After enjoying a few drinks with Kintoki, Vahn decided to take care of summoning Hou Yi so that he could make good on his promise with Chang'e. He also just wanted to get this matter with the Heroes Faction taken care of, freeing up time to focus on other, infinitely more important, things.
Soon after this thought crossed his mind, Vahn found himself inside the Throne of Heroes, a wry smile on his face as he noticed Hou Yi only qualified for three Classes: Archer, Avenger, and, of all things, Moon Cancer. The latter was, according to their small sample size, a Class that had enmity towards the Moon, compelling them to seek its destruction. Since this obviously wouldn't sit well with the Moon Cell, Vahn made the relatively easy choice to summon Hou Yi as a normal Archer Class Servant.
Vahn had always been somewhat curious about Hou Yi, as, even during his time in Danmachi, he and the man had shared some fate with each other. Many of Vahn's archery skills had developed as a result of the legendary archer's influence, and, while he didn't make use of them all that often these days, the [Yi] arrows were still some of his most powerful weapons. He had even been trying to recreate a version for himself, albeit with 'very' limited success...
After confirming his selection, Vahn found himself back in reality, watching as an unsurprisingly handsome man manifested in front of him. He had sleek black hair that was bound in a knot atop his head, and, as could be expected from the husband of the most beautiful Goddess in Chinese mythology, his facial features were world-class. The only thing that seemed off, even if it made a lot of sense, was the fact that his muscular frame and thick arms could be seen bulging through his traditional Chinese hanfu robes. He was even more muscular than Yan Qing, the Assassin that had appeared during the previous Holy Grail War...
As Vahn was eyeing up one of the few people that could be considered an idol to him, Hou Yi was doing much the same, his hawk-like eyes staring back at the man who had summoned him. Then, in a surprisingly soft tone of voice, he said, "I do not believe someone of your caliber is in need of my skills. Your power is deep and unfathomable, akin to an abyss that can swallow everything. Tell me, why have you summoned me into this world?"
Though Vahn was slightly taken aback by Hou Yi's words, he wasn't actually that surprised by the man's judgment. The legendary archer possessed an Innate called [Eye of Discernment(true):EX], an ability that seemed to allow him to determine the capabilities, and weaknesses, of everything he set eyes upon. As for how Vahn knew this, it was due to the fact that, while unable to list actual Innates, the Throne of Heroes interpreted some Innates as Skills that pertained to a Heroic Spirit's legend.
In response to Hou Yi's inquiry, Vahn adopted a casual smile before plainly answering, "I came to an agreement with the Goddess Chang'e. I promised her that I would summon you, allowing the two of you to reunite. The decision to stay is up to you, but I will still take you to see her as part of my agreement."
Hearing Vahn's words, Hou Yi's expression turned into one of disbelief before, like ice melting, his expression softened into a reminiscent smile as he muttered, "Chang' seems the Heavens still have eyes. I have dreamed...hoped this day would come..."
Though it was obviously impossible to see the Moon from deep underground, Hou Yi still turned his eyes toward the ceiling, directing his gaze towards where, previously, he could never reach.
Seeing the fondness contained in Hou Yi's eyes, Vahn buried any regrets he had about not trying to make Chang'e his own. There were several currents that led to this development, but, as Hou Yi was someone he had respected a great deal, despite never meeting, it didn't seem right to usurp his place in Chang'e's heart. He still felt some guilt regarding Shirou Emiya, and, though he didn't regret it in the slightest, Vahn still felt sympathetic towards the original's fate.
After dashing this thought from his mind, Vahn nodded his head toward Hou Yi, saying, "If you are ready, I'll be taking you to meet with Chang'e. I'm not sure she had prepared her heart, but that is something the two of you can work out as husband and wife. What say you?"
As he had spent hundreds of years watching the Moon in yearning, Hou Yi didn't beat around the bush at all, answering, "Please, take me to her. My heart aches every moment we are apart. I have waited for this day for far too long...please, keep me no longer, I beg of you..."
Though it was completely unnecessary, Hou Yi attempted to perform a kowtow toward Vahn, his emotional turmoil preventing him from thinking clearly. Fortunately, Vahn quickly prevented him from doing so, borrowing a Chinese expression, saying, "A man should only bow to his ancestors, his benefactors, and his teachers. I am merely following my agreement with Chang'e. There is no need to prostrate yourself before me, Hou Yi."
Hearing Vahn's words, a seed of deep respect had been planted in Hou Yi's heart, bringing a rare smile to his face as he said, "I understand. You are, however, my Benefactor. If not now, allow me to express my gratitude after reuniting with my wife."
Since he couldn't force the matter, Vahn agreed to Hou Yi's intentions, stating, "If those are your true feelings, I will accept them graciously. For now, allow me to make good on my promise. The words of an emperor are as precious as phoenix feathers and qilin horns. Let us alight."
Vahn had already discussed his intentions with Artoria and the rest, so, without beating around the bush, he rose through the atmosphere like a God ascending to the Heavens, covering the 384,400km distance between Gaia and the Moon in a few short minutes using his Lightning Emperor transformation. He could have reached it in an instant using his Emperor of Light, but, as this would have caused him to crash into the surface of the Moon, he opted for a form that gave him more control.
Upon reaching the surface of the Moon, Vahn tried establishing contact with the Moon Cell, an ultimately futile attempt. Fortunately, the massive crater left by Zhūquè was still present, allowing him to reach the actual Moon Cell, placing his palm against its surprisingly warm surface before being transported inside. For a brief moment, he had been considering 'harvesting' a bit more photonic crystals, so, perhaps understanding his intentions, the Moon Cell didn't afford him the opportunity...
Once he was inside the Photonic Abyss, Vahn eyed his rarely used Command Spells, activating two in order to summon Kintoki and Hou Yi to his side. They didn't have an adequate amount of Loyalty for him to summon them using the Unit Management function, and, considering they were going to be 'enemies' in the future, Vahn decided to keep his actual capabilities a secret. It might not matter in the end, but it was still better to be safe, rather than sorry.
Seeing the strangeness of the Photonic Abyss, Kintoki couldn't help but mutter, "Man, this place is giving me some bad vibes. What's the deal with the numbers floating in the sky?"
Following Kintoki's gaze, Vahn and Hou Yi both looked up at the dome-like sky, dominated with a series of ones and zeroes. If you were more observant, however, you could ascertain that these numbers were formed from an exceptionally complex series of runes. Unfortunately, no matter how fast you moved, reaching them was an impossibility. The Photonic Abyss was a functionally infinite space, so, while they seemed close enough to reach, Vahn knew the futility of trying to get close enough to observe the runes directly.
Rather than answer Kintoki's question, Vahn said, "We'll stop by the Moon Palace first. Chang'e is probably waiting anxiously for Hou Yi's arrival. Besides, I don't think you're in too much of a hurry to meet with Raikou and Shuten, correct...?"
Hearing Vahn's words, Kintoki awkwardly stroked the back of his head, a thug-like grin with wry undertones visible on his face. He wanted to say he wasn't worried, but, knowing both Raikou and Shuten, he couldn't bring himself to lie.
With no arguments, Vahn had the Control Program teleport them directly to the Moon Palace. It was the same as he had remembered, but, despite only a few hours passing, a lonely and tense atmosphere had permeated the premises.
Feeling Hou Yi's emotions spike, Vahn guided them down into the large pavilion with the small lake and the sleeping Jade Rabbit. The latter opened its eyes upon sensing their presence, but, after a cursory glance at the three 'intruders', it immediately dozed off. Around the same time, a large 'clump' of its fur sloughed off, turning into a rather adorable rabbit with floppy ears and a small horn on its head, gesturing for them to follow...
Though it would undoubtedly be an interesting scene to witness, Vahn didn't feel it was his and Kintoko's place to intervene. Thus, rather than follow along with the rabbit, he handed Hou Yi a [Seal of Binding], explaining, "Give this to Chang'e. This will make her into your Master, but, as she wouldn't have any Command Spells, you don't have to worry about her forcing you against your will. I will return to check on you in a few days. I hope everything goes well for the two of you, Hou Yi."
After accepting the preferred item, Hou Yi stared at it for several seconds, considering whether or not he should just return it. He felt greatly indebted to Vahn, so, while he possessed his pride as a former god, following the former didn't seem to be a disgraceful choice. Unfortunately, before he could make up his mind, Vahn had already vanished from sight, understanding Hou Yi's intentions and subsequently ignoring them.
Even if Chang'e wouldn't be a combatant within the Heroes Faction, Vahn felt her presence would be necessary for the group's survival. She was actually quite powerful, and, though there was little chance they would even be able to speak with her, many people would gather under the banner of Heroes just to catch a glimpse of her beauty.
Idolatry was one of the primary pillars of support for any cause, so, the more handsome and beautiful the Heroes were, the more 'inspired' their followers would be. Besides, while he had strayed from the path of an archer, Vahn had always wanted to test his skills against Hou Yi. The man himself might have some misgivings about fighting against his Benefactor, but, as someone with a righteous heart and a Lawful*Good alignment, it shouldn't take much to convince him to fight.
Soon after this thought crossed his mind, Vahn found himself floating above the small mountain valley that contained the Raikou's pavilion and the Yokai District. This time, he couldn't rely on the help of Artoria to get 'lost', so, rather than head inside, he and Kintoki waited near the crossroads where Shirou's small hideout was located.
After a few minutes had passed, a pitter-patter of footsteps could be heard, followed by a familiar figure leaping down right in front of them. This was none other than Benienma, but, while she was still wearing her usual feathery outfit, complete with a downy apron, Vahn noticed she also carried an ornate katana with her. Unfortunately, the moment she saw who her 'guests' were, Benienma entered a panic, taking her katana and allowing the fat sparrow-like Yokai nesting in her hat to 'consume' it without a trace...
Vahn had wondered about the purpose of the chubby head ornament, but he never expected it to serve as Benienma's storage. This caused many questions to spring up in his mind, but, as he would have plenty of time to discover their secrets in the future, Vahn preempted her greeting by smiling as he said, "Good evening, Proprietress Benienma. Please, guide us to Lady Raikou."
Having her greeting interrupted, Benienma froze in place for a brief moment, her expression fixed in an adorable stupor before she finally snapped to her senses, exclaiming, "Hai, Ten'nō-sama! Please, follow closely. Benienma will show the way-dechi!"
Hearing Benienma's exclamation, Vahn lightly nodded his head, while, at his side, Kintoki gave him a hard look from behind his glasses. As Sis had proactively blocked the normal Mental Link, Kintoki had very little information about Vahn's identity, other than the fact the latter was the man who had summoned him. Hearing a Yokai refer to him as Ten'nō-sama, meaning 'Emperor', came as a small shock.
Various thoughts began to race through Kintoki's mind, but, before he could organize them into a cohesive structure, a shiver ran through his body as, in the distance, a familiar purple figure could be seen waiting on the path, smiling toward them...
While Kintoki was having trouble finding his words, Vahn had a casual smile on his face as he said, "It is good to see you, Shuten. Have you come out to greet us? I'm surprised that Ibaraki isn't with you."
Though she had been staring toward Kintoki, Shuten turned her attention toward Vahn when he addressed her, a somewhat lascivious smile spreading across her lips as she mused, "Ibaraki is a bit tied up at the moment. As for why I came out...well, let us pretend I just wanted to enjoy the moonlight. It's a shame, though, as the night air is quite cold...perhaps Ten'nō-sama would like to warm my body~?"
Since Shuten was wearing the same outfit from before, consisting of an unbound purple kimono that left her body completely exposed, it wasn't difficult to imagine she would get cold, at least if she were a normal person. Instead, her slightly ruddy cheeks and the thin layer of sweat coating her fair skin gave off the impression of a heated drunk, rather than someone trying to escape the cool evening air...
Kintoki, upon hearing Shuten's words, lightly snorted through his nose, earning the attention of the mischievous Oni. However, instead of addressing him, she tried to approach Vahn, a large red saucer of sake appearing in her hands as she said, "I promised to allow you a taste of my wakame sake. Is Ten'nō-sama too busy to refuse the invitation of a lonely maiden~? You can leave that boy to Benienma-chan. I know a pleasant place where we can enjoy the moonlight together~."
Vahn knew Shuten was just trying to make Kintoki jealous, but, knowing things never worked out between them, almost as if they were fated never to be together, he didn't immediately refuse her offer. He also knew Raikou wouldn't be able to think clearly after reuniting with Kintoki, so, with a few hours to spare, he answered, "I don't mind accompanying you for a short while. I'm afraid I'll have to refuse your wakame sake, however. While it is certainly a tempting offer, I'm not ready to accept that kind of responsibility...hahaha~."
Though she had intended to be a little insistent, Shuten hadn't expected Vahn to actually agree to her invitation. This caused a small amount of conflict in her heart, but, due to the nature of Yokai, it was impossible for her to retract her invitation. Instead, her lascivious smile became prominent as she strung her arm around Vahn's, leaning her soft body against his as she mused, "It would seem I have the devil's luck this evening. Well then, shall we go, Ten'nō-sama~?"
Without answering Shuten's words directly, Vahn gave a small wave to Benienma before tossing a [Seal of Binding] to Kintoki. He gave the small stamp-like seal a glance before turning his attention back to the retreating figures of Vahn and Shuten. Then, after Benienma insisted he follow along, he gave a small nod before turning his back, hands in his pockets as the light from the false Moon above reflected off his sunglasses...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Even Vahn has Idols o3o...','Hou Yi is a good man','Some paths, despite intersecting at many points, are ultimately fated to diverge...')
(A/N: For those confused by Vahn's behavior, well, it is actually pretty straightforward. He knows what kind of being Shuten is, so, while it may seem cruel to Kintoki, only tragedy awaits them if he tried to support their relationship. Kintoki doesn't have the ability to rein in Shuten, so, eventually, her nature would bring great harm to both of them. As for Raikou, she is a little unhinged, treating Kintoki as both a son and a potential lover. She is an Omega-Class Yandere, so, even if it was only the result of her nature, Shuten's attempts to seduce Kintoki would eventually cause them to fight to the is very complicated.') <-(p.atreon link)
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Though he already knew the concepts of Space and Time could be freely manipulated, there was no better example of this than the Yokai District. While allowing Shuten to lead the way, Vahn was able to perceive Space contracting and distorting around them. As a result, they ended up tens of kilometers away from their starting location, finding themselves at a traditional Japanese villa that was located deep in the mountains.
It was hard to imagine Shuten running through the streets in the same way as Benienma, so Vahn had been wondering how she was able to quickly intercept them. Now, he understood that she had, quite literally, just decided to take a walk. She likely had even more influence over the Yokai District than Raikou, so, by simply choosing her destination, it was almost as if the world around them contorted itself to make her passage easier...
Seeing the curious look on Vahn's face, Shuten just giggled seductively before pressing her body into his right arm, asking, "I wonder, are you the type that is more interested in the journey, rather than the destination? You're alone in the mountains with a beautiful woman on a moonlit night. I believe there are better ways to spend our time, no~?"
As Shuten spoke, Vahn could smell a potent aroma of fruit, flowers, and alcohol. It attempted to invade every opening of his body, even seeping into his pores.
Though Shuten's actions could qualify as an attack, Vahn just smiled in amusement as he allowed the invisible energy to invade his body. Much like he allowed Semiramis to try and poison him, a habit she had gotten over in recent days, Vahn didn't mind Shuten's attempts to get him drunk. It was as much a part of her nature as the desire to breathe for most terrestrial life, meaning she had very little control over the unique pheromone-based ability.
Seeing Vahn's calm, smiling, expression, Shuten knew her [Alcoholic Scent of a Fruit] was unable to affect him. This was generally only possible if the other party was an ascetic monk, protected from her influence by a type of divine protection derived from abstinence and temperance. She could smell a strong aroma of women lingering around Vahn's body, so, while the possibility of him being some kind of monk wasn't zero, Shuten wouldn't have believed anyone if they told her he was abstinent.
More affected by her own ability than Vahn was, Shuten's complexion had turned ruddier, her blush tainted with a slight purple hue. She also felt emboldened by the fact Vahn hadn't reacted negatively to the activation of her ability, allowing her to attempt slipping his hand between her thighs as she stared up at him with a seductive smile.
Vahn preempted Shuten's attempts to escalate the situation too quickly by allowing his fingers to trace her abdomen. At the same time, he activated his [Hands of Nirvana] to their limit, doing his best to map her body during the brief contact, targeting various nerve clusters in the process. To Shuten, this felt similar to a small electrical shock, but, rather than tense up, her tensions began to relax as a tantalizing heat spread from the tips of his fingers, coursing through her body...
As could be expected, Shuten abandoned her intentions to 'sneakily' place Vahn's hand between her thighs, breathing heatedly as he gently stroked her abdomen. This caused a pink cloud of vapor to escape her lips, spreading an even more powerful aroma than before through the area. This time, her ability affected more than just Vahn, extending into the surroundings, rotting quite a number of sakura trees in an instant...
Seeing this phenomenon, Vahn reaffirmed his decision to keep Shuten isolated within Avalon's future Yokai District, as, without at least A-Rank Magic or Poison Resistance, even Heroic Spirits would be brought low by her passive Skills. He could understand why she was considered one of Japan's Three Great Monsters, considered the least destructive, but most dangerous, of the three.
Ignoring the intoxicating miasma that had started to seep from the surroundings, Vahn picked up Shuten's petite figure, startling her slightly and eliciting a seductive giggle from her purple-hued lips as she mused, "Ten'nō-sama is quite bold~."
Following her musings, Shuten began to lightly rub her horns against Vahn's body, surprisingly him by how paradoxically soft, yet hard, they felt. He could even feel their heat through the fabric of his clothes, a stark contrast to how uncharacteristically cool Shuten's body felt in his arms...
After making his way inside the nearby villa, the only place that appeared unaffected by Shuten's aura, Vahn carried her to the central chamber. This was a small room with various different types of sake containers adorning the surroundings, an impartial chaise lounge, and a single low-lying table. The floors were covered in tatami mats, making them comfortable to walk on, while, near one of the corners, a rather disorderly futon could be seen...
Vahn could smell a scent other than Shuten's but, from the moment he entered the chamber, his ability to map his surroundings became highly restricted. There was even an effect that caused the flow of time to stagnate by a factor of ten, bringing a smile to Vahn's face as this actually made it easier for him. Avalon flowed at a rate of 7:1, so, with Shuten's chamber flowing at 10:1, he was freed from his mental burden of trying to pilot two bodies with drastically different flows of time.
Though Shuten half-expected Vahn to carry her over to the futon, she wasn't surprised when he set her down gently atop the cushions surrounding the ornate wooden table. She knew her Skill had no effect on him, so, unless he had suddenly been captivated by her charms, dragging him to the bed would be difficult. Shuten felt this was a bit of a shame, really, as his draconic aura had an even more potent effect on her body than her most powerful sake...
Seeing Vahn sit across from her, rather than at her side, Shuten adopted a playful pout, muttering, "Ten'nō-sama really knows how to toy with a maiden's heart." while puffing out her cheeks.
Chuckling in response to Shuten's remark, Vahn pulled out a sake set from thin air, setting it out on the table as he explained, "Your charms aren't wasted on me, but your appearance and nature are problematic. If I had any confidence that you wouldn't try something, I wouldn't mind drinking at your side. For now, how about we get straight to the point of this little rendezvous...?"
Hearing Vahn's words, Shuten's drunken expression seemed to melt away, replaced by a slightly more serious, yet equally seductive, look. Then, as if she was unaware of the meaning behind his words, Shuten took the bottle of sake from the table, removing the cork with a single deft motion before tilting the container to its side. This caused the crystal clear liquid to fill the space between her closed thighs, creating a small pool as the black bands around her lower body dissolved away into tiny black particles.
Rolling his eyes in response to Shuten's antics, Vahn made a small gesture with his index finger, manipulating the spilled sake to climb up her body while saying, "We both know that isn't the reason I came here."
Just as the sake was about to snake up Shuten's neck and enter her mouth, Vahn manipulated it to create a small bubble, pulling it away from her body before heating the interior to evaporate it in an instant. He also pushed the table forward slightly, ensuring that Shuten's naked lower body was kept hidden away, all while maintaining eye contact with the unamused Oni.
To Shuten, the idea of wasting sake was intolerable, to the point she had readily drank poisoned wine during her previous life. Thus, compared to before, she was even more serious as she asked, "Oh, I wonder what Ten'nō-sama had in mind? I only wanted the company of a capable man to keep my body warm. You accepted my offer, yet, here I am, sitting alone as the cold evening air penetrates deeply into my bones..."
In response to Shuten's words, Vahn caused the temperature in the surroundings to rapidly heat up, exceeding the temperature of a sauna as he brought out another container of sake and said, "I wish to challenge you to a drinking contest. As my victory is assured, I will allow you to set the terms of our wager. What say you, Shuten-douji...?"
If she was pretending before, Shuten was now completely serious, the aura surrounding her body becoming solemn as she stared back at Vahn with glimmering purple eyes. Then, with a wave of her hand, one of the sake containers from the surroundings floated over, it's size large enough to be cradled in a person's arms. At the same time, she pulled out three differently sized saucers, the largest being 15m in diameter.
Once her preparations were made, Shuten filled all three cups, explaining, "We'll see how far your confidence can take you. These saucers are enchanted, their effects varying based on the quality of the sake poured within. We will take turns providing the sake and choosing which container we will drink from. As for the stakes...well, I have promised to serve the man who can outlast me in a drinking contest. If you win, I will give you my everything. If I win, you will stay here for ten years, satisfying my every desire. It is possible to reduce the time of your service, but, based on Ten'nō-sama's confidence, I see no reason to discuss the specifics~."
Knowing Shuten would simply request his bones as a keepsake, Vahn opted to ignore Shuten's goading, smiling as he picked up the smaller of the three saucers. His ability to read the Flow of Fate allowed him to choose the least dangerous cup, but, in order to completely defeat Shuten, he had no qualms about choosing the most dangerous. As a result, he took nearly twenty large gulps from the deceptively small container, emptying the entire saucer before showing her the interior.
Shuten had a smile on her face when Vahn picked the smaller saucer, but, seeing how easily he downed nearly two gallons of sake, she stopped underestimating him. Her pride, however, didn't allow her to take the easy way out, so, instead of choosing the medium-sided saucer, the 'safest' option, she selected the largest, emptying the boiling contents into her stomach before releasing a steamy, pink-hued, sigh.
As their contest continued, Vahn knew Shuten's powers would only become stronger. While she would eventually get drunk, her tolerance increased exponentially with the passage of time. If he allowed her the time to adapt, it was possible they would spend several days drinking before he was able to win. Thus, while his victory was already assured, Vahn wanted to eliminate any doubt in Shuten's mind that she could win against him.
Since the sake in the middle container had magically evaporated, Vahn quickly filled the three cups, this time allowing Shuten to choose first. This caused her eyes to widen slightly, as, due to the quality of Vahn's sake, all three cups were exceptionally dangerous, at least for her. It wasn't for naught that the sake in his hands was known as [Oni Killer], its effects several times stronger against to notoriously affluent alcoholics.
Seeing the amused smile on Vahn's face, Shuten squinted her eyes slightly, her smile curling up at the edges as she unhesitantly picked the most dangerous option. The results of the contest didn't actually matter to her, so, rather than let high-quality sake go to waste, she made the most of the moment, her body trembling as the powerful alcohol spread through her system.
Even before Shuten had finished her cup, Vahn picked up the second-most dangerous option, ignoring the fact it contained a poison strong enough to kill a whale as he downed it all in one go. By the time they had both finished their portions, Shuten had a blush extending to her neck while, due to his unique constitution, Vahn was entirely unaffected by both the alcohol and poison.
Shuten was beginning to realize Vahn wasn't full of false bravado, but, to put him to the test, she gestured to the side, pulling a small crimson container toward them. The contents, once poured, had a similar appearance to fresh blood, but, in spite of this, Vahn unhesitantly selected the most dangerous option, proving to Shuten he either knew the secret to the saucers or had terrible luck when it came to random selection...
While watching Vahn down the contents of his saucer, Shuten smiled slyly as she explained, "This is a type of sake known as [Virgin's Cry]. Against a maiden, it is able to make them feel as though their entire body is being ravished by a horde of virile demons. As for men...well, I don't believe I have to tell you what kind of effect it has~?"
Though his body filtered out the effect almost instantly, Vahn still felt a slight pain in his lower body, almost as if his penis was going to melt away. This made him feel slightly nauseous, but, by the time he set the cup back on the table, his complexion had completely recovered. This caused Shuten to issue a light chuckle as she picked up her own glass, eyeing the bloody contents within before ultimately throwing back her head and downing the entire saucer.
True to her words, Shuten felt like her body was being ravished, causing her to collapse onto the ground, pained moans escaping her lips as she writhed about for several minutes. These quickly turned into sonorous sounds of pleasure, but, due to the soundproofing barrier he had erected, Vahn was freed from having to hear Shuten's cries as he did his best to ignore the immoral sight. Though this was ultimately futile, as he was perfectly able to sense it within his mind, Vahn still did his best to avoid looking directly, filling the cups on the table before patiently waiting for her to recover...
While a normal human woman would be broken after a single sip, causing them to hallucinate for several days before ultimately falling into a coma, Shuten recovered after only a few minutes had passed. Then, with a drunken and noticeably content look on her face, she giggled mischievously before picking up her cup and toasting the air.
Shuten knew Vahn wasn't pulling his punches, but, in spite of this, she fearlessly devoured the contents of her cup before releasing a hot sigh that was tinged with a girlish squeal. Then, with a silly smile on her face, her body collapsed like a marionette, her head nearly slamming into the table as she immediately lost consciousness. Fortunately, while it wouldn't have mattered, either way, Vahn had seen this coming, so, rather than let her bump her head, he supported her with his telekinesis while downing the contents of his own cup.
After seeing how far Shuten was willing to go, Vahn decided to wrap things up by using the same sake he had gifted to her during the previous banquet, [Inari's Grace]. As a result, Shuten entered into a giggling fit, interrupted only by the periodic hiccup as her body radiated a startling amount of heat. Each of her breaths caused a palpable aroma of fruit to spread through the area, causing even Vahn's to feel warm as he rose to his feet, picking up Shuten's delicate body and laying her to rest in the nearby futon.
With Shuten out of commission, Vahn cleaned up the sake set, stowing the remaining alcohol in his Inventory before leaving the room. He was unable to navigate the area using his senses, but, with his ability to ready the Flow of Fate, finding his way was a relatively simple matter. As a result, he quickly found his way to a much smaller room than Shuten's, opening it to find a blindfolded, bound, and gagged Ibaraki, tied in the shibari fashion with a deep flush covering her entire body.
Seeing Ibaraki's dangerously youthful figure bound in such a way, Vahn couldn't help but release a small sigh as he made his way to her side. Then, taking advantage of the fact she was drunk off of Shuten's aura, he untied her body, fixing her loose kimono before carrying her to the former's room and allowing them to rest in the same futon. Based on the fact Ibaraki's mellow aroma had been present in the room, it wasn't hard to imagine that they usually slept in the same bed. Thus, in order to pacify both Oni, Vahn let them keep each other company before taking a seat out on the veranda, enjoying the perpetual full Moon and the lingering aroma of fruit as he sipped high-quality sake in silence...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Shuten's persistence','The Pride of an Alcoholic',' 'Vahn ain't got time for lollygagging') <-(p.atreon link)
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