With the connection to his proxy active, Vahn didn't have to concern himself with attending Team Wolf Pack's training directly. Rather, even though only a few days had passed since he awakened his [Universal Mind], he was starting to see it's true potential, not necessarily as a tool to make his own journey easier, but as a means to achieve all of the things he put off due to his own desires, dreams, and goals.
Though he knew it was 'impossible' to help everyone, that didn't mean Vahn felt any better about having to pick and choose who he saved. He tried to make things easier for himself and his loved ones by only saving those who were right in front of him, but, now that he had [Universal Mind], a lot of paths that had previously been closed to him had now opened. He could even recreate the heroes of various worlds, naming them with the [Keeper of the Akashic Tome] and entrusting them with his wishes while he continued along his personal journey towards the pinnacle of existence...
Deciding to start with his desire to make Blossom's wish come true, Vahn placed a delicate kiss on the exhausted woman's forehead before meeting her gaze and asking in a soft tone, "If I asked you to abandon your people and become mine...what would you do...?"
Displaying quite a bit of confusion in her leaf-green eyes, Blossom's expression turned into one of conflict and palpable regret as she answered, "I would probably regret last night for the rest of my life...no matter what happens, I will never abandon my people...I'm sorry..."
Rather than blame the woman for her loyalty, Vahn just returned an affectionate smile, continuing to stroke her cheek as he said, "That's a relief. If you were the type to abandon your dream after a single night of passion, I might come to regret my own actions...hahahaha..."
Though she wasn't particularly bright, Blossom could tell that Vahn was just testing her, a test she seemed to have passed. This caused her to feel greatly relieved because, after last night, she wasn't sure she could continue living without the man's warmth. She had never imagined such pleasures in her wildest dreams, and, though she had been a little concerned about his size, Vahn's penis ended up being a lot bigger than the average Faun's. Considering the latter were fairly well known for their size, this was quite the achievement. Blossom even suspected he had irreversibly altered the shape of her insides, his stamina completely transcending any expectation she might have had.
Noticing the increase in Blossom's body temperature, a knowing smile spread across Vahn's face as he pulled her a little closer and said, "We'll have plenty of time for that later. For now...no, actually, let's try this..."
Vahn was going to mention they had a lot to discuss, but, feeling his words would have a little more impact if he combined them with action, he changed positions so that he was resting with his back against the headboard. Then, taking advantage of the fact that Blossom had no will to resist him, he guided the woman to straddle his waist, sinking his member into her pulsating folds and eliciting an extremely impassioned sigh in response to his intrusion.
With Blossom snug against his waist, Vahn placed his hands on her impeccably soft rump, caressing her extremely smooth fur as he began explaining his intentions. This was made more difficult by the fact she kept trying to move her hips and kiss him, but, after a few hours had passed, he was pretty sure the message had gotten through. After that, he decided to reward the increasingly affectionate woman by spending the remainder of the morning fervently strengthening their bond...
Though there were a lot of complexities he had left out, Vahn explained to Blossom that he had the ability to shed off fragments of himself based on the wishes of the people around him. He couldn't take her up the Tower with him, but, rather than leave her alone, he would divide himself so that a part of him always remained with her. He demonstrated this ability by creating a new Template, this one with nearly identical features to his original self but with prominent antlers and clear, Faun-like, features.
Blossom was more than a little surprised by the existence of such an ability, but, realizing it meant she would never have to be alone, she was too excited to care about the particulars. She promised to keep his ability a secret, and, though it would apparently have to wait until their relationship was consecrated by the Matriarch of her tribe, she, very eagerly, expressed a desire to bear his children. In fact, immediately after seeing him split his body into two, Blossom surprised both versions of him by unabashedly asking if they wanted to both have sex with her.
Vahn actually had a fair amount of experience with such 'plays', but, after resolving himself to leave Blossom in the care of his newly created Template, he ultimately refused her offer. Instead, he gave her one last long embrace, enjoying the smooth texture of her fur and the heat of her body as their lips overlapped for the last time. He could always reestablish the link with his Template in the future, but, not wanting things to become even more complicated, Vahn gave his counterpart a pat on the shoulder before leaving the duo to their own adventure. He would still need to name the Template to make things official, but, at least for the time being, he had other matters to attend...
Though it felt a little lonely to let Blossom go, even if it was for both of their sakes, Vahn didn't feel as sad as he expected. Instead, he felt like he had made the correct decision, one that guaranteed a happier future for Blossom's people without requiring him to deviate from his current path. He was also able to establish an important precedent, one Sis had seemingly been pushing for since he first awakened the [Universal Mind].
Originally, Vahn believed it wasn't such a great idea to just arbitrarily produce existences like Hinata, Yoruichi, and Nami, but, now that he had experienced this short overlap of fates, he saw things in an entirely different light. He now had the power to protect people far beyond the scope of his original objective, so, rather than limit his use of the [Universal Mind], Vahn was intending to build a faction using his own Templates as a foundation.
This might seem counterintuitive to his intentions of climbing the Tower and going at his own pace, but, even if they never left the original Floor he created them on, Vahn was confident his Templates would be able to help countless people. They would even be able to start their own families, living happily alongside the people he had wanted to protect; people he would have had to 'ignore' due to his ongoing journey to become the most powerful being in existence.
Since his Templates all worked towards a unified goal, carrying the intentions they were implanted with during the moment of their conception, Vahn believed that, even after thousands of years had passed, they would continue to protect people in his stead. This was what compelled him to create a faction from them, as, even if Team Wolf Pack penultimately became the Rulers of the Tower, true order required more than a dozen people to maintain.
Most importantly, though it would probably earn him admonishment from several members of his harem, Vahn no longer had to restrain his urges. He didn't have to create walls between himself and the people he was drawn to, particularly beautiful, exotic, and tragic women. These types seemed to attract him like a powerful magnet, and, though he usually tried to keep them at arm's length, Vahn knew it was virtually impossible for him to reject sincerity.
Even without View Affection turned on, Vahn had always been extremely sensitive to the emotions of others. His [Will of the Emperor] helped to filter out some of this, but, when it came to extreme emotions, such as those derived from pain, loss, tragedy, and anger, he was unable to ignore them. If he tried, their images would haunt his thoughts whenever he found a moment of peace, regret welling up inside of him as he second-guessed his decision to turn a blind eye to the suffering of others.
Though he was fully aware of the fact that his [Universal Mind] would cause countless problems, Vahn's instincts told him it was the 'correct' decision to develop the Innate further. It was an ability that allowed him to positively impact the lives of countless people, so, even if there were drastic consequences in the future, he would no longer hesitate to move forward. This was actually a path he had chosen long ago, back when he first decided to save Lili from her suffering. It was one that others had supported him along for hundreds of years, but, due to his constant indecisiveness, he was always second-guessing himself and suffering setbacks. Now, however, Vahn knew where his destination lay, so, rather than continue making excuses, he would live his life freely, saving as many people as he pleased along the way...
With a mystical blue light radiating from the depths of his pupils, Vahn gazed out over the Town of Beginnings from atop a massive observatory. He suddenly felt a lot more excited about the future, a future he would shape, not just through his own actions, but the actions of others who carried his will. This brought an excited smile to his face, and, though others might not notice it, he suddenly felt as though the world around him had become a little brighter as he pulled out his Pocket and said, "I wish to speak with the Guardian..."
Almost immediately after his words had fallen, Vahn found himself within an unfathomable abyss of Shinsu, face-to-face with a creature that resembled an island-sized crab. The key differences were that it had several bulbous eyes on the top of its head, a zipper-like mouth that was fixed into an excessively creepy smile, and six massive pincers instead of the normal two.
Before Vahn had a chance to address the massive creature, the Guardian preempted him by saying, "You smell delicious. Unbelievably so..." in a surprisingly feminine voice.
Since he had heard a similar remark from the massive eel-like Guardian on the 2nd Floor, Vahn just smiled in response to the creature's words, musing, "I hear that more often than you'd think. I can't give you a taste, however, so shall we move along to discuss the reason behind my visit?"
After producing a few bubbles near the edge of his mouth, the Guardian surprised Vahn a little by answering, "I know why you have come. You wish to take my Test. Since you have the qualifications, I have no reason to refuse. Now, tell me what it is you desire. I will produce a Test that matches your desires."
Deciding it was his turn to surprise the Guardian, Vahn maintained a casual smile as he stated, "You are undoubtedly a being of great power, but there is nothing you can offer me that I cannot obtain myself. The only reason I have sought you out is to ask for permission to advance to the next Floor whenever I please. In exchange, I will offer you this...a token of power from beyond the Tower. What say you, Guardian of the 3rd Floor?"
Though it had distinctly inhuman facial features, the Guardian was able to convey an expression of surprise by opening its eyes a little wider and producing more froth from its mouth. Then, before it reached out to accept the rainbow-hued pearl he had proffered forth, it asked, "You would forgo a Test and instead offer me a gift? What a strange creature...very well, I will accept your token. I have seen for myself your capabilities. This Floor is unable to challenge you, so I will grant you the rite of free passage."
Smiling in response to the creature's words, Vahn surprised the Guardian a second time by moving forward to lightly pat the front of its carapace. This caused it to turn statuesque for a brief moment, commenting, "A very strange creature..." before expelling him from the inter-dimensional space...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Here, take a seat...','Ten years later, Goku, Naruto, and Ichigo can be seen having a showdown against Jahad...','*pat pat pat*')
https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)
Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh
For the better part of two weeks, excluding the considerable amount of time he spent within the Realm, Vahn split his time between helping the members of Team Wolf Pack train, coordinating with Marble to complete numerous Special Tests, and, most notably, meditating within the privacy of his room.
Though his outlook might have changed, that didn't mean Vahn could spontaneously produce an infinite number of Templates. He quickly learned that he could only have ten active templates at a time. This meant, if he wanted to move forward with his plans, he would need to assign True Names to each of his existing Templates, effectively converting them into unique existences.
Unfortunately, the cooldown of [Keeper of the Akashic Tome] was based on the Principal Axis of Time within the Record. This made it impossible to 'cheat' by just idling about in the outer rings of the Little Garden. He would have to wait for time to pass naturally, so, with numerous temptations awaiting him beyond the confines of his room, Vahn decided to focus on something he believed to be pivotal to reaching Tier 7: the Mantra of Eternity.
Vahn knew very little about the Mantra of Eternity, but, based on his inability to comprehend it even after becoming a 'true' Tier 4, he knew it was, at the very least, Tier 5. His instincts, however, made him believe it was 'much' higher, likely near the absolute pinnacle of Tier 6. Thus, with his sights set on a goal that was simply unattainable by others, Vahn trusted his instincts, fully immersing himself in the Mantra even as Yoruichi spurred Hinata to sneakily perform various lewd acts on his body...
Since it was getting pretty close to dinner time, Vahn opened his eyes to find Yoruichi stuffing her face as Hinata observed 'very intently' between her fingers. Both of the girls were wearing nothing but their undergarments, and, though he had nearly hesitated in the beginning, Vahn was unable to refuse the youthful-looking Hyuga's insistence that she be allowed to remain the version of herself that he had a crush on. She fully intended to 'grow up' in the future, but, at least for the time being, she was content with being the idealized version of herself that his subconscious mind had created.
Though she noticed his gaze almost instantly, Yoruichi's only reaction to Vahn's accusatory look was to turn her eyes up at him, smiling with his penis still in her mouth. As for Hinata, she promptly hid behind the barrier of her hands, scrunching up her body in a vain effort to hide her rather adorable, cat-themed, undergarments. This was a theme she had become rather fond of, and, though she had remained virtually the same since the time of her creation, Hinata had a penchant for growing a pair of ears and a tail whenever she was in the mood to try lewd things.
Rather than reproach Yoruichi for her actions, as they actually helped to enhance his focus when he was meditating, Vahn placed his hand on top of her head, habitually petting her dark-purple hair as he toggled his Pocket's visibility. They still had about twenty minutes until the earlier people would start migrating over to his room, so, after a brief moment of consideration, he manifested the Little Garden and decided to have some fun with the feline duo in the outer rings. They were 'known' to spend all of their time within the Little Garden anyways, so, even if he went a little overboard, their presence wouldn't be missed during dinner...
Having hunted four King-Class, thirty-eight Elite-Class, and thousands of lesser Shinheuh, the only thing preventing Team Wolf Pack from moving on to the 4th Floor was their decision to wait until at least two weeks had passed. Now, however, they were seriously considering staying even longer, as, despite the relatively short period of time that had passed, even Endorsi, Anak, Khun, and Laure had felt a marked increase in their capabilities.
The Little Garden not only drastically reduced the amount of time it took to master new skills, it also had a remarkable effect on the physical and mental development of everything training within. This was best observed by the progress of both Shibisu and Nare, two relatively normal people who now had the ability to perform peak human feats. The former could now squat over 500kgs and, though her own feats were nowhere near that level, Nare had doubled her sprinting speed from 23km/h to a commendable 46km/h. This didn't sound that impressive on paper, but, considering she was able to do this in a compression suit without any Shinsu Enhancement, it was, inarguably, a very drastic improvement.
Unfortunately, though many people seemed to be in favor of the idea, Vahn threw a wrench into Khun's plans, stating, "There are still sixteen Floors remaining until we are supposed to separate. I have plans in the Middle and Outer Towers, so I'd rather not idle about too long. Besides, while it is certainly an extremely useful place for training, real growth comes from overcoming obstacles, not overpreparing until the point you can power through everything."
Since the Little Garden was Vahn's possession, nobody else really had a say in how it was used, so, with a slightly troubled smile on his face, Khun replied, "You make a valid point. I guess I just got carried away due to how amazing that place is. It feels like my brain absorbs everything whenever I'm inside. If I could, I would probably coop myself up inside of there all day...haaaa..."
Amused by Khun's 'honesty', a trait he had been showing more of as of late, Vahn lightly chuckled before surprising the boy as he said, "I'll tell you what. Reach the 100th Floor and I'll provide you a Little Garden of your own. For now, you're already making rapid progress so don't be too greedy. I don't want to see any of you become overconfident and egotistical just because you were provided benefits others could only hope to obtain. Power has a detrimental impact on a person's character, so, if you want to avoid becoming monsters by the time you reach the peak, you need to be ready and willing to experience setbacks."
As they had largely gotten used to Vahn's spontaneous speeches, most of the people present at the table just habitually nodded their heads. Only people like Baam, Shibisu, Khun, and Hwa Ryun ever paid full attention to his words. This made Vahn miss his time as a 'silent' Emperor, but, considering the many benefits he had received since his mental shift, he wasn't that remiss about his Children's lackadaisical behavior. It would most likely come back to bite them, and, even if it didn't, he would find a way to ensure they experienced at least one setback along their journey...
With that in mind, an amused smile spread across Vahn's face, sending shivers through the bodies of the more perceptive members of the group. Before they could ascertain his intentions, however, Vahn manifested his Pocket, displaying the time as he said, "I have already informed one of the Test Administrators of our intentions. We have been scheduled for a 6 AM departure so there will be no training tomorrow. Instead, we will gather here at 5 AM to eat breakfast before heading over to the central plaza as a group. I won't tell you to go to bed this instant, but make sure you get plenty of rest in preparation for our departure. I heard the 4th Floor is a Survival Test, so we might be staying outdoors for the better part of a month."
Though they would have normally been bothered by Vahn's words, as Survival Tests were always a pain, nobody showed any real concern. They mistakenly believed they would be able to freshen up and relax within the Little Garden, but, after their lackluster reactions, Vahn was intending to have them suffer through the Survival Test just like any other group of Regulars. After all, he wasn't here to baby them, even if they were his 'Children'...
With everyone promptly vacating his room following the announcement, Vahn promptly returned to the interior of the Little Garden. Immediately after that, he manifested as his Realm self before transferring to the third of nine sub-textures he had produced. The majority of these emulated different Shinsu densities, primarily intended for use in Team Wolf Pack's training. The lowest two, however, served as Vahn's 'love nest' and the place where he housed the many Templates he was intending to develop.
Though it was a little shameless of him, Vahn took advantage of the fact he had received his wives' blessing to create a template of another character he had been attached to in his youth, a woman named Mirajane Strauss from a Record known as Fairy Tail.
Fairy Tail had been a favorite series of Asuna, so, curious to learn whether her Take Over magic would work on creatures like Shinheuh, Vahn used it as an excuse to summon the inordinately beautiful woman with pure white hair, sapphire eyes, and a world-class figure. As for the other Templates, he went with four of the main characters that had helped to shape his childhood: Ichigo Kurosaki, from the same Record as Yoruichi, Son Goku, from a Record known as Dragon Ball, Gol D. Roger, from one of his all-time favorites, One Piece. As for the fourth, Vahn had initially wanted to go with Uzumaki Naruto, another one of his favorite characters, but, after performing a number of indecent acts with Hinata, he simply couldn't bring himself to create a Template of the titular main character. Instead, he settled on another character from the same series, a man who had left quite an impact, quite literally, on the entire verse: Madara Uchiha.
Vahn knew there were far more powerful Templates he could use, but, with his own Soul Tier and understanding of the characters being a limiter, he settled on people he was simply curious about. He was actually intending to create Templates of nearly every main character from the series he had enjoyed as a child, but, with his [Universal Mind] being stuck a E-Rank, that would have to wait until he had further developed the Innate...
Finding Madara staring down Goku, the former in his characteristic red armor while the latter wore an equally famous orange gi, Vahn couldn't help but release a tired sigh before looking around for the other battle junkie in the group, asking, "Where is Roger? I find it hard to believe he would miss out on the opportunity to participate in a fight."
Though he was normally a lot less serious, Goku maintained a focused look on his face, fearlessly staring into Madara's false Sharingan as he answered, "He and Ichigo were trying to figure out how to use Haki without purchasing the scrolls. The last I saw them, they were flying towards the North."
Understanding he was in the way of the duo's battle, Vahn nodded his head in response to Goku's words before relying on his omniscience to immediately locate Roger and Ichigo. He could have done this from the very beginning, but, trusting his instincts, he tried to interact with his Templates whenever possible. There was no way he would be able to develop his [Universal Mind] by relying on his [Keeper of the Akashic Tome], so, while he intended to continue Naming his Templates, Vahn knew they would most likely be able to develop Egos without his interference.
As Goku had alleged, Vahn found Roger and Ichigo in the midst of what he intuited to be training to master Observation Haki. They were both wearing blindfolds, and, though they had only been at it for a few days, Vahn could already sense an 'intent' lingering within the area despite neither using his [Will of the Emperor]. Unfortunately, this intent wasn't nearly focused, so, rather than training, it looked like the duo were just beating each other with reinforced wooden swords...
Deciding he would also be in the way here, Vahn transferred himself to the eighth sub-texture before returning to his 'normal' self. Then, with an uncontainable grin on his face, he entered into a circular chamber filled with lace curtains, a massive circular bed, hundreds of pillows, and several scattered wardrobes. At the very center of this arrangement, two inordinately beautiful women could be seen flanking a much younger looking girl, each lying on their stomachs with their perky butts veiled by three very different styles of lingerie.
Though they all noticed his presence at the same time, it was the beautiful white-haired woman who first peeked back over her shoulder, smiling radiantly as she said, "Welcome back, Vahn. We just started a movie. Do you want to join us?"
Since there were many types of intimacy that had nothing to do with having sex, Vahn's smile became even more prominent as he unhesitantly agreed to Mira's suggestion. Then, with Mira to his left and Hinata snuggling against him on his right, Vahn enjoyed watching an animated movie called 'My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising' while Yoruichi, in her cat form, dangled from his head...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'FBI-san, he's over here...','Great suffering awaits~!','Watching anime between two waifus...I'm not crying...')
https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)
Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh
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