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70.73% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 1668: Satiety

Capítulo 1668: Satiety

After throwing Nagi into the Sub-Space Training Orb for a few days, Vahn decided it was finally time to check up on the brat. He doubted the youth had completely calmed down, but, without knowing the password, the only methods he had to leave the orb were breaking the interior space or asking permission to leave.

Vahn wasn't particularly fond of holding people against their will, but, after Nagi's previous tantrum, he had made an exception in order to teach the boy a lesson. Besides, it wasn't as if he had thrown the boy into a prison. The interior of the orb had a fully furnished residence, an onsen-like bath with medicinal properties, vast stretches of forested terrain, and, if you wandered far enough, there were even mountains, swamps, and a faux-sea.

At this point, Vahn was confident there were very few people who could compare to him when it came to the creation of Sub-Space Orbs and Dioramas. He could gradually convert the interior into a miniature Realm with enough time, so, while Nagi was certainly thrown inside against his will, he had plenty of things to keep him occupied. There was even a library filled with books related to the use of ki and magical energy, so, if he was smart, he could always hole himself up inside to increase his knowledge...


Demonstrating just how 'adaptable' he was, Vahn found the Nagi relaxing in the onsen with a towel covering his eyes. He didn't seem any worse for wear after spending more than a week inside the training orb, so, while the boy finished with his bath, Vahn entered the residence to investigate its condition.

Unsurprisingly, the interior of the residence looked like a hurricane had passed through it. There was even a large hole leading from the first floor into the basement, seemingly the result of Nagi feeling there was 'something' beneath the residence before he found the actual entrance. Vahn would make the boy repair the hole by hand later, but, for the time being, he entered the kitchen to make a light lunch.

Though almost everything about Nagi grated at the mind, making him exceptionally irksome to be around, Vahn was trying hard not to let it get to him. He could tell the boy was damaged, and, while it wasn't his responsibility to fix the youth's problems, that didn't mean he had to treat him badly. In fact, the best way to break down someone like Nagi was to acknowledge them and treat them, not with deferential respect, but 'understanding'.

At this point, Vahn was seriously considering treating Nagi the same way he had treated Eva in the original history. The boy would benefit greatly from attending a 'normal' school and socializing with people his own age. He was pretty handsome, and, though his personality needed a lot of work, the hearts of young girls rarely cared about such things.

Ideally, Nagi would be removed from any involvement with Mundus Magicus and its conflicts, but, knowing the youth, it would probably be better to send him to Ariadne. Even after the changes he had introduced, there were still a number of proud and borderline arrogant children attending the various academies within the city. Nagi would be able to thrive in such an environment, and, since there were always families looking to tie powerful people to them through marriage, he was bound to become involved with the daughters of various Nobles. After all, while not as potent as Asuna, he still had the 'aura of a protagonist', so, regardless of where he ended up, Nagi would always be the main character of his story.

While thinking about methods to seal Nagi's power without harming his potential, Vahn skillfully prepared more than a dozen types of sashimi. He was quite fond of fresh fish, and, thanks to the system shop, he was never left wanting for high-quality ingredients.

Sensing someone trying to sneak up behind him, Vahn didn't bother to look behind him as he very plainly stated, "The kitchen is not the type of battleground you are prepared for. If you try anything while I'm preparing lunch, I'll replace everything in the pantry with plain rice."

Hearing Vahn's words, Nagi could be heard audibly clicking his tongue before turning around and leaving the kitchen. His previous series of defeats taught him there was a vast difference in power between himself and the lightly humming dragon. This normally wouldn't be enough to deter him, as there was nothing he enjoyed more than battling powerful opponents. Vahn, however, had never actually fought him. Instead, it was always an extremely one-sided affair, often ending without Vahn drawing his sword or bothering to use even the most basic martial arts technique.

Nagi hated being treated like a kid, but, after several tongue lashings from Asuna, combined with the fact his 'tantrum' had exposed the location of Vahn's base, he couldn't help but reflect, even if it was just a little. His brief period of isolation had given him time to organize his thoughts, and, after imagining their positions reversed, Nagi realized he would probably be super pissed off if he was in Vahn's shoes.

Though he now realized just how childish he had been, Nagi didn't really know how to apologize for his actions. The only things he was good at were fighting and pulling pranks, neither of which seemed suitable for dealing with the current situation. This realization resulted in him feeling even more introspective, as, rather than becoming the hero he aspired to be, Nagi realized he was just a brat who used his power to inconvenience others at his leisure, often relying on his Master to save him when he got in over his head...


After finishing with the lunch preparations, Vahn found Nagi sitting silently at the dining table, his expression fixed in a serious countenance that didn't really suit a child.

Seeing the youth contemplating various things, Vahn just shook his head, a wry smile on his face as he waved his hand, filling the table with dishes. This broke Nagi from his self-absorption, surprising him quite a bit if his instinctual activation of Ki was anything to go by.

Retraining his urge to laugh, Vahn sat on the opposite side of the table, picking up his chopsticks before meeting Nagi's gaze and saying, "Eat. We will talk afterward."

With that said, Vahn didn't wait for Nagi's response, deftly picking up a piece of sashimi with his chopsticks before lightly dipping it into an off-colored soy sauce. It was fermented from a type of soybean purchased from the system shop, and, though it was simply called a soybean, the face it was several hundred times more expensive indicated it was anything but normal.

Though he often bought items and foodstuffs directly from the system shop, Vahn had learned the joy of creating condiments from scratch during his lessons with Benienma, Circe, and Medea. They benefitted from the same boosts that applied to all his cooking, so, compared to the condiments he purchased from the system shop, the ones produced by hand tasted much better.

Seeing Vahn eat with a somewhat 'stupid' smile on his face, Nagi couldn't help but stare at him for several seconds before turning his attention to the simply cut sashimi. It didn't seem to be anything special, but, watching Vahn, it was like there was nothing in the world more flavorful than raw fish neatly arranged on a plate...

Recalling that Vahn was, in fact, a Dragon, Nagi decided to just be grateful the former didn't try to feed him a whole goat or something. With that in mind, he used his own chopsticks to pick up a piece of sashimi before bringing it to his mouth without any garnishments. He actually wasn't all that fond of things like soy sauce, much to the chagrin of his sword instructor, Eishun Konoe.

Chomping down on the piece of sashimi without any real expectations, Nagi was surprised to find that it was filled with flavor. It was also paradoxically crisp yet springy, feeling soft on the palate but surprisingly easy to chew. Stranger still, the juices from the fish were like a rich and flavorful umami that soaked into the tastebuds, lingering for several seconds without even a hint of a fading into an unpleasant aftertaste.

Eyes widening, Nagi stared back at Vahn with a rather incredulous expression on his face, earning an amused smile from the latter as he said, "True mastery is the mastery of the self. It requires you to put the maximum amount of effort into everything you do, constantly striving to improve, not as a martial artist or a mage, but as a person. Now, eat. We have much to discuss and you have a big decision to make once we're finished..."

Though he couldn't help but furrow his brows slightly when he heard Vahn's words, Nagi wasn't going to pass on the opportunity to eat delicious food. He had never eaten something as flavorful as the simply cut sashimi before him, a rather ridiculous notion considering he had eaten dragon steak and filleted sea serpent. Both were considered supreme delicacies in Mundus Magicus, and, unless you had the strength to hunt them yourself, you would end up paying tens of thousands of Drachma just to sample the notoriously difficult to prepare meat...

After picking up another piece of sashimi, Nagi couldn't help but swallow a knot in his throat as he turned his attention towards the pale-pink liquid that vaguely resembled soy sauce. Then, changing the way he viewed all condiments from that moment onward, Nagi dipped the end of his sashimi into the saucer before experiencing an 'explosion' of flavor before the sashimi even hit his tongue...


While Nagi was busy engorging himself like a Saiyan who had just finished fasting for a year, a very different kind of scene was playing out outside of the Sub-Space Orb. Both scenes brought a smile to Vahn's face, but, while the former was somewhat amusing, the latter made him feel a bit helpless, as, after knocking out the mercenaries attempting to sneak onto the island, Asuna returned to the beach with a 'vengeance'.

Since it had been around lunchtime before her departure, Vahn decided to use the momentary lull to pull out a grill and barbeque a few items. He greatly enjoyed the sweet and smokey smell that pervaded the area whenever he barbequed, so, whenever they were spending the day at the beach, he often pulled out the grill to have some fun. Cooking was something he enjoyed quite a bit, and, after spending a few weeks inside his Realm, he was in the mood to prepare all kinds of dishes.

Without thinking anything of it, Vahn ended up grilling a few sausages, hamburgers, chicken, and a mix of vegetables such as broccoli, asparagus, and mushrooms. They weren't exactly the best items to throw onto a grill, but, regardless of the situation, Vahn always did his best to prepare a balanced meal while providing multiple options. He even brought out a salad he had prepared earlier, and, as always, a large pot of perfectly cooked rice accompanied every meal he ate.

Originally, Vahn had intended to reward Asuna by sitting together on the beach and hand-feeding her a few of the items he had prepared. This was exceptionally well-received by the young woman in question, but, never missing the opportunity to escalate things, Vahn couldn't help but adopt a wry smile when he saw the glimmer in Asuna's eyes as she stared at the sausage he had proferred forth. Then, after licking her lips suggestively, she pulled her hair back, quickly fastening it into a loose ponytail before slowly lowering her face toward the sausage.

Though she did eventually eat the offered meat, it wasn't before she had 'fully sampled' its flavors with her mouth and tongue, periodically turning her eyes up at Vahn to giggle in response to his facial expressions...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Nagi is going to need to update his tag from 'shonen' to 'romcom'','EPIC isn't a cooking novel','I imagine Vahn's eye twitching the moment she finally bit down...') <-(p.atreon link)

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Capítulo 1669: Guidance

After eating more raw fish in one sitting than the last year combined, Nagi could be seen sitting with a toothpick in his mouth, a look of confusion visible in his countenance as he asked, "You want me to go to school? Why?"

Ignoring Nagi's lack of manners, Vahn just continued staring impassively back at him, slowly stirring his tea as he repeated, "As I stated previously, it will be good for your development. That power you possess serves no purpose at the present moment, and, unless you intend to keep playing games, it is high time you begin focusing on more important things: forging connections and bonds that will last a lifetime. As you are now, you are grossly underprepared to involve yourself with the politics of this world. Tell me, why do you seek power? What drives you?"

Hearing Vahn's explanation, Nagi theatrically rolled his eyes before pulling one of his legs up to sit more comfortably as he rebutted, "Why should I answer your questions? What I do with my power shouldn't really matter to you, right? I just want to be strong enough to guarantee my freedom. It's that simple."

Maintaining the same impassive expression, Vahn continued to stare into Nagi's eyes until the boy eventually averted his gaze. Then, with a stern and calm voice, he stated, "I think you're coming to realize this, but freedom doesn't mean doing whatever you want. When you use your power at the expense of others, you aren't free, you are a tyrant. Freedom is an insular concept, something that is internalized and embodied through our actions and the way we perceive the world around us. Even a prisoner in a dungeon can be free within their own minds, and, though some might argue against it, even the most impoverished among us can obtain freedom through the pursuit of self-mastery, art, and spiritual pursuits..."

Giving Vahn a look that seemed to communicate, 'Are you crazy?', Nagi began to shake his head before saying, "That isn't freedom. Those are just ways people fool themselves into believing they are free so they can continue-"

Interrupting the youth, Vahn's expression became serious as he plainly stated, "You know too little about the world to make such assertations. In the grand scheme of things, the truest desire found within the hearts of countless men, women, and even gods is the simple desire to be happy. Your views on freedom aren't wrong, Nagi Springfield, but you are mistaken in believing your own desire to be free is any different from everyone else's. In my experience, I have come to learn that freedom is an illusion we create for ourselves, an ideal we strive for, and, at times, the very thing that causes us to make compromises we inevitably come to regret..."

Remembering all of the compromises he made in his own life, Vahn had to inhale deeply in order to prevent a sigh from escaping his lips. Then, adopting a gentler expression, he lightly shook his head before adding, "There is nothing wrong with pursuing freedom...Rather, it is often one of the most powerful motivators...especially when you have experienced a life without..."

Hearing Vahn's words, Nagi balled his hands into fists, his jaw flexing a few times as he clenched his teeth and continued to listen. He actually wanted to refute everything Vahn was saying, but, seeing the reminiscent look that had briefly flashed across the man's eyes, the words simply wouldn't form in his throat.

Taking note of Nagi's silence, Vahn gave a small nod of approval before continuing, his voice calm and steady as he explained, "I'm certain true freedom exists, but it is not found through the pursuit of power. Rather, the more powerful you become, the greater your burdens and responsibilities will become. You will come to understand this truth once there are things, other than yourself, that you wish to protect. The only way you can avoid this is to remain isolated from everything, pursuing the idea of freedom without involving anyone else...either that or you become a monster who only sees their own interests and desires as relevant, sacrificing everything else in a vain effort to fill the void created by your own, tell me, why do you seek power? What truly drives you?"

With Vahn's words repeating in his mind, Nagi didn't rush to answer. Instead, he remained silent for several minutes, his expression shifting between conflict and confusion before he eventually raised his head and answered, "I didn't want to be a victim...I want to help people..."

Satisfied by Nagi's response, Vahn nodded his head in approval, the edges of his smile becoming a little more prominent as he mused, "A noble of the, tell me, young Hero, how have your actions these past few weeks helped to further your goal? Does throwing a tantrum and acting like an entitled brat make you feel powerful and heroic? Did insulting me, harassing my companions, and exposing an island full of Elemental Spirits to external threats bring you one step closer to completing your objectives~?"

Though Vahn adopted a slightly teasing tone, the look in his eyes told Nagi that he wasn't at all enthused by his recent behavior. This caused him to feel indignant, but, for reasons he wasn't able to fathom, 'something' about the man seated across from him prevented him from speaking out. It was like the atmosphere encompassing him had solidified, but, rather than feel pressured or afraid, Nagi felt...ashamed...

Noticing the color slowly draining from Nagi's face, Vahn performed a slow and methodical blink, allowing the boy to breathe a little easier before he stated, "You have the potential to become one of the most powerful people in this world. If you use your power responsibly, becoming a true hero would be a simple matter. However, as you are now, you simply lack the awareness to influence the world around you without causing trouble and inviting tragedy upon yourself and others. Without a powerful backing, you would have found yourself in a ditch somewhere, stabbed in the back by one of the women you offended or sucking nutrients through a tube as some wayward mage conducted experiments on your body..."

Hearing the last part of Vahn's statement, Nagi's expression darkened considerably, a cold sweat developing across his body as he muttered, "Never..." under his breath.

Though he could have ignored the remark, Vahn shook his head, his expression somber as he said, "It wouldn't be up to you. Just as you exercise your power wantonly, others are like to do the same when they have powerful backings of their own. If you didn't have your current support group, you would not be able to run rampant within the Magical World. You may be powerful, but, as you have assuredly noticed by now, you are far from the most powerful. Your potential is truly incredible, but there are entities in this world that have lived for hundreds, thousands, and even millions of years. It is fine to have a bit of an ego, Nagi Springfield, but, if such a gap were so easy to overcome, people would have done so long before you. Don't get me wrong, you certainly have the potential to reach the pinnacle...what you currently lack is character and something worthwhile to protect...true power is not found in selfish pursuits or arbitrary is something we obtain to uphold our ideals and protect the people we care about..."

Having made his points, Vahn slowly rose to his feet before adding, "I will afford you three days to reflect upon my words and your own desires. Remember, there are countless ways to help people, few requiring the power you seek. Even teachers, pharmacists, and matrons managing orphanages are able to save, shape, and guide people towards a better future. To some, a true hero is nothing more than a person who shared with them kind words in their time of need...take it from me, isn't freedom or fulfillment waiting for you near the peak...if you want to experience true happiness, be good to yourself, be good to others, and start a family. Avoid making enemies and become just strong enough to protect the little slice of happiness you found for might not be able to understand these words right now, but, after you have your first child...I'm certain you'll recall this exact moment and realize the truth contained within..."

Truly finished with what he wished to convey, Vahn didn't wait for Nagi to respond before departing the Sub-Space Orb. Then, feeling a little melancholic, he decided to relax on the sofa, a somber look on his face as he recalled the family he left behind in Danmachi...


Though it required jumping through various hoops, paying off, and brainwashing a considerable number of people, Eva was eventually able to secure passage back to Mundus Magicus. This was generally very difficult during times of war, but, when money ruled the world, there was very little you couldn't do with it. You just needed to know where to look, who to talk to, and, when all else failed, who to threaten...

After evading customs officials and circumventing various mercenary groups that had stationed themselves in Tempe, Eva, wearing a tattered white cloak that covered much of her figure, appeared several kilometers outside the city. At her side, a short-haired woman wearing traditional Japanese Maid attire could be seen scowling, while, across from her, two swordsmen could be seen observing their surroundings. The first gave off the impression of a vagrant, his expression fixed in a relaxed and easygoing smile that didn't seem to take anything seriously. He had maroon-red hair, hazy grey eyes, and, though it wouldn't take him much effort to shave, there was a permanent layer of stubble framing his otherwise handsome face.

A stark contrast to the maroon-haired swordsman, radiating a cool and serious aura that would give even the most ruthless monsters reason to pause; a young man with black hair, peculiar silver eyes, and facial features that could instantly charm most women could be seen closely monitoring their surroundings. Further increasing the aura of seriousness that permeated his entire being, the man wore a perfectly tailed military-style uniform beneath a black mantle. Strapped to his hip, the hilt of a black katana would periodically appear, and, though it didn't affect any of the people present, his aura would cause small animals like birds to drop out of the sky if they flew too close.

As could be expected, the dark-haired woman standing at Eva's side was none other than Karin, the woman best known as the 'Iron Saintess'. The other two were some of Eva's oldest colleagues, and, at one point in time, she even had a crush on the red-haired swordsman, an immortal named Jinbei Shishido.

Before she had become a powerhouse, Jinbei had saved Eva's life on numerous occasions, and, though she would have healed, he had even come to her aid when she was about to be raped by a fallen Noble who had invaded Mundus Vetus. She ended up getting caught in a trap that sealed her magic, and, if not for the timely arrival of Karin and Jinbei, Eva would have suffered considerably under the man who had abducted, raped, and sacrificed countless children. As for the last man, he was actually Jinbei's disciple, someone who had obtained immortality by consuming a legendary medicine. His name was Juuzou Shishimi, and, despite his mask of calm and confidence, his true nature was that of a battle junkie who was obsessed with getting stronger.

Like countless others, Juuzou was someone Jinbei had saved during his travels, and, though the youth had originally lacked talent in the sword, he managed to work his way up to the status of Grandmaster after nearly eight-hundred years. Now, with the exception of perhaps Jinbei and the Grandmaster of the Shinmei-Ryu School, he was one of the most powerful swordsmen currently living. His style was known as Shishimi-Ryu, and, with very few exceptions, he could cut through 'anything and everything'.

Eva had originally met Juuzou around two-hundred-years ago, and, with his help, she had finally been able to liberate Karin, who, at the time, had been sealed inside a World Tree. They didn't get along that well, largely due to the man's propensity to challenge her to duels, but, as someone who had apprenticed under Jinbei, Eva trusted him greatly. As for why Karin was currently glowering at the two, well, the simplest way to put it was that their departure from Tempe hadn't exactly been low key.

With the exception of Juuzou, every other member of Eva's entourage was an S-Rank criminal with a massive bounty on their head. Karin and Jinbei had even fought alongside her when she went to war against Megalomesembria, so, while their bounties were incomparable to Eva's own, they were essentially the three most wanted people in Mundus Magicus. As a result, they were forced to break out of Tempe by force, and, in the process, Juuzou ended up cutting the actual Gateport in half, an action that was guaranteed to increase their infamy...

Though she understood it was impossible to avoid collateral damage at times, Karin was the type to disdain wanton and excessive destruction. It would take upwards of two years to repair the damage Juuzou had done to the Gateport, as, similar to the line Vahn had drawn, his sword intent was 'very' resilient. This meant that Tempe no longer had a functioning Gateport, so, until it was repaired, the economy of the entire nation was going to suffer as a result of his carelessness.

Unfortunately for Karin, Juuzou didn't particularly care about her opinion, as, in his mind, there were only things he could cut, not things he shouldn't cut. Whether or not the Gateport functioned didn't matter to him, as, if it was really that important for the nation's survival, they would have developed more than one over the thousands of years Mundus Magicus had existed. The only thing hindering them from doing so was their greed, as, by limiting the number of imports and exports, they could freely determine the value of items.

Despite having these thoughts, Juuzou didn't bother to voice them, as, over the last seven-hundred or so years, one of the things he had learned was that you simply couldn't win an argument against a woman. They were emotional, irritable, and bigoted, rarely willing to compromise, and even more unwilling to submit to reason. The few women he thought to be exceptions ended up proving that the only difference between them and other women was that they were better at bottling things up, waiting for a day when they could list out even the most inconsequential things to prove their point and manipulate you through guilt...

Fortunately, just as Juuzou was contemplating whether or not he should put Karin's unique form of immortality to the test, Eva, one of the few women he genuinely respected, intervened. Her words immediately silence the grating noise coming out of Karin's mouth, causing a slight smile to spread across Juuzou's face at the dark-haired woman's expense...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Freedom isn't free...','Saitama liked this: +1','Not sure if Juuzou is very wise or the same kind of bigot he accuses others of being...') <-(p.atreon link)

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