Three weeks after his confrontation with the Yeon Family on the 21st Floor, Vahn found himself seated atop the palm of a giant statue resembling a hand. Below him, dominating this region of the 28th Floor, countless tents could be seen forming a rather expansive community of Regulars.
For one reason or another, various Regulars had come to reside in the area surrounding the giant statue that was known as the Hand of Arlen. The 'eyes' of the Jahad Empire didn't extend here so it had become a gathering place for criminals and those who wished to escape the pursuit of the Ten Great Families. These were people who had effectively lost the will to climb the Tower, but, fearing persecution within the Middle Tower, they continued to persevere in an environment filled with sex, drugs, and other criminal affairs.
Seeing tens of thousands of Regulars lazily meandering around in hooded cloaks, Vahn couldn't help but release a sigh. He always felt an emotion similar to depression whenever he saw a large group of people who had simply 'given up' on pursuing their dreams. Though this didn't apply to everyone below, the fact they had chosen to reside in such a place all but guaranteed that even the most determined among them would slowly be broken down by the negative energies emitted by the rest of the community.
Unlike his previous Tests, which had required him to save various different peoples, the Guardian Test of the 28th Floor required that Vahn 'cleanse the lands surrounding the Hand of Arlen'. In the pursuit of this objective, he had removed the countless traps and security golems infesting the area, but, even after sweeping through the region numerous times, the Guardian of the Floor insisted his task had not been completed.
To remove any doubt, Vahn had the Law of Identity transform into the monstrous serpent, and, as he had suspected, its true aim was to have him purge the 'slums' that dominated the region around the Hand of Arlen. As for the reason, it was because the Guardian of the Floor had been particularly fond of the woman named Arlen, Baam's mother. It disdained the fact that one of the few remnants of her existence had become a stomping grounds for various criminal organizations, so, without the means to remove the 'cancer' itself, it desired that he act on its behalf.
Though he could empathize with the Guardian's 'plight', Vahn had absolutely no desire to slaughter a bunch of Regulars just because they were considered an eyesore to someone else. As a result, he was currently thinking of methods to either convince or force the Regulars below to abandon their homes. The problem with these options was that the people below didn't really have a place to go, so, if he forced them to flee the City of Tents, their lives and his reputation would both be ruined...
Exhaling a tired sigh, Vahn lay back against the cold stone comprising the statue of Arlen's hand as he dismissed the thought of having Fenrir and the rest scare them away. Though she likely wouldn't even hesitate, he wasn't going to drag her reputation through the mud just to protect his own. She didn't deserve to be seen as a monster while he was touted as a righteous yet ruthless god, so, after a moment of consideration, he ultimately decided to simply ignore this particular Guardian's Test.
Immediately after this thought crossed his mind, Vahn teleported to the interior of one of the many massive skyscrapers that dominated the otherwise desolate 28th Floor. Jahad's forces had brought ruin to the region long ago, so, unless you wandered thousands of kilometers from the location of the Inner Tower, it was impossible to find even a hint of greenery. This was yet another reason to disdain the self-proclaimed 'King' of the Tower, a title that never really makes sense considering his forces were known as the 'Jahad Empire'. Even his primary abode was known as the 'Imperial Palace of Jahad', indicating it was the property of an Emperor rather than a King...
Deciding there was no merit in thinking about the peculiarities of Jahad and his Empire, Vahn shook his head clear of idle thoughts as he made his way towards the Administration Office that managed the Test of the 28th Floor. There, hundreds of other Regulars had formed orderly queues in order to register their respective teams for the Test. They were all eager to either participate in or witness the Workshop Battle, so, with the event less than a month away, everyone was doing their best to reach the 30th Floor.
After waiting for his own turn to come, Vahn found himself standing in front of an expressionless man with dark red hair and a tiny black horn protruding from his right temple. This reminded him of Endorsi, and, as a result, an amused smile spread across his face as he considered how much his young protege must be 'suffering'.
Not expecting his 'client' to suddenly smile, the red-haired Regular's expression somehow became even more deadpan as he asked, "Where is your team? Everyone who wishes to participate in the Test must register. Come back once you have gathered the rest of your group."
Noticing the tell-tale glimmer of 'envy' and 'resentment' contained within the Regular's eyes, Vahn's own radiated a subtle golden glow as he said, "I will be taking the Test alone. Now, do your job and allow me to register."
Though he wanted to give Vahn some 'friendly advice', the man working the counter found himself at a loss for words as an intense shudder ran through his body. He suddenly felt as though he was a tiny animal trapped before an apex predator, a monstrosity that could decide his life and death on a whim...
With so many teams participating in the Test of the 28th Floor, it took an additional five days before Vahn was given the opportunity to participate in his own. Unfortunately for his opponents, the only objectives were to either defeat the enemy team or press a small buzzer located in the opponent's base. As a result, it only took 39.04 seconds to complete the test, courtesy of Latias discovering the enemy team's buzzer and pressing it before they could even begin working on a plan of action.
While his enemies were understandably dissatisfied with how quickly things had ended, demanding a chance to 'prove' themselves, Vahn ultimately refused the Test Administrator's suggestion to have them fight it out. He had no interest in bullying the weak, and, unless he agreed to take a secondary Test, there was nothing the Administrator could do to revoke his qualifications. As a result, he soon found himself on the 29th Floor, a region that starkly contrasted the desolation found on the 28th.
Though there was a bunker-like building located close by, Vahn could sense that his surroundings were dominated by plant life. There were lush green forests that seemed to spread out toward the horizon, and, though there were various unique forms of Shinheuh residing within, a very peaceful and serene atmosphere permeated everything in his perception.
Seemingly confused by the fact he was alone, the Ranker that had been sent to explain the rules of the 29th Floor didn't immediately speak out. This gave Vahn ample opportunity to learn everything he needed to know about the man, a relaxed smile spreading across his face as he politely cupped his hands and said, "Though fleeting our meeting, a friend found within foreign lands is an occasion worthy of celebration."
Recognizing the somewhat familiar phrase, the Ranker, adorned with two katanas and dressed in a beige kimono, returned a smile as he emulated Vahn's gesture and mused, "There are more paths in life than grains of sand amidst the black shore. Beneath the gaze of the mighty serpent, who can be strangers?"
Chuckling in response to the man's words, Vahn took the initiative to explain, "I have encountered a number of people from your homeland during my ascent. Were they to know of your existence, I'm certain they would be greatly motivated."
Understanding the meaning contained within Vahn's words, the Ranker couldn't help but sigh as he shook his head and answered, "I fear the opposite. While I was ultimately able to become a Ranker without abandoning my sword, my station gives me nothing to boast about. Even after a thousand years, I have yet to claim even a single victory against the masters of the Arie Family..."
Though he wanted to commend the man for persisting for more than a thousand years, Vahn knew it wasn't what he wanted to hear. Instead, he offered a curt nod before saying, "Try as we might, it is impossible to know for certain what tomorrow brings. Though day must yield for the night, it is only from the darkness that a new dawn might come."
Nodding his head in approval, a smile spread across the Ranker's face as he said, "Well said, young Regular. With that mentality, it is only a matter of time before you reach the top of the Tower. Now, without further ado, allow me to introduce myself and explain the rules of the 29th Floor. My name is Tokisue, Test Administrator assigned to Area 93. That bunker over there will serve as your primary residence for the duration of your stay on the 29th Floor. As for the Test, there are two methods to pass to the next Floor. The first involves locating four enemy bunkers and stealing the central power core hidden within. The second option will pit you against an enemy team in an event known as the 'Battle of Cannons'. Though this is by far the faster of the two options, it is also significantly more dangerous since both teams are provided with mounted Shinsu Cannons, each capable of severely injuring or even killing the average Regular."
Returning a smile of his own, Vahn followed up Tokisue's explanation by asking, "What happens to the teams who lose their power cores? Will they be disqualified?"
Since Vahn was 'alone', Tokisue wasn't surprised by the fact that he wanted to avoid engaging in a battle that heavily favored teams. He was clearly very powerful, but, unless he could blitz the enemy before they could react, it would be very difficult for him to secure victory in a battle that required him to charge into enemy lines while simultaneously protecting an objective.
With an 'understanding' look in his eyes, Tokisue went on to explain, "The only penalty for having your core stolen is that you will be without power until you manage to steal another. You can also wait until the beginning of the month to receive a new power core, but, unless you have the power to protect your base, there is no merit in trying to pass via the gradual accumulation of cores."
Though he was intending to establish contact with the Guardian immediately following Tokisue's departure, Vahn was pleased to know that the enemy teams wouldn't be eliminated if he stole their cores. It would take too much time to find four teams that 'deserved' to be eliminated, so, now that he knew there were no substantial penalties for the opposing party, he could easily send out Latias and Latios to collect cores. He could also go 'hunting' with Fenrir, something they hadn't done in far too long. Either way, his passage to the 30th Floor was all but secured, so, after listening to the rest of Tokisue's explanation, he ventured into his private bunker to inspect the interior before pulling out his Pocket and establishing contact with the Floor Guardian...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn ain't a patsy...!','I half-expected them to begin speaking in haikus...','The victims of Latias are forever increasing xD...')
(A/N: The chapter I posted previously was for yesterday's block. This is the first of the chapters that are meant to be on the new schedule. Since I got an early start, there will be three more before the daily reset tomorrow.) <-(p.atreon link)
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While Latias and Latios were enjoying their foray into numerous enemy bases, Vahn, riding on the back of Fenrir and guided by Ryun, made his way to the location of a set of ruins. The Test he had been assigned by the Guardian was to lay a certain spirit to rest, so, while the twins had their fun, he decided to spend some time with the wolf-like duo.
Fenrir had always enjoyed having him ride on her back, and, though he could have navigated to the forgotten city on his own, Ryun was always happiest when she was able to act as his Guide. This was a good opportunity to 'reward' both of the excessively loyal women, so, while Ryun dutifully led the way, he enjoyed the pleasant feeling and aroma emanating from Fenrir's inordinately fluffy fur.
Unfortunately, all things, both good and bad, invariably came to an end, and, after nestling into the scruff of Fenrir's neck for the better part of three hours, Vahn was left with no choice but to emerge once they had reached their destination. Then, after nuzzling against the two giant wolves' snouts, patting both aplenty, he had them return to their human forms so they could investigate the ruins that had nearly disappeared due to the forest's encroachment.
As could be expected from a site dating back to the Age of Genesis, there were a number of hidden chambers and rare artifacts hidden within the interior of the ruins. There was even an ancient form of a Lighthouse, one specifically designed for battle. Rather than resemble a cube, it was structured similarly to a small yet extremely durable suspend ship. It was effectively a floating fortress, but, for the sake of stealth and collecting information, it was designed to carry a single team of six people.
After briefly analyzing the structure of the ancient Lighthouse, Vahn ultimately chose to leave it in its resting place. He wasn't particularly fond of looting ancient battlefields and burial grounds, so, with knowledge of its structure safely stowed away within his mind, he had Ryun serve as a Guide until they arrived at a set of massive stone doors.
Unlike the rest of the ruins, which were completely bereft of a single sign of life, this particular set of doors was inscribed with ancient runes that continued to shimmer even after more than 20,000 years had come to pass. Unfortunately, they weren't the only things that had persisted since ancient times.
As could be expected from an ancient fortress city occupied by restless spirits, there were a number of ghost-like Shinheuh present that fed off the negative energies produced by the former. To make matters even worse, there were also a number of autonomous golems produced by the Workshop, some of which could even rival a Ranker.
With the glyph-covered doors protecting the 'heart' of the ancient fortress city, the concentration of negative energy in the surroundings was potent enough to stain the Shinsu with a murky black coloration. This caused a palpable stench of death to linger in the air, but, with a wave of his hand, Vahn was able to gather most of the negative energy into a pitch-black ball as he stared up at the massive skeletal spider looming over them from above.
Without needing to be told, Fenrir immediately pounced toward the monstrosity without a single sign of hesitation. This caused the creature to release a piercing screech, it's frequency very close to 240 decibels. This was tantamount to a massive explosion of sound, but, compared to the Power of Law contained within Fenrir's [Freezing Roar], it was completely negligible. The only thing the spider accomplished was passing the blue-haired Vanargandr off as there were few things she hated more than loud noises.
Despite having the strength to easily kill the average Ranker, it took less than a minute for Fenrir to tear the monstrous spider into a number of tiny pieces. This caused a powerful miasma to permeate through the area, but, as a being innately connected to both darkness and yin, it had absolutely no effect on the rather violent Vanargandr. If anything, it actually made her a little stronger as she had always had a much easier time absorbing and converting negative energies than those with positive alignments. This was the opposite of Ryun, who, despite being a Vanargandr, possessed an affinity with Fire and Light rather than Ice and Darkness.
With the skeletal spider taken care of, Vahn rewarded Fenrir by fluffing up her ears and hair for a few minutes before shifting his attention back to the heavily reinforced double doors. The glyphs, combined with the materials used in its construction, made the door virtually indestructible. They also prevented any kind of spatial movement, so, unless you possessed the ability to break through by force, it was nearly impossible to enter the chamber beyond.
Fortunately, while others might struggle with such a thing, Vahn had numerous solutions to deal with the current situation. He could force his way through by simply cutting through the door, but, feeling this would be going a little overboard, he ultimately chose to probe around the area using his intent until he discovered a minute crack in the seemingly impenetrable defenses. This allowed him to send his intent directly into the interior, and, though it was still isolated from the outside, he was able to ignore the conventional restrictions of spatial movement so long as his domain existed in both locations.
After effectively quantum shifting into the interior chamber, Vahn couldn't help but release a tired sigh as he saw the bleached bones of thousands of people gathered within. This chamber had once served as an evacuation shelter during times of conflict. This was the main reason the enemy forces hadn't wasted their efforts in trying to breach the chamber. Instead, they destroyed the mechanism that allowed the door to open, mercilessly trapping those within.
Shaking his head, Vahn summoned Fenrir and Ryun to his side using his Unit Management before making his way towards the deepest chamber. There, they found a single solitary corpse at the very center of the chamber. Unlike the others, however, their bones had not become bleached with the passage of time. Instead, they resembled smooth white jade, glistening slightly under the pale blue light that permeated the entire chamber. Even her dress had been preserved, the fabric appearing almost brand new despite the passage of more than twenty-thousand years.
Breaking the silence, it was Ryun who first remarked, "She must have been quite the exceptional person during her you intend to resurrect her?"
Rather than Vahn or Fenrir, it was a gentle voice from the surroundings that asked, "You possess the ability to revive the dead? If so, please have mercy on the people in this chamber. Nobody deserves to suffer this kind of fate..."
Immediately following the ghostly utterance, the figure of a young girl with pale skin, flowing white hair, and exquisite facial features appeared above the jade-like corpse. This, combined with the fact that her garb resembled the royal vestments worn by women in the late Tang Dynasty, gave off the impression of a youthful, pristine, and pure princess. She even had a scarlet red dot in the center of her forehead, reminiscent of a Hua Dian symbol that was popular in ancient China.
Though he couldn't help but wonder what kind of fate he possessed to constantly encounter both lolis and elements stemmed from Chinese mythos, Vahn's expression remained calm as he offered a polite smile and remarked, "I never expected that the Spirit within this chamber would belong to an Empress..."
Not expecting anyone to recognize her after such a lengthy period of time, the ghostlike Empress showed an expression mixed with fear and confusion as she manifested a pure white silken cloth to serve as her weapon. Before she could attack, however, Vahn created a spherical prison with Enkidu as he calmly explained, "I am not your enemy. I was sent here at the behest of the Floor Guardian to exorcise your spirit and lay you to rest. As mentioned by my companion, however, I also possess the ability to create a new vessel for your spirit to inhabit. Unfortunately, due to the lengthy passage of time, the same cannot be said for the unfortunate souls who have come to reside here. Your efforts to expel the negative energies from this chamber prevented them from becoming evil spirits, but, at the same time, you were discarding important parts of what made them individuals. Though I could create new bodies for them, they would be little more than emotionless dolls without a true ego or a purpose...."
Hearing Vahn's explanation, the petite Empress, named Xiao Xinyue, adopted an extremely sullen expression as she muttered, "I see..." in a disheartened tone.
Restraining a sigh, Vahn adopted a gentle expression, dissipating Enkidu as he softly advised, "Soon enough, the era built upon the destruction of your Empire will come to an end. If you wish to see it, I can provide you with the opportunity. In the end, however, it will not replace that which was lost. If you were to ask my opinion, I would suggest moving on peacefully to the next life. You might find it difficult to believe, but I can assure you that this is not the end of your path."
Offering a sad smile in response, Xiao Xinyue meekly replied, "I have no desire for revenge...though there was a time when I wanted nothing more than vengeance, it was not just the negativity of the people here that I expelled. I will accept your offer, not out of a desire for revenge, but to preserve the legacy of my people...I can imagine no greater tragedy than the memory of my people and our endeavors being forgotten to time..."
Though he knew she was lying about not wanting revenge, Vahn offered an understanding nod in recognition of the young Empress's noble aspirations. Her vengeance was closely related to his own objectives so it wouldn't really make much of a difference in the grand scheme of things. As for her secret desire to restore her Empire to its former glory, such ambitions were bound to fade once she had a better grasp of the situation and learned the truth regarding the Tower's existence.
With this thought in mind, Vahn drafted a powerful contract that guaranteed Xinyue's autonomy but bound her as his vassal. This made her a little uncomfortable, but, after learning of his status as both a God and an Emperor, she ultimately accepted the terms outlined in the contract. She wasn't exactly in a position to negotiate, so, with lofty ambitions for the future, she had little choice but to accept a position beneath him. After all, it was difficult to purport herself as an Empress when the Empire she was meant to preside over hadn't existed for more than twenty-thousand years...
After entrusting the Strauss Siblings with the task of helping Xinyue get settled within the Little Garden, Vahn returned to his bunker to find Latias sleeping atop a massive pile of cores. He had failed to specify how many she should collect, so, with a limited understanding of self-restraint, she invariably collected more than a hundred of the softball-sized cores. This caused Vahn to adopt a wry smile, but, rather than admonish her for going too far, he made sure to reward both her and Latios for their efforts. As for the Regulars who had suffered at her tiny paws...well, they were just unlucky to have ventured into the 29th Floor at this time...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn lives a very enviable existence...','Before it became known as the Age of Genesis, the residents of the Tower had another name to describe the era of Jahad's ascent...','Latias is a good girl (OwO)...!') <-(p.atreon link)
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