic appearance, completely with whisker-like marks on each of his cheeks, but, rather than yellow-blonde hair, he had a small mat of nearly-black hair atop his head. His eyes were also closer to aquamarine than Kushina's sapphire blues, so, for the first time, Vahn actually had a son that closely resembled him...
Understanding that Kushina had likely wanted Naruto to resemble him more than someone like Minato, Vahn was very-nearly brought to tears when he first noticed the similarities between him and his son. He had never really thought about it prior to that moment but it seemed like a part of him had always wanted a child that closely resembled him. Most of his other children had inherited the traits of their mothers, and, while he loved each of them dearly, he couldn't deny that he felt a special bond with Naruto the moment he first laid eyes upon him. This earned him a gentle chiding from Mavis, who was acting as his assistant, but Kushina just laughed it off before encouraging him to take as much time as he needed.
In the days following Naruto's birth, Vahn spent most of his time attempting to shadow Kushina in order to help out in any way he could. This generally resulted in her shooing him away and telling him to look after Hinata, but, with the latter continually telling him to do the opposite, Vahn found himself teleporting around constantly. Fortunately, this didn't last for too long as Hinata ended up going into labor only five days after Kushina.
Though it was a different feeling than the one he got from Naruto, Vahn's heart immediately turned to putty following the delivery of his youngest daughter, Hana. She seemed to have been born with a remarkable intellect, as, unlike Naruto, she didn't release an ear-piercing cry upon having her butt lightly smacked. Instead, she issued a few adorable baby noises before 'glaring' at him with her off-white, lavender, eyes. This caused a grin to spread across Vahn's face, and, though his instincts told him that Hana was going to be a little troublemaker, such things were the spice of life for a parent.
With Hinata being pretty liberal in her allowing him to look after Hana, Vahn soon found himself in a position where he was regularly babysitting both of his children. They quickly became the newest members of his 'cuddle crew', and, more often than not, he could be found using Latias as a pillow while Naruto and Hana slept against his chest.
If there was anything Vahn could complain about following the births of Naruto and Hana, it was that the two grew like beansprouts. This was true of most of his children, but, due to the effects of the Little Garden, Hana was both speaking and waddling around at less than two months old. As for Naruto, he was quite a bit slower in the speech category, but, due to his Uzumaki heritage, his body was developing even faster than Hana's. He also learned how to transform into a fox kit pretty early on, and, as a result, quickly developed a propensity for sneaking off to play in the forest. (A/N: Most toddlers can walk between 10~14 months. The Law of Progress effectively speeds up development by a factor of five.)
Since there weren't any particular dangers in the forests surrounding the Emerald Grove, Vahn and Kushina agreed to allow the boy to develop his curiosity under the watchful eyes of Xerneas. Latias had also taken a considerable interest in both of his children, so, whenever Naruto snuck off to play, she was usually right behind him. As for Hana, she developed the unusual habit of following people around and secretly spying on them. This behavior was reminiscent of the way the 'original' Hinata behaved in her Record of origin, greatly embarrassing the young mother who thought her daughter was turning into a stalker.
Fortunately, virtually everyone within the Emerald Grove could easily detect Hana, so, whenever she tried to spy on them, they would quickly expose her location. This caused Hana no small amount of frustration, and, as a result, she actually ended up awakening her Byakugan. She wasn't able to use it for very long, but, every now and again, the residents of the Emerald Grove would abruptly feel as if someone was spying on them from somewhere out of view.
Though they didn't want to inhibit the development of Hana's curiosity, it became apparent pretty early on that they needed to educate her properly. It wasn't that big of an issue while she was still young, but it was bound to become a problem if she developed voyeuristic tendencies during her adolescence. She needed to learn how to socialize with people directly rather than spying on them from a distance; so, despite being around two-months-old, Hana began learning how to read and write from Mira while apprenticing under Mavis in order to learn communication skills...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'What is this, The 6th Day?','Kushina done good (OwO)...','| |_・)') <-(p.atreon link)
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As the interior of the Hell Express was supposed to be a compressed spatial dimension, even those with the ability to teleport through space would find it remarkably difficult to enter without one of the 100 Express Tickets issued each year. The Laws of the Tower prevented these tickets from being sold, so, unless you participated in one of the many tournaments offering Express Tickets as a prize, the only way to obtain one was to steal it from another Regular.
Though there was no actual difference in the accommodations afforded to lower-numbered Tickets, it had become a tradition of sorts for people to compete for Express Tickets numbered 1-10. It was a common belief amongst Regulars that only the most powerful among D-Rank were able to secure these particular Tickets, so, more often than not, those seeking a free ride on the Hell Express would gather around the rooms assigned to the 'Top 10' D-Rank Regulars. For this reason, those who had boarded the Hell Express in previous years had become known as Ticket Hunters, powerful Regulars who would gather numerous tickets in order to reduce the amount of competition they would face during the Special Tests present on the unique form of transportation.
Each year, countless Regulars would compete for the opportunity to board the Hell Express, as, like the named suggested, it was the 'express' way to move up the Tower. It was a locomotive that had the ability to transfer between Floors, so, by boarding it on the 35th, you could effectively ride up to the 44th in a remarkably short period of time. There were also valuable prizes and numerous secret chambers found aboard the express, and, according to legend, it was the method that had allowed Jahad and the Ten Great Warriors to gain the strength that allowed them to conquer the Tower. For this reason, those who had successfully completed the trials of the Hell Express came to know it as the 'Revolution Road', the turning point on their journey to become one of the truly powerful.
Vahn was pretty confident in his ability to simply sneak onboard the Hell Express, but, not wanting to draw 'too much' attention, he currently found himself blocking the elevator connecting the train platform to the residential area above. Any Ticket Holder that wanted to enter Train City would have to pass through him, effectively allowing him to decide who was allowed to board the Hell Express. This had allowed him to gather a total of eleven tickets, five of which had been given to a group of Regulars who had managed to stick together since the Floor of Tests.
Unfortunately for the other Regulars attempting to enter Train City, the only method of reaching the Second Floor Residential District was to pass through him. If the Law of Identity determined them to be of a despicable character, he would rob them of their tickets before sending them back the way they came. As for the opportunistic Regulars who were intending to crowd around the quarters that were provided to Ticket Holders, they were also turned so that the Administration wouldn't have an excuse to host an elimination competition that forced Regulars to put their tickets on the line.
Though some viewed his actions as 'despicable', the builders of Train City had designed the facility with this strategy in mind. It was for this reason that there was only a single elevator connecting to the entire facility, and, had he not done so, another group of Ticket Hunters would have posted a team to block the entrance. After all, the resources and prizes aboard the Hell Express were limited so they were strongly incentivized to eliminate as much of the competition as possible prior to the departure...
With a perpetual smile on his face, Vahn continued to calmly emanate a predatory aura throughout the Platform filled with Regulars. Several hundred had gathered at this point, and, though he made short work of every team who had stepped forward, it didn't scare off the more opportunistic of the bunch. They believed it was only a matter of time until he either took a break or someone defeated him. This would provide them the perfect opportunity to secure their own passage on the Hell Train as it was already well-known amongst the camping Regulars that he had quite a number of Tickets on him.
Unfortunately for them, even with four days remaining until the departure, Vahn had no intention of abandoning his post. Though there would be Regulars attempting to board from higher floors, the vast majority did so from the 35th Floor. As for why he decided to guard the Elevator, it was due to the fact that he disdained the way in which people who had already boarded the Hell Express came back to the 35th Floor in order to bully weaker Regulars. There were even groups that had boarded the train hundreds of times, denying the opportunity to others in the pursuit of their own, personal, objectives.
Though he understood the motivations of those responsible, the methods they had used weren't so easily justifiable. They might have a valid reason for what they were doing, but they had mercilessly crushed the dreams of countless others in an ultimately fruitless pursuit. Some even had the blood of thousands on their hands, as, due to the boons they had received on the Hell Express, they were much stronger than the average Regular. In other words, they had become Tyrants in their personal pursuit, and, though they should have understood better than most how wrong their actions were, it didn't prevent them from killing those who stood in their way.
Of course, there were other reasons he had chosen to block the Elevator, primarily to interfere with the actions of FUG, but those were largely secondary at this point. Now, he just wanted to ensure as many good people as possible were provided the opportunity to board the Hell Express. The Tower was constantly beating down those with kind hearts so it was high time they were provided with an opportunity to succeed.
With this in mind, the edges of Vahn's smile curled up as a group of five people, led by a very large hermaphrodite, departed the recently arrived train. Their presence caused quite a bit of excitement among the other Regulars present, as, with the exception of two of their members, the other three were exceptionally famous. This was especially true for their leader, Aka Williams, one of the 'Top-3 Predators' who had dominated the Hell Express for the last 600 years.
Surprised by the large crowd of Regulars hanging out on the Platform, Aka couldn't help but raise their brows, eyes wandering over the masses before settling on Vahn. This caused their expression to immediately turn into a deep frown, a disdainful look flashing across their eyes as they stepped forward and said, "You must possess some strength if you're able to block the Elevator by yourself. Join my team and I will guarantee you a place on the Hell Train."
Though he was already aware of Aka's aggressive and greedy nature, Vahn couldn't help but shake his head, smile fading away as he answered, "You have lost your way over these six-hundred-years. I understand your reasons for boarding the Hell Train, but your tyrannical methods will no longer be tolerated. The Hell Train is meant to help those with grand ambitions ascend the Tower at a quicker pace. It was never intended to be a place where those who have lost their way crush the dreams of others just so they can make themselves feel better. You have no right to board the Hell Train."
Replying before Aka could, a man with ashen blue skin, grey-blue eyes, and dark-grey hair showed an expression of contempt as he asked, "Who the hell do you think you are? Sir Aka has more of a right to board the Hell Train than any of the trash gathered here. It isn't called the Pony Express. It is the 'Hell' Train. If they aren't strong enough to secure their own place, they shouldn't be boarding in the first place."
With what could best be described as an incredulous deadpan, Vahn briefly directed his attention towards the man and asked, "Are you an idiot? If your predecessors behaved like you, there would be no new Rankers since the Age of Genesis. The Hell Train is meant to allow people to advance to a higher floor. It was never intended to allow selfish assholes to continually backtrack for more than six-hundred-years, denying the opportunity to others. It is time-"
Pausing his words, Vahn extended his hand in a casual manner, catching the fist thrown by Aka. This caused the giant's eyes to widen slightly, but, before they could regret their actions, a golden ripple knocked the entire group back several tens of meters. This silenced the Regulars who had started to jeer the moment Aka took action, their mouths open in expressions of shock as the giant fell to one knee and coughed a spatter of blood.
Since the other side had already taken action, Vahn no long had a reason to try and talk things out with them. His aura began to surge outward like a tide, and, though the lighting above the Platform was more than adequate, everyone present felt as though the world around them was turning dark. Shortly after that, people began to drop like flies as Vahn walked forward, eyes blazing like golden suns as he said, "Hand over your tickets. If you simply wanted to board the Hell Train, you could do so on a higher floor. Instead, you double-back to the lowest possible floor just to crush the dreams of others and manipulate the odds in your favor. Pain and loss do not give you the right to inflict the same onto others. If you are unwilling to hand over your Express Tickets, prepare to do so with your lives...this cycle ends now..."
Raising his head to stare at Vahn, a soldier's conviction could be seen in Aka's golden eyes as they answered, "I don't have a choice...I 'must' board the Hell is the only thing that gives my life meaning..."
Rather than respond to Aka's words, Vahn shifted his attention to the other four members of their team, asking, "Is riding the Hell Train every year the reason you started climbing the Tower? Are you prepared to die for another person's pursuit of absolution?"
Though two of Aka's team members seemed to seriously consider retreating, resolution filled their gazes when the former suddenly began to produce fiery Shinsu from their body. This was a special ability known as 'Combustion', and, despite being one of the three strongest D-Rank Regulars, the traits that made Aka truly unique was their heritage as a Native One and their Special Position as a Defender.
Restraining a sigh, Vahn extended his hand to grab the metal staff used by the blue-skinned man, tearing it from his grasp and tossing it to the side. The latter had attempted to use Reverse-Flow Control to restrict his movements, but, due to the insurmountable gulf in both their control and reserves, Vahn was completely immune. Rather, if he really wanted to, he could hold everyone present in place for the next four days, forcing them to remain statuesque even whilst sleeping.
Taking advantage of the man's momentary stupor, Vahn used Telekinesis to grab him out of the air before promptly smashing him into one of the Platform's pillars. Then, in response to Aka's charge, he raised his right hand, freezing the colossal figure mid-step before smashing them into the floor and ceiling over and over until their body became limp. He didn't actually intend to kill them, but, in the hopes of teaching them a lesson, it was necessary to injure them to a point that prevented them from boarding the Hell Train even on higher floors.
With the two strongest members of their team defeated in an instant, the other three members of Aka's group immediately tossed down their weapons, hands raised in a gesture of submission. This spared two of them a beating, but, as one of their members had attempted to lie about the number of Tickets in their possession, Vahn had little choice but to 'compel' the truth from him. In the end, he forced them to hand over all nine of their tickets, two of which possessed coveted single-digit numbers. This brought his total to fourteen, and, if he counted the five he had previously given out, he had effectively secured one-fifth of the total number of Express Tickets with approximately four days remaining...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'You, shall, not, pass...!','I bet the team he let through was filled with beautiful women...','Bitter medicine or Just Desserts...?') <-(p.atreon link)
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