While Baam was off meeting with the Floor Guardian, the remaining Regulars, being those who had passed the Position Test, had gathered together on the stage. They had all been given the option to either take the test alongside Baam or simply pass on to the next floor. The former would see them remembered as 'traitor's who had aided an Irregular during their climb, a status that risked setting them at odds with the Jahad Empire. The latter, however, meant they would be forced to move on to the next floor without a team, effectively reducing their chances of climbing any higher to zero.
Fortunately, thanks to the impromptu gathering within the Medical Ward, the sense of unity within Team Wolf Pack, named as such due to Gandr being designated mascot, was pretty solid. The only Regulars who were on the fence were Chunhwa, Nare, and the 'leader' of the so-called Spear Bearer Revolutionaries, a lanky green-skinned man named Parakewl. As for Green and Levin, neither waited around to discuss the possibility of teaming up. They had never been particularly close any of the other passing Regulars, so, rather than invite guaranteed troubles upon themselves, they decided to risk climbing as a duo.
In the end, most of the tensions within the group were the result of fearing the unknown. After that, it was fearmongering by Parakewl, who, despite having no former association with the group, didn't even try to filter himself as he lambasted Baam and tried to convince everyone else to climb up the Tower with him. This served to annoy most of the people present, but, surprising virtually everyone, it was Vahn who silenced the man, stating, "Leave. You contribute nothing to the group. Even if you choose to participate in this Test, I will not allow you to join our party on the 3rd Floor."
Though his complexion was similar to a corpse that had been rotting for weeks, Parakewl somehow managed to become red in the face, his mouth far wider than a normal person as he shouted, "Who are you to make such-"
Before Parakewl could complete his outburst, an oppressive aura descended upon his body, forcing him to his knees. Following this, Vahn, his tone laden with frosty undertones, stated, "Those who go seeking death should not be surprised to find it waiting for them. I will not repeat myself so choose your next words carefully."
Feeling the pressure rapidly fade away, Parakewl released a pained groan as he attempted to rise to his feet. In the end, he was forced to bring out one of his spears to use as a walking stick, as, due to the sudden and intense pressure forcing him to his knees, both of his knee-joints were now riddled with microfractures. This brought him an intense amount of pain, but, other than glare at Vahn with a wrath-filled expression, he made no further comment.
Resisting the urge to snort through his nose, Vahn made a mental note to teach the man an even harsher lesson if Parakewl actually ignored his words and tried to leech off the group. The man had no redeeming qualities, and, unlike Hoh, he showed absolutely no remorse for his actions. He was a parasite in the guise of a human, someone who would not hesitate to betray everyone to further his own interests.
Deciding to simply ignore the man, Vahn passed his gaze over the other Regulars present, a smile appearing on his face due to how intently they were staring back at him. Phae and Gandr had been hyping him up for quite a while, so, now that tensions were at their highest, it was only natural that their focus was wholly on what he would say next. Even Khun was staring at him with an expression that would have earned Loki's praise, his eyes reflecting a calculating light as he mentally prepared himself to change his plans in an instant.
Having learned that speaking less could drastically increase the gravitas carried by his words, Vahn waited until he had made eye contact with everyone present before declaring, "I will participate in the coming Test."
Though it was a relatively plain and straightforward statement, Vahn's words brought a mixture of relief and excitement to most of the Regulars present. They could vividly recollect the power he had displayed during the Crown Game, so, at the very least, their chances of success had improved.
Cementing this idea within everyone's mind, Gandr showed the most excitement among everyone present, ears perking up and tail wagging as he exclaimed, "Awesome! This next test is going to be a breeze if Master is helping out~!"
Nodding her head in agreement, Phae removed what little doubt remained in the hearts of some by saying, "Indeed. So long as my Lord wills it, even a normal person would be able to climb the Tower. In fact, I can't help but feel as though this entire test is rather unnecessary..."
Latching onto Phae's words, Khun's expression displayed a mixture of confusion, seriousness, and intrigue as he asked, "What do you mean, Ms. Phae?"
Rather than allow Phae to speak for him, Vahn held out his hand in response to Khun's inquiry, a resplendent blue sphere appearing within his palm as he explained, "This is the Little Garden. It is a miniature world contained within my Soul. The Tower's rules and restrictions have no influence over anything placed within."
Hearing Vahn's explanation, Khun wasn't the only one stunned into silence. After all, if they were to believe his words, it implied that, so long as they had been chosen by Vahn, 'anyone' would be able to climb up the Tower. This brought to the surface an idea that had been lingering in many of their minds for a very long time, a notion embodied by Khun remarking, "So the three of you really are Irregulars..."
With Vahn falling silent once again, it was Phae who explained, "It was never really a secret. Rather, Endorsi, Rachel, and Anak have known about it for quite some time. Administrator Quant had also been made aware of our status on the very first day. We simply didn't advertise it. After all, while it might be a big deal to be an Irregular inside the Tower, it means nothing to those who come from outside. Rather, Jahad and his Ten Great Warriors are obviously Irregulars themselves so it is rather odd for the classification to have a negative context...if I had to say, it seems like they are just doing everything in their power to maintain their stranglehold on the Tower and its inhabitants~."
Though she spoke in her words in a slightly upbeat tone, every Regular present could see the rage bubbling within Phae's sapphire eyes. She wasn't the only one either, as, immediately following her musings, Gandr bared his teeth as he muttered, "Corrupt bastards...just wait until my Master comes to teach you a lesson...!"
Earning a slightly pointed look from Endorsi, Vahn reached out his hand, patting Gandr's head as he calmly stated, "Stay your anger...you have seen for yourself that there are good people, even among the Ten Great Families. When the time comes, I will deal with those who appear irredeemable. As for the rest, they will serve as the foundation for establishing a better system..."
Towards the latter half of his statement, Vahn passed his gaze over Khun, Laure, and Endorsi, a smile appearing on his face to ensure they understood the implied meaning in his words. After all, he had no interest in ruling the Tower, and, unless it could literally elevate him to the peak of the Record, it was only a matter of time before he moved beyond it.
From what Vahn could tell, the strongest beings in the Tower were only around Tier 5, so, unless he had seriously miscalculated, it would only take a few decades before he was able to sweep through most of them. This could be expedited by using the Little Garden, but, after exploiting Space-Time Orbs for three Records in a row, he would rather experience a few setbacks than spend decades in isolation just to prevent them.
With this in mind, Vahn answered the question Phae had proposed previously, stating, "Though it is possible to circumvent the Tower's rules by using the Little Garden, there is no meaning in climbing higher if you are unwilling to work for it. Power is something that must be obtained, not received."
Finished with his words, Vahn allowed the Little Garden to dissipate before closing his eyes, clearly implying the conversation had come to an end. This caused people like Nare to show disheartened expressions, as, for a brief moment, she humored the thought of getting a 'free ride' to the very top of the Tower. As for others, specifically Khun, he had been thinking about the most effective way to expand their forces by concealing people within the Little Garden, just as he had done beforehand using his Manbarondenna...
Playing off of Vahn's previous statement, Phae released a slightly melancholic sigh, her usual smile turning sad as she remarked, "That's a shame...I understand your reasoning, but there are so many tragic children among the Regulars here. I suppose I will just have to settle on changing the system rather than caring for everyone we meet during our climb..."
Even if he was the one putting on the act through her, Vahn couldn't help feeling slightly guilty in response to Phae's performance. This was denoted by his expression paling slightly, something the more astute members of the group immediately took note of. Endorsi even presented a 'knowing' smile, giggling mischievously like a bored housewife who had just learned a juicy tidbit of gossip...
While everyone else was discussing what kind of Test the Guardian might throw their way, Baam had just emerged from a massive set of stone doors. Waiting for him in the adjoining corridor was none other than Director Yu, who, upon noticing Baam's approach, offered a smile that wasn't quite a smile as he asked, "Tell me, Mr. Baam...did the Guardian give you permission to take the Test?"
Showing a mixture of relief and excitement, Baam returned a sincere smile as he cheerfully replied, "Yes! He said it was okay to take the Test with Rachel. As for the conditions, he said they were up to you."
Though he already knew what to expect beforehand, Director Yu couldn't help but released a sigh in response to Baam's naivete. Then, after shaking his head, he plainly asserted, "You're a complete and utter fool, you know that? You have a complete lack of awareness and even smile in the face of your enemies...so ridiculous..."
Confused by the Director's words, Baam tilted his head slightly to the side, but, before he could ask, the former went on to explain, "Since we have already reached this point, allow me to inform you of a few key facts. You see, Mr. Baam, I have been aware that you were an Irregular from the very start. I am also aware of your relationship with Michelle. Not only that, but this entire series of events has been orchestrated from the very beginning, all to force you into this exact situation..."
Feeling even more confused than before, Baam's pupils began to expand and contract rapidly, his complexion paling as he asked, "Why...why would you do such a thing?"
Snorting through his nose, Director Yu half-faced away from Baam as he answered, "Because you're a dangerous person. Unlike that trio of monsters, your motivations are incomprehensible, driven by pure insanity. You would genuinely risk, not just your life, but the lives of all your friends just for the sake of a senseless girl's absurd dream. Someone like you isn't qualified to climb the Tower...this is a place where people desperately struggle to make their dreams come true. Now, those same people will be forced to abandon their dreams, overwhelming by your ridiculous talent and the power you have been handed without effort. You will crush the dreams of countless people, people who have struggled for hundreds of years, just to allow a single girl to see the stars...you are utterly insane."
Taken aback by the Director's words, Baam ultimately fell silent for several seconds, confusion and conflict visible in his golden eyes. This elicited another tired sigh from the Director, but, before the man could turn away completely, a resolute light flashed across Baam's eyes as he replied, "When I first entered the Tower, I was told that 'everything' could be found at the top. Since you're a Ranker, you must have seen what's up there, right? Tell me, is there really something worth what everyone is risking? Does whatever lay at the top justify all this sadness, pain, and killing...?"
Somewhat annoyed by Baam's words, Director Yu frowned slightly before adopting a lackadaisical smile and asserting, "I can't really explain it with words. However, there's more wealth and beauty at the top of the Tower than you can imagine! Everything in this world, no, even more than that...it can all be found at the top of the Tower...everything except what that woman seeks. Those who attempt to reach the top without making an earnest effort will never find what they are searching for.."
Though he could understand what the Director was trying to say, Baam still shook his head before calmly stating, "It should not be up to others to determine whether or not someone is making an earnest effort. You cannot objectively measure everyone by the same standards. People are born different, have different desires, and experience things from their own perspective. The system you have created to Test Regulars is not fair to those who are born without the privileges of power and luck. Just because they aren't blessed, you want to say someone is unworthy? To me, that sounds like a convenient excuse those in power have made up to keep 'normal' people in their place...you can call me insane if it makes you feel better...however, from my perspective, it seems like you, and everyone else who has reached the top of the Tower, failed to find what you were looking for. Now, you send other people chasing after dreams they can never achieve thanks to a broken system that prevents them from surpassing the current 'King'...to me, that seems far more insane than wanting to see the stars..."
Finished with what he had to say, Baam was the first to turn away, his figure from behind seeming a little larger than it was before. Then, bringing a smile to the Director's face, his voice sounded just a bit deeper as he added, "I will make it up the Tower...if all the people who have already climbed are not lying...what I want 'has' to be up there. I will find it...no matter what..."
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'This Pickle is pushing his luck...','If Vahn was the leader, the party would be called 'Team Express Train'','A little bit of Baam's Protagonist is leaking out (OwO)...')
https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)
Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh
With the Test Director giving everyone an extra day to contemplate their participation, Vahn was beginning to think the only reason it took people so long to climb the Tower was the 'mandated' breaks. He had actually been looking forward to taking the Guardian Test then and there so it was a moderate disappointment to be told it wouldn't take place until the early morning, two days later.
Fortunately, now that he had officially joined the party alongside everyone else, he no longer had as much a reason to keep himself isolated. Thus, when many of the Regulars, including some who had failed, were getting together for a separation party, he was able to attend. His presence, as could be expected, caused quite a number of people to feel nervous, but, after providing a plethora of exotic foods and drinks for, tensions rapidly waned.
Curiously, with the exception of a woman named Serena, nobody seemed particularly concerned about Ghost's, Hoh's, and Hwa Ryun's disappearances. This put into perspective how little most of the Regulars cared about what happened to anyone outside of their own party, but, considering it had only been a month since the majority of them met, that wasn't too surprising. Rather, they had spent the last month actively competing against and trying to eliminate each other, so, with Gandr's group being an obvious exception, it was hard to form strong bonds with strangers competing for the same prize...
While Vahn was off making the going-away party tenser than it had to be, Phae had been invited by Khun to discuss strategy alongside Shibisu. They were considered the brain of the current party, so, while she had wanted to make sure Anak didn't drown herself on too much alcohol, Phae had been roped into compiling a list of everyone's strengths and weakness while the three of them worked to develop numerous formations and strategies.
It was during this process that Khun asked an understandable but amusing question, his expression serious as he asked, "Though I understand he is a Wave Controller, where do you think Vahn would have the greatest impact in a formation?"
Since they would be part of a team in the future, Vahn had asked that everyone simply refer to him by name unless they had officially agreed to become his vassals or subjects. This caused quite a bit of unease, but, as it was even more awkward to continue referring to someone as an Emperor, there was no real resistance to the idea.
In response to Khun's inquiry, Phae issued a laugh that caused both boys to feel a little nervous, an emotion that was amplified when she cheerfully remarked, "Trying to predict my Lord's actions is an exercise in futility. He has no position in a party because he is effectively a one-man army. The only thing you can be certain of is that he will always act in a way that either draws the most attention or causes the greatest impact on the battlefield. You will understand more about this in the future, but, to surmise, he will basically do whatever he wants. Don't worry though, as, more often than not, his actions lead to the 'best' possible outcome."
Khun and Shibisu got the impression that Vahn was going to be a nightmare teammate, but, with Phae present, neither of them would dare make such a statement. She could be very scary when it concerned her 'Lord', so, after hearing her explanation, the two just laughed as Shibisu noted, "That will certainly make the journey up the Tower more interesting...hahahaha..."
Though he had some sway over her behavior, Gandr was ultimately unable to prevent Anak from drinking a rather excessive amount of alcohol. She seemed quite fond of the substance, and, since she was well over three-hundred-years-old, it wasn't like he could prevent her from treating the bottle like a best friend.
Fortunately, after the previous incident, Anak seemed to gain a bit more awareness regarding her condition whilst drinking. As a result, she stayed next to him most of the evening, nursing a bottle nearly a third the size of her body as she watched the festivities from the side. This earned both her and Gandr a fair amount of teasing, Endorsi being the chief culprit, but it wasn't like either of them were particularly bothered by such remarks.
In the end, Gandr helped most of the girls return to their room, this time leaving Anak to sleep with Endorsi. The two had become pretty close over the last couple of weeks, and, though they would still butt heads 'very often', there was no real animosity between them. Rather, they behaved very similarly to biological sisters, and, whenever Gandr was included in the equation, the three of them gave off the impression of close yet highly competitive siblings.
Though he always carried the suspicion that 'something' might happen in the future, Gandr enjoyed the current dynamic he had, not just with the two Princesses, but everyone within their group. Them making him their mascot was a little embarrassing but it also made him feel a type of happiness he had always sought after but could never quite grasp. This was especially true whenever he just hung out with Shibisu, Hatsu, and Baam, the latter of which currently competed with him to represent the very 'heart' of the group.
Even if he hadn't been friends with Baam and the rest, Gandr, or, more specifically, Vahn would have helped them. After all, it was his nature to be a bit of a busy-body, so, with the Tower having a clear path of progression, it was inevitable that he would have helped countless people before ultimately forcing change. Now, however, he had a 'legitimate' reason to help out, as, for what felt like the first time in more than three-hundred-years, he had people he could grow alongside; friends and rivals who would share the same burdens while helping each other improve. Thus, when Baam appeared before dawn to ask him for help with his training, Gandr couldn't help but wag his tail slightly as he readily agreed to help the boy...
With time seeming to pass within the blink of an eye, Team Wolf Pack had packed into the school-shaped Suspend Ship used by the Administrators to transport Regulars to various locations on the Floor. Only certain locations allowed for teleportation, and, more often than not, they required an intermediary at a relatively close range to facilitate the transfer. Thus, with the location of their Test being several thousand kilometers from Evankhell's Resort, it was only natural to travel via Suspend Ship to their destination.
During the two-hour-long journey, Director Yu, being the Proctor for the Guardian's Test, went on to explain the actual objectives to the group of fifteen 'Regulars'. This included the green-skinned man named Parakewl, who, despite Vahn's warning, tried to buddy up with other members of the group as if he had known them for years. Because of Vahn's warning, however, the only person who was willing to humor the man was Baam, but, considering he had even forgiven Hoh, this wasn't too surprising...
With all eyes focused on him, Director Yu, accompanied by Administrator Lero-Ro, wore a genial mask as he explained, "Now that we're approaching our destination, allow me to explain the rules of this, the Submerged Fish Hunt, test. Simply put, you have to hunt the submerged fish and catch them."
Hearing Director Yu's explanation, an excited gleam flashed across Rak's red eyes before he loudly exclaimed, "Ha! You want us to catch fishies!? That's my specialty! This Test is going to be a breeze! Hahahahahahaha!"
Adopting a deadpan expression on his face, Director Yu waited until Rak's laughter had begun to settle before explaining, "Sorry to burst your bubble, but you won't be the ones hunting the fish..."
Following Director Yu's remark, a holographic light display unfolded out of thin air to reveal what appeared to be an adorably cartoonish seal. They were chubby creatures with dark-blue skin, seal-like features, large flippers, and a wreath of anemone-like protrusions forming a ring around their necks.
Using a compressed needle as a pointer, Director Yu lightly tapped the hard-light display as he explained, "These are known as Net Dolphins, a type of Shinheuh that hunts by creating a massive net of Shinsu. They use this net to gather up as many fish as possible, feeding them to their much larger Queen, a massive Shinheuh located in the very center of today's testing grounds. Your main objective is to protect these Net Dolphins from their natural predators, Striped Ground Pigs, and an opportunistic hunting tribe known as Barnacle Goblins..."
In response to Director Yu's words, the display changed to show another remarkably cartoonish species of Shinheuh, this time appearing like a fur-covered alligator with stubby legs and a tiny tail. As the name implied, it had a series of zig-zagging stripes running along its body. As for the other Shinheuh, they looked more like Orcs than Goblins, each possessing dark-green skin and muscular physiques that were capped off by dinosaur-like heads covered in black scales.
After affording everyone a few moments to read the information on the screen, Director Yu tapped the display, this time showing a leech-like Shinheuh covered in leathery, flesh-colored, hide. Next to it, the silhouette of a human and a Barnacle Goblin could be seen, obviously intended to serve as a reference for scale. This put into perspective how truly massive the 'Giant Marsh Worms' were, as, if the scale was accurate, they were easily more than a hundred meters long and fifteen meters wide at their midsections.
Answering the questions on everyone's minds, Director Yu went on to explain, "Net Dolphins are a favorite of the Striped Ground Pigs, a mammalian species of Shinheuh that also has an antagonistic relationship with the Barnacle Goblins. The latter breeds and domesticates Giant Marsh Worms in order to pilfer some of the daily tribute submitted by the Net Dolphins to their Queen. Your main goal for today's Test is to protect your Bait, represented by Mr. Baam and Ms. Rachel, and the Net Dolphins. If the latter is predated by the Striped Ground Pigs, they will not be able to properly form a net in order to feed their Queen. You will fail the test if your Bait, protected by a barrier of Shinsu, leaves the lake without being consumed by the Queen. This is where the Barnacle Goblins come in, as, with their Giant Marsh Worms, they are capable of pilfering large quantities of fish from the Net Dolphins. If you do not intervene, it is almost guaranteed that your Bait will be consumed by one of the Giant Marsh Worms, so, not only will you have to protect the Net Dolphins from their natural predator, you will also need to hold back a tribe of Barnacle Goblins. Sounds simple enough, right?"
Seeing the deadpan expressions on several people's faces, Director Yu couldn't help but giggle in a manner that didn't suit someone with such a deep voice. He only stopped when his gaze settled on the aptly named Imperial Trio, none of which seemed even remotely concerned. This caused a smile to spread across his face as he tapped the hard-light display, this time showing the silhouette of a vaguely humanoid Shinheuh as he explained, "Unfortunately, things are rarely straightforward when it concerns Irregulars. While you are completing your other objectives, you'll also need to be on the lookout for the Apex Predator that wanders this region, a creature we simply refer to as the 'Bull'. It is a creature that even strikes fear into the hearts of some Rankers, so, if you are unlucky enough to encounter it, you only have yourselves to blame for choosing this path...now, any questions?"
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn likes to show off...','Gandr is a goodest boi','You'd have to be an idiot not to understand this is a trap (O ^ O)...')
https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)
Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh
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